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Author's Chapter Notes:

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or anything Twilight related expect for the character Lucas.

While Nessie was having a ‘conversation’ with the Volturi, let’s see what happens to the Cullens, Lucas and Jacob.

Jacob’s POV

“Dude I can’t believe how good the car’s looking now.” Lucas said.

Thanks to Lucas’s knowledge on cars and good negotiation skills, the shop has been booming with success. We make more money a day than we do a week altogether. I’m telling you, Lucas is such an amazing person. I would still like him even if I still hated vampires, but I don’t hate them so let’s end it at that.

Lucas and I were walking home to the Cullen house after we closed the shop at three. As we were walking, I noticed that Lucas was feeling a bit tense. He’s been like that since he arrived at the shop. I wonder what’s bothering him.

“You okay man?” I asked.

“Sorry, I’m just worried.” Lucas said.

“About what?”

“Nessie.” Lucas told me that he left Nessie at home by herself. I guess he feels bad for leaving her all alone. I would be too if I were him.

“Great, you’re turning into Edward.” I teased.

“I’m serious man. I shouldn’t have left her alone.” Lucas said running his hands through his hair.

“Dude, calm down. If Nessie were in trouble, pixie head would have called us by now when she saw it.” I said.

“You’re not at all worried about Nessie? She is your imprint after all.” Lucas said sounding serious. Man how many personalities does this guy have?

I sighed. “Look I’m as worried about Nessie as you are but you don’t see me going crazy.” I said.

Lucas sighed. “I’m sorry man. I didn’t mean to react like that.”

“It’s okay. You were just being a brother. It’s natural.” I said thumping his back.

“I guess but why do I have this weird feeling something bad just happened?” Lucas asked.

I shrugged as we saw the Cullen’s house. As we came inside, we saw everyone in the living room. I saw them gave us a look of pain and worry. That’s not good.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“Nessie’s gone.” Carlisle said as Bella cried into Edward’s shoulders. I felt like something slipped inside me like brick. My heated body would’ve felt ice slipping inside me. Nessie’s gone?! How?! Why didn’t I tell Lucas he should go ahead and stay with her at home?! Why didn’t I listen to him when he was acting all protective?!

“What do you mean she’s gone?!” Lucas asked. He was starting to panic but Jasper was able to calm him down.

“We just saw the door opened when we got home and found this near the door.” Blondie explained as she showed me and Lucas Nessie’s locket which looks like it was ripped off her neck.

“Alice, how could you not see that coming?!” I yelled at the pixie. I felt myself shaking as Jasper kept calming me down with his gift to avoid me phasing. They helped, just by a little.

“I-I swear I wasn’t able to see her. It’s like something is blocking me.” Pixie head said.

“Jacob, this is no time to be jumping on people’s head. Right now we need find out who took Nessie and where they have her.” Edward said.

I took a deep breath calming down. He’s right. The main thing right now is to find my Nessie.

“So who do you think took her?” Blondie asked.

“The only people who I think are capable of pulling this off are the Volturi but it doesn’t make sense how Alice was unable to see them at that moment.” Carlisle said.

We were all thinking the same thing. Those bloods sucking Volturi were the first option that came into our heads. If they really took Nessie, they are so dead.

Just then, I heard Lucas gasped. Has he figured something out? I saw Edward tensed up as he let go of Bella and turned around and, did he just punched the air? No wait, there was a smack and a huge crash on the couch as it broke. Something appeared on the couch and I saw a guy who looks unconscious judging from the cracks on his head. Edward must have punched him when the guy was invisible and I can tell that the unconscious guy did not see that coming. Then I saw Jasper tense up as well as he grabbed something behind him. He threw whatever it was over his shoulders and straight to the floor to a huge thud. Another guy appeared where Jasper threw looking unconscious as well. Emmett then jumped to the ceiling and threw down something he grabbed to the ground and the guy was unconscious next to the one Jasper threw. Lucas then ran passed me, pushing Esme and Bella to the side and sent an aura sphere, was that what he called, at something as it disappeared in mid air and soon the bookshelf was smashed. Lucas turned around and came at me. As he turned me around, without even thinking, I threw a punch and felt it and there was huge thud on the wall. Two more unconscious people appeared where the last attacks happened.

“What is going on?” Bella asked looking around.

Lucas looked at Edward who then looked at Emmett and me. “They’re outside.”

As Edward and Emmett ran out the door, I phased into my wolf form. As we got out, at a distant, we saw them; two vampires, a guy with dark brown shaggy hair and a girl with long brown hair both of them wearing familiar robes. They were shocked and scared when we saw them. Too late for them, Edward was fast enough to cut them off as Emmett came behind them and bonked their heads together knocking them out cold. Emmett soon grabbed them by the collar of their robes as we ran back to the house. If these two have anything to do with Nessie, they will pay.

Lucas’s POV

I knew it, I knew something was wrong but did anybody listen to me? No and look what happened. Nessie is gone and it’s all my fault. I failed to protect Nessie just as I failed Lilly. What kind of brother am I? Jacob isn’t handling it well as I am. I’m surprised he hasn’t phased.

“So who do you think took her?” Rosalie asked.

“The only people who I think are capable of pulling this off are the Volturi but it doesn’t make sense how Alice was unable to see them at that moment.” Carlisle said.

It seems like everyone seems to be thinking the same thing. As my family and Jacob are trying to figure out about whose Nessie’s kidnapper, I gasped.

Over Edward’s shoulder, I’m not sure what or how but I saw a dark red aura surrounding a figure. What’s weird is that I can’t even see the person like at all. All I know is that that person is about to attack Edward.

“Edward, behind you!”

Edward tensed up. He then let go of Bella and hit where I saw the figure. That figure was sent flying into the couch causing a crash as it broke. Everyone jumped and stared at the guy that just appeared on the broken couch, looking unconscious from the cracks on his face. That’s when I saw another dark red aura behind Jasper.

“Behind Jasper!” I thought to Edward.


Jasper didn’t need to ask as he tensed up and grabbed something behind him. He threw whatever it was over his shoulders and straight to the floor to a huge thud. Another unconscious guy appears where he lays. I saw another dark red aura running up the walls and up the ceiling where Emmett stood.

“Above Emmett!”

Emmett got the signal from Edward and jumped to the ceiling and threw down the figure to the ground and the guy was unconscious next to the one Jasper threw.

I then saw the dark aura coming for Esme and Bella. I ran pass Jacob, pushing Esme and Bella to the side. The figure try to back away but I sent an aura sphere at it that sent the figure straight to the bookshelf and crashed. I turned around and saw another dark red aura behind Jacob. I ran at him and turned him around. As if he read my mind, Jacob sent the figure straight to the wall. Those two figures appear looking unconscious as the rest.

“What is going on?” Bella asked looking around.

I didn’t answer as I looked at the guys’ aura and followed it leading me somewhere outside. That’s when I heard them.

“But how? How were they able to see them coming?” I heard a guy said.

“It must have something to do with that new guy.” A girl said.

“Edward, someone’s outside!” I thought to him.

Edward looked at Emmett and Jacob then took off with Jacob in his wolf form. Carlisle, Jasper and I gathered the unconscious figures and not a minute later Edward, Emmett and Jacob, still in his wolf form, came back. Emmett was shown holding a boy with dark brown shaggy hair and a girl with long brown hair and judging by Emmett’s expression, he must have knocked them out cold.

“Can someone care to explain to me what the hell is going on here?” Bella asked.

“That’s what we’re about to find out.” I said glaring at the two figures Emmett’s holding.

Chapter End Notes:

Hope it’s not confusing to you people. Please review. :)

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