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Author's Chapter Notes:

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or anything Twilight related expect for the character Lucas.

Edward just told Lucas of what happened that night. What is it?

Lucas’s POV

“No, you didn’t!”

Everyone in the room including myself looked at Edward. I saw that Edward’s aura is all red with anger but also with shock. Wonder what Edward saw in their minds.

“Edward, what is it?” Bella asked.

He looked at me. He seems to be afraid to tell me something.

“Lucas, they did it.” He said.

“Did what?” I asked slowly.

Edward struggled for the right words until he said,

“That night.”

I froze up from his words. I felt like the world was crumbling down. I was breathing uneasily as my eyes were on the floor. No they didn’t. They couldn’t have. Not that night.


May 23rd 2015

It was a late night in Lacey as me and my friends drove home from Bri’s White-Out party. She not only invited us but put us on the list for the VIP room which looks awesome. I never had that much fun in my life with all the dancing and everything. Well what do expect on your senior Year?

I was sitting behind Cooper who was driving, with Tiffany and Hannah and Matt in the passage seat. We were on the streets to where they would drop me off at my house. I looked at my watch saying it was five minutes to midnight. Yep we are definitely tired.

“Dude that was an awesome party Bri threw.” I said.

“It was nice of her to do that since we have a few weeks left before we graduated.” Hannah said.

“We still have finals though.” I pointed out.

“Oh screw finals.” Cooper said. “Who needs them?”

“You do Mr. Average. I’m surprised you’ve been accepted to a college that takes students with the highest GPA.” Matt laughed as Cooper punched him in the shoulders.

“Hey when you’re the star athlete of the school basketball team, you don’t need an education.” Cooper said.

“Yeah let’s see where that takes you.” I said as everyone except Cooper laughed.

“Hey I didn’t have to be a smart ass to get into one.” Cooper teased referring to me.

“Cooper, leave Lucas alone. At least he’s smart enough to have some real fun when he’s not studying.” Tiffany said.

“Yeah he’s fun alright, especially when he went wild with a lot of girls.” Matt said smirking at me. “How many did you danced with, eight, ten?”

“I got dragged by a lot to even count.” I said looking embarrassed as my friends continued laughing.

A few minutes passed as we arrived at my house when suddenly,

“What’s going on over there?” Hannah asked. We all looked at where she’s pointing.

“Shit, there’s a fire!” Matt stated.

As we got closer, Cooper said, “Uh Lucas, please tell me I took a wrong turn and this is not your house.”

I quickly got out of the car and too my horror, the house was in flames and everyone was witnessing the tragic scene. Firemen were putting out the fire and police men were questioning the neighbors.

“What happened?” I asked one of my neighbors. He turned to look at me and I saw the look on his face which was not a good sign.

“We don’t know what happened exactly.” He explained. “All we know is that there were screams and a crash and next thing you know, the place was in flames.”

“Where are my parents? Where’s Lilly?”  I asked in demand as I grabbed his shoulders and shook him furiously.

He didn’t look at me when he pointed at the ambulance behind me. I turned around and they were on the stretchers. I let go of the guy as I ran up to ambulance only to be blocked at the entranced by a paramedic.

“Sorry but I can’t let you back in here.” He said to me.

“That’s my family you’re talking about you idiot so unless you want a broken jaw let me see them!” I said furiously.

Reluctantly the paramedic let me in as he closed the back door. I ran to the three stretchers that were each attached to an IV and heart monitor as the ambulance took off. All three of them had burn marks, their bodies are seriously damaged and covered in ashes, and I noticed that they each have two small holes on their necks.

“Mom, Dad, Lilly!” I cried as I went to them back and forth panicking.

“Lucas.” I heard my mom whispered as I came to her.

“Mom!” I cried taking her hand when she opened her eyes a bit.

“Oh Lucas, I’m glad you’re home safely.” She said softly.

“Me? Did you not know that you guys are heading to a hospital?” I asked calmly even though I’m shaking.

“At least I know that you’re okay.” Mom said with a small smile. “I love you… sweetheart.” Her eyes were closed after that.

“Mom? Mom!” I cried.

“Lucas.” I turned around to see it was my dad.

“Dad!” I ran up to him. “What happened? Who did this to you?”

“Lucas, three people came into our house.” Dad said weakly. “They attacked us until I tried shooting them causing a fire and they escaped. Lucas those people… weren’t ordinary people.”

“What do you mean?” I asked. Before my dad could say anything he passed out and his heart monitor made a long beep.

“We’re losing them!” The paramedic stated as he pushed me aside. “Step on it!” He called the driver.

We arrived at the hospital ten minutes later. The paramedics started taking the stretchers with my parents as I ran next to the one holding Lilly. She hasn’t woken up yet but heart monitor said she’s breathing. As we entered the hospital, I watched as Lilly’s eyes slowly opened.

“Lucas?” She said weakly.

“Lilly, don’t worry. Everything’s gonna be okay.” I said to her.

“I…love…you…big…brother.” She said as I held her hand.

“Sir, we have to take these people to the emergency room.” The doctor told me.

I stopped while they continued rushing to the room.

“I’ll be right here.” I cried to Lilly. “I promise you’ll be alright.”

Twenty minutes has passed as I was sitting in the waiting room with my friends. They came ten minutes earlier when they saw what happened.

“They’re gonna be okay.” Tiffany said holding my hand. I wish I could believe that but it’s not that easy.

Just then, the doctor arrived and I ran up to him. He had his head down until he looked at me.

“We’ve lost them.” He said to me sadly. “They’ve lost so much blood that their hearts weren’t strong enough to keep up. I’m sorry.” With that, he left while I stood where I was with my fists tightened and fighting the tears coming out of me.

End of flashback

It was them? They started the fire? They killed my parents who loved me dearly? They killed my baby sister who lightens my world? They’re the reason why my life was a hellhole since that night? And now they were about to take away my family again? I was shaking from shock at where I was standing until I slowly turned my head at the ones responsible for my life in so much anger. My eyes rested on Aro who I believe looks scared.

“You murderers. You’ve, ruined, my, LIFE!”

I yelled as I ran at them without even thinking but I didn’t care as I was filled with rage.


About ten guards came at me but I took them out easily. I heard a scuffle and it sounds like my family and Jacob have broken free. My family, I’m gonna kill those Volturi for taken away the people I loved. I sent two aura spheres at Jane and Alec since their powers couldn’t have any effect on me. Demetri made a grab for me but I grabbed him first and threw him to the ground. Felix was a tough one but I won in the end when I kicked him straight to the wall. I continued running as I sent two more aura spheres at Caius and Marcus leaving Aro defenseless. I jumped at Aro grabbing him by the neck shoving him straight to the wall.

I gripped on Aro’s neck ready to rip his head off. I saw the look in his eyes and his aura stated that he’s begging for mercy. He should be begging, he took away everything I had and he’s about to pay. Before I could do anything though, I felt a hand on my right shoulder causing me to losing my grip a little.

“Lucas, stop!” I turn to see it was Carlisle.

“That’s enough, it’s over.” He said as his hand is still on my shoulders.

I continued staring at Carlisle. I felt like I was giving him a dark expression. Enough, what does he know? He doesn’t know what I’ve been through. He doesn’t know about the loss I’ve suffered because of them. I’ll tell them it’s enough when I say so!

Just then, another hand came on my other shoulder, only this time the voice I heard was soft.

“Please stop.”

I slowly turned to my left and I gave a small gasp at the little girl next to me.


“Don’t do this Lucas.” She said.

“Let me go.” I said with my expression still dark. “I have to do this.”

“No please, this isn’t you.” Lilly cried.

“Lilly please,” I begged. I didn’t want her to see this. I don’t want this to scar her for life. “You don’t know what these people did to you, to mom and dad.”

“I don’t wanna lose my big brother.” Lilly said. I continue staring at her and there were tears coming out of her eyes. Did I hurt her? I didn’t mean to. I was trying to do her a favor. What’s wrong with me? Inside me, there was a battle going on inside my head.

She doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Do it, DO IT NOW!

What are you doing? This isn’t worth losing yourself for. Is this what the Cullens taught you when they took you in? You wanna live like this for the rest of your life?

I blinked for a second until I saw Nessie standing where Lilly was. Her hand was in the same place as my sister’s. My dark expression was gone at the sight of Nessie.

“Please, stop.” Nessie begged. Her face looks like it’s been hurt emotionally. Next thing I know was that I threw my arms around her. I must have been unable to stand because Nessie and I were on our knees with my head over her shoulder. Do vampires cry? For some reason, I am.

Chapter End Notes:

Now what is gonna happen to Lucas? Please review :)

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