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Author's Chapter Notes:


Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or anything Twilight related expect for the character Lucas.

The Cullens are planning telling Lucas the good news however it wasn’t how they plan it.



Renesmee’s POV

It was eight in the morning and my family, Jake and I decided to plan a little party for Lucas, big in Aunt Alice’s case. That’s when we’ll tell him the big news. I could hardly hold my excitement. The house was empty except for me where I was sitting alone in the living room and grandma who’s in the kitchen. She is cooking something big for the surprise party.

I was waiting for Lucas to wake up; see the plan is that I take Lucas away from the house for the day where we hang out at Jacob’s while everyone sets up the big event. Once we come home, that’s where the surprise comes for Lucas. Half an hour has past and Lucas still hasn’t woken up. My phone vibrated in my hands.

The pack has been notified and they gave the okay. See you soon. Love you! – Jacob

I texted back.

See you soon. Love you more! – Nessie

No way! :) – Jacob

I smiled. This is gonna the best day ever! Now all we need is for Lucas to wake up.

Lucas’s POV

I woke up feeling quite exhausted. Yesterday was amazing; I really bonded so well with every one of the Cullen family and Jacob. He and his friends even offered me a job at their garage. I really like the Cullens; they are such kind and loving people. Never in my life have I met a group of people like them.

There was something that got me curious though. I mean, pale skinned, everyone except Nessie I noticed never eats and are cold, Jacob feels hot and I saw how they all have gold eyes. That’s not normal, but then again the world isn’t and besides I’m not one to judge people. I already love the Cullens and they seem to like me too then again, I feel like I’m in the way of their lives.

No, no Lucas quit putting yourself down. You should know better than that. I thought shaking my head. I got out of bed, washed myself and wore the clothes Alice bought me. I really admit, that girl knows her style. I went downstairs and Esme and Nessie are the only ones in the house. I understand Carlisle has work and all but where is everyone, not that it’s any of my business but where do they go at this time? I said morning to them as Esme made me breakfast. After I was done and did the dishes for Esme again, Nessie came up to me.

“Lucas, would you like to hang out with me at La Push? Jacob and his friends will be there.” She asked.

“Sure, sounds like found.” I said.

“Oh it will, trust me.” Nessie said. I noticed that she winked at me. I wonder what that is about. I shrugged.

Nessie and I left the house and started heading to La Push. We arrived fifteen minutes later and Jacob was there along with Quil and Embry. There are other people with them; from what I’m gathering, they are Sam, Emily, Paul, Seth and his sister Leah, Claire, Rachel, Jared, Brady and Collin. Okay first the Cullens and now Jacob’s friends, what is with Forks? When I got to them, I couldn’t help but feel like that some of them like Leah, Paul and Collin looked at me as if they’re uncomfortable of my presence. The others however like Seth and Emily welcomed me with a smile, well Seth was really enthusiastic about me when he shook my hand. He invited me and the guys to a soccer game. They were impressed how good I was despite never being a soccer player and the conversation I had with Leah really made her open up to me. At least I’m feeling comfortable now with everyone especially with Emily; she’s as good a cook as Esme. It was two in the afternoon now, wondering what to do now.

As if she read my mind, Nessie said, “I know what we should do next. Come on Lucas.” She took my hand and took off with Jacob, Quil, Seth, and Embry right behind us.

Renesmee’s POV

I took Lucas as Jacob, and some of the guys follow us to the top of cliff. What we planned next with Lucas will be fun.

“Okay, so what is it that you guys decided to drag me up here for?” Lucas asked as we made it to top. “Which I have to say, looks beautiful.”

“Cliff diving!” We said.

“Say what!”

“It’s what we do for fun.” Jacob explained as he and the others took off their shirts and I was soon in my one piece swim wear.

“It is fun. Look,” I said as I pointed Lucas out to Quil who started running and jumping off the cliff. We ran up to the edge to watch Quil make a splash as he hit the water.

“It’s okay to feel scare but that what makes it such a rush. Lucas?” I notice Lucas wasn’t at my side. The others noticed as well. We turned to see Lucas running as fast as he could as he took off his shirt. As he ran passed us, we’ve noticed that he was not at all scared or nervous which surprises us especially when he went wild and took a huge leap in to the  water.


We watched as Lucas did so many flips as he made a splash, we were all opened mouthed as we couldn’t believe what happened. I decided to go after him.

“Okay please don’t tell me you’ve done this before.” I said as Jacob and the others followed.

“Only on the swim team. We like to mess around on the diving board.” Lucas said with a grin on his face.

“Is there anything else you haven’t told us about?” Jake asked.

“That depends.” Lucas said as we all laughed. We made it back to the others on the beach after a couple more dives. When we got back, I saw that it was four. It’s time!

“Lucas we should get on home.” I said. Lucas nodded.

“I’ll be with guys soon.” Jake said. With that, Lucas and I said goodbye to everyone and left. We left La Push taking the path leading to the main house.

“That was a blast. Thanks for inviting me Nessie.” Lucas said.

“You’re welcome. I’m glad you had fun.” I said. We just reached a road where on the other side is where home is when Lucas suddenly stopped. I looked at him as he looked down and had his hands in his pockets.

“Lucas?” I asked.

“Nessie, listen,” He started. “I don’t know why but I know that there’s something different about your family.” I froze in my place. Does he actually know?

“I don’t know what it is exactly but I don’t care. I already love you guys and I consider you as my family. For that, I am thankful for having you all in my life.” I remained silent but was smiling. He was smiling as well. I’m so glad Lucas feels that way but I’m sure Lucas will be even more pleased when we get home.

I was distracted at what he said when he tensed up.

“Look out!” Lucas yelled as he pushed me out of the way. I was on the ground when I looked up to see a car hit Lucas causing him to crash into the windshield and soon on the ground.

“Lucas!” I cried. As I came to him, the car that hit him just took off. The nerve of that guy. Not only for crashing into him but for just going off like that. I want nothing more than to just rip that person apart but my thoughts were on Lucas who looks unconscious. I can hear his heart beat slowing down. I felt my color draining. No, he can’t be.

“Lucas. LUCAS!”


Chapter End Notes:


Uh-oh. What’s gonna happen to Lucas? Please review. :)


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