Favorite Authors
1. BertieBott
I love your writing. So thanks for sharing.
2. cullens_pet

I've just finished reading Over and Over and LOVE it. The ending was so cute. Thank you for taking the time to write and also for sharing.

3. dont_run

Wow. Looks ruff for the gang. Great writing skills you have.

4. Dr Harleen Frances Quinzel

I must say I really enjoy reading your works. You take me on journeys to meet new people and I always enjoy making new friends. Thanks for that.

5. Kim Rathbone

I really enjoy your writing and was wondering if you were going to post the Bella and Edward story that had the two of them meeting in Hollywood? I do hope that you will. All the best to you and yours.

6. Kittyinaz

I really enjoy reading your stories. You have a gift. Thank you 

7. mama4dukes

I love your writing. I'm always guaranteed a hell of alot of laughs so much so that by the time I'm at the end of the story my cheeks ache and I want more. So thank you for writing

8. TBVikingAddict
Love this! Have you considered writing more? I’d read it!
9. theadosia57