Penname: EffulgentEllie [Real name: Ellie
Member Since: 03 Sep 2014
Membership status: Member


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My Twitter: @EffulgentEllie

Eventually, everything will be posted on the blog. I'm just not sure with which one I want to go with. Probably wordpress or blogspot. You'll also be able to download PDFs there once the stories are completed. Just be sure to swing by and leave me a review when you're done. You'll also be able to keep track of any reference pictures or other content there. I just have to get it up and running first.

About EffulgentEllie

I read and write Twilight and Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanfiction. All of my old work has been removed for the simple fact that I wrote it as a hormonal teenager and, quite frankly, it was embarrassing after I went through I re-read everything.

I've always loved writing as much as I've loved reading. It's beyond anything else to be able to immerse yourself in a world outside of our reality, to fall in love with characters who strive for the same things you do, and to cheer them on when times are tough. I've always missed writing, ever since I gave it up years ago to work and go to college. My husband, however, is very supportive of it, so I've been doing it more and more frequently.

Besides all of that, be patient with me for updates. Sometimes real life gets hectic and I'm forced to juggle quite a few things, which I'm sure everyone out there can understand. I'll always update eventually and, if it makes you feel better, PM or email me to throw in some peer pressure.

About The Stories

A Different Kind of Chosen: 08/02/2014 Temporary hiatus. This hiatus is only for a short time. I want to be able to give each story the attention it deserves and I kind of got spread a bit too thin. Jumping characters and dealing with real life is pretty difficult. Plus, we had some issues to handle in the real world that caused everything else to go to the back burner. It will start to flow regularly soon because I've never fully put it away and work on it sporadically.

House of the Hunters: 09/13/2014 Temporary hiatus. This will be the next on my to-do list. I recently skimmed back through it and have been rejuvenated by the characters. Ah, more voices in my head. Fun, fun. Once Forgotten is finished, this is next.

Forgotten: 09/15/2015 In progress. This story should be finished soon because it's looking to be a short 10 chapters or so. Truthfully, it'll be nice to finally get a finished story under my belt. I haven't completed one in it's entirety since I was a teenager. Stupid real life.

The Twilight 25 - Round 09 & 10: 09/14/2014 Randomly updated. Due to these not being full stories, I'm using the prompts as muse pick-me-ups for the time being. I do plan on finishing them, for completion sake, but it'll be more for me than anything since it won't qualify for the site. Still, check them out and enjoy.

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