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It all started with Edward overhearing a secret he used to try to blackmail his sister, Alice, into getting some alone time with her best friend, Bella Swan.  However, what he wanted to be a fling, turned into something more faster than he intended.


This is a simple place for you to find the completed first story, The Virgin Swan and the Cullen Intuition, of how they fell in love, the in-progess second story, The Maiden Swan and the Cullen Domain, of them blending their lives together completely, and the future third installment, The Matron Swan and the Cullen Offspring, which will be about the pitter patter of little feet.

Parent Series: None
Categories: All Human, Twilight
Characters: None
Genre: None
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Challenges: None
Stories: 0
Open: Closed [Report This]
Comments: Beautiful love story based on fate...