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Reviewer: misstams Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21 Feb 2010 7:51 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

I am so glad that i have finally found this story. I was going through withdrawls. I am completely hooked. great story. I am so pissed with fanfiction.net for removing most of my favorite stories. really glad you can continue it here. looking forward to the next chapter.


Reviewer: Romix Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Feb 2010 7:14 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24


i love ya too but that was MEAN, and I mean MEAN!!!!

you better kill that son of a bitch and soon!!!

much love!

Reviewer: kirsaleigh Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Feb 2010 5:45 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

UGH!! what kind of ending is that for the chapter?!?! lol God i hate this!!! update soon please :)

Reviewer: DolceAmaro Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Feb 2010 2:53 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Oh no you didn't....

AHHHHHHHHHHHH! I will not sleep till you post the next chappy!!!

Reviewer: rowenafaire Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Feb 2010 12:49 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

OMG! How did he find her so soon? Edward where are you? Will Victoria wonder what is taking Bella so long and walk in on them? I'd love to see her and Bella have the strength to kick his butt. Maybe  Victoria can at least knock him out so they can get down to Edward.

Don't think I can keep up with the deep breaths til you post the next chapter. What a cruel way to end the chapter. Can't wait til next weekend.

Reviewer: snix Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Feb 2010 12:16 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Oh crap...


x x

Reviewer: joice84 Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Feb 2010 12:16 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Oh my god!!! I can not believe how he found the house ??? Bella will have the strenght to scream and ask for help ???

Reviewer: Amber66762 Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Feb 2010 12:14 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

O.O u stopped!! at a good part!!!

Reviewer: snix Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Feb 2010 12:09 AM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

Now now Jake, don't knock the Training School, I've had hours of fun there.


x x

Reviewer: Falconheart Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Feb 2010 11:39 PM Title: Chapter 8: Bella - DAYS 3 & 4

You are doing much better at making the day seem more like a day. Good job. You are still missing small words here and there. In paragraph 1, "was there now, though didn’t make me feel" try putting the word it after the word though. And in paragraph 2, take out the second word running. You only needed it once. Keep watching the tense. I saw one that is consistent, but both should be current, not past tense. "There was nothing you are not opened to" would read better as, "There is nothing you are not open to" about the middle of the chapter.

The story line is excellent however, I am loving all of it. Carlisle is quite unfair to her to expect her to be wet at the beginning of this chapter when he comes up from behind, with her bound and unable to see him, but I think that was the idea. He wanted to punish her, so he didn't give her a chance to get wet, to insure he got his spanking in. A nice touch. Masters and Mistresses are not always fair with their slaves.

Reviewer: IsabelMasen Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Feb 2010 9:58 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

OMG!!! You are cruel, how could you stop there.....im biting my very expensie nails as I wait, please have mercy.

Reviewer: maggie87 Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Feb 2010 9:15 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was just...OMG!!!!!! I'm dying to see what happen. I hope Edward would kick his ass and prove his love to Bella that way.

Reviewer: Gelsa Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Feb 2010 8:32 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Well, I guess we know where James, or Laurent, or both are!

How did they get here?

Reviewer: Tasshhaaar Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20 Feb 2010 8:32 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24


Reviewer: sherriola Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Feb 2010 6:59 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

AAAAAAAAHHHHHH.  Even though I knew that was coming, it's still awful, in the sense of suspense and scary and oh shit, kind of way.  By the way, I kind of miss the lemons.  There were times when Bella really enjoyed her dom/sub thing with Edward.  oh man, it's going to be scary waiting for next chapters and worrying about James.

Reviewer: lion_lamb17 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20 Feb 2010 6:34 PM Title: Chapter 22: Bella - DAY 8 PART B


Reviewer: sammy55 Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Feb 2010 6:30 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Oh Fuck.

Do you get off by making us go insane? Jesus talk about the mother of all cliffhangers.

Great chapter, but the ending pissed me off!

Reviewer: sammy55 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20 Feb 2010 6:13 PM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

Great chapter! I love how the whole plot is tying together! You clearly thought all of this through.

Reviewer: Falconheart Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Feb 2010 5:25 PM Title: Chapter 5: James - DAY 3 PART A

You did better on the present and past tense here, but you still miss little connecting words. and the continuation of Victoria's comment is not a new sentence. Take the last few lines for example. 

That seemed to calm her fears a little, and she looked at me a little shyly. "Sure, why not?" she smiled, gazing up at me through her lashes. She looked down at her watch, "I finish in half an hour, if you want to wait."

they are small changes, but they make it more readable. More understandable.

I like how you have made James such a bastard. Obviously he is NOT going to end up with Bella. She deserves far better than James. I can't wait to find out what role you put Edward in. My guess is, a Master in training, still serving as sub at the school at this point since you put him with the lunch crowd the other day. Nice.

Reviewer: writerinmydreams007 Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Feb 2010 5:15 PM Title: Chapter 1: Bella - DAY 1

Wow. Just...wow.

This chapter intrigued me and has left me wanting more! It's a bit more intense than I had thought but I'm sure it will all be worth it for Bella in the end. Is there an Edward in this story? I guess I will have to go check and see....


Reviewer: Gibbs Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Feb 2010 5:02 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

WTF...how could you leave me...all of us..hanging like this! lol Can't wait for the next chapter.

Reviewer: Falconheart Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Feb 2010 4:46 PM Title: Chapter 4: Bella - DAY 3 PART A

You seem to like the term taken aback, but two of the three times you used it, you didn't say aback, merely back. You have missed a few words here and there that don't make it clear, like when he ties her knees to the chair. You forgot to say knees again, and it was far enough from the first reference so it was not clear it was her knees. The worst thing is you keep mixing tenses. One part of the sentence is in the present tense, while the other is in the past. Watch carefully for that. If you need me to be specific, I can give you line by line corrections. Overall, the story is very good, but the days seem so compressed. She wakes up and eats, does one thing, maybe two that would only take an hour or so, then you have her eating lunch, then another short thing, and it's time for dinner and bed. You don't have to describe every minute of the day, but you might mention that she spends hours at something or another to pass the time in the day to make it more reasonable. Hours of learning a task would be good. Even if you just say she spent hours working on her kneeling posture, learning to hold her arms just right, or have her doing exercises to strengthen her muscles so she can hold her positions.

Reviewer: culleniwish Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Feb 2010 3:54 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

I knew it! I knew he'd find them. I hope Bella fights and doesn't do the whole self sacrifice thing.... guess we'll just have to wait and see. :0)

Reviewer: Moo Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Feb 2010 6:24 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Oh my god your kidding

I saw that coming, but not in the immediate as in right now kinda way



Reviewer: ldybug1701 Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Feb 2010 5:26 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Oh crap.  That happened faster than I thought.  That damn James is too smart for his own good.  I wonder when he realized he had found both of them.  That POS needs to die.  I kinda think it should be Victoria that gets to do it.

Reviewer: dlpash Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Feb 2010 4:06 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

You knew it was coming eventually (dam chip) but it still made your skin crawl.  Do you guys know why I'm not receiving alerts for your updates?  I keep finding your updates by accident.

Reviewer: patch138 Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Feb 2010 4:05 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! how did he find them???


Reviewer: patch138 Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Feb 2010 3:59 AM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

For some reason it doesnt surprise me that Jake was involved...


Reviewer: The Duchess Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Feb 2010 3:18 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Oh man... I hope Edward can save the day before anything bad happens...evil cliffhanger....

Reviewer: itlnbrt Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Feb 2010 3:18 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

OMG... no way!!! Not fair!

Reviewer: MommyX3 Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Feb 2010 12:15 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Next, Next...where is my Next button???  Shit.  Hurry? :D  Great job - excited to see what happens next!

Reviewer: Lilybug1129 Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Feb 2010 12:10 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Uh oh... heeeeee'ssss baaaack!!!

Can't wait too read more!

Reviewer: RobMyDream Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 11:52 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24


Reviewer: DestanyRose Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 11:14 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

OMG!  I knew he would find them because of the chip but this way was not what i expected.  this next week is going to be torture waiting for the next update.  But i love this story so much.  great job.

Reviewer: -Sema- Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 11:11 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

you can't do this... why we can't skip the drama...

i look forward to hearing from you soon, ladies...

Reviewer: music challenged Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 11:08 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

holy shit

Reviewer: vampirenites Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 10:56 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

why would you do this now i thought he was going to the other home why if hurts her or edward does not save them i will be pissed  you are changing the way the story i thought would go why does everyone cause dramam in these stories i hope this is better by the next chapter

Reviewer: camianbu88 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 10:33 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

nooooooooooooo!!!!!, how the bastard DOES IT!!!!!, everything just works for him, uuuugggrrrrr

Reviewer: LindyP Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 9:38 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Holy Crap!!! James??? Or Laurent??? What a way to leave us hanging, but so good!!!! Please update soo, I'll be dying over the weekend!

LindyP :)

Reviewer: london spam Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 9:11 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Enter James! Even though I knew he was coming, it didn't make it any less chilling, especially with him entering through Victoria's room and finding Bella first. Plus, Edward is just going to wait for Bella and not disturb them. Maybe Alice will get a bad feeling. Even so, James could cause a shitload of damage in a very short amount of time.


I'm thinking the next chapter might be in James POV. That's good so we can get an idea of what his plans are, but his head is a wretched place to be. Here we go...

Reviewer: ickaren Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 9:00 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

OMG, you really got me with that!  I did not see it coming, just as things were moving along and starting to come together for Victoria and Bella.  I will be waiting for the update...

Reviewer: krismarie Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 8:13 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Holy shit!!! He found them......mother fletcher.

Reviewer: ickaren Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 7:40 PM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

Thank you for continuing with this story, after all the trouble you hve had.  I found that I have fallen several chapter behind, but I think I fixed that problem. 

I am really enjoying the story and the characters.  Jacob's involvement is very interesting.  I can't help but worry that James or Laurent will follow Alice back to the chalet where they are all hiding...

Reviewer: the real teacher Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 7:39 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

oh no you didn't leave us there!  That is ridiculously evil!!!!!!!!

Reviewer: SammyJo Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 7:34 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

OMG. now how did he find the cabin or even know about it!

Reviewer: buskirk Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 7:21 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24


Reviewer: RAH07890 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 7:21 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Oh no!  Not good!  I hope that they catch James soon!!

Reviewer: PerphektMe Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 7:07 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Noooooooo!!!! The suspense is killing me!

Reviewer: Bella_Baby24 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 6:34 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Such a cruel and brilliant cliffie! I'm dying to see where this goes. I'm anxiously awaiting your next update!

Reviewer: Mountainlioness13 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 6:18 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24


Reviewer: Elkmat Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 6:17 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

WTF! Oh no, James is back...

Reviewer: mastaspammip Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 5:35 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH how the hell did he find them??

Reviewer: mnovia Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 5:08 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

wow james is back. how did he find them can't wait to see what happens next

Reviewer: twilightobsessedmom Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 5:01 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Oh CRAP!!! This is getting really good!!! Anxiously awaiting your next chapter!!!

Reviewer: Belladonna Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 4:53 PM Title: Chapter 1: Bella - DAY 1

Oh my god....I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!!! I hope Edward will be there in time to help Bella! Please don´t let anything bad happen to her or one of the others.


Please, please update soon another great chapter!

Reviewer: Charmie Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 4:31 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

UGH you are SO MEAN!

Reviewer: rachelcullen77 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 4:16 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

*SCREAMS* thud.....thud....thud....thud...thud...thud.....thud....thud....I'm going to crazy here.....thud...thud....thud....thud....thud.


Oh no oh no oh no....why is he back?!?! Ahhhh!!! I cannot wait unitl the next update....I am so scared now...please nothing bad happen...please don't hurt her!!!!


Awesome chapter, loved the tension and fear at the end....

Reviewer: cabr Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 4:12 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Oh, no! We are in now for some serious heartbreak... :)

Reviewer: Bakergirl24 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 4:02 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Fuck me you can't leave this like this!!! What the hell!!! How did he find them. Oh god. Please tell me she kicks him in the fun bag, bites him and then yells and Edward rescues her.  Ok so I'm guessing you need to update SOON!!!! PLEASE!!!!


Great chapter by the way. I like how you've managed to work Victoria back into this. I was afraid that poor girl was going to be in that room by herself forever, Hehe.


Thanks for sharing. Take care and be safe. BG24

Reviewer: rachelcullen77 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 4:00 PM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

Great chapter!!! I loved it!

Jacob is growing on me...generally, I hear his name aand freak out, but he's alright I suppose...LOL

Ugh...Laurent....he had to ruin it all, such an ass!!!! I can't believe he did that to Leah, he is just as bad as James! Except, he appears to be more of a coward at the moment!



Reviewer: jessedholm Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 3:33 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Fuuuuuuuuuuuck!  That was a brutal way to end that chapter!  

Reviewer: Rubytuesday Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 3:23 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

OOHHHH here we go..... I've not long found this story and obviously have had a lot to read........ came here following the exodus from ff.net.....total fail on their part removing all the good well written stories and leaving behind 12 year old ramblings........still Thank God for you and your site.......some of my favs are already here and hope my others will find a new homw before they get pulled.......

Reviewer: rachelcullen77 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 3:18 PM Title: Chapter 68: Carlisle DAY 23

I cannot believe I didn't have this on alert....I have LOTS to catch up on now!


It was great guys! I loved all of Carlisle's frustration and anger, and am so glad that Aro is finally getting back to them....so scared for where James is though!! She's still chipped! They can't run!

Reviewer: Nicflex Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 3:06 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

I like Victoria's determination to make it on her own and Bella's to have a healthy relationship with Edward. Girl Power!


And yeah to the early update!

Reviewer: tsmacker Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 2:46 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Knew that was coming.  The chip in Victoria led him right there.  Does Victoria know that she has the chip?  Ready for the showdown.  Love this sight.  Hope more authors choose to come here from FF.  I keep suggesting it in all of my reviews over there.

Reviewer: bussy Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 2:40 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

What a cliffhanger!!!!!

I´l wait for the next chapter. What will James and Laurent do next?

Best wishes for a nice weekend



Reviewer: daisy12 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 2:03 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24


Reviewer: n2tatz Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 1:36 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Oh goodness! How the hell did he find them.  I hope she hits where it counts. Please update soon.

Reviewer: sarahlynn81 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 12:59 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

OMG!! you left us here?? cant wait too read more!!

Reviewer: Flora73 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 12:45 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

OMG.I hope all go good..)

Reviewer: Flora73 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 12:43 PM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

Really good..)

Reviewer: Flora73 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 12:43 PM Title: Chapter 68: Carlisle DAY 23

I like it..)

Reviewer: Luminesk Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 12:23 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

I'm hyperventilating! I didn't think James would find them so quickly. How did he get out there so fast?...Well, i'm assuming it's James. It wouldn't be Laurent?

Once again your writing has elicited such a strong reaction from me...it's truly amazing how skilled you are.

Thankyou for the update (and an early update at that). I anxiously await your next installment...

Reviewer: juliaerica Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 12:01 PM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

 I think i have a heart attack.......update soon please

Reviewer: MagdulkaCullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 11:27 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Oh my God!!! You know how to make me even more curious about the next chapter! I can't believe James found them so fast! Edward, hurry up and save Bella!!! 

Reviewer: bbbluez Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 10:39 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

No!  Evil evil  cliffie!

Reviewer: fr_larsson Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 10:36 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Loved the chapter, what a cliffie! =)

Can´t wait for the next chapter,
best wishes, Linda

Reviewer: ERIKA SHOVAL Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 10:17 AM Title: Chapter 1: Bella - DAY 1

I really like your story...very interesting

Reviewer: Ardanwen78 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 10:06 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Oh dear god!!! He found them??? Man, that doesn't bode well... (Oh, and I'm thinking Laurent, not James...)

Cannot wait to see what happens next :D I'm guessing Victoria might show unexpected strength!



Reviewer: torres Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 9:49 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

holy cow...didn't see that coming!!

Great chapter

Reviewer: celinewilliam Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 8:52 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Oh no ! I can't believe James is just here ! And no more to read until your next update ;-) You both really know how to keep your readers captivated ! Are we to expect a fight between both Edward & James, like in the SM version ? The waiting is going to be harsh !

Reviewer: Salanna Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 8:51 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

IIIIII... evil cliffhanger! I was just waiting for James to show up, and only Edward there to face him. But , regardless of how terrified Bella and Victoria are of him, perhaps they will find the strenght to fight back this time. That would give them back a bit of the control over their own lives, which James robbed from them. And Bella now has Edward as well, she love him and will fight to keep him safe.

And thanks to both of you for all the trouble of moving your awesome stories over to this site. Took me some time to find it myself and register, but it's looking nice. Quite a few of my favorite stories are migrating here as well nowadays due to the f*ck up going on at ff.net.

Reviewer: twilightfan4ever09 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 8:26 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

this is awesome. i cant wait for the next chapter. i hope you have it up asap!!!

Reviewer: Treebeard Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 8:07 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Yeah. Reading this at 2am is soooo going to help me sleep ;) HOLY FREAKING CROW what à Cliff hanger!!

Reviewer: manderlay2 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 7:46 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Okay TheSpoilOne & Footroza I kind of want to kill you right now!  I will be holding my breath until I find out what's in store for B, E, and the gang.  Already starting to turn blue.  Please hurry!

Reviewer: MyBrownEyes Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 7:15 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24


I knew they were going to be found sooner than later. Who was that though?! James? Laurent? 

They were having such a great bonding moment and it just got ruined. The cliffie though...you guys are evil, but I still love ya

Reviewer: lovinhale Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 7:01 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Oh Shit!!!!!!

Reviewer: tenchis Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 6:39 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24


i cant believe u stoped it there!!!


awesome chapter(:

Reviewer: troberts Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 6:31 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

OH MY FUCKING GOD NNNNOOOOOO.  I knew that fucker was coming someone needs to rip hi nuts off and feed them to him.  OH PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HURRY PLEASE

Reviewer: Jdonovan09 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 6:18 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24


Reviewer: Mora-Cullen Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 5:55 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

RRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That crazy bastard climed his {sore} ass in the window???? WE NEED JAKE!!!!!

Reviewer: annsteph Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 5:50 AM Title: Chapter 68: Carlisle DAY 23

Your story is a masterpiece.  It takes alot of work and dedication to continually weave a storyline that encompasses known characters, and variances of the original plots.  You have achieved both.  It saddens  me to know it was taken off of the fanfiction site, but I am pleased that I can still read it on this site.  Keep up the great work as it is appreciated by those who enjoy your work.  Thanks for posting.

Reviewer: Tinkelbel Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 5:45 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Oh my God ! no

James found her

Reviewer: Applefromatree Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 5:35 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Wow and there I was thinking that this was a very nice little girl onding time chapter :)

You scared me ...badly

Love the chapter

Reviewer: BUTTON Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 5:35 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Ahhhhhhh! WTF?  Intense cliffe hanger!  You are such a Devil.

Reviewer: eleni317 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 5:27 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24


Reviewer: vampiremama Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 5:19 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Oh, you did not just leave us hanging like that!! Oh man, please update soon.

Reviewer: MrsJakeBlack Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 5:11 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

:O :O :O DRAMA!!!

is it james again??!!


btw.. how come we cant see the picture for the chapter? :S


loved it

Reviewer: Twilight2Midnight Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 5:01 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

OMG - he did find them.... I knew it wouldn't take him too long to get there!!!!

But how did they - meaning Edward - check all doors & windows to see if they were locked properly? 


Not really wanting the next update as we all know what will happen to Bella, Victoria & Edward.... but hate this cliffie just as much!

If that makes any sense.... *screaming for Edward right now*

Reviewer: A Cullen Wannabe Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 4:57 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

OH CRAP!  Not good, not good, not good.  Must be Laurent?  How did he find them?  Did he follow Jacob?

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