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Reviewer: A Cullen Wannabe Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 4:48 AM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

Man...all the stress and things we never knew.  Great reveals.  What a mess.  Hope they catch Laurent and squash him like a bug...green goo all over the pavement (because you know that ass can't be human!)

Reviewer: momams Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 4:43 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Deep breathes, deep breaths, but please update!!!!!! ASAP. How did he get there? How long ago? Where's Edward?

I hope he is fine and that Alice and Rose will be there soon. At least they will be more than him. 

This is a huge cliffhanger, and a scary one. Poor Bella and Victoria, just when they were beginning to feel a small sense of safety!!!!!

You are really good writers. We knew we would see him again and soon, but not this soon and at this location!!!!!

As for Bella and Victoria's conversation. Victoria is stronger than she is giving herself credit. She is willing to go on her own and find her own way. That's something not everyone would do. She is being offered help and eventhough she is grateful for it, she wants to be able to stand on her own two feet and take care of her and her baby. Bella is impressed and realizes she needs to be able to look out for herself too. She has Edward true, but she will find her own way too.


Reviewer: TillITryIllNeverKnow Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 4:41 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Nice chapter, and even better cliffhanger!

Reviewer: yogis-girl Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 4:39 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

OMG!  How did he find her?

Reviewer: eleonor317 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 4:34 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

AHHHHHHHHHH! OMG! Of all the ways i pictured james finding them this was so not it *gasp* I totally thought he would get to victoria before bella u totally caught me off guard lmao Im sooo scared right now this is gonna be freakin INTERESTING to say the least lol Thanks for the update :)

Reviewer: momams Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 4:30 AM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

Jacob was undercover!!!!! At Carlisle's!!!!! And Laurent is worse than I imagined, just as bad or even worse than James. And to make it worse he is a coward that runs and hides. That might be useful in getting James, but will make it tricker to get him.

Jacob has to be out of his mind, his old friend caught up in his investigation and not just any investigation. The people involved in a "vigilanty" mood that he understands but can't accept or allow.

At least, for now Bella and Victoria are safe. Lets hope their location remains a secret and that the rest of them are able to get both James and Laurent. 

Poor Carlilse, yes, he is in a way at fault, but he is also partly a victim.

Reviewer: HopelessRomantic Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 4:27 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Oh My goodness.

Reviewer: Twilightobsessed09 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 4:19 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Holy Shit! I think I'm gonna pass out from nervousness alone..

Oh God! he found them....

Reviewer: missouriangel Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 4:05 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

OMG!!!! Cliffy whores!!! That is not fair you can't do that...just leave us hanging like that :( 




Reviewer: mariabellamansen Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 3:59 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

omg!!!! You are killing me here!!!!!

Reviewer: PrincessNic Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 3:50 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Okay okay...I need to take a deep breathe....

Who was that James or Laurent?

I knew that was gonna happen though as soon as they were by themselves that James would show up...What did he do to Victoria?

Please update soon :D I love this story!!!!

Reviewer: angeluv Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 3:49 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

oh crap

Reviewer: mentalmute Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 3:49 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

OMG!! How can you do that to us??

Reviewer: glo Signed starstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 3:47 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

OMG, he's back.

Reviewer: secamimom Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 3:47 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Holy crap!!!  WTH?!?!  Loved it and can't wait for more!

Reviewer: nybellanena Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 3:41 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Ugh!!!Cliffy nooooo, this story is wonderful...I hate James

Reviewer: jhearte Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 3:39 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

omg the suspense is killing me.  scream bella scream!

Reviewer: tracygoodey1 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 3:36 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

oh my god, jesus f***ing christ  the madman is back, bella is trapped, edward is on his own, alice and rose on their way back, victoria in the bed, ladies dont leave us like this for long please, frightingly good chapter

Reviewer: hlsmith29 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 3:23 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Continually taking deep breaths....  this is soooo not working.  I am freaking out right now.  Is it James or Laurent?  Are both of them there?  I remembered that James chipped Victoria, but he found them really fast.  Please, please, please update early again!  I can't take the suspense!!!!

Reviewer: SnowyHedwig Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 3:15 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Please, oh please tell me you'll update early again? Oh dammit, I've known it would come, but it doesn't make it any easier..... Please let that bastard mofo die a horrible, painful, drawn out death!

What a cliffie!!!

Reviewer: izhavo Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 3:12 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

¡¡No!! No !! No!!!

How this is happen!


Reviewer: M_Cullen Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 3:10 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Cliffhangers. Auther's love them reader's go AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH. How could you end it there. Anyway, I love your story and thankyou for writing it.

Reviewer: sessahhh Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 3:07 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Shit. I almost peed my pants I was so afraid just there. In that moment, I got the chills and wanted to scream myself.

Reviewer: justlooking Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 3:07 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

This cliffie is just pure and delicious evil!

Reviewer: goldfishaddict Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 3:06 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

I swear you guys are all trying to kill me! All of my favorite fics have been updated today (so not only have I been freaking out, but the homework pile has not gotten any smaller) and ALL of them have ended at on what could be considered the climax of the story... AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Great job. That's all I can say. It takes a alot to surprise and keep me on edge, and Heavens to Betsy, you've done it well. Keep up the good work!

Feel free to update early any time you want to in the future. : )

Reviewer: TRS Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 3:05 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG.. how the HELL did he find them!! Edward is going to kill him dead!  Or Bella, I hope Bella and Victoria castrate the MF-er. 

Waiting on pins and needles to see what happens! :)

Reviewer: vampluvr25 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 3:01 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

*shudders* I knew that was going to happen...

and so the battle begins

Reviewer: InWakingDreams Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 3:00 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Oh no!

Reviewer: Moflo19 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 2:56 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

ugh so sick of this twisted mother fucker! Bella needs some peace already, she's been through enough :( *sob*

Reviewer: sessahhh Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 2:44 AM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

Eh... no 69 but just as good, IMO. Good job with this one. I am a sucker for EPOV in this story and you just keep me so happy. 

Reviewer: flyrbrd Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 2:41 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

James or Laurent? How did they find them? Too many questions not enough answers!

Reviewer: Jw11 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 2:41 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Holy shit!

Reviewer: SherlyMina Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 2:38 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

OMG!!!, this can not be happening, please!!!...

Edward is going to go crazy...

I can not wait for the next upgrade...

Thanks girls...

Reviewer: kneon Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 2:34 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Oh my!! What a way to end the chapter.  How did he find them?  Edward is alone with the two girls, how will he save Bella?

Great chapter it is nice to see both our thinking of their futures.

Reviewer: chartwilightmom Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 2:31 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Okay, deep breaths, in and out, in and out.

I know that you will lead us to the right direction, have faith *repeats over and over*

AUGH! that is the worst cliffy so far. Oh, please write like the wind. Post soon!

FYI-My next Late Show chapter with beta's, so hope to have up soon.

=0 J

Reviewer: shar0525 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 2:23 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24


Cruel ladies just cruel...

Reviewer: tuggerpie Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 2:21 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

O.M.G.  I am screaming like a little bitch right now!  What is it about the two of you and your story telling that has me squirming at the edge of my set checking my email for updates every two minutes.   O.M.G. I bow to your feet, you guys are so awesome! 

Reviewer: JenJen Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 2:12 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24


Reviewer: NelumOnelius Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 2:07 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24


Reviewer: Gabriel Wolfe Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 2:01 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

HOLY... OMFREAKINGGEEEE you can't do that to me, yo!!! not even cool just like TOTALLY leave the biggest cliff known to eternity there...

Reviewer: NMBeaudin Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 2:00 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24


Reviewer: aliceg Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 1:58 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Aauugggghhhh!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
James MUST DIE!!!!!!!!

Reviewer: Sugar Rae Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 1:56 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

I knew he was going to show up at the cabin. Of course with Jasper and Jacob gone things aren't looking good. Please update soon.

Reviewer: coryoplayer Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 1:55 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

S.O. & Foot

OMG!!!!! You left us hanging there????? (THUD) I'm taking those deep breaths like you said to. AND IT AIN'T WORKING!!!!!!!!

Please tell me the next chapter is almost ready!!!!!!!


Reviewer: sballluvr5 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 1:51 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

aaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!! damnit James! how the hell did he find them? oh man you need to update soon! PLEASE?


Reviewer: kfarrark Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 1:49 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Oh my no way!

Reviewer: L-Anne Cullen Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 1:41 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

SHE SHOULD HAVE FUCKIN'SCREAMED!!!!!!  WHAT was she THINKING?!?!?!?!? Sorry, I got a wee bit emo there!!!  LOL  One thing though.  There is NO way he found them. That seems kinda far fetched.  But, I can't wait to find out what happens next.  I really hope Edward RIPS James to pieces!! ;o}

Reviewer: vvply Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 1:32 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

oh F*CK!!!!!

Reviewer: MarchHare5 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 1:31 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

How the hell...?

Reviewer: theladykt Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 1:30 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Ackkkkkk   Noooo.  Make a crapload of noise PLEASE!!!!!



And early is always good.

Reviewer: mylittlebakersdozen Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 1:27 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24


god damn it, right at bedtime, too!  jeez, now i'll have to find some other story so i can go to sleep w/o nightmares! 

thanks, ladies!!  ;-)

Reviewer: Vampfan4 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 1:25 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Picture didn't work :(  No way, he found her already....

Reviewer: erikajo Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 1:23 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!!  What a creepy creep he is...................

Reviewer: ilovecherrypie Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2010 1:15 AM Title: Chapter 70: Bella DAY 23 and 24

Update soon. these cliffies give me chills x:

Reviewer: farsideomoon Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Feb 2010 10:49 PM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

This is the second story I've read with chapter 69 that was not able to incorporate it in the story, some how I'm thinking (or wishing) you'll make it up to us;D)

I don't like the idea of them going back to Edward's house & then potentially leading James & Laurent to their current hideout;(  the angst continues!!;()

Reviewer: Moflo19 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18 Feb 2010 8:02 PM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

I am OBSESSED with this story! So very well written! The plot is intriguing and keeps me wanting more. Some of the most interesting "lemons" I've read of any fanfic so far. I only atarted reading this on Monday and here it is Thursday and I'm already done and can't wait for an update! 

Reviewer: lion_lamb17 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18 Feb 2010 5:26 PM Title: Chapter 1: Bella - DAY 1

I already like your story. It sounds promising. You don't find such things everyday and I really like to read new stuff.

Reviewer: LindyP Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Feb 2010 2:56 PM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

Wow! I never would have pegged Laurent as the mastermind behind this. Great chapter!

LindyP :)

Reviewer: elb1881 Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Feb 2010 11:23 AM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

mmk, now i'm worried, seeing as how V unknowinly has that chip an whatnot... so now E an 2 terrified women are sitting ducks waitn for James (the one the terror is stemmed from) to come an get what he thinks of as his and E doesn't even know... it would be soooo nice if A and E had their Twi powers here... hell Bella's power would even come in handy now as well... bahahaha....

OH the anticipation!!! patiently waiting for Ch. 70

Reviewer: jtaylor1972 Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Feb 2010 3:51 AM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

First and foremost, you guys rock!  I really like how this new web sight it working out to be!  I love it and it's great that so many stories are being read and I have found new and "new-old" stories since coming over here!  I am a fan!  Thank you and I am loving it!!!

That being said... this story is really getting juicy!  I keep thinking any minute James will be sneeking up since he did and does have a chip inserted into Victoria.... when is that going to show it's ugly face?  I am guessing maybe in the very near future?  they are vulnerable currently....

love this story and as always anxiously awaiting for more!!!

Reviewer: Ribeana Girl Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17 Feb 2010 10:11 PM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

i really do enjoy this story the suspense is thrilling

i was reading this on fanfiction but did they take it off?

nevertheless i found it now and i'm overjoyed


Reviewer: bussy Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Feb 2010 8:03 PM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

Well, this chapter contains a lot of new informations even without a " 69" ...

Go on!!!

Best greetings


Reviewer: luv4jake Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17 Feb 2010 7:49 PM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

Man I love jake in the mix and he is a good guy not pining for bella or getting his ass kicked so thank you for that! I am really enjoying this story the Leah reveal was interesting and I liked it even though it was sad it made so much sense. Keep up the good work.

Reviewer: twilightlover19 Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Feb 2010 7:06 PM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

love the story

Reviewer: glc474 Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Feb 2010 5:57 PM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

good story

Reviewer: shadowcat2009 Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Feb 2010 5:33 PM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

Can't wait to see the conclusion of this one and where you will take it :)

Reviewer: mentalmute Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Feb 2010 3:51 PM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

Well, since you gave us a really good chapter and a lot of info, I guess we'll forgive you!! Please don't make us wait long for more though-- even if there are no 69's in the near future, the story is really getting good!!! Love ya!!!

Reviewer: izhavo Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Feb 2010 3:39 PM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

¡Thank`s! Great chapter...

Reviewer: itlnbrt Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Feb 2010 3:33 PM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

OOOOhhh... its getting good!!!

Reviewer: Shortbritches85 Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Feb 2010 2:32 PM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

Wow! This is an amazing story. I cannot wait to see what happens next. I am on pins and needles just waiting. Love the story.

Reviewer: Gelsa Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Feb 2010 1:41 PM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

I'm very concerned about that GPS chip in Victoria.  Is there no way to detect it?

Everyone thinks the action will be at Edward's but James has the ability to find Victoria.  HTe question is will he use it?  Will he even think that B is with V?

Reviewer: dlpash Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Feb 2010 1:38 PM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

Holy Shit....was that (laurent the puppetmaster) always the plan?!

Why do I have the strong feeling that when Bella walks into Victoria's room, James will be sitting on the edge of the bed...with Victoria and 'her chip'...shudder.  Wow, just when you think you have this story figured out....


Reviewer: agnetha Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 17 Feb 2010 9:44 AM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

hey, i´m curious what will be happened at edwards house.....

Reviewer: rhapsody Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Feb 2010 6:51 AM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

Great chapter... how come I feel like Alice is going to stir shit up and get in trouble?

Edward is great as per usual, very doting for a man that has never had a GF or really cared about others :)

Reviewer: libbyblue Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17 Feb 2010 5:45 AM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

Wonderful chapter! Sorry that the 69 didn't seem to fit in, but, that doesn't mean they can't have one later!

Love the new site, so happy that the story is able to continue on and not have to worry about people complaining!

Thanks for sharing it with us!

Reviewer: JessiCllen Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Feb 2010 4:30 AM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

You have me on edge chicas! I don't know how much I can take here. I can't wait to read your next chapter. 

Jessi Cullen

Reviewer: missouriangel Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Feb 2010 12:59 AM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

my goodness this is so over the edge with suspense!



Reviewer: cynful407 Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Feb 2010 12:54 AM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

well it took me 3 days to start and finish this story to this point. I'm lovin it, and I'm lovin this site.

Please continue

Reviewer: nataliem Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16 Feb 2010 10:58 PM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

I have a wretched feeling about that dog tag in Victoria's shoulder... Just found this site thanks to a rec on twilighted by jocasta. keep up the good work:)

Reviewer: ExperimentalMe Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Feb 2010 8:18 PM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

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Wow, what an incredible upgrade! When I first found your story, it was on fan fiction site and written solely by TheSpoiltOne. It was so vastly different than any other story because of its plot, character depth and graphic smut description (of which I am a huge fan). I stopped reading it at chapter 20- about the time you moved to this site, I believe. I was sorely disappointed that your fabulous story was abandoned.


Now I've discovered it again. I find myself once more enraptured. Now that you have a co-author, Footroza, it is so much more encompassing. It's such a pleasure not to have to read a different story for the other characters' view points. You've both seamlessly melded all the characters' point of view together into one story. For the most part, I am thrilled that there is not too much repetition of plot when reading the same scene from another point of view.


And I must commend you on this splendid plot. To think that James got away to torment our heroes again is exciting - I mean, pull your hair out of your head spellbindingly captivated exciting! I loved that James was tough enough to withstand The Training School's dungeon.


Now to read that Laurent is actually manipulating James is almost more excitement than I can withstand. How am I going to be able to focus on my real life, when I'm anxiously waiting for another chapter?


Lastly, thank you for writing so well! I can see no grammatically faults, your prose are clear, and your dialogue clean. Thank you!

Author's Response:

OH MY GOODNESS...that was the nicest review EVER...I am blushing (Bella style)...We both greatly appreciate you following us to the site.  We are thrilled to be able to continue this.  in fact, knowing that we aren't been censored, has made writing so much more fun...

Thank you again for your kind words and insight. 


Reviewer: lobsters4ever Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Feb 2010 5:16 PM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

Oooh, I loved the Jacob twist!  That was so good!  I was surprised how bad Laurent is! 

I can't wait for them to find James and Laurent.  And to find out where the hell Aro has been!! :)

Reviewer: lobsters4ever Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Feb 2010 4:47 PM Title: Chapter 68: Carlisle DAY 23

I loved getting Carlisle's POV.  I still think that Lauren should have been punished!

And FINALLY -- Aro!


Reviewer: bronzeandbeautiful Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Feb 2010 3:48 PM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

love your story its like a roller coster that chuggs to the top, free falls, then goes in to loops and twist and turns!!! awssome

Reviewer: Louise1908 Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Feb 2010 9:52 AM Title: Chapter 1: Bella - DAY 1

What a great story and site x

Reviewer: mnovia Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Feb 2010 7:10 AM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

what will happen next i can't wait to read james version and if they every catch him again

Reviewer: Sleeping_Beauty247 Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Feb 2010 4:06 AM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

Shit, I just remembered the chip that James had gotten to put in Victoria-the tracking GPS chip is going to lead him right to them....I just know it!!!

I love this story but am kind of upset that they are making the school out to be a bad thing and I really hope that Bella sees that it really did help her in the long run and that Edward and Bella will continue that type of lifestyle in the future, once the shit with James is dealt with...I would love to see them play on weekends or some shit like that and still live a somewhat "normal" life during the weekdays and I want them to get married and have babies too...LOL

Reviewer: Isis Janet Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Feb 2010 3:25 AM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

I love the story

Reviewer: xneverthinkx Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Feb 2010 3:15 AM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

yea a 69 wouldve been cool in chapter 69.... I am letting the authors know that I appreciate their moving their amazing stories to a new location.  :D 

Reviewer: coryoplayer Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Feb 2010 2:52 AM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

S.O. & Foot

That was a little bit of tension in that chapter!!!!

I keep waiting for the shoe to drop on the microchip in Victoria's body!!!!

More when it's ready please!!!


Reviewer: vampirenites Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16 Feb 2010 2:22 AM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

omg that was so great please tell me that her and edward will be alright along with everyone else as well as the rest of them and that the school will be cleared and they will be able to resume what they were doing and that edward and bella will be  together and eventually married

Reviewer: old bat Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Feb 2010 1:33 AM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

Didn't see the 'cook' coming. Now we just need to find the bug in Victoria.

Reviewer: glo Signed starstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 16 Feb 2010 1:22 AM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

Great chapter, too bad the 69 didn't work, but what can you do.

Reviewer: MyBrownEyes Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Feb 2010 1:13 AM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

The plot thickens! I thought Jacob would have gone a little crazy when he found out what had happened to Bella and just snap at her, but I'm really glad he didn't. And now he was involved at some point since Laurent seems to actually be the mastermind behind all that's happened. Carlisle is definitely going to flip when he finds out that Bella wasn't the only one forced to go to the school and that Laurent was behind it. I don't think James will be going to Edward's house since he can track Bella. It may have slowed him down a bit with them moving to the cabin, but it doesn't look good that its just the girls and Edward at the cabin. 

Reviewer: culleniwish Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 16 Feb 2010 1:01 AM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

Love the new site!  I enjoyed this chapter. I have a bad feeling about them all leaving Edward and the 2 gals alone. I've mentioned this before, but James can track Victoria with the that chip. He's not going to Edwards house. He'll go straight to the cabin. At least that's what I think anyway. Looking forward to seeing what happens next.

Reviewer: SherlyMina Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Feb 2010 1:01 AM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

This is every time more and more interesting and I like it, about the change of the page I need to say that I dont' know wen is the update, so is the only thing is annoying, apart from that this is great... and I them much both, are the best

Reviewer: MyBrownEyes Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Feb 2010 11:33 PM Title: Chapter 68: Carlisle DAY 23

James has ruined so many lives with what he's done. Carlisle has to close the school and Bella and Victoria are in hiding. Carlisle is just so frustrated and exhausted, but at least he has people he can rely on. I really hope that Aro is on their side and will finally be able help.

Reviewer: MyBrownEyes Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Feb 2010 11:24 PM Title: Chapter 67: Bella DAY 23

So everything is good...for now. At least they were able to leave Edward's house before James could get there. I mean he is going to find them eventually now that he escaped. He'll look for Victoria with the GPS and since they're all together he'll find them all. At least Jake is there now. Maybe he'll be able to help them out of this mess. And Bella told Edward she loved him. At least there is some happiness during all of this.

Reviewer: lynsrob Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Feb 2010 9:58 PM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

Great chapter, very informative, lots of new info and Jacob confused as he always is. Let's get James & Laurent and kick their butts.

Reviewer: celinewilliam Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Feb 2010 9:28 PM Title: Chapter 68: Carlisle DAY 23

Is Aro a trustworthy person ? Could he be part of the scheming with Laurent ?

Reviewer: peoplelikeus Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15 Feb 2010 7:15 PM Title: Chapter 69: Edward DAY 23

Great chapter!

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