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Reviews For The Perfect Wife
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Reviewer: KevinJones Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Apr 2010 12:03 AM Title: Chapter 52

update..... and than make it in to an actual book just take  out the twilight crap

Author's Response:

I have plans to turn it into an actual book later this year (with new material included)

Reviewer: edf-k Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11 Apr 2010 11:17 PM Title: Chapter 52

Oh my goodness, so much has happened so quickly to Bella.  I wonder if Edward will really just let her go or not.  Perhaps she'll get to go to college after all and not have to give up her dreams and still get 'her Edward' too.  That would be the ultimate happy ending I think, but we'll see because they are just both so broken at the moment.  Cannot wait to read more.

Reviewer: acrazyandproud Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Apr 2010 8:37 PM Title: Chapter 52

Oh My God! When are you going to update? I'm glad the bastard's finally dead ( I hope Esme dumped his ashes down the drain) but I want need to know what happens!!!! Please!!! With Edward, Jasper, and Emmett on top? And maybe Jake? (Or would you prefer Rob, Jackson, Kellan and Taylor?)

Reviewer: PurpleGrl95 Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Apr 2010 7:03 PM Title: Chapter 52

finially that bastard died

Reviewer: Mick Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Apr 2010 6:16 PM Title: Chapter 52

please let it be...now that Edward is free from Carlisle, I hope that he will in turn free Bella from himself.  And of course, if true love comes back to you, it's yours to keep...I hope?  Thanks for writing another great chapter!

Reviewer: Annabelita Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Apr 2010 8:48 AM Title: Chapter 49

Sorry.. more questions from me.  If Edward was a doctor, why does he need Carlisle to check on Bella's bruises?  I meant to ask this the first time Edward beat Bella that first day.  Even if he was a resident, it WAS his last year...  These are very basic medical exams I'm sure he could've done himself!  And when he had Carlisle exam Bella after James' & Paul's attack, to make sure she was still a virgin, that was something he definitely could've done.  He was uncomfortable with the way Carlisle sounded on the phone (when he first chose Bella) so he flew back and relocated.  If he was that possessive, why was he so willing to let Carlisle then exam her down there?  Thanks for answering all my questions.  I'm just trying to understand.

And... whoa, this chapter was not what I expected...  Thank goodness there are 2 more chapters.  If this is Bella's way of resolving and giving up her dream, this would not be the happily ever after.  I shall now read on.

Author's Response:

Yes, he could easily perform the exams himself.  However at that point in the story Edward deferred to Carlisle in everything since he didn't see his father as a sick fuck yet.  He may have felt uneasy listening to Carlisle on the phone but he would dismiss his concerns as unwarrented.  He doesn't understand everything that has been going on behind the scenes over the years yet.

Reviewer: Annabelita Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Apr 2010 6:48 AM Title: Chapter 46

Erm... question... when exactly is Bella's birthday.  If this is canon, I think her birthday is 9/18 if I remember correctly.  It seems like that the car accident happened during school year (I'm assuming the beginning of her senior year), and obviously before Thanksgiving and Christmas), so I assumed that her birthday in this story is also 9/18.  However, Edward is planning a June wedding, which would mean that Bella would still be underage, 17?  Wouldn't they have to wait till she's 18? 

Thanks for responding.  :)

Author's Response:

Bella's birthday is Sept.  Yes she will be 17, but she can still marry with parent permission.

Reviewer: lalaloveee Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Apr 2010 10:34 PM Title: A Mother's Love

when carlisle said esme carried those scars of her punishment to this day, he meant emotionally right??

Author's Response:

No, Esme carries some physical scars from her abuse as well.  Go back and read the chapter from Esme's pov.  He beat her severely for helping Renee escape with Bella.

Reviewer: marijee Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Apr 2010 7:40 PM Title: Chapter 52

Oh I am so happy that Carlisle is dead. I would love to know where Esme planted his ashes. Now there is nothing holding Bella there. I hope she goes away to college and has a life...and then if she wants she can come back to Edward. I know that she loves Edward, just as he loves her, but things have been so twisted for her. She's been like A POW.  She needs time. Let's hope Edward loves her enough to let her go.

Reviewer: belle123 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10 Apr 2010 7:20 AM Title: Chapter 50

love it

Reviewer: lifemoveson Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Apr 2010 2:57 AM Title: Chapter 52


this story is probly the most amzing fan fiction i have ever read. it might even be beter then some of the books i have read. my heart really did hurt for these charters and it is still hard to go back and reread things beacuse they are so painfull. that is what makes this an incerable story. you were able to take chaters that were already writen and change them but still keep them the same. would i have loved for carlise to wake up and love esme like renee yes, i would have. but thats not him. he did not see anyhting wrong in anything that he was doing. though out all this pain and angust you made a point and you did one hell of a job doing it. you showed a mothers love is more powerful then anything. that no matter waht the evils, women or people for that matter can over come everthing. i love this story. every minutie of it. it made me cry SOOO much and my heart ache for somthing that was not even real. being a writer myself, before i even read this sotry i had an idea in my mind about somthing like this (no im not going to copying this that is mean) but diffent at the same time. i can only hope that my stroy can compare to yours. you relly should publish this, its better then some books i read. i love this and im sad it is coming to an end but happy for every one invole. thank you mic for creating this. its pure magic. 

Author's Response:

Thanks for your kind words.  I'm glad you like the story.  I have plans to publish TPW later this year.  It's why I'm pushing to finish the story this month. 

Reviewer: Annabelita Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Apr 2010 2:23 AM Title: Chapter 32

Sigh... thank you...  Honestly, I've cried a lot reading this story.  And while I cried for all the women, I think I actually cried for Esme the most.  Well, it's a toss up between her and Bella, but Esme makes my heart ache.  I feel so much sympathy for her.  I'm not sure who is the bigger victim, Esme or Bella, and it's not that important to decipher, but as a victim, and while still being a victim, she is a candle and lights the way for all others.  Not only is she helping the girls, she is helping her own sons, who had showed her abuse.  They're victims too but had in term become villains.  I want to take back some of the harsh words I might have said to you before. 

It's still a hard story to read, but I'm glad listened to you.  It's worth the read.

Author's Response:

I appreciate the apology.  I'm used to flames or concerns when people read the beginning of the story due the nature of the story and the graphic abuse Bella suffers at their hands.  I felt it was important to not gloss over everything so that you can feel how horrible things are for her so that when Edward shows up you're glad to see her leave with him even though he's no saint either.  He's the lesser of 3 evils and has a lot to learn.

Reviewer: ykkinnikky Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Apr 2010 11:39 PM Title: Chapter 52

I'm glad she said "let me go."  She deserves to do what she wants to do, College, Career, anything SHE wants without anyone's influence.  I applaud her being able to be her own person!

My only complaint is that now it means its going to be awhile before the next update :( sad sauce.

Reviewer: logansmom04 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Apr 2010 11:04 PM Title: A Mother's Love

I began reading this story around September of last year.  One of my fellow readers on the "Wide Awake" fanfic site recommended it.  I remember reading straight thru the first 14 or 15 chapters without stopping, totally neglecting my house, my child and my husband, LOL.....I could not step away - it was like that really bad car accident that you just can't help stopping and staring at....not saying this is a wreck....OH NO sister, this is not a wreck at all!  This story is pure genius and while to some it may seem confusing or to complicated, I felt it flowed so smoothly and deliberately and in the next to last chapter, it came to the pivotal head that we all wanted....at least I know it did for me with the "Let me go" comment from Bella.

I have to admit I would be so happy if Bella left but then again you're reading the words of a hugely self-professed "TEAM JACOB" fan and I don't believe Bella and Edward should have been together even in the Twilight series!  But none the less, her simple request was so heartfelt, almost as if she was sayinig "I'm broken Edward and if I can't go, the crack in my heart will literally break me in two."

Once again, superb writing...there were moments where I cried, laughed and many times where I wanted to throw my computer screen against the wall!  To keep an audience this capitivated means only one thing.....you have a gift my friend and you wield it like a surgeon using his scalpel or an artist using his brush - with precision, thought and power :)

Reviewer: sweetbitterness Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09 Apr 2010 11:01 PM Title: Chapter 52

aw.... the ending of this chapter was so sad...! will edward and bella still be together.?  i hope they will. =) hehehe  i love your story in moments i cried...! and i really never cry. =) hahahaha rofl. =D

Reviewer: Annabelita Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Apr 2010 10:01 PM Title: Chapter 28

Sigh... that was so beautiful.  Yes I have seen a glimpse of hope here and there earlier, but Edward always fell back to his deeply ingrained misguided ideas.  Maybe I'm like Bella, and I'm hesitant to allow myself to hope completely now...  I know he will change.  It is a fiction after all, and I was promised a happy ending.  But I'm afraid to expect too highly of him too early.  It's crazy... that I'm letting this affect me the way it is.  Maybe I'm a little traumatized by Bella's experience...  Well, but thank you for finally giving me (more) hope.  I really cannot wait till Edward is transformed.

Reviewer: Annabelita Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Apr 2010 7:06 PM Title: Chapter 25


Thank you for your prompt reply yesterday.  As you can see, I read on.  It was very difficult that I did.  More than anything else, I think I read on only because for some reason, I can't leave it alone, at the thought of what happened to Bella.  I read on in hopes of finding some justice and the love you promised to come.

Still it's frustrating, but thank goodness the incest is over, but at the same time, my patience is wearing.  There are still a lot of abuse and there's promise that there will be more sexual abuse looming in the future (from Carlisle)...

I am so frustrated with Edward.  This has to be the most frustrating of all the Edwards I've ever read.  And I'm sorry.  I really really do not like leaving negative reviews.  I think writers are amazing and they need to be praised for their words/works. 

I am sure I would not have kept on if I had not read your reply.  But it made me hopeful.  So I didn't give up. 

Anyways, I'm not sure if this was overlooked.  But you had said that Renee & Phil was remarried.  It doesn't look like Renee & Charlie ever got divorced.  How did she manage that?  I'm sure Charlie would've never agreed.  So I'm just wondering... (If you cover this in the later chapters, then don't worry about answering this part.)  Thank you for your response.

Author's Response:

I'm glad you were able to stick with the story.  I know the beginning is very hard to get thru, but I promise the story doesn't stay that way.  I had to show just how horrific her time was with Charlie/James so that when Edward came into the picture he would appear the lesser of 3 evils.  He's not our hero just yet.  He has a lot to learn, but I promise he will.

Reviewer: ketesh Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Apr 2010 5:33 PM Title: Chapter 52

i think, everyone deserve a seconde chance, not carlisle, just edward because now he  know what  is to love someone.

thanks for all, you won a biggest fan ever for your next story.

Reviewer: silverautums Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Apr 2010 2:57 PM Title: Chapter 1

The Perfect Wife

Reviewer: Ash Heather Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Apr 2010 2:56 AM Title: Chapter 52

Thank you for killing Carlisle. I hope Esme sprinkled his ashes in a public toilet :) ....... great chapter..... can't wait for your new story..

Reviewer: Annabelita Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Apr 2010 1:37 AM Title: Chapter 12

Sigh.... I really hope I will hear form you as I'm in desperate need of a feedback.  So... I started reading your story as it was recommended on one of the stories I read on FFN.  Geeee... this is, as you've warned, as graphic and violent and disturbing as it gets.  I was sooo looking foward to a righteous Edward who would come and help make things better, but to my disappointment, Edward is just as tarnished in his idea of a wife as the others.  I feel that his protectiveness is only related to his possessive nature, and while he's offering Bella some protection, it is not with the right intention.  Please tell me that this will be rectified as the story progresses.  I am half hoping that Jacob will show up and be the only right man for Bella at this point, and I'm not a J/B fan AT ALL!!  Thanks for responding.

Author's Response:

I'm always nervous when someone new starts this story.  The characters are not your usual suspects.  They are a complicated group.  This story is a Edward/Bella story and they will have a happy ending.  It just won't be a quick easy ride.  Edward has some growing and changing to do so he can become worthy of Bella's love. 

This story is about the power of love and character growth.  I promise its worth the read if you want to give it a try.  It sounds like you're past the graphic beginning which (to me) is the hardest part of the story. 

Please always feel free to email or pm me with any questions you may have.


Reviewer: dlpash Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Apr 2010 10:39 PM Title: Chapter 33


Reviewer: dlpash Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08 Apr 2010 10:03 PM Title: Chapter 52

Wow, intense.

I'm not going to lie to you.  I have started and stopped this story numerous times.  The plot is dark, unique and the writing is excellent.  I just literally found the content upsetting, I'm shaking like a leaf right now.  My friend is addicted (sc2009) to it and called me a 'pansy'.

In the beginning of the story with James and Charlie...I had to stop and start numerous times.  But, seeing as you review ours (exp enc) all the time, I knew I had to sit and read it.  Please don't take this as an insult.  It's a compliment to your fantastic writing ability...you write too well and it's so realistic that it scares the freaking bejesus out of me.  I wanted to stick with it because I can't get scary movies out of my head until I see the HEA.  I kept restarting it because I had to see Bella get her HEA. 

Now, that Carlisle is gone, I can finish the story.  When I think about it, I probably did read most of it.  I hope she gets her HEA like you promised, haha.  I don't know if I have an opinion on whether or not that involves Edward.  I agree with another reviewer that he should let her go and if it's meant to be, she'll come back.  But, I can't even fathom what she feels and what almost happened.  Edward is a good guy in this story, but for too long, he wasn't.  So, I'm going to leave it up to you to make the decision as to what you think is best for Bella...like I have a choice, haha.  I think she probably will end up with him, but if this story has been anything, its been unpredictable. 

Again, PLEASE don't take this as a bashing.  I was just being honest that at times this was hard to read.  But like I said if the writing wasn't emotionally charged and or didn't have extremely believable plots and motives, I wouldn't have become addicted to it anyway and returned to it when the lights were on.

FANTASTIC STORY (esp when the bad guys got their due), can't wait to see where it goes from here. 

I was wondering since no one is sure what Esme did with the ashes?....could I borrow them to put them in someone's cereal bowl in my story? haha

SERIOUSLY, well done.  You deserve your place as #1 in the '10 most reviewed stories'.

Author's Response:

Feel free to sprinkle his ashes in a bowl of cereal as long as you're not worried about your character getting sick.  lol

Thank you for sticking with my story and saying such kind things about it.  I know it's hard to read at times (especially the beginning).  Believe me at times it's very hard to write also.

Reviewer: Flynnstones Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Apr 2010 5:59 PM Title: Chapter 52

what she wants to leave why?! I thought thwy were in love and now that carisle is gone they can be happy! Why? Let them be together please you said this story would have a happy ending. Let them have it

Author's Response:

Why are you doubting me now?

Reviewer: angelbaby696 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Apr 2010 5:16 PM Title: Chapter 52

wow!! i so love this story... it's been a while since i got to read it, but i read 5 chapters in 1 day. :)  and my friend whom i got to reading it will be happy that it's been updated. so looking forward to more, it's not finished yet is it????


Reviewer: purefaith91 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Apr 2010 12:11 PM Title: Chapter 52

Are you kidding?  Oh my God, you have us fight and struggle along with Edward and Bella to get them together with some sort of loving relationship to have her say "let me go" once all obstacles are out of the way?  Unless you are going to have her AND Edward stay together now or have her come back to him once she is out of college and has her career, this is NOT good.  I will wait to pass judgement once the epilogue is posted, but will say that this is the exact reason I try not read stories that are not finished (so that I can make sure that they end well), don't see movies unless I know how they are going to end, etc.  Hopefully, the next part will be better.  I do love that you killed Carlisle off... and without any of his kids or Bella having to live with guilt over doing it themselves.

Author's Response:

I have said from the very beginning this is an Edward/Bella story with a happy ever after.  Think about everything Bella has been thru and what she just learned about her life.  NOTHING has ever been her decision.  Carlisle has been orchestrating her life since birth.  She's 17 and can't cope right now.  She needs time to come to terms with everything and her feelings.  If they got married tomorrow it wouldn't be healthy for Bella.  She needs time.

Reviewer: troberts Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Apr 2010 11:25 AM Title: Chapter 52

OMG he must set her free to see that it is ment to be she will come back to him.  That was a great way for Carlisle to die more pain would of been great but that was good. 

Reviewer: troberts Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Apr 2010 10:49 AM Title: Chapter 50

OH My Edward to the rescue.  Thats the man.  So fuck face is steeling Bella without the blessing of Carlisle???

Reviewer: purefaith91 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Apr 2010 7:34 AM Title: Chapter 14

I am so hopeful that at some point Edward finds out that Charlie was full of crap (and apparently so was Carlisle) in their versions of what Bella did to be punished.  That she spilled after almost tripping and getting in trouble AND that she only asked that her father (the perv) not be present when she was examined. She never argued with Carlisle or tried to keep him from examining her.   So sad. I kind of thought that she would find Edward to be the exception to the pigs she fell in with when her mom died. I still kind of have faith that he will want to see the sparkle in her eye more than he will want someone who only answers yes to him (as per Stepford Wives).  Very interesting. p

Reviewer: janna Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Apr 2010 5:25 AM Title: Chapter 52

no edward dont, i mean,no bella dont.

WTF is going on here, theres gonna be a blood bath if this too dont end up together.

changing the subject. OH MY EDWARD, i cant believe this story is comming to an end, i feel like time has flyed so fast, i still remember when it was on ff, and then it has its own blog, and then ended here on twcsl, but ill follow you and this story anywhere, im really anxious for the epilogue (and im secretely hoping for a baby) and cant wait for u to post your new story

Reviewer: debbieg Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Apr 2010 4:47 AM Title: Chapter 52

I cannt believe this Carlisle is gone.  I am so glad that no one got to rape Bella before the boys got there to save her..   I am glad that Esma is free of him and now she can really enjoy her ice cream and not have to hide it in the ice box.. So what did she do with his ashes?   are you going to tell us?  did she us it as fertilizer for her garden?   no wait that really might kill the flowers and plant.. He was just very diry and evil...  I just hope that Edward and Bella will work out there differance and find love again... agian thanks for your stroys I really enjoy reading them.  Cannt wait to read more of this story and your other one..  thanks

Reviewer: Sewpark Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Apr 2010 2:41 AM Title: Chapter 52

wow. such a moving chapter. bella needs time. dhr msy lrave but will come back to edward.

Reviewer: hmoore29091992 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Apr 2010 9:50 PM Title: Chapter 52


*cusses to self violently*

I'm glad Carlisle is gone.

*Resumes cussing and kicking walls*

Author's Response:

Deep breaths.  I promise it will be okay in the end.

Reviewer: JessiQ Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Apr 2010 8:44 PM Title: Chapter 52

I really have started to love Edward....It's gonna be so hard to think of them not together...or is she testing him

Reviewer: Marine-Bella Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Apr 2010 6:15 PM Title: Chapter 52

no,don't Bella leave im..

thanks 4 chapter...when...when the next?

Reviewer: Marine-Bella Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Apr 2010 3:53 PM Title: Chapter 44

they did it!


Reviewer: Marine-Bella Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Apr 2010 3:23 PM Title: Chapter 42



*dancing cha-cha-cha*

Reviewer: Marine-Bella Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Apr 2010 2:21 PM Title: Chapter 40


Reviewer: Marine-Bella Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Apr 2010 1:28 PM Title: Chapter 39


Reviewer: Marine-Bella Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Apr 2010 1:16 PM Title: Chapter 38

Love you..LOVE aaaaaaa..it's the best story...

Reviewer: blobby Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Apr 2010 1:01 PM Title: Chapter 52

i'm so glad hes dead. and i really dont want this story to end, but i know it must.

Reviewer: Marine-Bella Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Apr 2010 12:58 PM Title: Chapter 37


Reviewer: merrylina Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Apr 2010 12:31 PM Title: Chapter 52

omg what she means bye "let me go"??

i'm in hurry to read the next chapter, good job!!!

Reviewer: luvnrob Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07 Apr 2010 11:16 AM Title: Chapter 52

I have to say, when I started reading this story, I was in complete shock. I was so torn as to whether I should read something that was completely morbid as the whole charlie/james thing. But I could not turn away! You have got to be one of the most talented writers that I have ever had the pleasure of reading. Like I said I was skeptical at first because of the sickness that was charlie and james...only to realize that in life there really are demented people like that out here! I stuck to it and honestly I am so glad! I love this story and I just wanted to let you know that you kept me hanging on!!! I cant wait to see what Bella does...I really hope she and Edward can make it work!! Keep up the great work!!!

Reviewer: StrongerThanYouSince1915 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Apr 2010 3:32 AM Title: Chapter 52

f*** yeah! the monster  is DEAD! can't wait to find out what happens next!

Reviewer: velvetwhispers Signed starstar [Report This]
Date: 06 Apr 2010 11:16 PM Title: Chapter 52

I just spent 2 days reading this story and let me tell you at first i was horrified at the things happening.. still am !!!

The  story has kept me captured .. i have cried and cried .. I sooo want edward and bella together now that he has changed his ways .But at the same time I cant forget the monster he was .....Anyway i cant wait for the ending .. I think either way it will be bittersweet.

Reviewer: KevinJones Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Apr 2010 10:09 PM Title: Chapter 52

UPDATE!!!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!! =D

Reviewer: Marine-Bella Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Apr 2010 8:52 PM Title: Chapter 29

i4;h..Ed i love you!!!!

Reviewer: Marine-Bella Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Apr 2010 9:25 AM Title: Chapter 19

Yeh..ED Jasper is right!

Reviewer: fleur50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06 Apr 2010 6:43 AM Title: Chapter 52

Tout un plaisir que de pouvoir lire cette histoire.

Fleur, Montréal, Québec

Reviewer: fleur50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06 Apr 2010 6:13 AM Title: Chapter 50

Je suis si triste pour Bella...

Reviewer: racejunkie Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Apr 2010 4:09 AM Title: Chapter 52

omg! i knew carlisle was a nut! i can't wait for the update & to read your outtake on esme. i'm dying to know what she did with the ashes. i've got a couple of ideas on what i would do...lol

Reviewer: Isis Janet Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Apr 2010 3:37 AM Title: Chapter 52


Very very good chap

Reviewer: Goldilocks716 Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Apr 2010 3:11 AM Title: Chapter 52

Loved the chapter it had me in tears...but they would good tears

Reviewer: cailygirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Apr 2010 3:11 AM Title: Chapter 52

I think that Carlise got what he desrvied for what he has been doing for the past 30+ years to his family! I really hope that Bella isn't going to leave Edward!

Reviewer: Mz_Star Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Apr 2010 2:24 AM Title: Chapter 52

Im glad those two are out of the picture...and im excited to read more but sad that it's going to end very soon

Reviewer: Hitchy Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Apr 2010 2:00 AM Title: Chapter 11

Ooooo! I LOVE protective Edward!  I love that he kicked Jame's ass too.  Hopefully he gets to have a go at Charlie and Carlisle before this fic is over.

Reviewer: Hitchy Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Apr 2010 1:39 AM Title: Chapter 8

OK, I literally gagged on my drink with this one.  Charlie is a sick bastard and James (as always) is that but whole lot of creepy added to it too. 

Edward seems good for her.  I'm crossing my fingers that he's not like his father.

Reviewer: lalaloveee Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Apr 2010 1:34 AM Title: A Mother's Love

Do you know when you'll have the outtake done?

Reviewer: Alikatt Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06 Apr 2010 12:15 AM Title: Chapter 52

I knew Carlisle had to die.  I hope that Edward also gets a happy too!!! THX

Reviewer: Marine-Bella Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Apr 2010 9:52 PM Title: Chapter 13

Love u Edward

Reviewer: Marine-Bella Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Apr 2010 8:23 PM Title: Chapter 10

Where Edward?* cry*

Reviewer: LynnCullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Apr 2010 7:08 PM Title: Chapter 1

I was just wondering why Bella is staying with her so called daddy, when I thought that Renee had papers drawn up so that JJ and Teri would have legal guardianship of Bella. Did something happen to them also?

Reviewer: GxMx Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Apr 2010 5:23 PM Title: Chapter 52


Reviewer: Marine-Bella Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Apr 2010 3:28 PM Title: Chapter 6


Reviewer: Coco Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Apr 2010 3:17 PM Title: Chapter 52

OMG, brilliant!  I'm glad Bella asked Edward to let her go, I'm just a bit disappointed that he wasn't the one to suggest it and was assuming she would just go ahead with their wedding.  I was always kind of hoping he'd make the sacrifice and set her free out of love for her.

Anyway, I'm hoping Bella will end up going back to Edward of her own free will, not because she has no other options.

I'm so looking forward to the last chapter, but I will be sad too when this story is finally over.  It's one of the most original and exciting things I've ever read in fanfic.

Reviewer: Evolet Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Apr 2010 1:28 PM Title: Chapter 52

I can't believe Bella asked him to let her go! Damn, what was she thinking?

I'm sooo glad Carlisle and Demetri are dead

thanks for this chapter

Reviewer: Marine-Bella Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Apr 2010 12:49 PM Title: Chapter 3

It's....shit...impossible..Charlie...how could hi..and where Edward.??????????????

Reviewer: Marine-Bella Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Apr 2010 12:08 PM Title: Chapter 2

Gosh...i can't belive..it's so sad, so ..ah...Where is Edward...* crying*

Reviewer: Marine-Bella Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Apr 2010 11:28 AM Title: Chapter 2

It's so sad, crying..really...i Just ..Gosh...Moving on the next chapter!

Reviewer: Morbidmuch Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Apr 2010 7:37 AM Title: A Mother's Love

I remember reading the first chapters of this story on ff.net back when I was new to Twilight fan fiction, and thinking it was a weird story. I lost the desire to read it, until I stumbled upon it yesterday. I have to say, despite the graphic abuse in the first chapters by Charlie and James (which honestly made me a bit uncomfortable), this is still a really great story. I can't wait to find out what happens in the next chapter - Does Bella get to go to college? Will she still be seeing Edward? So many questions needs answering. Update soon :)

Reviewer: Raven Jadewolfe Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05 Apr 2010 2:39 AM Title: Chapter 52

I'm not surprised by her request

Reviewer: pixdog Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Apr 2010 2:17 AM Title: Chapter 52

no dont let go

Reviewer: danijames2345 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05 Apr 2010 1:33 AM Title: Chapter 52

Oh wow...

I am utterly blown away by this chapter...

I admit, that would break my heart to see him let her go... 

But, I think it would truly be the turning point and the thing that would make the story have a happy ending...

Maybe it will be a surprise ending?


Author's Response:

I hope everyone likes the ending

Reviewer: sessahhh Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Apr 2010 10:34 PM Title: Chapter 52

Talk about a lot going on in one chapter! Holy moly. I'm glad you got rid of the two horrible men. I'm sad that Bella is essentially dying and I think Edward needs to prove that her happiness is more important than his. And in order to do that, he has to let her go. Allow her live life a little bit - away from the awfulness of Forks and be her own woman. 

Great chapter! I can't believe this story is almost done. 

Reviewer: Galathea82 Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Apr 2010 10:30 PM Title: Chapter 52

OMJ!!!! when Edward was a total monster the only thing I desire for him was that Bella would leave him, but now am really sad for him, I know that he is gonna let her leave but he will heart broken, I know is better for her that she regains her life, that she feels like a person again, but Edward would have to be happy for her and wait until she return to him.


Reviewer: ShadowKissedBella Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Apr 2010 7:33 PM Title: Chapter 52

I really don't know how you could do something so cruel to me. Just ending the chapter like that! You have to update this ASAP or else I swear I will explode. I will! But, seriously, you do need to update.

Love always,

Reviewer: Flickerlove Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Apr 2010 6:18 PM Title: Chapter 52

What a fantastic story this is.  I've just finished reading it after a 17 hour shift!  I literally could not stop. 

It was so harrowing at times that I was actually crying.  There's not many stories that do that for me.  I can't wait for the final chapter to see how it all ends.

You are such a talented writer.  Thank you so much for sharing your work with us.

Flick xxx

Reviewer: VampEggBloo Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Apr 2010 8:03 AM Title: Chapter 52

Ajjsudhueudhrjj... What's the meaning of "let me go"? Omg. Please update soon!

Reviewer: Cheyanne Cullen Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 04 Apr 2010 5:02 AM Title: Chapter 52

AWESOME! That was a great chapter! I had actually wanted Carlisle to die that way. He may be a smug bastard but in a sick way he died protecting Bella so...it works! YAY! Can't wait to see Edward's reaction and although I'll be sad seeing this story come to an end. I can't wait to see what else you have coming for us!! Great job!

Reviewer: Mrscullen1122 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 04 Apr 2010 4:41 AM Title: Chapter 52

ahhhhhhhhh noo bella stay w/ edward yaaaaaaay the evil carlisle is dead esme should hv done a hppy dance lol
i cnt WAIT 4 more

Reviewer: Claqui Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Apr 2010 2:37 AM Title: Chapter 52

Gahaa... what a sick, sick man Carlisle in this fic. He was disgusting... Glad he's dead.

Sorry that this will end. There is only another chapter? *sob, sob*

Oh, I never told you: I adore Meme! Thank you for create such a perfect character.


Reviewer: DollFace Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Apr 2010 2:30 AM Title: Chapter 52

Halellujah, praise the lord, Carlisle is dead!! Fucking hell, it's about time!! I hope Esme spit on ashes and danced on his motherfucking grave. I love it. But what the hell did Bella mean? She's leaivng him? Thats bullshit. They have to end up together, or I swear, I'll have a heart attack and drop dead. This was one of the first stories I've ever read on fanfic and it set the bar, honey. I love it. You are a fantastic writer and you need to write a real book, because I love you and I would be a die hard fan :)

Can't wait for the final chapters.


Reviewer: dannycullenbr Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Apr 2010 2:10 AM Title: Chapter 52

I love ur story, u already know that.

Loved the chapter. I'm just.. hmm.. don't know how to explain. I was expectng a little more drama about Carlisle. I think he kinda got away with what he did. I was hoping that everything came out and that he'd face his sons and Esme. I even talked to Bruna (remeber her?) that I imagined a scene where Carlisle would actually feel defeated and Esme would spit on the ground in front of him. I really wanted him to feel defeated. He died believing that he was right. That was the impression I got. I kinda though the other characters would make him see how despisable he really is.

But I can only imagine how much drama YOU passed through with this story, so I kinda understand. I'm happy to see that finally everybody is free. I like to visualize the three couples having a barbecue on a sunday, happy. And Esme finally going to bed (after having the help of everyone on cleaning) to a peaceful night.

I know it isn't the end, I'm counting the days to next week so I can read the final chap, I'll probably do another huge review, but I just wanted to express myself.

Again, I LOVE ur story. Is my favortie one by far. U're an AMAZING writer. I'd buy a book writen by you without even thinking. You're amazing at 'playing' with the words. Is your gift, definately.




Author's Response:

Thank you so much for your kind words. 

Reviewer: mrscullenlautner Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Apr 2010 12:59 AM Title: Chapter 52

well, you truly are the Master  (or Mistress) of Surprises.

EPIC chapter, truly amazing. My only regret? I wanted more of...a description of how Carlisle died, you know? Nothing gruesome of course, but I just hope the bastard suffered.

I'm so happy that Esme -and the family- are finally and truly free. One request though- in the epilogue, can we get a description of the rest of their lives together, PLEASE? Pretty please, because we've been such faithful readers over these months? Lol.

You're an awesome writer, and I'll defintely buy the revamped version of TPW when it's published.


Reviewer: Sookie10 Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2010 11:56 PM Title: Chapter 52

Carlisile finally got what he deserved! So happy that Esme is free to live her life! I knew that Edward would find Bella in time! I'm glad that all of the bad guys are gone! Bella has been thru so much! I know it's hard for her to face everything that has happened but I hope that she realizes what all she has to gain in the love that Edward feels for her! These two have been thru hell and back, it's time for them to experience alittle heaven--TOGETHER! (I hope!) Really Great Chapter!

Reviewer: princesacullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2010 11:32 PM Title: Chapter 52

OH im so happy and sad and i want to cry she's free but she wants to leave Edward and he will let her go and that makes me want to cry more! Will she go to A&M? Can you answer this one thing would Carlisle have been such a monster to Renee? Would he have been any different?

I love your story!

Reviewer: drdonald22 Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2010 11:12 PM Title: Chapter 52

I love this story! Please review sooner than later. I hate it when it's been so long that I start to forget :(

Reviewer: lulu123 Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2010 9:57 PM Title: Chapter 6

I think this story is very well written and due to that i can feel everything that Bella must be going through, and how humiliating and awful it must be for her.

But it is for this reason that i really don't think i can continue reading it, as every time something is described in an abundance of detail i kind of throw up a bit in my mouth.

Though i would love to get to this happy ending so i will start reading at chapter 10 if it would be possible for you to send me a little summary of the next 3 chapters.

lulu123 xx


Reviewer: -Sema- Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2010 9:56 PM Title: Chapter 52

dear rmcrms5,

i hope you don't want to give us a happy end without edward,

this isn't a real happy end...

hear from you soon, suppose..


Reviewer: cclore Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2010 9:38 PM Title: Chapter 52

I'm very happy that Carlisle got what was coming to him. My only regret is that he didn't suffer. He would have deserved it.

Edward should do the right thing and let Bella go. If the love is there, they will survive it. She needs to make the decision to give herself to him.

Great chapter!

Reviewer: Lady Luciole Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2010 8:10 PM Title: Chapter 52

I COMPLETELY FORGOT TO TELL YOU THIS : I totally loved the way Carlisle died in this chapter. The honor of the true familly is safe and they can really start to live and control their own lives!

You have an amazing imagination! Don't stop writing : it shouldn't became dry!

Reviewer: Lady Luciole Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2010 7:57 PM Title: Chapter 52

I was so sure I could handle this chapter after the cliffy and your note! But finally, it's even worse : an unreponsive Bella who asks to be set free from Edward even when she's in love with him! It's torture to read this : so sad !

I want to read the next chapter very soon... To much cliffy for my heart!

Reviewer: cclore Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2010 7:52 PM Title: Chapter 50

Where would Edward be without Jasper? He always seems to knock sense into Edward.

I can't believe Demitri was brazen enough to grab Bella out of school. And I must say I'm a bit surprised that Bella went so willingly.

Reviewer: Lady Luciole Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2010 7:35 PM Title: Chapter 50

I hate this cliffy ! It's so frustrating!

Amazing imagination as allways ! I need to read your next chapter!

I loved the pictures ! I miss them...

Reviewer: Lady Luciole Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2010 6:59 PM Title: Chapter 49

Well thought! A garden for therapy : almost a title for a new story ! Very poetic idea.

I love it !

Reviewer: Lady Luciole Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2010 6:44 PM Title: Chapter 48

Woah ! You're a genius : this plot is getting better with each chapter. This scene was incredible : you have a wonderful imagination!

I was hoping the answer about Esme's garden will come soon!!

Happy reader who will go quickly read next chapter.

Reviewer: Lady Luciole Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2010 6:25 PM Title: Chapter 47

Oh my god ! This cliffhanger is fustrating! Fortunately I've got some chapter in stock.

I really really hate your Carlisle : he is evil. I hope Bella will forgive Edward!

Reviewer: gemini305 Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2010 5:47 PM Title: Chapter 52

I love, love, love where this is going.  I always thought that he should set her free.  You know what they say....if you truly love something, then set it free.

I think its the only way for Bella to know for sure wether or not she wants to truely be with Edward.  This way she can have it all.  She can go to school, make something of herself, & eventually they will find their way back to each other. But on her terms.

Great job with this story!

Reviewer: farsideomoon Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2010 5:05 PM Title: Chapter 52

Wow, I didn't expect that. I can't imagine she'll find happiness without him, but maybe peace. Gotta say, I'm still hoping for the irrevocably ...in love sentiment.

Can't help but sing ding dong the witch is dead, which old witch, the Carlisle witch. ha

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