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Reviews For The Perfect Wife
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Reviewer: luv4jake Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2010 4:45 PM Title: Chapter 52

Whoa mama I was not expecting that last line in the chapter. This whole chapter was like a Lost episode mind fuck. Carlisle dead and Demetri dead as well. Embry getting beat to a pulp by Edward and he still told them everything Carlisle did over the years by stalking Bella. I can't believe this story is coming to an end this was one of the first stories I read when I entered twilight fanfiction universe. I love this fucked story with a heart of gold. That fact that both the characters have been changed so thoroughly for good and bad. I love them to death. Until next time. RIP Carlisle and your evil ass ways that were so good it was bad.

Reviewer: Lady Luciole Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2010 4:37 PM Title: Chapter 46

I love these chapters with the love making !!
I was a little bit worried with the no condom ... She isn't ready to become a mom.

I'm anxious with Carlisle : what is he up to? Why Bella hasn't told anyone about his treats?

Next chapter will tell I hope!

Reviewer: junipere Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2010 2:31 PM Title: Chapter 52

wow....truly shocking

although i don't really understand...now that he's free, he can make an unbiased decision to want her, so why run away?

Reviewer: beccaboo7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2010 2:18 PM Title: Chapter 52


Reviewer: vvply Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2010 12:14 PM Title: Chapter 52

Thank you! Yes I was frightened for Bella u did a great job with this chapter.

Reviewer: Twilightx28 Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2010 4:39 AM Title: Chapter 52

' "Let me go." '

I am slightly confused at the moment, but please update soon.

Reviewer: amgrant3 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2010 4:16 AM Title: Chapter 52

WOOHOO!!! Finally the bastard is dead! I was really hoping you would go thatt route. I can't wait to see what Edward will say,

Reviewer: Aude_Dawn Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2010 4:05 AM Title: Chapter 52

Where in the hell did she put that urn? That's all I want to know!


Reviewer: bellsanna Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2010 3:32 AM Title: Chapter 52

carlisle is a CRAZY MO FO!!!!!!!!! and i know for a FACT that bella doesn't really mean that....no way.

Reviewer: 2carm2carm2 Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2010 3:23 AM Title: Chapter 52

Holy Shit.

You, my friend are my hero.

And I'm probably not the first person to say that, maybe like 247th?

I'm telling you; hero.

Rock on sister.

Reviewer: KatieRose Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2010 2:28 AM Title: A Mother's Love

Oh. My. Gosh.

HANDS DOWN the most intense chapter yet! Ding dong the basterds dead! Lol. Edward, poor guy, this 'letting go' buisness isn't gonna be easy for him. But Bella deserves to go and do whatever she wants, like go to college maybe? I can't wait for that Esme outtake. If I were her I'd be giggling happily 20/47 once I got the 'devestating' news about Phsyco Carlie's death, and she was, with that little smirk on her face. XD And I gotta wonder what she did with those ashes.;) The fact the he was going a bit crazy there at the end, and that Bella was his downfall-it just made the story better. I'm not sure what's going to happen next, and I LOVE that!

Have a happy Easter with your family, Mic! And update soon! :)

Reviewer: yankeerose Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2010 2:21 AM Title: Chapter 52

OMG...soooo glad Carlisle is dead.

Reviewer: twilightobession Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2010 1:22 AM Title: A Mother's Love

OMG!!!! I forgot!!!! WHAT DID ESME DO WITH THE ASHES?????????? I hope it is in the oneshot!!!!

Reviewer: twilightobession Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2010 1:16 AM Title: Chapter 52

I am really said the this story is winding down. But I guess every good thing must come to an end.

This chapter is soooooo intense. I was sitting on the edge of my sit reading it, not knowing what was coming next. LOVED IT!!!!!!! I am sooooo glad that Bella's family it there.

CARLISLE IS DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH HAPPY DAY!!! OH HAPPY DAY!!!! I am so glad that he got his. He had really lost his mind....calling Bella, Renee.

Exactly what does Bella mean "Let me go"??????

Reviewer: Rikku Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2010 1:08 AM Title: Chapter 52

Carlisle's dead...Carlisle's dead..lalalalaaalaaallla

For all the pain he's caused everyone he ever was involved with, his death was almost too quick and painless. But the result is what counts ;)

I'm curious to find out what exactly Bella means with "Let me go". If it's a "Let me be on my own for a while and if we're meant to be, we'll get together again someday" or a "Let me be me, spread my wings and do with my life what I want to do (college/job etc.)

Reviewer: CRAZYCARE4 Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Apr 2010 12:09 AM Title: Chapter 52

Let me go- has she lost her marbles? Lol didn't she tell edward that she wanted forever with "her Edward" and now that he's here permanantely, she wants away from him. Great story I can't wait for the next update

Reviewer: Hawkesey Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 11:18 PM Title: Chapter 52

Aww no! I dont want Bella to leave Edward, they love each other... wait maybe it's just a test. I hope so. Thanks for updating so speedily!


Reviewer: Bellaandedwardloveeachother Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 10:00 PM Title: Chapter 52


Please tell me bella and edward will end up together!

Reviewer: eclipse_me Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 9:57 PM Title: Chapter 52

so was not expecting that at all...really am glad that carlisle is gone but still its hard to wrap my head around...hope that the next chapter comes soon to see what happens next...also i hope she comes back to edward :(

Reviewer: The Antimatter Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 9:46 PM Title: Chapter 52

Oh my gosh, that's so awesome! I'm sooo happy for Esme! *dances*

Reviewer: wallflower88 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 9:28 PM Title: Chapter 52

YEEEEEESSSS Let's do the happy dance!!! I can't wait to read Esme's outtake and I'm curious to know what Bella means with "Let me go"??? I'm so happy that she's finally reunited with Phil's family.

Reviewer: sweetmel21 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 9:24 PM Title: Chapter 52

She wants to do what she always wanted and I think if Edward truly loves her, he will let her do this.

Reviewer: lena200180 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 9:19 PM Title: Chapter 52


Reviewer: Suggie01 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 8:59 PM Title: A Mother's Love

I had kind of expected Carlisle to rape or attempt to rape Bella and for her to somehow kill him then.  Your way is better -- at least she doesn't have to live with guilt.  Great job!

Reviewer: markadda Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 8:51 PM Title: Chapter 52

Love this story!

Reviewer: Belladonna Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 8:47 PM Title: Chapter 52

Finally Carlisle got what he deserved...

I really, really hope that Bella means her "Let me go" in a postive way and the her HEA includes a future between her and Edward.

I think the two of them belong together...

Reviewer: linzzer220 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 8:42 PM Title: Chapter 52

SSSSOOOOO goood!!!!! yeah i would love to kno what Esme did with the ashes--what her smirk was for :) Carlisle is such a bastard and had a good death---technically any way he dies is fine by me!!! haha

Reviewer: mousekemom Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 8:27 PM Title: Chapter 52

Honestly, I love both TPW and CAM.  I always look forward to the updates.  I am shocked by how this has played out.  I am excited to read the last couple of chapters.  You have done an amazing job and I have cried, been angry, creeped out, and dozens of other emotions throughout the read.  I can pictures the horrible things she went through and still shudder from it.  Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us!

Reviewer: Jadiona Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 8:23 PM Title: Chapter 52

Great chapter, I need to read the next one.

Reviewer: Pumpkinpie87 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 8:03 PM Title: Chapter 52

Was it wrong of me to clap my hands and raise my arms in victory and shout 'YES!' when I read that Carlisle died? I think this is the only story where I have wanted a main character to die. I loved this chapter thougugh. You have done an amazing job with the story. It is one of my favorites. Keep up the great work for the last two chapters.

Reviewer: Kendall94 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 8:02 PM Title: Chapter 10

this is just really sad...i would hate if i lived like that....my dad is kind of like that...i mean like the man runs the house and the women takes care of the house and the kids he never hurt us...but with a house full of women, 6, we were able over power him and change his mind on that...now he has a new wife and two more daughters but the funny part is that the women he married....well lets just say she wears the pant in the house...lol!!

Reviewer: linzzer220 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 7:48 PM Title: Chapter 50

what??!! omg i'm so excited i was behind on two chapters...fantastic now i get to go on YAY!!! Seriously, can Bella ever catch a break :(?

Reviewer: txreina Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 7:48 PM Title: Chapter 52

I am always 100% Team Edward but in this case I truly believe Bella needs to be away from Edward.  If Edward loves her than he has to understand it's the right thing to do.  I honestly think it would do them both good.  Edward learned how to love and respect woman and Bella learned the true meaning of true strenght.  If she can survive this HELL then she can survive ANYTHING.  I just pray one day she will be ready to love and trust Edward again.  You've done an amazing job with this story and I look forward to reading the rest.

Reviewer: Jennmc75 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 7:05 PM Title: Chapter 52

I'm at work reading this and actually cheered and fist-pumped when I saw that Carlisle was dead.  Yeah, mom thought that was hilarious :)

Anyway, it hurt so much to hear Bella telling Edward to let her go.  I know it's what she really needs but I feel so bad for Edward.  Hopefully he can deal with it and give her the time she needs to heal.

Reviewer: MissSashaFierce Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 5:59 PM Title: Chapter 52

"Let me go?" She wants to leave Edward?

Reviewer: lobsters4ever Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 5:04 PM Title: Chapter 52

Again this story took a turn I wasn't expecting.  I was stunned by Carlisle.  He was beyond insane.  I am thrilled that he is gone but wish he could have suffered more for everything he has done.  I do understand that he sons living the lives that they want and not according to him is the best revenge.

And while I don't want it to happen -- I do hope that he lets her go.  It will kill him to do so but is the best thing for her.  I am anxious to see what he will do and what letting her go means for their future.

Great job -- looking forward to more!

Reviewer: mspacman1 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 4:32 PM Title: Chapter 52

She needs to be let go.... maybe once she is let go to persue herown dreams she will find her way back to him.... I am so glad that D * C are dead and that Em/J/Ed didn't have to be the one to do it.

Reviewer: Anadabyel Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 3:53 PM Title: Chapter 52

Here is my theory, Esme took Carlisle's ashes either to the dump or she flushed them, either would be AWESOME!

Bella really needs  to be able to have an actual childhood and YEARS of therapy before she can be with Eddie again.  I can't belive he still thought she would marry him!!!  *head desk*

BTW- I hope you are gonna hit CAM!  I loved where that one was going!! But this one will remain my fave, I cried the entire day when I read it that first day.  I already told you, but I bet I am just a name of thousands that did that.  Anhoo, I know it isn't the end but you kept your promise and gave justice, thank you!!  I can't wait to see where Bella ends up and what Eddie ends up doing FOR her!

Reviewer: Twilightobsessed09 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 3:20 PM Title: Chapter 52

This chapter was the climax of what I've been waiting for. I can't explain, I'm happy, I'm sad, I'm shocked, I'm amazed, I'm just..ugh! The bastard is dead, I had to read and re-read those lines just to believe it. So simple. What did she mean though in the ending?..

I guess I just hoped for them to be together, but then again there is another and epi to see.

Can't wait to see how it all ends.

So thankfully though that they are free.

You were masterfully at this and had me hooked!

Thanks for that!

Reviewer: Natsar Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 2:38 PM Title: Chapter 52

The ending doesn't make sense to me.

"He was my Edward, completely.  Carlisle’s Edward no longer existed;"

Then Bella tells Edward to let her go. After every thing Edward has done to change for her and as much as he loves her and I think she loves him, why does she want to leave now?


Reviewer: SouthernBelle Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 2:07 PM Title: Chapter 52

Let her GO?! Holy cow...I'm putting A LOT of faith in you right now Ms. rmcrms5!! :) :)  This chapter broke my heart. I'm just ready for Bella's happy ending. Although I'm SO not ready for my favorite story to end! Sequel, sequel, sequel!!! PLLLLEEEASE :) :) Even though the end of this chapter has felt confused, conflicted, torn, and broken-hearted, I freakin love this story. You are an amazing author. Although I think you know that :) Dying for some more of your greatness. I love the world you've built here with Bella and Edward. I hate the thought of it being gone after two more chapters. Consider a sequel? BTP is AWESOME and I love it - don't get me wrong. But yeah...sequel would be fantastic. I'll shut up :) :) You rock, PS. Update soon lady! :) :)

Reviewer: sarahlynn81 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 2:00 PM Title: Chapter 52

wow oh wow oh wow!!! great chapter!!!! I can't wait to read the next chapter!!!! and what esme did with the ashes!!

Reviewer: ktblove Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:46 PM Title: Chapter 52

noooo!!!!! That is not the HEA I was expecting! I hope they still get together.  Had changed so much for her, to earn and deserve her love.  Pffy, is she does want him, I'll take him! lol

Reviewer: robbeeleebabe2010 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:45 PM Title: Chapter 52

I loved this chapter but I have no idea what she means when she said “Let me go.”......please please please please have her stay with Edward and let them both have thier happily ever after PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They have been through so much and they deserve to be happy together, they need one another. After all Bella has been through she maybe okay without Edward for a little while, but she needs him just as much as he needs her. He would probably end his own life than live a life without Bella. She is his entire life now. He won't be able to go on without her....BUtT hey these are just my thoughts this is your story and you have the freedom to do whatever you want with it and you haven't disappointed me so far and I don't think you will in the next chapter either...I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!

Reviewer: eyeofthebeholder Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:26 PM Title: Chapter 52

Finally the bastard got what he deserved!

What the hell does she mean "Let me go"?! Please stop the angst :(

Reviewer: misskT Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:19 PM Title: Chapter 52



Reviewer: TwilightFan104 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:15 PM Title: Chapter 52

Amazing chapter! As glad as I am that Carlisle and Demetri are dead, I did want to see him suffer A LOT! Interesting twist that he had completely lost touch with reality before his demise.

As for E&B, so many options. As hard as it is for him,, Edward needs to let her go. She deserves some time to herself and a chance to really experience life. I have faith in that old saying...If you love something set it free, if it comes back it is yours. If not it never was. Maybe they both need the chance for them to decide they truly want to be together, not have it orchestrated by somebody else.  HEA doesn't have to mean with each other. Can't wait to see where you take this. And maybe find out what Esme did with Carlisle's ashes.

Reviewer: IGOTEAMEDWARD Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:14 PM Title: Chapter 52

That was harsh, but great! :)

Reviewer: Cherryl Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:09 PM Title: Chapter 52

"Let me go"?? Bella wants to leave Edward? I mean... I understand all of this is too much for her and she needs some space, but I thought she loved him. Maybe she just wants some time to go through everything, maybe to go to college, but I think they both deserve to be together after everything that happened.

Anyway, a great chapter. And finally, a dead Carlisle. Although he deserved a much more painful death!

I can't wait for the next update :)

Take care

Reviewer: SallyThePumpkinQueen Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 12:40 PM Title: Chapter 52




<3 <3 

Reviewer: rosaliehale1994 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 12:38 PM Title: Chapter 52





Reviewer: padalf2510 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 12:32 PM Title: Chapter 52

Wow!! Good!!

Reviewer: Twilight2Midnight Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 12:29 PM Title: Chapter 52

Oh thank goodness the boys got to Bella before Carlisle did anything really lasting to her!

I wonder how Edward is going to react to this request.. "Let me go!!!"

Oh boy.... I really would love a Edward POV on that remark/question?!?!?

I know you say Bella will get her HEA - but will this include Edward as well?

I am so sad this is coming to an end - feeling I know these two really well & I am SO happy Carlislie is dead - once & for all!!!! (feel like throwing a party for that one in it's self)


Thanks for the update - Happy Easter :)

Hope you get lots of Easter Eggs - dark choc is the best :)

Reviewer: Nicflex Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 11:13 AM Title: Chapter 52

YEAH! I wasn't expecting things to turn out this way, but I couldn't be happier.

Reviewer: Mushmush Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 10:49 AM Title: A Mother's Love

wow what an amazing journey these characters have come on....

real credit to you, almost sad that carlisle went out so easily but am very intrigued to find out what esme has done with his ashes-i'd thrown them in the garbage but that's just me lol...

interesting to see how the happy ending pans put and it's great that they are all free, not just edward obviously it'll take some time for bella to adjyst to everything she's found out but your bella is strong so i'm sure the remaining chappies are going to be just as great


much love xoxo

Reviewer: HopelessRomantic Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 10:34 AM Title: Chapter 52

Ding Dong, the bastards are dead....yeah!!!!

Loved the last paragraph...wow this will be hard for Edward

Reviewer: never_ Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 10:29 AM Title: Chapter 52

Geez, that was awsome chapter. Thank you sooo much!:)

Reviewer: Aldi74 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 10:27 AM Title: Chapter 52

I suck at reviewing and I apologize for it but this time I have to write this. This story is brilliant and particularly Bella's last sentence - “Let me go.”

It's so meaningfull. She needs some time alone, go to collage, think about life, have some friends, she's only 18, she's now too young for any kind of serious relationship especially for mariage. She needs to "experience life" and if she's ment for Edward he'll have to wait for her.

Reviewer: Marinitalita Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 10:06 AM Title: Chapter 52

Wow! I don´t know. It was so angtsy and, honestly, horrible, all that happened that the end of the monster, was so abrupt and, well, easy, it let me speechless. AKtough, after all, they deserved easy.

Maybe not. I don´t know what will happen; Edward will allow Bella leave? Will she actually leave him? Will she come back? I don´t even know what I want. Toygh Edward is Edward, I don´t know if I want them together after all.

Anyway, I will be there by the end. I hope it is kind of cheery since, well, all this let me a little down. A lot. But hope is all worth it. Poor girl will need a lifetime of therapy.

Take care.

Reviewer: london spam Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 9:32 AM Title: Chapter 52

I love how Carlisle and Demitri met their end, that Esme did whatever she did with Carlisle's ashes, that Edward brought in Bella's other family and how he's suffered over trying to help her, especially delaying the wedding.


I can't wait for his reaction to her request and what happens next. Also, I'm really looking forward to CAM getting up and running again!

Reviewer: peoplelikeus Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 9:21 AM Title: Chapter 52

thanks for a great chapter!!

Reviewer: AngelBones76 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 8:51 AM Title: Chapter 52

Wow...that's about all I can say...

After all the hell Bella has been through, I hope Edward will let her go...and in doing so, perhaps she'll come back to him...

I am so glad that that evil bastard is dead...I am almost tearfully happy for Esme...


Reviewer: MagdulkaCullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 8:45 AM Title: Chapter 52

What? What did she mean with this whole 'LEt me go" thing? I hope it was just some kind of stupid test. I'm glad that those bastards are bpoth dead. I hope you'll update very soon ;)

Reviewer: HeroinAddict Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 8:43 AM Title: Chapter 52


That was SO Great!

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 8:29 AM Title: Chapter 52

alrighty, can i start off with carlisle cullen... last call for crazy town!  wtf, literally insanse. calling her renee, who does that? well, i guess i answered my own question, crazy people do that. glad carlise and dim are dead - though, thought maybe the boys killed their dad for a min...

let me go?  after all this and finally actual feelings for edward, just to lose him? i'm sure you have plans for them, so i'll just wait until i know everything. 

another great chapter, hate to see the story go! can't wait for your next update!

Reviewer: Jolinar Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 8:11 AM Title: Chapter 52

I really loved Bella's last sentence "Let me go"...I always believed that this would be the only right way to give her peace and freedom. I'm not saying that she will never be with Edward again, but she has to be set free, go to college, controll her own life before continuing her relationship if she even wants to continue it in the future. Edwards vision of their life together is still too restricting: it's not what Bella needs.

Thanks for updating!!

Reviewer: FutureMrsBCullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 7:57 AM Title: Chapter 52

please say she ends up with edward

Reviewer: Humble Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 7:54 AM Title: Chapter 52

I am so glad that Carlisle is dead.  They should have killed him long ago.

I hope that Edward gives Bella back everything that was stolen from her and lets her go so she can build a life for herself.  She deserves to go to University and get a job.  They can still date but she needs to be free...

Reviewer: rainbow raw Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 7:31 AM Title: Chapter 52

I really hope Bella's HEA is with Edward u_u

Reviewer: lovinjim Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 7:13 AM Title: Chapter 52

I do hope that Bella's HEA is with Edward.  And, I am glad that those two are dead and gone!!!!

Reviewer: edward4life Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 7:09 AM Title: Chapter 52

great chapter

Reviewer: arfess96 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 7:04 AM Title: Chapter 52

Will he or won't he? It is going to break his heart to let her go. I notice you say Bella gets her HEA but you don't mention much about Edward do you? Great chapter!!

Reviewer: CorrinaTFF Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 7:03 AM Title: Chapter 52

GAH! So good!  Damn cliffie!  LOL

*does happy dance*  Carlisle and Demetri are gone!  WOOT!

I am anxious to see what happens.  "Let me go."  I think I know where you're going, but you have surprised me a couple of times, so I will not even venture to guess.

Reviewer: lookingforinspiration Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 6:33 AM Title: Chapter 52

i was definitely crappin a brick on the last chapter but as always you came through even if i was literally sittin on the edge of my seat while reading this. after all that just phew. i was kind of hoping for a james-esque killing of carlisle and demitri but stabbed in the back of neck works quite well. i love your writing, i could literally see the horror before my eyes like i was sitting in the movie theaters at a box office hit smackin the heck out of my sisters leg from the suspense and stress. cant wait to read more thought it is sad that it will be over soon on the flip side of that i will be happy to see the return of CAM.

Reviewer: Tina Wannabe Cullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 6:25 AM Title: Chapter 52

wow, this certainly was unexpected, but I can relate.

Reviewer: Luminesk Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 6:20 AM Title: Chapter 52

WOW...I was not expecting that. But am so So SO happy the bastard is dead...ding dong dada da da...

There is so much emotional baggage to deal with now. I was not expecting this response from Bella, but can understand it completely. This life would just hold nightmares for her. She needs to know it is really over!

I bet this is just crushing Edward inside. He finally has everything he wants in his grasp, but Bella is just so broken at the moment.

I am interested to hear the other family member's reactions to Carlisle's death...particularly Esme's. And GO EMMETT for thinking with his head for a way to find Bella!

Thankyou so much for the update. I eagerly await your next installment...

Reviewer: meg0407 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 6:13 AM Title: Chapter 52

ok carlisle was seriously screwed up in the head and what let me go like shes going to leave and they arent going to be together nooo that cant happen hes her edward

Reviewer: Mora-Cullen Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 5:41 AM Title: Chapter 52

CANNNOT wait for the next chap...It will be awesome.

Reviewer: innocent_renegade Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 5:27 AM Title: Chapter 52

awwww.... i love it!! please update!! :)

Reviewer: Seraphslastkiss Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 5:21 AM Title: Chapter 52

OMFG! Daddy C Went batshit crazy! Well hoozah! for Demetri killing his ass! Sadly I wish Esme would have. I have faith in your HEA for Bella and Edward. So  I'm excited! Keep it up! See you soon! *muah*

Reviewer: needforspeed Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 5:05 AM Title: Chapter 52

oh man, im so glad they got to her in time.  I had a feeling carlisle was gonna have to die in order for everyone to have a happy ending.  I feel for edward poor guy.  Bella too she has gone through so much.  Cant wait for next chapter

Reviewer: Suggie01 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 4:54 AM Title: Chapter 52

Love it, love it, love it.  I wish Carlisle had suffered more, but at least he's GONE.

Reviewer: Nannabell Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 4:49 AM Title: Chapter 52

Wow...  Riveting chapter.    That was a cliffie for sure..   I can not wait to read more.

Reviewer: momams Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 4:40 AM Title: Chapter 52

She asked for the one thing that has the power to destroy him, but at the same time prove his love for her. It's painful, but the way it has to be. However, you have stated that Bella will have her happy ending, but you didn't say anything about Edward's? Doesn't he deserve one too? And not just anyone.

She needs time, I see that. She needs to come to terms with what she has been through the last year and what she has found out about her life. It is a lot to handle, digest, understand, make peace with and move on from.

As for Esme, she is free, she is finally free and has her family with her, the ones she loves, to love her back.

Carlisle lost his mind, not recently but a long time ago. He built a false image of Renee, he made her up to be what he wanted, not what she was. Through Bella he was hoping to have that image. In a way he was right. Bella was her mother's daughter, but not how Carlisle had hopped. She has a strong will, and character, just as Renee. And as Renee she is willing to do what it takes to be free, happy and to love those close to her heart.

Please, give Edward his happy ending.

Reviewer: DazzleMe Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 4:35 AM Title: A Mother's Love

Okay I been following this story for almost 2 years since fanfic.net and I expect to be some almost happy ending, but not like this. I am glad that Carlysle is dead, but I knew something like this when Bella asked Edward to " Let me go." that's sad really. I knew something like this would happen but I didn't want to think like that, is that the reason why she was crying the whole time because of her fear of leaving Edward after all he's done for her?! Will this story have a happy ending for both of them?! I really want to know!

Reviewer: erikajo Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 4:31 AM Title: Chapter 52

Okay.  Big, huge sigh of relief.  So happy when Carlisle rolled ace deuce in the big game (my dad uses that saying........old, old school).  Anyway, great chapter and great story!

Reviewer: my2galspal Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 4:26 AM Title: Chapter 52

I'm gonna pretend that when Bella says let me go, she means go... to college.  Yeah, that's the ticket!  Because we know she's not asking Edward to let her walk away from him, right?  You know, denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

Fantastic chapter.  Thanks so much for sharing it with the rest of us.  I'm really looking forward to that HEA.  ;)

Reviewer: movieandbookgirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 4:23 AM Title: Chapter 52

I was really hoping that Bella wouldn't get raped by one or both of them. I truly did not know what would happen, but the way Carlisle and Demetri died was certainly not expected! I can hardly picture what Bella must be going through, but I know that I absolutely cannot wait to read more the last two installments!

Reviewer: tracygoodey1 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 4:13 AM Title: Chapter 52

thank the lord that bella was not touched in that hotel room, iy was touch and go for a while, as for carlisle good riddance  there really was no other way for the family to escape him other than death, i'm also curious what did esme do with the ashes? you can imagine the relief she must feel to finally be free of his torture, i so hope bella and edward get sorted will the wedding happen? what does she mean by set me free? more please love this story

Reviewer: TillITryIllNeverKnow Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 4:11 AM Title: Chapter 52

Spectacular!  Funny, I always somehow had a feeling that Carlisle would end up in Esme's garden!  Poor garden!  Amazing action and perfect follow through.  I can't wait for more!

Reviewer: flyrbrd Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 4:06 AM Title: Chapter 52

Thank  you so much. I love this story. I know it is concluding but it is wonderful. I know I will be re-reading it many times.

Reviewer: Team Sparkle Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 4:02 AM Title: Chapter 52

I know in my heart that he will do the right thing, it may kill him though...

Reviewer: tigerlili48 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 4:02 AM Title: Chapter 52

no!!!!! bella cant leave edward!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she just cant noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Reviewer: JessiCllen Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 4:00 AM Title: Chapter 52

WOW! I wasn't expecting this, but WOW. I can't wait for your next chapter. I wanted to cry right there along with Bella.

~Jessi Cullen

Reviewer: kneon Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 3:53 AM Title: Chapter 52

Great I'm so glad that Demetri and Carlisle died, but i really feel bad for Edward because he does love Bella.  I know it will hurt but he will let her go.

Reviewer: JustJillian16 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 3:43 AM Title: Chapter 52

OH MY GOD!! Sooo, didn't see that coming.. but what happened to her being in love with him?

Reviewer: 3diamonds Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 3:38 AM Title: Chapter 52

Well having Carlisle out of the way really solves the main problems! I'm relieved for Esme most of all.

So, will he let her go? I think yes.

Thanks for this. Looking forward to his answer.

Reviewer: TrinityAsh Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 3:37 AM Title: Chapter 52

I cried at the end of this! I hope they stay together. Mic, this has been a great ride, and while I can't wait for the end I don't want it to end lol.

Reviewer: MrsJakeBlack Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 3:34 AM Title: Chapter 52


OMG im happy but sad at the same time

feel no remorse for demetri though

OMG that was an awesome scary fantastic chapter



but why is bella being so cold to edwarD?

poor edward

he looks cut

Reviewer: Sugar Rae Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 3:33 AM Title: Chapter 52

OMG. I was scared she may want to leave but hoped not. This is going to break Edward. So happy Carlisle is gone. Can't wait to see the outtake for Esme.

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