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Reviews For The Perfect Wife
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Reviewer: Coco Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Feb 2010 3:56 PM Title: Chapter 48

Loved this chapter, and so happy you updated quickly.  It was really tense and exciting, but moving also.  You are a hell of a storyteller!

Reviewer: Werciku Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Feb 2010 12:41 PM Title: Chapter 48

Oh gosh i was so scared that Edward will hit her. I have tears of relief in my eyes now. You are great writer. I hope that next chap will be soon. P.S Maybe  Carlisle  will have accident in this story or sth. I will be very happy :D

Reviewer: Reader-Megan Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 28 Feb 2010 9:37 AM Title: Chapter 48

Three chapters. Three. Fucking. Chapters that I have been waiting for forever and didnt even know were posted because I dont check this website and wait for you to have Author Notes on for your other stories on FF.net.

But can you imagine how excited I was when I saw that I had three chapters to read now?! So, so excited. :)

Is there a way to story and author alert on this website, I looked but I cant find it, just like on Twilighted.net, I could never find the damn story alert!

Anyhoo, this chapter made me cry, for fucking sure its my favorite so far! Lalalaloved it. You, my dear, are fucking amazing. I adore you. And awwww I love this Edward so so much, what a transformation?!


Author's Response:

I'm sorry you didn't get the updates, but glad you got to enjoy 3 chapters at once. You have to add tpw as a favorite to get the update notices. Adding me as an author favorite will only notify you when I add a new story.  If you're reading CAM or BTP you'll have to favorite those as well to get updates. 

Reviewer: mrscullenlautner Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Feb 2010 6:16 AM Title: A Mother's Love

You are an amazing writer. My emotions felt like a roller coaster: I was terrified for her when Demitri and Marcus showed up, wanted to castrate Edward for reverting back to his old self...then wanted to give him a big kiss for not going through with it.

But as usual, I am still ready to kill Carlisle. Not to sound morbid or twisted or anything, but he really needs to die. There's no way in hell he can change. And PLEASE, if there is any justice in the world, let Esme deliver the final blow.

Update soon,


Reviewer: aphrodite Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Feb 2010 6:12 AM Title: Chapter 48

Ohmygosh!!!!! i loved it, cant wait until the next chapter

Reviewer: pixdog Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Feb 2010 5:53 AM Title: Chapter 8

poor Bella

Reviewer: pixdog Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Feb 2010 5:37 AM Title: Chapter 7

okay stabbing them would be too nice

Reviewer: Draicun Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Feb 2010 5:27 AM Title: Chapter 18

Awww.  Eddie has a heart after all  :)

Reviewer: Draicun Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Feb 2010 5:22 AM Title: Chapter 17

Very emotional chapter...  I have hope that maybe Edward wount be such a douche after all now... yay!  :) 

I'm very happy about the lack of James & Charlie in the last few ch. as well!

Reviewer: pixdog Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Feb 2010 5:19 AM Title: Chapter 6

i would stab them in their sleep

Reviewer: arfess96 Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Feb 2010 5:06 AM Title: Chapter 48

Gosh he really has changed. Bravo for him. Hopefully now he can keep those dickheads away from her.

Reviewer: pixdog Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Feb 2010 4:58 AM Title: Chapter 5

sick pricks

Reviewer: pixdog Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Feb 2010 4:46 AM Title: Chapter 4

yeah nightmares

Reviewer: pixdog Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Feb 2010 4:31 AM Title: Chapter 3

god i would have puked on them

Reviewer: pixdog Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Feb 2010 4:21 AM Title: Chapter 2

sick puppies

Reviewer: rpattzgirl08 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 28 Feb 2010 4:21 AM Title: Chapter 48

excellent cant wait for the next one

Reviewer: pixdog Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Feb 2010 4:09 AM Title: Chapter 1


Reviewer: mandy07 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 28 Feb 2010 3:56 AM Title: Chapter 47

Oh my!Oh jeez!!!! Somebody get the gun!  I chewed my lip,dropped my ciggie, and gulped my drink.  I HATE CARLISLE!!!      P.S. We would follow you no matter where you post.

Reviewer: pixdog Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Feb 2010 3:54 AM Title: A Mother's Love

so sad

Reviewer: A-Brown Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Feb 2010 3:24 AM Title: Chapter 48

I love your story so much! I'm glad Bella finally told Edward about Carlisle and I can't wait to see how everything plays out! And I can't wait to find out about the garden!

Reviewer: MeyaRose Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Feb 2010 3:20 AM Title: Chapter 48

He didn't hit her, thank goodness! And I'm so glad that she finally told him about Carlise's threat! Now they just need to get the hell out of that house!

Reviewer: Bruna S Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Feb 2010 2:26 AM Title: A Mother's Love

OMG! I just love ur story! My heart stopped beat in my chest while I was reading the last chapter.

I'm from Brazil, and I just wanna tell ya that you are an increadible writer and your story is one of my favorites!

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE update soon! I'm dying to discover Esme's secret.

Reviewer: Draicun Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Feb 2010 1:56 AM Title: Chapter 12

Still.... bad horror movie... can't stop... ewww. 

But - I've been waiting for Edward to come into the story - only to find out he's like them as well.  *sigh*  I don't even know what to hope for anymore. 

I get the whole - she just kinda laid down and took it kinda thing due to her recent losses and/or mental state due to that... or at least, thats how I'm choosing to look at it.  I'm hoping now she'll snap out of it?

Author's Response:

I promise the story starts getting better.  You're right in thinking that after the recent trauma Bella went thru with the accident and losing her mom and Phil, to being sent to a father & brother she barely remembers and immediately thrust into the nightmare her life is now - she hasn't even had the chance to get her bearings. She's constantly hit from all sides that she's shut down and accepted defeat.  For now...

Reviewer: Nara13 Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Feb 2010 1:18 AM Title: Chapter 48

I know this makes me a really bad person but I really hope something really awful happens to Carlisle, Marcus and Demetri. Some kind of karmic payback. That would be sweet!

Author's Response:

But of course SOMETHING will happen, just can't tell what yet.  :)

Reviewer: Twilightobsessed09 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 28 Feb 2010 1:02 AM Title: Chapter 48

Heart pounding action.. I swear I was ready to want him castrated if he put that hell again.

You're remarkable with the twist and turns.

Now are they gonna do this? and can't wait to learn about Esme's garden...

Reviewer: Twilightobsessed09 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 28 Feb 2010 12:42 AM Title: Chapter 47

Oh Shit! Oh Shit!

This is my nightmare..

But I'm here til the end....

Here we go.....

Reviewer: StrongerThanYouSince1915 Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Feb 2010 12:19 AM Title: Chapter 48

oh thank goodness! i was praying he was going to warn her BEFORE taking her down but when he didn't i was SO scared. now that she knows it's cool. great chapter, as usual.

Reviewer: amyjay1059 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Feb 2010 9:39 PM Title: Chapter 48

wow i love this story!

I read it when it was still on fanfiction

i think you are an amazing writer and you should consider writing a book of your own! please keep working on this story please!

Reviewer: puky Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Feb 2010 9:32 PM Title: Chapter 48

Phew!! edward was sooo adorable!!!!^^ i'm so happy that he tells bella the truth!! i'm scared that bella never knows the truth and never forgives him!!

I'm happy too that bella talks about carlisle and his plan about her to edward!!!

Now, edward has to very take care of her!!! With demetri, marcus and carlisle in the house, bella will have to simluate very well!!!!

I'm looking forward the following!!!!=DDDDD




Reviewer: klr cullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Feb 2010 9:26 PM Title: Chapter 48

only just realised you had moved when checked your blog, and came over here to find heaps of updates!....I loved them. Was a bit worried about what E was doing in this CH. but glad it all turned out ok. I keep on thinking that i read that there were cameras in there?...hope not!....and im so glad B finally told him about carlisle

cant wait for more!!!!

Reviewer: 1twifan4evr Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Feb 2010 9:22 PM Title: Chapter 48


Reviewer: readingisbliss Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Feb 2010 8:58 PM Title: Chapter 48

So glad he told her the truth. I can understand the need to make it look real, but fuck, he could have given her some kind of warning.

Ooh, the mystery of the garden. Can't wait for that.

Reviewer: bellsanna Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Feb 2010 8:19 PM Title: Chapter 48

sighhh....so releaved JEEZE hahaha........but still....edward's a jerk haha


can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: lala Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Feb 2010 6:50 PM Title: Chapter 48

DONT U EVER SCARE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!!!! U NEARLY GAVE ME HEART FAILURE! hmmph. i dont think ill forgive u for that one either!!! meanie! loved it tho... meanie! lol wow im a 27 yr old woman acting like a 5 yr old. oh my.

Reviewer: M_Loves_Lemons Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Feb 2010 6:42 PM Title: Chapter 48

Wow, i totally missed 2 chapter, trying to figure out how to put you on author alert.

Reviewer: -Sema- Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Feb 2010 12:05 PM Title: Chapter 48

i want to know the secret of esme's garden and i want that

edward and bella are marring soon... thank you

for this amazing chapture...


Reviewer: odinamus Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Feb 2010 11:58 AM Title: Chapter 48

Ohh, answer to Esme's garden! yes yes yes!

Reviewer: famaggiolo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Feb 2010 11:37 AM Title: Chapter 48

Holy crap Mic, you scared me there for a second.


Thank you for not letting Edward break his promise and I just hope Bella is able to get some peace soon, and I hope she marries Edward soon as well.


Please don't let the like of Marcus or Demetri get their hands on her.  Then her life will truly be in danger.  Carlisle is bad enough. 

Reviewer: famaggiolo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Feb 2010 11:36 AM Title: Chapter 48

Holy crap Mic, you scared me there for a second.


Thank you for not letting Edward break his promise and I just hope Bella is able to get some peace soon, and I hope she marries Edward soon as well.


Please don't let the like of Marcus or Demetri get their hands on her.  Then her life will truly be in danger.  Carlisle is bad enough. 

Reviewer: DestanyRose Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 27 Feb 2010 9:40 AM Title: Chapter 48

I am glad Edward found away around what he had to do and keep is promise to Bella.  I am also glad she finally told Edward about his father idea of using her.  God I cant wait for the next chapter.  It will be nice to see if my idea on Esme's garden is correct.  Amazing work.

Reviewer: Draicun Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Feb 2010 9:34 AM Title: Chapter 3

creepy!  I'm really enjoying the story so far - but at the same time it's like a bad horror movie you just can't turn off.  :)

Reviewer: Draicun Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Feb 2010 9:23 AM Title: Chapter 2

Okay - I'm not cheating and reading any of the other reviews or anything like that... but I'm so hoping Charlie and James aren't actually related to Bella biologically!  heebie jeebies.... ew! 

Very intrgued with where this story goes, though.  Can't wait to continue reading!

Reviewer: JD Switz Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: 27 Feb 2010 9:09 AM Title: Chapter 48


Ok, isn't Carlisle the type to inspect? I mean, the way he's acting, he's going to want to inspect for bruises. If Edward doesn't let him, how will Carlisle trust that Edward actually hurt Bella at all? I mean, that would make sense with all the hassle that Carlisle went through to bring Marcus and Demetri there.

I don't know about this....as I assume, you have a plan for this so, as always, I'm going to trust where you take it.

But the pitchforks my dear are still up....for now....definitely need some kickass action soon.

Take cars, rmcrm.

Reviewer: JD Switz Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: 27 Feb 2010 8:50 AM Title: Chapter 47

Oh. Phew.

I thought it was serious.


I mean, it is serious.

But I don't want her to be anyone else's but Edward's. Nobody elses!

So if he has to do what he has to do, then go for it.

But what they really need to do is beat the shit out of Carlisle, Marcus, and Dmetri. Six guys just need to go at it and have it out. Really, what is stopping everyone from beating the shit out of Carlisle?

And I know I'm going to feel Bella's pain.

I mean, Edward really doesn't have to do what he is about to do.

It's truly sad. I might have to stop reading this. It may have just become too damned much for me.

Knowing abuse personally from a young age, I just want the suffering to end.

Damn you, Carlisle!!

You'll burn in hell!!

*Composing myself*

Back to the story...because that is what it is after all, a story.

Reviewer: JD Switz Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 27 Feb 2010 8:27 AM Title: Chapter 46

Damn, my heart is beating kind of fast. I'm sort of scared to find out what's about to happen. Seriously, I feel like I'm about to watch my favorite actor die in a movie I've seen 50 times and I know the outcome, yet still expect something different.

Reviewer: Nicflex Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Feb 2010 8:05 AM Title: Chapter 48

I'm so glad Edward made good on his promise and that Bella finally fessed up about Carlisle. But I'm not sure locking her in their room is going to work.

Reviewer: Sewpark Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Feb 2010 7:43 AM Title: Chapter 48

Ahhhh. Finally Carlisle is going to get dealt with...

Reviewer: Pure Randomosity Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Feb 2010 7:15 AM Title: Chapter 48


Reviewer: Pure Randomosity Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Feb 2010 7:02 AM Title: Chapter 44

i cried that was beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reviewer: yankeerose Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Feb 2010 3:54 AM Title: Chapter 48

Won't Carlisle want to see belt marks?  

Reviewer: Isis Janet Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Feb 2010 3:40 AM Title: Chapter 48

Oh God!!

Edward is the same yeah.

Really you scare me, but now no more.

Reviewer: twolipps Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Feb 2010 3:27 AM Title: Chapter 48

Thank you for not hurting her! Please continue to keep her safe!

You know it's a good story when your emotions are on a roller coaster and mine certainly were!

Reviewer: churro_ettes Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Feb 2010 3:02 AM Title: Chapter 48

yes answers to esme's garden finnally im so anxious!!

Reviewer: funkydiva1978 Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Feb 2010 1:27 AM Title: Chapter 48

Mic--- I held my breath... THIS chapter had me in tears.... OMG. this chapter just killed me. 

OMG. I wanted to kill him. grab him by his neck.. and slap him... but when he cried with her... as he tried to play the role.... OMG. it was all sooo EMO.

Thank the lord that she FINALLY told him about Carlisle..... OMG. i am just scared that even a locked door won't kepp her safe... **thud** yupper i am fainted.


Reviewer: funkydiva1978 Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Feb 2010 1:16 AM Title: Chapter 47

Mic-- i died. I just had to stop and go back. Then stop and go back.  OMG. I just don't know what the next chapter will have. I don't know if i can go back and read it.  OMG. OMG. Hold me??


Author's Response:

Remember...happy ending, happy ending.  Just keep chanting that in your mind as you read.   :)

Reviewer: funkydiva1978 Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Feb 2010 1:03 AM Title: Chapter 46

i have been soo busy and sick.. and moving!! but i just got some free time inbetween everything to finally get here and add you to fav's and try and catch up!!

I heart you Mic... My heart loves E and B as they heal... but EVIL Carlisle.. he just makes me SHAKE! 


Reviewer: XXX Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 11:45 PM Title: Chapter 48

Amazing. You fooled me. I truely thought that Edward was ready to changeback. I'm glad he didn't I don't think Bella or I could hadle it.

Reviewer: KatieRose Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 11:24 PM Title: Chapter 48

Whew, that was a close one. Great chapter! Can't wait to know what's in esmes garden. Carsilile really makes me sick!!

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 10:54 PM Title: Chapter 48

okay, proven wrong - kinda. but i'm thrilled. i was thinking that from teh beginning, WHY doesn't he just TELL her. but he's a smart boy adn did it. yay! can't wait for the next chapter - i'm so addicted to this story! update soon :)

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 10:44 PM Title: Chapter 47

nooooooo! i knew it, but i didn't want to be right. damn him! he should just kill carlisle and get it over with - hire sam adn jacob, end of story. it would solve allll these problems!

Reviewer: thackebeil1 Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 10:40 PM Title: Chapter 47

I hate Daddy C he is such an ass. Why can't Edward tell her what's going on? That way she won't feel betrayed

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 10:30 PM Title: Chapter 46

preggers? oh no! hopefully not. she's going to make a beautiful bride though!

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 10:24 PM Title: Chapter 45

adorable! and carlisle can be nice, what a shocker! edward was taking care of her and protecting her all teh way from when they were kids, so cute!

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 10:11 PM Title: Chapter 42

so sweet! a proper engagement! but the calm before the storm... the shit's going to hit the fan

Reviewer: tita cullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 9:32 PM Title: Chapter 48

I read the last chapters yesterday and again today. I swear i was holding my breath the entire time, boy that was intense. I am sure there is a huge line of people waiting to kill Carlisle including me. I was so happy when Bella finally confessed Edward what he planned to do to her. That Carlisle is one sick man. The way he spoke of Esme was downright wrong and vulgar. Edward is going to have kill him. What is very scary about everything is the fact that other members of the family also think like that which mean that even if Carlisle is out of the picture there is others whithin the family that will continue to raise their children with the same mentality. I had i small hope that Demetri was acting that he wasn't at all like his father and uncle but i guess i was wrong. Excellent story. Fantastic work. I'm so excited about the next chapters i think Carlisle reign is coming to an end.

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 9:08 PM Title: Chapter 41

what a bastard! i knew it! i hope edward doesn't take the bait and revert. noooo!

Reviewer: concreteayngel Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 8:55 PM Title: Chapter 48

So for awhile you were sending out FF alerts when this story was updated, but I guess you stopped, so when I checked this morning, there were 3 brand new chapters I hadn't read yet. It was like Christmas! I love how this chapter was resolved. How Edward beat himself with a belt so that Bella would be spared..all of it. I only have one teeny tiny comment to make, about Bella's comment about the morning after pill (that might have been last chapter, but anyways..). The Morning After pill isn't an abortion pill. It basically induces menstruation so that fertilization doesn't take place. If she was pregnant and took the morning after pill, nothing would happen.  Sorry,  I'm a nerd. That's my public service announcement for today. :) AWESOME chapter, as always, can't wait for an update.

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 8:53 PM Title: Chapter 40

so what was up with carlisle? he must have had embry alter the will. did embry kill them? so many more complicaions!

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 8:38 PM Title: Chapter 39

that was pretty fucked up to do to esme - but i suppose everything they all do is in that fucked up vane.  but their reconciliation was great!

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 8:28 PM Title: Chapter 38

another delightful chapter! really loving the turn of events, but i have a feeling things aren't going to stay this way - i hope i'm wrong

Reviewer: meg0407 Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 7:46 PM Title: Chapter 48

the first half of this i was like freaking the fuck out hardcore then it all got better seriously glad thats settled

Reviewer: Ribeana Girl Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 5:00 PM Title: Chapter 48

this is so sad

poor bella#poor edward

kill calisle

Reviewer: belwardislove Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 4:44 PM Title: Chapter 48

I think my heart stopped beating for a moment there *drama queen,lol* Seriously I can't wait to read about Carlisle's downfall. The fucker's going down and I hope it'll happen soon...

Reviewer: Silverfreak Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 4:37 PM Title: Chapter 48

holy mother of jesus

i cried the whole story until he hit the table with the belt! i realy feard he would hit her again! thank you that edward kept his promise to bella! it would have killed me otherwise ^^

Reviewer: historicvampirelover Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 4:21 PM Title: Chapter 48

oh, i'm SO glad he was just plotting, instead of really flipping.  thank goodness.

Reviewer: historicvampirelover Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 4:13 PM Title: Chapter 47

hopefully Edward is smart enough to explain to Bella why he has to be a monster again... it's necessary to get to the HEA.

Reviewer: zkcej Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 4:08 PM Title: Chapter 48

awww my thanks so much now i can breath im so scared with the last chap now this.. im relieved!! cant wait for the next chap!!

Reviewer: historicvampirelover Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 4:06 PM Title: Chapter 46

i've followed you to the ends of the earth, and i am looking forward to seeing this story follow through.

Reviewer: kidnurse123 Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 3:22 PM Title: Chapter 48

I am glad that Edward did not turn into the monster again.  I was sick after the last chapter and wanted to beat someone.  I still think Carlisle needs to die but now, add Marcus and Demetri.  Why can't Edward take bella and run?  She is 18 isn't she?

Reviewer: never_ Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 12:06 PM Title: Chapter 48

You're awsomeeeee! I was so scared at first, when he did this to her. But i know now, he love her, more than everything. Thank you, for every word of this story.

Reviewer: velvetmartini Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 11:59 AM Title: Chapter 48

omgosh thank god for that and thank u for ur early update :)

i had a feeling he would end up hitting himself...funy how things work out

i cant wait to read what happens next! finally the secret will be revealed!

i was just wondering, how long do u plan this story to be?

thanks for the amazing update :)

Reviewer: Evelyne-raconte Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 11:02 AM Title: Chapter 48

WOW, you make me shiver, I wad so afraid of Demetri's behaviour with Bella.

And Bella find the courage to speak to Edward about what Carlisle planned, it's a big step too.

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 9:57 AM Title: Chapter 36

this chapter was so playful and fun. they are becoming a real couple adn its wonderful - hoep it can stay that way back in forks too

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 9:31 AM Title: Chapter 34

loved reading his side of all this. he really had a breakthrough and i'm pround of him! can't wait to read more!

Reviewer: Tina Wannabe Cullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 9:26 AM Title: Chapter 48

wow, when the chapter started I wanted to hurt him so bad. I'm glad that he tried to explain his reasons to Bella, albeit a little too late. I'm also very happy that Bella's secret is now out in the open, too. Though I know that Carlisle is very cunning, and I  hope that Edward doesn't underestimate his father and relatives...

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 9:17 AM Title: Chapter 33

FINALLY!!!!! she stood up for herself and told him how she felt and he reacted like a normal human being! love the breakdown at the end adn a beautifully written chapter!

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 8:54 AM Title: Chapter 32

11 pound baby, oh my god. wow a trooper.  sweet, sweet chapter. started tearing  up

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 8:49 AM Title: Chapter 31

fantastic chapter! i love the voice inside edward's head and that he constantly calls him names - its really fantastic! love jasper even more than before - he's such teh little schemer!

Reviewer: felicitasS Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 8:04 AM Title: Chapter 48

That won't stop Carlisle from doing anything to her!! He's sick!! And he craves for Bella!! He think she belongs to him!! Oh my gosh!

Reviewer: ickaren Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 7:01 AM Title: Chapter 48

I am so thankful that he didn't hit her and he did explain it to her.  And then she told him about Carlisle's threat!  I am now scared that he won't be able to protect her, but locking her in their room as punishment is a good idea.  And he does seem to be aware that others can also open the lock, as he left the key inside the basebment door so no one else could come to watch.  Maybe...

Reviewer: padalf2510 Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 6:50 AM Title: Chapter 48

And breathe out!! Okay still on tender hooks though!! I have never hated Carlisle more or ever than I do in this story!!!

Reviewer: linzzer220 Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 6:30 AM Title: Chapter 48

OMG i had to stop like 8 times during that chapter cuz i didn't think I could finish it hahah! I was so nervous hoping he didn't ruin their progress and hurt her :(  I'm so glad she told him about Carlisle's advances and THANK THE LORD ON FINDING OUT SOON ABOUT ESME'S GARDEN!!! hahah much love linz :)

Reviewer: gemini062187 Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 6:19 AM Title: Chapter 48

wow am happy edward dint really hit her!!!

Reviewer: linzzer220 Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 6:09 AM Title: Chapter 47

OMG okay so idk why i'm not getting alerts, I'll have to check my settings again---but holy fuck!! When will Carlisle die because I cannot believe he's being this much of a fucking creep and douiche all mixed in one! Although I know how bad he really is and kno he would stoop this low, I never thought it would be taken there :( I'm glad I have another chapter to get through, but I'm seriously freaking out...I hope that Edward screams but tells her to go along with it...they're in such a great place, i seriously will cry if all the work they did to be comfortable and in love gets ruined because of Carlisle the biggest bastard that was ever created in the fic world! hahah

Author's Response:

To get your alerts you have to have the STORY saved as a favorite.  Saving AUTHOR as a favorite only notifies you when I start a new story.  It's a little confusing, I know.

Reviewer: lobsters4ever Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 6:00 AM Title: Chapter 48

Ooooh, great one!  I was so nervous at the beginning.  I did think that Edward did well.  I am relieved that he didn't hurt her.  I didn't think that he could/would but I was so worried because of Carlisle.

Glad that they talked and that she hit him for not being honest from the beginning.  Good for Bella!

As always -- can't wait for more!!!  Great job!

Reviewer: sassycook Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 5:39 AM Title: Chapter 48

I will just say I was a little nervous. I think more than a little nervous. I was scared to read this chapter. he has worked so hard to get to where he has and man this could have gone a whole other way. i totally understand why he did what he did. It had to be believable. if he would have talked to her maybe not so much. the basement edward is a smart cookie. i am very proud of him. i bet his leg hurts after all that spanking. I sure hope he made a big enough stink with bella that carlisle backs the fuck off. I am so proud of bella for finally telling edward that carlisle planned on taken her nad is wondering if he still is planning on taking her. he is truly one sick fucker. I have someone for carlisle to meet. He is actually edward/masen in the Buried Amongst the Begonias and man that edward is one fucked up boy. I sure Masen edward alter would love to have some fun with carlisle. i would love to hear carlisle scream for mercy and beg for his life. unfortunately masen doesn't like beggers. Maybe for once these people can live there lives. carlisle what happen to you that you treat women this way. Your whole family does so i am wondering what type of sick fuck was your dad. I so love this story. I am glad bella knows why edward did what he did

Reviewer: 3diamonds Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 5:34 AM Title: Chapter 48

Whew, you scared me there for a bit. I'm glad he's so clever. Oh, and that she was able to tell him about Carlisle's twisted plan. (it's still so weird to say that, usually he's a good guy)

Reviewer: tennesseelamb Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 5:32 AM Title: Chapter 13


Reviewer: lobsters4ever Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 5:08 AM Title: Chapter 47

Nonononononono!  Oh no!  THIS is what I have been fearing since you mentioned it.  Please talk to her Edward.  Please!!!

I am so scared and worried!  Eeks!

Reviewer: kneon Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2010 5:04 AM Title: Chapter 48

Oh, Edward scared me there for a minute.  I am so glad that she finally told him.  I just hope he can keep her safe.

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