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Reviews For The Perfect Wife
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Reviewer: pmm Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 3:34 PM Title: Chapter 48

THANK GOD he told her the truth! That he communicated what was really going on! I was hoping that you would write it that way! Great job

Love this story!

Reviewer: Pumpkinpie87 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 3:34 PM Title: Chapter 48

I love this story so much. It is well written. I hate that it was deleted of FF but I followed it to your blog and then to here. I don't think I could have ever given this story up. As much as I'm not fond of angst or violence, this story is written so wonderfuly. You are a great author. I can't wait for more.

Reviewer: mila Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 3:23 PM Title: Chapter 48

Hehehe you sure had us all scared there for a moment.
But knowing the evil the other Cullens are capable ofn it is nowonder that was so.

I kept reading each line and thinking of all these possibilities and options they had for him not having to hurt her.
But then I would stop and repeat my mantra: I TRUST MIC, I TRUST MIC...
And sure enough you found a way. And even if I believe him not telling had more to do with him not knowing what else to do rather then purposwfully wanting to give reality to the scene, it did work best.
Although I agree with Bella that they need to comunicate for this to work between them.

And the more I think about it the more I decide that I hope you don't kill Carlisle.
I think that for him to live the rest of a very long and miserable life would be better. But I think he would need to be physically weak for that to work. He can not be allowed to hurt anyone ever again.

Thank you for posting so soon and giving us some piece of mind.

Reviewer: jennypenny Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 3:16 PM Title: Chapter 48

I knew Edward would have to be convincing in fron to Carlisle, but I'm very glad that he told her the truth in the basement.   I didn't really think you'd have Bella be broken again, I just wasn't sure how it was going to work.  I had forgotten about the basement.  I hope they can keep up the charade and pretense.  She's going to have to go to being submissive in front of everyone, just as Alice does or Carlisle won't believe anything. So, I think this time, if he want's to check for bruises, Edward will say hell no.  I am definetaly looking forward to finding out the story behind Esme's garden.  Maybe she's just been biding her time all these years and waiting for the perfect opportunity :)

Reviewer: jdm13 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 3:16 PM Title: Chapter 48

I was SO SO worried about how Edward was going to handle this. I'm VERY relived that he didn't hit her! Yes, he should have told her before leaving their room, but at least he told her. And I'm very glad that she told him of Carlisle's threat. I really hope this is the worst its going to get and from here on out everything will get better again.

Can't wait to find out the secret of the garden! I think about it each time we have a new chapter. I just can't figure it out.

Reviewer: aquaserenity2002 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 3:01 PM Title: Chapter 48

OMG i was scared for a moment. i thought edward was going to revert back into the old edward. awesome chapter can not wait for the next one.

Reviewer: patch138 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 2:57 PM Title: Chapter 48

I was really worried about the punishment, but im so proud of Edward for teh way he handled it! adn Bella finally told him about Carlise!

Reviewer: katmom Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 2:48 PM Title: Chapter 48

Thanks, so much, for updating so quickly...


Reviewer: sarahlynn81 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 2:34 PM Title: Chapter 48

I am so glad he told her and didn't keep up the act for long! Can't wait to hear about Esme's garden!!!

Reviewer: lovingit3 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 2:31 PM Title: Chapter 48

So good! So happy Edward told her what was happening. I am also relieved that Bella told Edward of Carlisle's plans!

Reviewer: robbeeleebabe2010 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 2:18 PM Title: Chapter 48

I am soooooooo glad that this happened I was so scare about what would happen!!!!! I can't wait for thier happy ening...I think the end of Carlisle is coming soon and I can't wait!!!!!

Reviewer: my2galspal Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 2:08 PM Title: Chapter 48

I should never have doubted you.  You had a plan to fix this situation all along, and a brilliant plan it was.    Please don't let Bella be mad for long.  Edward had to take action in that moment so he wouldn't physically lose Bella.  Now they can take time to figure things out so he doesn't lose her emotionally.

I'm thrilled to see that Bella took her own advice about communication and told Edward of Carlisle's threats and what he intended to do to her if given the chance.  Locking Bella in her room fits pretty conveniently into her "punishment" but I'm thinking it might be safer to make sure she is never left alone.

Thanks so much for continuing to share your writing.  As difficult as some of the concepts are to fathom, it makes for and excellent story and I can't wait to see what you have planned for the next chapter as well as for the long run. 

Reviewer: TwilightFan104 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 2:03 PM Title: Chapter 48

Nicely done! Love that Edward found the solution and managed to keep his word to Bella. I just hope that the basement doesn't have cameras and they aren't found out. And I am so happy that Bella finally told Edward about Carlisle. Can't wait to see what you have planned for us next.

Reviewer: Twilight2Midnight Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 1:52 PM Title: Chapter 48

OMG - they got through that - phew!!!!!

I am SO grateful that Bella FINALLY confused to Edward what Carlisle has planned for Bella - after all this time!

Esms'e garden - WOOHOO!!!!! Bring it on I say.....


I am SO scared for bella right now - scared for Edward too. Who knows what Carlisle will just snap & do..... the wait is killing me (oh & Bella too!!!!!)


Thanks for the update!

Reviewer: MidnightKat Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 1:52 PM Title: Chapter 48

Nice chapter.  I hope Carlisle didn't have cameras in the basement and that Edward can keep Carlisle away from Bella.             Kat

Reviewer: RoseArcadia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 1:47 PM Title: Chapter 48

Thank you so much for the quick update.  I'm so glad he was honest with her, and vice-versa.  I also understand why he didn't say anything to her, he had to be certain that it looked real.

Reviewer: lindseyfair Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 1:33 PM Title: Chapter 48

I'm so relived he told her before it went to far. I hope Carlisle is satisfied. Will they ever be able to get from under his thumb?

Reviewer: totallyobsessed82 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 12:50 PM Title: Chapter 48

Great chapter. It hurt to see Edward flick the switch so quickly but he did what he had to do.

Reviewer: TrinityAsh Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 12:50 PM Title: Chapter 48

Oh Mic! I'm so glad this got here so quick after the last chapter! I can't wait to know about the garden- this suspense is KILLING me I hope you know!

Reviewer: SouthernBelle Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 12:45 PM Title: Chapter 48

That was hard to read, so I couldn't imagine how hard for you it must have been to write. Thank you, thank you, thank you for clearing it all up for Bella before you closed the chapter! At least she knows what's going on now. Wow. Really good chapter. Loved this! I wish you could always update this fast! :-) This was great. Have a wonderdful week! :-)

Reviewer: samieJamesBait Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 12:40 PM Title: Chapter 48

*releases held breath*


Thank fuck for that!



Reviewer: TwilightVicki Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 12:35 PM Title: Chapter 48

Okay, whew.  That turned out a lot better than I thought it would.  I am totally in agreement with Bella, Edward should have told her instead of scaring the crap out of her..... but his heart was in the right place.  So very different from the other times he scared her.  SO glad her secret is out now and Edward didn't get upset with her in any way.  SO excited for Esme's garden, I remember talking about this months and months ago on the twilighted thread, when I used to visit.... it feels like Christmas morning is coming!! lol

Reviewer: Craving2Read Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 12:34 PM Title: Chapter 48

What a roller coaster ride. You really get my heart pounding with your writing. So glad how you resolved this chapter.Edward behaved in his typical Edward way - doing what he thinks best, but not clueing Bella in, yet working to keep her safe and Carlisle in the shadows as much as possible.


Looking forward to reading your next chapter to get the answer to Esme's garden.

Reviewer: eitak Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 12:33 PM Title: Chapter 48

Wow, that was pretty intense. I'm so glad Edward explained himself to Bella, I was really hoping he would. Now the real question is if Carlisle will give up that easily...

Reviewer: shizzle Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 12:27 PM Title: Chapter 48

WOW! I love this story but I am afraid to read each chapter. I think what would I do if I was Bella? If I was Edward? scary stuff but so tender and loving at the same time. You are doing a great job walking that line. cringing waiting or the next chapter. Your story is like walking thru a haunted house .. always waiting to see whats around the corner.

Reviewer: Team Sparkle Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 12:17 PM Title: Chapter 48

Thanks for the quick turn around, I was worried for both of them.  I am glad that Edward was able to figure something out and not have to hit her.

Reviewer: kaycross1184 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 11:58 AM Title: Chapter 48

Oh thank God. That's all I can think right now. Thank God. Update again soon please. I liked the fast update.

Reviewer: trishchar Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 11:56 AM Title: Chapter 48

DAMN!  This was so good!

Reviewer: london spam Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 11:44 AM Title: Chapter 48

I was convinced Edward was going to do it all alone and not et Bella in on it at all. I'm so glad I was wrong! He really has come around and there may just be salvation form them all. Well, not Carlisle, Marcus or Demitri who all need to die painfully. I'm especially glad Bella finally told Edward about Carlisle. Through this horrible mess, they really are coming together better than I thought possible.


I'm looking forward to the answsers behind Esme's garden.

Reviewer: cjngrls Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 11:26 AM Title: Chapter 48

Okay.. now at least I can breathe... I just prayed that he would not go through with it.  Edward has impressed me.. I'm sure that Bella can pull off the acting part.. I just want Carlise DEAD!!!

Reviewer: lookingforinspiration Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 10:15 AM Title: Chapter 48

In all honesty I was shaking while reading this whole chapter and yes I trust you

Reviewer: maimu Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 9:55 AM Title: Chapter 48



i think i love Edward so much right now! i knew that what he was about to do was to protect her...and it worked for now but... daddy C is still... a sick bastard...

i just hope it all will be fine in the end. =)

Reviewer: katstooldforthis Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 9:52 AM Title: Chapter 48

I just knew edward wouldn't hurt/beat bella again.  i mean he did have to make it look real so i guess she did get hurt but he is doing his best.  but won't his father have a key to his room so that he could go in there without edward knowing?  couldn't he get to bella anyway?  poor bella.  and she is probably pregnant to boot.  hey wouldn't esme's name have to be on her adoption papers as well...would they just sign over someone to just the father figure?  or now i can't remember how it worked...was it "under the table' sort of law?  I am so confused now aaaaahhhhhh.  anyway they need to run away and get married. or just tie carlisle up in the basement when they get the chance.  yeah, that's the ticket.

Reviewer: flubbles82 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 9:46 AM Title: Chapter 48

Oh Phew! I breathed a huge sigh of relief with this chapter. I hope this means that Carlisle's Edward is well and truly gone. I also hope that Carlisle doesn't have a key to that bedroom if Bella is going to be locked in there!

I cannot believe you updated so quickly, I am so pleased.

Thanks for a truly captivating story that just keeps me guessing!

Reviewer: Joani Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 9:22 AM Title: Chapter 48

Awesome chapter! Thanks for the update!

Reviewer: Wiwi88 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 8:54 AM Title: Chapter 48


The End was good.

I hate Carlisle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love this story.

Can´t wait till the next one

Reviewer: The Duchess Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 8:38 AM Title: Chapter 48

The crafty Esme has money buried doesn't she?  Like a stash for each of them.  I really would love it if Esme personally killed Carlisle and his creepy family members and buried them in the garden.

Ahhh...I was hoping Edward was just fooling for the benefit of the sadistic cavemen.  It would be awesome if the 3 lovely men ended up in prison and were at the mercy  of men who thought they had pretty mouths and cute tight butts.

Edward has redeemed himself to an extent but I just can't get passed the fact he thought it was okay to not only have Bella trained but let her be trained by her father and brother.  I mean he realizes part of it was wrong but he never dwells on it in his thoughts that they were her FATHER and BROTHER.  She learned kissing, blow jobs,  anal, and her first orgasms from her father and brother.

Can't wait for more!  My review is not aimed at you rmcrms5.  I am totally wrapped up in your story.  I just get frustrated with that Edward character.  But if was the perfect guy, we wouldn't have much of a story now would we?



Reviewer: CorrinaTFF Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 8:21 AM Title: Chapter 48

My heart was beating so fast in the beginning!  I thought for sure he wasn't going to say anything!  Thank you for terrifying me, but then freeing me.  Gah!  I was so very nervous.  I am glad they are okay.

Reviewer: MrsJakeBlack Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 8:21 AM Title: Chapter 48

poor bella having to go through all that even though it wasnt reall

but at least now they both knnow the truth about everthing

that was an awesome chapter

loveedd itt


p.s cant wait to see some justice on carlise demetri and marcus

Reviewer: Adrena_Lynn Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 8:18 AM Title: Chapter 48

OMG WOW!! I am in love with this story, i have read it from the beginning and i just cant get over how good it is!!

Reviewer: twilitghtforever Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 8:10 AM Title: Chapter 48

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Excellent chapter

Oh my God my heart was pounding so hard when I was reading that chapter. I am so glad Edward did finally tell Bella what was going on.

Reviewer: MrzJasperHale4ever Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 8:09 AM Title: Chapter 48

so i don't have to lite you on fire now *puts down blow torce*  good because if he had really hurt her i would have been pissed

Reviewer: elena6375 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 7:59 AM Title: Chapter 48

AAAAWWWWWW!!!!!! so long i've waited for you to update. u are an amazing writer!!! and this story is absolutely engaging, unique, dramatic, and tragic. it is brilliant. i have to tell you, i had a pretty crappy week. in fact, i was just released from the hospitl yesterday. yup, i had to get a bunch of blood transufions... but getting an email saying that you have updated... well, it made my week!!!! love this chapter. can't wait for more.



Reviewer: SammyJo Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 7:51 AM Title: Chapter 48

Poor Edward has his work cut out for him.  The pitchforks aren't aimed at you they're aimed at Carisle, Marcus and Demetri.

Reviewer: thirstforknowledge Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 7:46 AM Title: Chapter 48

Oh, God. I'm shaking here. I was so afraid there would be no recovering from the rise of Evil Edward. I'm glad Bella finally told Edward about Carlisle. But it seems like a foreshadowing. Please post soon. This story rocks. Demetri makes my flesh crawl.

Reviewer: troberts Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 7:46 AM Title: Chapter 48

Thank you I was thinking I was going to have to hunt you down and hurt you. Cant wait for more THANK YOU  It will be tough for her to be locked in a room with Edward lol

Reviewer: Edwards_Love_101 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 7:42 AM Title: Chapter 48

Thank you for the quick update - that truely was a Birthday treat for me!! I loved that Edward was just putting off The Three Turdwads off the scent! I'm still loving this story, even if it does have me chewing my nails down to the quick at times!! You Rock!!!!

Reviewer: jordan west Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 7:41 AM Title: Chapter 48

wonderful chapter.  Cannot wait to see where you are going to take the story.

Reviewer: mentalmute Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 7:30 AM Title: Chapter 48

Phew!! I was scared there for a few minutes!!

Reviewer: Kittrell-GarciaLove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 7:28 AM Title: Chapter 48

Ooh my God! After the last chapter when Edward said that he had to go back to being "Carlisle's Edward" I was freaking out over what this chapter would have in it. I was worried about what this would do to Edward & Bella but I am actually very happy with how it turned out. I felt so bad for Edward but I'm just thankful that he got a chance right away to tell her that it was just an act to keep her safe instead of letting the "act" go on for a ton of chapters without her knowing about it. Also, I'm glad that Carlisle's secret (or at least one of them) is out about what he wants to do to Bella so that Edward can protect her. Can't wait to see what's next & how everyone evil is gonna go down!

Reviewer: martynkatynka Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 7:16 AM Title: Chapter 48

Love it! I can't wait for next chapter :D I hope it will be soon ;)

Reviewer: bellabells7279 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 7:13 AM Title: Chapter 48

Thank you so much for updating so quickly. I am so relieved that everything seems to be working out. Love your story so much.

Reviewer: Punky Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 7:02 AM Title: Chapter 48

.....................this story is slowly killing me. I LOVE IT.  Im still really tense after reading that.

Reviewer: kova_aly Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 7:00 AM Title: Chapter 48

oh thank god, I've been waiting to hear what was in esme's garden.

I do have a question though.

do you already have the story line all writer out or are you coming up with it as you go?

I need to know so bad

Reviewer: luv4jake Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 7:00 AM Title: Chapter 48

Whoa baby! Edward scared the hell out of me for a little bit but then he caved and Bella was telling him what to do. Pussy whipped freak. Anyway, I love how Bella does have Edward wrapped around her finger. She needs to raise her acting skills up a little more because Carlisle, Marcus or Demetri are not going to be hard to fool especially big bad C. I loved it as always and thank you for updating so soon. I have talking about on twitter since you switched over and telling my fellow readers where to find you. Until next time, keep up the messed up fuckery!

Reviewer: vampluvr25 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 6:47 AM Title: Chapter 48

*slowly lowers fire torch* That wasn't so bad. I do feel bad he had to cal Esme a bitch though.

The Garden!! Finally!! that shit has been slowly eating at my insides i wanna know so bad.

Reviewer: vampluvr25 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 6:46 AM Title: Chapter 48

*slowly lowers fire torch* That wasn't so bad. I do feel bad he had to cal Esme a bitch though.

The Garden!! Finally!! that shit has been slowly eating at my insides i wanna know so bad.

Reviewer: michswan Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 6:34 AM Title: Chapter 48

Oh thank god...you really had me worried that he was going to hurt her... :(

I hope he can keep her safe

thanks for the quick update!!!

Reviewer: cusic1981 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 6:26 AM Title: Chapter 48

Thank goodness I can breathe again. I have been so afraid since chapter 41. I like how everything played out. I think this chapter showed the growth and strength of Bella and Edwards relationship when she told Edward what she forgave him and didnt forgive him for. I love how after being scared liked that she still trusted him enough to be honest about her feelings and that she finally told Edward about Carlisles threat.

Reviewer: vbfb1 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 6:24 AM Title: Chapter 48

OMG i so wasn't sure at the beginning of this chapter but i was much happier by the end.

can't wait to find out about esme's garden


Reviewer: hlsmith29 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 6:23 AM Title: Chapter 48

Its about freaking time she told him!!!!  I had a feeling Edward was going to put on a show for Carlisle, Marcus and Demitri and not tell Bella.  It's the only way he could make sure she was really scared.  I don't think the other men would have believed any of it if Edward had told Bella, she really isn't that great of an actress.  Thanks for the quick uypdate!  Can't wait to see what is in Esme's garden.....

Reviewer: agovita2312 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 6:20 AM Title: Chapter 48

OMG! I totally had a pitchfork waiting to jump in with the angry mob. I am REALLY glad I didn't have to.

I can't wait for the answer to Esme's garden and to see what Edward's plan is.

Reviewer: HopelessRomantic Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 6:17 AM Title: Chapter 48

So glad you wrote this like this. I was at breaking point

Reviewer: jaykay Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 6:12 AM Title: Chapter 48

Sneaky, very sneaky.

Reviewer: sballluvr5 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 6:10 AM Title: Chapter 48

oh man. i literally had tears in my eyes when he first grabbed her and took her to the basement. thank God he didn't go through with it! i don't think my poor heart could take that! or Bella's for that matter. i'm so glad she finally told him about Carlisle. i really hope Edward is able to keep Bella safe. she has been through so much already. really great chapter. i can't wait to find out the secret of Esme's garden. update soon!!


Reviewer: Luminesk Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 6:06 AM Title: Chapter 48

I am so thankful that Edward didn't go through with hitting Bella, and that Bella finally told him about Carlisle. It has been a nagging concern ever since Edward and Bella began to build their real relationship, and i hope now they can better prepare themselves for what is to come.

However, i am feeling very nervous about Bella being locked in their room for the duration of Demitri and Marcus' stay. Surely it couldn't be that easy to keep them, and Carlisle, away from Bella? This plan has me very worried, and the only way to settle this down slightly would be for Edward, Jasper or Emmett to be on babysitting watch. Something tells me there is still a long road ahead before they are free of Carlisle's tyranny and rule.

Very excited about Esme's garden revelation in the next chapter. It remains a complete mystery to the point where i can't even begin to guess.

Thankyou for the update. I feel very spoilt for the quick postings. And i anxiously await your next installment...

Reviewer: halloweenlover Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 6:05 AM Title: Chapter 48

I can't wait.I was freaked he would trun back to his old self but knew he wouldn't .

Loved it !!!!!!!!!!!

Reviewer: vampiremama Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 6:02 AM Title: Chapter 47

Oh no!!

Reviewer: Nicolette Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 6:01 AM Title: Chapter 48

Oh Thank God It Was An Act. You Scared The Beejeezez Out Of Me In The Last Chapter. I Thought He had Become Carlisle Edward.

Reviewer: BelleDuJour Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 5:58 AM Title: Chapter 48

Oh, man.  What a rough chapter!  Thanks for updating so quickly! 

I understand why Edward did what he did, and I'm glad he told Bella so quickly once they were in the basement.  And I'm doubly glad Bella finally told Edward about Carlisle!

I'm hoping that part of the answer to Esme's garden is a headstone engraved "Here lies Carlisle.  I doubt he'll be missed."  :)

Can Edward call Jasper and Emmett on his cell phone instead of waiting for Marcus and Demetri to leave?

Reviewer: SnowyHedwig Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 5:57 AM Title: Chapter 48

I was just thinking of how long the weekend seemed to be in coming, and you surprise me with a quick update!

Beautiful. I am SO glad that she trusted him enough to tell him what Carlisle has been planning to do. And I am very, very glad that Edward didn't hit her.

I also loved her fighting back, and that Edward recognized and admired her for it? Even better. Truly, they have both come so far.

Now, let's let them get through the rest of this horrible visit. Fantastic chapter, and I'm really looking forward to finding out if my suspicions were correct about Esme's garden.

Reviewer: galwidanatitud Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 5:55 AM Title: Chapter 48

ah yes!  the secret of esme's garden.  finally!!!!  :D  secretly i'm hoping it will cause carlisle's demise. hehehhehe

Reviewer: educatedguess Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 5:52 AM Title: Chapter 48


Your story makes my palms sweat.  After you wrote the chapter from Carlisle's POV, I had a dream that I was trapped in a compoud with elements of this story.  ::shudders::

I'm hoping that now, things will finally get resolved for our couple.  That things with Carlisle will come to a head and they will be free.  I can't handle the pain anymore!

Reviewer: bammers Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 5:52 AM Title: Chapter 48

Thank fucking god you scared the shit out of me update when you can please can't wait to excited

Reviewer: Applefromatree Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 5:51 AM Title: Chapter 48

Thank God that it was over so fast :)


Reviewer: EvanescentOrchid Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 5:50 AM Title: Chapter 48

Ooh my!! I was just wishing THIS would happen! Then they can pretend all the other times and laugh about how they fooled Carlisle :3

Reviewer: flyrbrd Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 5:49 AM Title: Chapter 48

Thank you. That wasn't so bad and thank you for not making us wait. My heart stuttered when I saw the update alert. I am anxious to find out Esme's garden secret.

Reviewer: oompaloompa Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 5:47 AM Title: Chapter 48

i like how you updated so fast usually it takes a while

Reviewer: symphiann Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 5:46 AM Title: Chapter 48

AHHHH....I could just punch Carlisle!!!!  I hate what he is doing to them!!!  I am glad that Bella finally told Edward about Carlisle though.  He needed to know.  I can't wait to see what Esme has hidden in her garden!!  Update soon!

Reviewer: sunnyswimkid13 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 5:46 AM Title: Chapter 48

Oh my goodness!!! Thanks for the update !!

Reviewer: sunnyswimkid13 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 5:46 AM Title: Chapter 48

Oh my goodness!!! Thanks for the update !!

Reviewer: mistresselektra Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 5:44 AM Title: Chapter 48

I hope Carlisle, Marcus and Demetri become fertilizer for Esme's garden.

I'm so glad Edward told her what and why he was doing what he was doing, finally. He didn't actually have to hurt her. Thank goodness.

Reviewer: xneverthinkx Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 5:43 AM Title: Chapter 48

*puts the pitchfork down cautiously..*  *puts kick boxing gear on*  time to kick Carlisle's ASS!!! 


in almost every other fanfic.. carlisle is the good guy... so here it feels so rong that carlisle is evil... i feel like any second he'll idk turn good.. just because Carlisle Cullen IS relatively 'good'... but you.. you made him psycho.. Father Aro psycho ;)

Reviewer: theladykt Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 5:42 AM Title: Chapter 48

unfortunately  i dont think they would have allowed himto rake her to the basement alone.      guess that explains why the other boys werent there.  and i'm guessing that her acting skills will get a workout until the scum leave.

Reviewer: Jdonovan09 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 5:42 AM Title: Chapter 48

awesome chapter...so glad he idnt acctually hurt her

Reviewer: Seraphslastkiss Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 5:40 AM Title: Chapter 48

This was a fabulous chapter! Thank you so much for posting it asap! You scared the ever livin' crap outta me with the last chapter. You rock my socks bb!

Reviewer: mousemaker2 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 4:36 AM Title: Chapter 47

whewww intense chapter

Reviewer: Luna Skye Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 4:25 AM Title: Chapter 47

Okay, that's just CRUEL.

I beg of you: UPDATE. Please. Please. Please. Please.


P.S. Also please kick Carlisle's ass. Hard. Okay thanks bye O=)

Reviewer: Giriath Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 4:21 AM Title: Chapter 5

Ok so Charlie and now James too, train young girls to be their version of perfect wives and then sells them or gives them away. I wonder if they only do this to the Cullen family. From their conversations it doesn't seem like it.

Bella is obviously intended for Edward though. I wonder if Carlisle meant that Edward isn't ready because he's still in med school or because he's resisting his own training - in which he's presumably trained to degrade women and accept and make full use of his "wife".

Reviewer: mousekemom Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 4:09 AM Title: Chapter 47

Ooooh, no!  Please let him explain to Bella what is happening.  Why don't they all stand up to Carlisle?  Ugh...I am so disgusted with Edward right now.  I am thrilled you updated and now am sitting on pins and needles for the next one!  Great suspense!

Reviewer: A-Brown Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 3:57 AM Title: Chapter 47

I can't wait for the rest!!

Reviewer: mariecullen since1918 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 3:19 AM Title: Chapter 47

ome please tell me his is not going to hurt her again. this is so aganizing not knowing what is going to happen. please update soon

Reviewer: KasieDean Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 2:57 AM Title: Chapter 47

Oh no! Poor Bella. But at the same time, I'd rather Edward be the one then Dimetri because he's right, I think he would send her back as some lifeless zombie. But still...

Reviewer: sugarvenom Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 1:58 AM Title: Chapter 47

I'm literally trembling!  That was.... there are no words.  To me, that was worse than the first several chapters.  How will she ever survive this?

Reviewer: Kimmie39 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 12:00 AM Title: Chapter 47

Crap, is he really going to beat or hit her...It would be hard for me to forgive him...Why can't he just take her and leave? Damn being under Carlise's control.

I didn't even knew you updated. I just happened to check and seen 2 updates. I added this story as my favorite, but still no alert.

I can't wait for next chapter. Please don't drag this on for a bunch of chapters. Hasn't Bella been thru enough?

Reviewer: johu Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 11:50 PM Title: Chapter 47

whoa, not cool!

puhlease make edward fix it!

thanks for continuing the story by the way. great job :)

Reviewer: camianbu88 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 11:35 PM Title: Chapter 47

noooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, I can't wait, but I just know it will be soooo hard to read next chapter, please please please make Bella understand!!, and everybody!!, they'll be soo disapointed!!!!, I love Edward so much, even if what he's gonna do it's horrible

Reviewer: Hawkesey Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 10:52 PM Title: Chapter 47


At least make him have a conversation with Bella first, perhaps they can fake the punishment?

And what will Carlisle say when he finds out that Bella is (as I suspect she is) pregnant?

Reviewer: nicoleaj Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 10:40 PM Title: Chapter 47

Wow, this was a twist. Great chatper :)

Reviewer: eleni317 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 10:25 PM Title: Chapter 47

HOLY FUCK! I seriously think I was having a panic attack while reading this chapter!!!!!!!!! You just keep on proving what an amazing writer you are! I was overwhelmed with a million emotions, i wanted to scream, break/throw things and cry all at the same time! Poor Bella and Edward...I dont even know who I feel sorrier for right now...Bella cuz shes probably gonna get her ass beat by Edward right now or Edward cuz its gonna kill him to have to hurt her again :( I LOVE this story, please dont keep me waiting to long cuz im not gonna be able to sleep peacefully!

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