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Reviews For The Perfect Wife
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Reviewer: icequeen83 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 10:15 PM Title: Chapter 47

gosh, what a cliffhanger......I have to say I like your story but it´s not very easy to deal with this ill stuff which is happening

Reviewer: JennyTheVamp4Edward Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 10:08 PM Title: Chapter 47

I hope that he would talk to her and they akt like she is his "barbie bella"

when Carlise and the other are around.

Please don't too much drama :D

Reviewer: Julia Dawn Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 9:43 PM Title: Chapter 47

oh no oh no oh no!

need to know what happens next!

Reviewer: padalf2510 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 9:24 PM Title: Chapter 47

Oh man I don't think Bella can go through that again!! Someone needs to make Carlisle suffer really bad and then just shoot him!! He is truely Satan!! Please let Edward work with Bella and cover this up instead of becoming a monster!!!Please!!!!!

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 9:18 PM Title: Chapter 26

some more steps in the right direction. hooray! lol

Reviewer: jennypenny Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 7:55 PM Title: Chapter 47

I'm really dreading the next chapter.  I hope he will just tell they have to put on a charade, but that will probably not be the case. Carlisle is so perceptive, he would know if Bella was truly under Edward's thumb.

Reviewer: Coco Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 7:49 PM Title: Chapter 47

Aaargh!  Why did it have to end?  That was an amazing chapter - my heart was racing the entire time!  Please update soon - I can't wait!

I'm glad things are coming to a head,but at the same time I love this story so much I don't want it to end.


Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 7:46 PM Title: Chapter 23

LOVE LOVE LOVE LVOE LOVE JASPER! the story about alice is so sad, but i guess when it comes down to it, it makes sense what she did. if edward doesn't see the point of jasper's story, than he's a fucking dumbass and needs to be punched in the balls. love the brotherly interaction in this chappie!

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 7:29 PM Title: Chapter 22

he can be taught! slowly but surely he'll get there, i have utter faith. can't wait for the next chapter.

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 7:15 PM Title: Chapter 21

glad it was paul and not jake.  aside from the abuse, really liked this chapter and the connections the characters had in it.  you got a little more depth of em and edward's dynamics as well as seeing a friendship or understanding bloom between bella and rose. bravo

Reviewer: britter18 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 7:08 PM Title: Chapter 47

nooooo dont let them take her plssss

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 6:59 PM Title: Chapter 20

oh snap! of this is jacob with him, its too much to handle right now!

Reviewer: badrose Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 6:13 PM Title: Chapter 47

You better fucking fix this.  If Edward allows this I will kill him!  Please,  be a good author and don't cause me any more turmoil with this story.  I just couldn't handle it.

Author's Response:

have faith...the next chapter is being beta'd now so should be up by the weekend.

Reviewer: LAN809 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 5:38 PM Title: Chapter 47

I really hate Carlisle. He is pure evil. I really hope Bella tells Edward she may be pregnant. I hate to think he has to go back to his old ways, it would kill them both.

Reviewer: savanablue Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 5:09 PM Title: Chapter 47

Fucking Carlosle, sadistic prick. how in the hell are they ever going to recover form this? Nope not gonna happen. Please let Edward explain to her first what's happening and why he's doing this.

Reviewer: luslasaren Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 4:38 PM Title: Chapter 47

This story is like witnessing a traffic accident, its awful but you just can´t stop looking. Good work, but I really hope Bella won´t have to suffer through all the sexual abuse once again.

Reviewer: never_ Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 3:49 PM Title: Chapter 47

Oh my God! I cant wait to read next chapter. Carlisle is a dick, i hate him so badly.

Anyway you are great etc. I love this story. Thanks for writing this.

Reviewer: Alice05 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 2:54 PM Title: Chapter 47

He is going to hit and punish her? Poor Bella, she really doesn't deserves it, I really hate Carlisle that he is such a bad and unfair and ugly monster.


I'm looking forward to the next chapter.



Reviewer: the ginger Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 2:16 PM Title: Chapter 47

Please don't make Edward go through with it! Please! He's made it this far, don't make him go back!

Think about it. The first thing Bella will probably bring up when he walks in will be about the possibility of her being pregnant seeing as it was a major concern for her at the begining of the day. If this was to happen Edward would first, be incredibly happy, second, would be rendered incapable of laying a hand on the woman carrying his child, and three, would see that if she is pregnant with his child she can't be taken away.

Even if she doesn't happen to bring up the possibility of pregnancy, if Edward starts to get angry Bella has aquired enough self-esteem to at least try and resist. She could be hysterical and beg him not to become Carlisle's Edward and that she loved him. Or could be rational and explain that things don't have to happen that way, that they could fake the 'punishment'. If Edward yells enough and Bella fakes a few screams plus some crashing of objects it might work. The next day Edward can keep Bella hold up in her room for further 'punishment' and to recuperate and if she acts for the next few days like Bella Barbie on Steroids and limps around everyone would be none-the-wiser.

PLEASE! Don't let Edward go through with it!

Reviewer: puky Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 1:47 PM Title: Chapter 47

OMG!!!!!! it's soooo horriiiiiible!!!!!!!!!! carlisle is very very very very cruel!!!!!><

demetri and marcus are so revolted!!!! eurk!! ><

and poor edward who have to become again the bad edward to protect bella from demetri and marcus...=(

I don't think that she will understand the change of behaviour of edward...='(

I'm looking forward the following of your >fascinating story!!!!!!!!!




Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 11:52 AM Title: Chapter 19

my FAVORITE chapter thus far! love love love jasper! come to the light edward, lol

Reviewer: Mountainlioness13 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 11:29 AM Title: Chapter 47

Oh my god, I get so nervous reading this story I'm nearly sick. Thank you for promising to update soon cuz the cliffs kill me. I love this story. Thank you for bringing it here.

Reviewer: zkcej Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 11:28 AM Title: Chapter 47

awwwwwwwwww fuck gaaaaaaa !!!!


update soon..


im so stresss in here


edward dont do it pls! find other ways!

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 11:26 AM Title: Chapter 18

ahhh the light at the end of the tunnel - have a revalation, already, damnit! lol

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 11:19 AM Title: Chapter 16

i love all the girls interacting in this chapter! i hope theres more of that to come!

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 10:56 AM Title: Chapter 13

well the edward at towards the end of the chapter is someone i can get used to! but, i wouldn't mind a gigantic tennis bracelett of my own ;P

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 10:37 AM Title: Chapter 12

barbie bella with slutty clothes accesories! love that line!

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 10:18 AM Title: Chapter 11

still pretty much on the fence about eddie boy. though, i'm glad he beat the crap out of james, still seems a wee bit possesive

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 10:09 AM Title: Chapter 10

i think this was a good addition, not an outtake - it just shows how far they will go. makes james look even more like a psychopath than usual. feel so bad for her!

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 9:51 AM Title: Chapter 8

well, these are some interesting ideals for women that charlie has (i know its not you, its the character)  is there going to be backstory on how he got to be this messed up in the first place or just assume this coems from a long line of messed up Swan men? lol

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 9:24 AM Title: Chapter 6

well, there goes any hope that edward was a normal one out of all the weirdo, lol. great chapter again.

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 9:05 AM Title: Chapter 5

punishment sure does suck - i hope there's nothing worse than that "punishment" wise. another good chapter and introduction to carlisle. so are rose and alice then part of this whole perfect wife training camp as well... and edward's resistance? hmmm, more questions that need answering

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 8:54 AM Title: Chapter 4

another good chapter, a little frightening to think of, but a good chapter. very well written.  enjoying the story a lot.

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 8:40 AM Title: Chapter 3

porn lessons huh? doesn't everyone have that bonding experience with their family...lol shopping should be something else

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 8:31 AM Title: Chapter 2

interesting...  i can see where this is going but bella is totally bugging me that she's just agreeing to everything, no fight at all. i know its probably better that way, but honestly, i would have thought she'd protest against something. good chapter!

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 8:21 AM Title: Chapter 1

their behavior is def a little creepy - anyone who asks them to call you daddy, when they are your father, a little strange.  can only imagine what "training" is going to be like.

Reviewer: dellia54 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 8:19 AM Title: A Mother's Love

nice first chapter - very intrigued as to what's to come. and loved that embry was the neighbor!

Reviewer: SnarkySnarky Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 7:56 AM Title: Chapter 47

You know, at the very begining of the chapter i was thinking "damn, some shit is gonna go down." and as i read the end of the chapter, i thought "damn, some smutty shit is gonna go down."and i am now looking forward to see if i was right..

please do not keep me waiting,


Reviewer: Tina Wannabe Cullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 7:52 AM Title: Chapter 47

I so didn't see that coming, wow.

I hope Bella can understand Edward's reasoning after the more relaxing last weeks she has had.

Reviewer: luv4jake Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 7:36 AM Title: Chapter 47

WTF?! OMFG! I am shocked boy Carlisle was not playing when he made up his decision a few chapters back. When I told people I was about to read the update they told me it would make me yell at my monitor. Boy were they right. I felt like I did in the beginning when Bella was with James & Charlie. I thought Carlisle lost his spark but apparently he was waiting to release his secret weapon. Poor Bella & Edward they are pretty much stuck under Carlisle's rule. This was one of the reasons I didn't want Bella & Edward to have sex before marriage because of Carlisle. Bella got too comfortable and so did Edward now he has to become the monster Carlisle created. As fucked up as this is about to sound I want to see how our couple dodge this obstacles in their way aka future. It was getting to lovey dovey and a weak Carlisle was getting on my nerves because he just gave up there for a minute. Not that I want him to succeed I don't. I wanted the drama back and you brought it back big time. I am sad to say that I wrote on twitter I wanted bad Carlisle back now I am not even sure I do any more he was full possession of his devilish ways talking about Esme & Bella in that crude, crass, demeaning way. I'm scared of this Carlisle and Edward is right where Carlisle wants him. Poor Bella I hope she will be able to recover after this and forgive him later when he tells her what his is doing. Brilliant chapter but so fucking sad. I feel like a pervert because I want to see what Edward does to convince Carlisle but I am scared as hell for Bella since she is no longer a virgin and Carlisle wanting to do a check. Why would she have sex with Edward when she knows Carlisle said chapters ago he was going to fuck her when Edward popped her cherry? Anyway babbling and shocked can't wait for the next chapter.

Reviewer: CorrinaTFF Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 6:42 AM Title: Chapter 47

Dear God.  Please tell me he is at least going to say something to her.  I know we all saw this coming, but he's going to say something to her, right?

Reviewer: Sicktwistedsmile Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 6:34 AM Title: Chapter 47

I'm really scared of what he may do. I don't want him to go back to the monster. I just wish Edward would go into his room just to pull out a gun and shoot Carlisle. He needs to just die already. 

Reviewer: Rikku Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 6:29 AM Title: Chapter 47

Seriously, Carlisle cannot die soon enough! And he can take Marcus and Demetri with him on the expressway to the deepest pit of hell.

Reviewer: Aiken4oz Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 6:22 AM Title: Chapter 47

oh that was so good i'm super sad he has to go back to being bad Edward, but he did stand up for him. Such a cliff hanger!! Keep the chapters coming, I LOVE this story!

Reviewer: rhapsody Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 5:30 AM Title: Chapter 47

Wow... this is not going to go over well if Edward does not explain the situation to her before going all domineering

Reviewer: westosobear Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 5:06 AM Title: Chapter 47

Can't you just kill off Carlise? Please!!

Reviewer: i love the rain Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 5:03 AM Title: Chapter 47

omg no...evil edward is back. =( well, at least it keeps the story interesting. =)

Reviewer: Isis Janet Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 4:52 AM Title: Chapter 47



Reviewer: Ravenesque Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 4:45 AM Title: Chapter 44

I have a question about this chapter....

how come you are married, with 3 grown kids, and in this chapter you're acting like you don't know where the hymen is?

You do realize that the hymen is not a film cover that's inside the vagina, but a mucus membrane piece that sits right at the entrance to the vagina. the hymen is external not internal.

Not trying to be mean, but it's just startling to see how many  women who write twific don't know their own anatomy. that's why i'm adressing this to you

Reviewer: kinsano Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 4:11 AM Title: Chapter 47

Edward needs to grow some balls and get Jasper and Emmet help him kill Carlisle, Marcus and Demetri--In fact, they all need to grow some balls and defeat Carlisle somehow--can Karma be a real bitch and beat Carlisle with a Cat o' nine tails?

Reviewer: patch138 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 3:53 AM Title: Chapter 47


I hate Carlise right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Reviewer: patch138 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 3:37 AM Title: Chapter 46

so sweet! and her freak out...lol, guess that would be normal...Glad ur here to stay!!!



Reviewer: mila Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 3:22 AM Title: Chapter 47

I'm physically trembling right now I´m so angry and scared and anxious!

You are so mean! Hehehheh To leave us at that. My heart is about to come out of my mouth I'm so tachicardic!!

OMG! This is insane! Heheheh I've no idea how you manage to get me so worked up even after all this time. You are so good at what you do.

But I hope you take pity on us and don't let Bella suffer so much again. I couldn't bare it. Not again! PLEASE!!!

Reviewer: ToRunWithScissors Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 2:58 AM Title: Chapter 47

GAH~I want to stab Carlisle in the eye with a pitch fork.


Reviewer: 1twifan4evr Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 2:57 AM Title: Chapter 47

why cant he at least tell her what they needed to do and put on a front?? I am gonna be PISSED if he rapes asnd beats her

Reviewer: eternally addicted Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 1:25 AM Title: Chapter 47

I pray to God that you are just trying to scare us, because I don't like where this is going.  I can tell you that if one of these monsters hurt Bella or if Edward is forced to do things to her then I am done I won't read anymore. Someone better stop those fuckers now.

Reviewer: princesst92703 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 1:03 AM Title: Chapter 47

UGH!! major heart fail...that whole ch I had a lump in my throut...SO NOT NICE!! lol

Reviewer: Delta16 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 1:02 AM Title: Chapter 47

Oh no! There must be another way?

Reviewer: kbrauchle Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2010 12:53 AM Title: Chapter 47

amazing. love love love this story. cant wait for more :)

Reviewer: odinamus Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 11:56 PM Title: Chapter 47

Just read some reviews to this chapter...Everyone is saying they should just pretend, she can just scream....but the problem is Carlisle checked her bruises before, so I doubt very much they can just fake it that easily...I do hope though that he explains to her why he has to colour her ass, I am pretty sure it will make a huge difference to her if she knows he is forced to do it...but I still hope they will find another way out...

I wonder is there a thread for this story where we can discuss and let off some steam?

Author's Response:

Forums - Coffee Liquer under twilight.

Reviewer: vampycullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 11:40 PM Title: Chapter 47

motherfuckingshitfuckhelldamn! I wanna throw my laptop across the room!

Author's Response:

Don't do that or you'll miss the next chapter.  It should be ready by the weekend.  Everything is coming to a head...

Reviewer: meg0407 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 11:40 PM Title: Chapter 47

noooooooooooo this cant be happening i want someone to kill carlisle and edward is going to go back to fuckward motherfuck seriously maybe jasper will steal her or something he is decent like that omg i hate carlisle and that whole damn family and now im gonna hate edward again fuck cant wait for next chapter gotta know whats gonna happen poor bella shes gonna lose it

Reviewer: pilgrims lips Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 11:37 PM Title: Chapter 47

yikes why doesnt edward tell bella whats going on so they can work on this together.

Reviewer: odinamus Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 11:29 PM Title: Chapter 47

They played him like an instrument!:( I hope he won't be able to hurt her once he sees her. If he at least tries to explain to her what is going on.... But I have no idea how he can keep her safe from those monsters...

Will be anxiously waiting for the next chapter!

Reviewer: readingisbliss Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 11:26 PM Title: Chapter 47

Carlisle MUST DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A painful death!

Can't Edward tell Bella what Carlisle is trying to do, and they can pretend until they can get married and out of that house?

Reviewer: kaycross1184 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 11:10 PM Title: Chapter 47

F***ing hell, if he had any common sense, he wouldn't just switch over to the monster again. he'd talk with Bella so she would realize what was happening and could secretly play along with him. He's so gonna screw this up. PLEASE update soon. I hate waiting for updates.

Reviewer: sunrise90 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 10:58 PM Title: Chapter 47

oh not again.  i love this edward...i don't want the cruel edward

 I want to know what will happen in the next chapter

please updated soon

Reviewer: hmoore29091992 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 9:33 PM Title: Chapter 47

No! He can't! Please dont let him hurt her! Cant they just fake it?! Bella pretend to scream? Please dont let him hurt her! Dont let him sink to Carlisle's levels!

Reviewer: bellsanna Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 9:04 PM Title: Chapter 47

i HATE how edward thinks he has to stoop to that level.  FAKE IT GOD DAMN IT! ugh if he hurts her i say screw him....

Author's Response:

Don't give up all hope just yet...

Reviewer: swift-lovestory Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 8:49 PM Title: Chapter 47

Oh My Gosh!!!!! I hate to see the bad Edward, but I don't want to see Bella go to Demetri. Please let the family save Bella and Edward. Cannot wait for the next posting.

Reviewer: dandoonah Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 8:40 PM Title: Chapter 47

hi i think i m going to cry

can you tell when is the angest going to finish?

is there going to be a HEA or no?

how many chapters are still there?

thanks a lot


Author's Response:

Everything is building to a head and we're nearing the end.  Don't give up all hope just yet.

Reviewer: mccappy Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 8:31 PM Title: Chapter 47

My heart can't stand any more abuse inflicted on Bella. I may have to wait it out a few chapters before reading anymore and hopefully skip to a HEA?

Reviewer: IrishLove Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 8:28 PM Title: Chapter 47

Ok, Carlisle is a jackass. lol

Can't Edward just say to Bella...this is what's happening...this is what they are threatening...this is what I have to do? I thought he learned his lesson.

I really hope he says something to someone and doesn't just do his crazy ass plan.

Can't wait for the next update!

Reviewer: TM Twilight Girl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 8:20 PM Title: Chapter 47

I want to puke.  I hate Carlisle so much.  I had a feeling that this would happen.  Seriously, update soon so that I can get over this sick at my stomach feeling  I have when I think about your Carlisle.

Reviewer: neffy09 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 7:20 PM Title: Chapter 47


Reviewer: blobby Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 7:08 PM Title: Chapter 47

oh no!!!! i dont even know what to say! i cant belive it!

Reviewer: kova_aly Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 6:58 PM Title: Chapter 47

Heave help them!

When I read this I wanted to cry.

Please I want to know what happens next!

Make Edward a demon, have something happen to rose and her baby, and Have Alice finally stand up to carlisle!

best of luck and god speed

Reviewer: marta910000 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 6:44 PM Title: A Mother's Love

Please, show us the best solution of that situation.

Let Edward talk to Bella and explain her everything to make her understand!

Love your story! ;*

Reviewer: Mrs cullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 6:30 PM Title: Chapter 47

loved it :D

Reviewer: michangelina Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 5:23 PM Title: Chapter 47

Holy fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is he going to do?? and what the fuck.. can someone kill Carlise in this story please!! 

Reviewer: Sandrai86 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 5:20 PM Title: Chapter 47

oh no.. i dont want to see him like that again.. please cant he just talk to her and they can both play the parts infront of the "devil-trio"?!! btw loved the chap.. =)

Reviewer: beccaboo7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 5:08 PM Title: Chapter 47

ohh...so good! i really hope everything works out for edward and bella. and that stupid carlisle dies!!

Reviewer: momams Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 4:55 PM Title: Chapter 47

Not just a cliffhanger, what a twist!!!!!!!

Carlisle is really, really sick!!!!! And Demetri and Marcus are right behind him in that department. 

Carlisle is intelligent and truly manipulative, he is forcing things, to go in what direction, I have no clue, but it seems he will stop at nothing. 

As for Edward, it is all a shock, and he is about to take desperate measures, sadly ones that will hurt Bella and her trust in him deeply. Lets hope he has a chance to tell her something before he goes through with his plan, find a way to let her know. 

What about Jasper and Emmett? Did they go to their houses? Are they around? Can't they help?

Author's Response:

Don't give up hope just yet...

Reviewer: twolipps Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 4:38 PM Title: Chapter 47

Please don't let him hurt Bella. Hasn't she been through enough? They should just run away and get married. Please please please.

Reviewer: momams Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 4:35 PM Title: Chapter 46

Bella and Edward still have a lot of things to work through. There's a lot of baggage Bella is carrying and for now they have to deal with it, until it's time to get rid of it. Edward still feels guilty for what happened to Bella when she came to Forks and it will take some time to accept it as part of their history and deal with it.

Of course they wouldn't have thought about protection!! It was all spontaneous and in the moment. Yes, it was sweet, tender, loving, and neither thought of anything else. Hopefully it will be fine. Nothing has happened, she will start on the pill or get a shot. That's how things seem at the moment. but sadly they are about to change. 

Who are Carlisle's guests? Why are they here? What will the family say? What will Edward say? And how will Carlisle react to what he is about to find out?

Reviewer: Nicflex Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 4:06 PM Title: Chapter 47

I am really trying hard to like Edward. I am. He really needs to find a way to get Bella out of this f'd up situation.


Great chapter! I am so worked up over this one. 


Reviewer: LeeIce Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 3:57 PM Title: Chapter 47

OMG!!OMG!!!OMG!!!  I'm afraid!  pee straight into their pants on the voltage!

Please let everything be ok!!!!

I do not want bad Edward!!!



Reviewer: tkeaton1 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 3:40 PM Title: Chapter 47

oh no... can I tell you how much I HATE this Carlisle! LOL  Poor Bella and Edward!

Reviewer: Marrojeanne Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 3:33 PM Title: Chapter 47

What a chapter. So much drama is unfolded.

I can't believe Carlisle is so cruel, to his son, to his wife and the females in general.

I just hope, that Edward behaves and doesn't go overbroad with Bella.

Poor Bella. She landed in this mess without real option of a way out.

Somehow I think, that Edward, Jasper and Emmett should put Carlisle in the basement without food and a good beating, that he learns his place in the world and knows how cruel it is. That would be fun to see, him breaking.

Anyway, really good chapter as always.



Reviewer: Pyejammies Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 3:30 PM Title: Chapter 47

Is Edward going to have the sense to tell Bella what's happening or is he just going to start laying into her?  together they could make it look good but if he just reverts to his old ways he'll devastate her.

Reviewer: Jeny87Cullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 3:12 PM Title: Chapter 47

Can he just take Bella and elope? Update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reviewer: wallflower88 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 2:55 PM Title: Chapter 47

Oh my God those three are psychos! They bring out the serial killer side in everyone and Edward.. what is he going to do? Poor Bella

anyway Great chapter I hope that Edward will be able to protect from them and Carlisle, I mean even if Marcus and Demetri will go back home without Bella there'll always be the his fatherto fight off.

Reviewer: Applefromatree Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 2:50 PM Title: Chapter 47

Oh my God :O

I'm terrified for Bella and also for Edward

Very intense chapter

Can't wait for the next one

Reviewer: rosaliehale1994 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 12:41 PM Title: Chapter 47






Reviewer: totallyobsessed82 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 12:39 PM Title: Chapter 47

WOW! You are killing me here. I feel sorry for Bella already but I'm glad Edward is fighting for her!

Reviewer: katstooldforthis Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 12:31 PM Title: Chapter 47

nonononononono.  tell bella at least. let her know what is going on.  then she can play the part and everything will work out.  omg, Edward.  TELL HER!

Reviewer: Craving2Read Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 12:23 PM Title: Chapter 47

Running to hide under the covers.....your story has my heart racing in terror for Bella. If Edward could only explain this to Bella and have her "perform" along with him instead of springing the monster on her with no explaination... Scarry times ahead.

Reviewer: felon12 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 12:18 PM Title: Chapter 47

Love the story. But this chapter has made me nervous. He just gained her love and trust and now Carlisle is forcing him to destroy their new bond. At the end of this chapter I understand that all of Carlisle's machinations had him all out of sorts, but as a follower of this story I would hate for Edward to go back to being Carlisle's Edward with out explaining to Bella why it is necessary. They need to work together to fool Carlisle into a sense of complacancy were he shows his true colors. They have become partners they share almost everything, Bella is still holding out with what she knows of Carlisle's true intentions toward her, but for the most part they are both on the same page. I would hate to see them go back to square one and start all over again. Edward should seek counsel from his brothers on how to proceed from this point so as not to raise suspicion where Carlisle is concerned. Also with the knowledge that Embry was on Carlisle's payroll did he have anything to do with Renee and Phil's untimely demise? All in all the story is great and is one of my favorites.PLEASE UPDATE SOON THE SUSPENSE OF WHAT WILL HAPPEN IS KILLING ME ALREADY AND YOU JUST POSTED. GREAT STORY, KEEP UP THE GRAT WRITING! 

Reviewer: Joani Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 11:46 AM Title: Chapter 47

please, please hurry up with the next chapter

keep going the excellent work :)



Reviewer: celinewilliam Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 11:22 AM Title: Chapter 47

How can those men be so awful ?!?! Yeah, they've been raised without love and with the wrong model. Hope what's Edward planning will not be that horrible ...

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