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Reviews For The Perfect Wife
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Reviewer: london spam Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 10:59 AM Title: Chapter 47

Noooo! Edward, just talk to Bella and get her to pretend. Both of you can put on a show. Ugh, this is going to be sooo bad!

Reviewer: Werciku Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 9:27 AM Title: Chapter 47

Fuckin Carlisle I hate him! What Edward will do? I hope that he will not hurt her again. Oh gosh I am so scared about her. Next chapter quickly please cos I'm gonna freak out.

Reviewer: yankeerose Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 9:24 AM Title: Chapter 47

OMG!  Carlisle is the worst prick in all of ff history!  And poor Bella, dealing with the old Edward again...

Reviewer: nene6246 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 9:01 AM Title: Chapter 47

....can't ....breath....

Reviewer: tochka Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 8:49 AM Title: Chapter 47

Edward can discus it fistly with Bella, so that she would know that he need to protect her

Reviewer: lookingforinspiration Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 8:44 AM Title: Chapter 47

All I can say is craaaaaap

Reviewer: farsideomoon Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 8:36 AM Title: Chapter 47

Yes, we're going to need a new chapter right away.haha This is a horrible development.

I think it's time to call Emmett, Jasper & the girls & get some shovels & guns & start feeding the rose garden;))

Reviewer: bernadette3254 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 8:25 AM Title: Chapter 47

Awww man! You just had to do that didn't you...can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: Wiwi88 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 8:01 AM Title: Chapter 47

OMG OMG OMG NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edward tell bella everything they can do this toghter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reviewer: HopelessRomantic Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 7:50 AM Title: Chapter 47

Carlisle is just sick. I really dont know how much more I can take of this story!

Reviewer: troberts Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 7:48 AM Title: Chapter 47

OMG cant he tell her what he has to do?????  I hate Carlisle he is such a creepy fuck

Reviewer: Edwards_Love_101 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 7:23 AM Title: Chapter 47

Oh no, not the return of Evil/Bastard Edward. Damn Carlisle...Grrrr. I'm looking forward to seeing what's gonna happen when Edward opens that door. Can he keep Bella out of the clutches of Demitri??

Reviewer: famaggiolo Signed starstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 7:15 AM Title: Chapter 47

Please let Edward explain what he is going to do to her... 


Really cant she get some peace, it really upsets me that this has to happen.  Can someone just put a bullet in Carlisle head and be done with it.  No one has to know... say he went on extended vacation and dump his body in a deep depths of the ocean. 


I have to say that I am actually sickened with this chapter, I was dry reaching when I was reading it.  It truly upsets me, I thought they were making progress but it is like they have now taken 500 steps backwards.


Ohh well, it all happens for a reason I will see where this is going... thanks for the update and chapter I still love the story... now I am going to get my nerves under control... Have a good week Mel.

Reviewer: BookLover299 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 7:15 AM Title: Chapter 47

Don't do this. don't just leave the chapter like that. THAT IS CRUEL. wth is edward going to do?? if i grovel enough, would u give a hint or update soon so i don't spontaneously combust from the suspense??

Reviewer: Punky Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 7:03 AM Title: Chapter 47

NOOOOO!!! OMG! Im about to freak out!! Please dont take too long! Poor bella

Reviewer: AliceCutie10 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 6:58 AM Title: Chapter 47

Oh Shit

Reviewer: educatedguess Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 6:46 AM Title: Chapter 47

Oh God.  I've been following this story since it was FF.net and let's face it, I'll follow it anywhere.  I KNOW that it will eventually end up ok, but that interaction in the study made my palms effing SWEAT.

Reviewer: vampluvr25 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 6:34 AM Title: Chapter 47

GRRRR...Can't they come upmwith some kind of code?? I was thinking that if she's not a virgin maybe they'll think she's less desirable and let her go. Maybe

I fucking HATE  Carlisle right now.

Reviewer: kate22689 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 6:30 AM Title: Chapter 47

Ugh! Carlisle seriously ruins everything! I don't think I've ever come across a fic where I've hated him this much until I began to read this one. I want to just throw him into a pit full of rattlesnakes! Jerk.

Awesome update! Can't wait to see how Bella reacts to Edward turning back into the monster!


Reviewer: little furry cannibals Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 6:20 AM Title: Chapter 47

I knew it was too good to be true.  i was waiting for Darkward to reappear.  Poor Bella.  At this point, Edward should just over morphine her and let her die in peace.  You haven't even given us the next chapter, but if it is anywhere near like what Edward was in the beginning, Bella will never forgive him.

Reviewer: KatieRose Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 6:19 AM Title: A Mother's Love

Oh my!!

I've been following this story for a long time and it never ceases to suprise me. Poor Bella, I'm not sure how much more she can take! Couldn't Edward at least let her in on the plan? Ugggh, carslile is a snake. He and his slimeballs make me sick to my stomach. I'm excited to read the next chapter. Assward returns.

And congrats on the ebook, that'll be awesome huh? :)

Reviewer: wytchwmn75 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 6:16 AM Title: Chapter 47

Oh no. He should just take her and run. Demetri is so creepy. I hope Edward gives him a real assbeating. Carlsile too.

Reviewer: maimu Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 6:14 AM Title: Chapter 47



woah there...


what is Edward about to do? O.O


i love that he is so prtective of her, no matter what no matter how, he will protect  Bella and will try to keep her safe...even if it means he needs to hurt her again... i just hope that no one other will... u know... i just hope that!


i wonder how would daddy C react if they mooved out...if Edward turned back on his father and just left? could that be even possible?


once again, CREAT CHAPTER!

Reviewer: cusic1981 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 6:10 AM Title: Chapter 47

This story is excellent but I am afraid of what is coming next.

Reviewer: Aunt040608 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 6:04 AM Title: Chapter 47

I knew Carlisle was up to something that was NO good.

Reviewer: Aunt040608 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 6:04 AM Title: Chapter 47

I knew Carlisle was up to something that was NO good.

Reviewer: sassycook Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 6:03 AM Title: Chapter 47

OMG MY heart is beating so fast. I don't think I breathe at all while reading this chapter. I so want edward to kill his father. The boys need to get together and take that fucker out. Man demetri and marcus are a piece of work. I would die to know that people out there just might be living this nightmare. Great story but man how sad and sickening. Bella stay strong and trust in edward that he knows what he is doing. he wants to save you he loves you. oh my heart is breaking. AHAH I am frustrated. Carlisle I so want you strung up by your balls and have your penis shoved down your throat while you gasp for air while esme is shoving something up your ass not sure what but man that women needs some justice for all the shit she puts up with.


Reviewer: Tinkelbel Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 6:02 AM Title: Chapter 47

poor Bella, when will she feel safe

Reviewer: MrsJakeBlack Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 5:59 AM Title: Chapter 47


nooo edward dont do it

be your nice loving self again

who the hell cares about demetri and marcus

there such bastards to treat bella like that

what idiots

poor edward

that was a totally awesome chapter

loved it


Reviewer: Cheyanne Cullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 5:43 AM Title: Chapter 47

HOLY SHIT! Talk about a cliffhanger of all cliffhangers! That was freaking awesome!!! As always, great story! LOVE IT! Keep up the great work!

Reviewer: darkvampluvr Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 5:38 AM Title: Chapter 47

Poor Bella, Darkward is back. Plz, Plz update soon.

Reviewer: SammyJo Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 5:26 AM Title: Chapter 47

Ok while Esme and Bella are up at Emmett's helping Rosalie.  Carlise, Marcus and Demteri are at the house discussing their evil ways and damn the luck theres a gas leak and they go BOOM!!!! Oops.  :)

Or Edward get ahold of something from the hospital to knock them out while they are sleeping and then binds them up in the basement for a week or so (Carlisle being on a vacation) to see how they fare. And at the end of the time the three men have an unfortunate accident along a winding mountain road loose control go over a side of a cliff and end in a firey explosion below.  :)

Reviewer: Jdonovan09 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 5:17 AM Title: Chapter 47

ohmygod...its awesome cant wait for the next one..

Reviewer: MeyaRose Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 5:16 AM Title: Chapter 47

I knew he'd have to play up the act at some point to please Carlisle. I just hope that Bella will be able to forgive him. He has to hurt her to protect her. So sad!

I'm not sure I get what is with Carlisle, though, he thinks of Bella as a daughter, and yet he treats her as a sex object, he wants her to belong to his son, and yet he's planning on sending her to Demitri.

I feel like there is so much conflict in this story with no resolution in sight, how much longer is this story going to go?

Reviewer: LindsayG1981 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 5:11 AM Title: Chapter 47

Wow. Can't wait to read mroe

Reviewer: chezgirl06 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 4:52 AM Title: Chapter 47

Couldn't Edward warn her before becoming a monster again?

Reviewer: TillITryIllNeverKnow Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 4:47 AM Title: Chapter 47

Stunning chapter!  I could almost feel the tension and hatred flow off the computer screen.  I had a feeling you were about to throw us a curve like this, but wow!!!  Kudos on a job more than well done.  The coming chapters should be heartbreakers!

Reviewer: ThatOnePVkid Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 4:45 AM Title: Chapter 47

cliffie!!!!! ahhh

Reviewer: lovingit3 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 4:41 AM Title: Chapter 47

That breaks my heart he is going to be a monster again. Can't he explain to her and have her put on an act, or better yet leave his fathers house all togther!!!! Can't wait to see what happens next!

Reviewer: karen4honor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 4:40 AM Title: Chapter 47

ohhh noo!! please tell me he talks to her about this before he has to put the bad edward face back on, so she knows what the deal is so she  can play along???

Reviewer: Stacym Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 4:40 AM Title: A Mother's Love

EEEK! I have faith in Edward! Come on, do the right thing man!!

Reviewer: GetDrunkOnVictory Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 4:28 AM Title: Chapter 47

Oh, poor poor Bella. :'(

If Edward doesn't explain to her whats going on she may never forgive him especially when she already has her doubts. :(

Demetri is a sick fucker and I'm sure he wouldn't be missed, and Marcus and Carlisle can disappear right along with him. :(

Reviewer: my2galspal Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 4:28 AM Title: Chapter 47

Please tell me he's going to talk to Bella and tell her what's going on before he embraces the monster so to speak.  Life would be so much easier in this situation if he would be up front with Bella and have her work with him. 

I'm wondering what Carlisle would do if he found out about Bella's nonexistent virginity.  I know readers were kind of divided into two camps:  those that thought he wouldn't care because Bella was always intended for Edward and those that know Carlisle is insane and fear his every move.  I tend to fall into the second camp.

Needless to say, I'm excited (and terrified) to see what's gonna happen next.  I'm so glad we got to see a bit of both POV's in this chapter.  Thanks so much for sharing your story.  Can't wait to see what's in store.

Author's Response:

don't give up all hope on Edward just yet...

Reviewer: karen4honor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 4:27 AM Title: Chapter 46

ominous...... it's been awhile since i've read the last chapter. r/l can suck sometimes. 

Reviewer: bellabells7279 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 4:25 AM Title: Chapter 47

I really hope what Edward is about to do to Bella won't permanently damage her. It would be too sad. I think Edward would not be able to complete "the training" and they would just leave or kill Carlise.

Reviewer: Aether Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 4:18 AM Title: Chapter 47

I remember the hook you used at the begining of this story.  This is the other shoe I was sure would drop.  Poor Bella.

Reviewer: tracygoodey1 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 4:16 AM Title: Chapter 47

oh my lord what does he have to do to save her?,  carlisle knew all along edward would not agree its his way of manilupating everything and everybody to get what he wants bella, maybe edward could tell her to act in whatever plan he thinks of, more please

Reviewer: Wallace Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 4:15 AM Title: A Mother's Love

My heart is beating fast thinking of all the bad things that might happen to Bella.  Really emotional chapter for me. :)

Reviewer: bluelotusgirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 4:14 AM Title: Chapter 47

Please, I am begging...don't let them hurt Bella. Edward has got to TALK to her about what is going on. That's the only way she'll understand. He has got to let her know why he has to bring the monster back. I know he really loves her and I am praying that he will do WHATEVER it takes to protect her from them. That would totally redeem him for all that happened in the past. If he doesn't protect her...he doesn't deserve her. I don't think they could survive if she is raped again. She's come so far. They've come so far. Please, please, please...

Reviewer: justreadit Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 4:13 AM Title: Chapter 47

look, he needs to tell bella the plan right, right? i mean, he's going to tell her the stakes, right????

Reviewer: missouriangel Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 4:12 AM Title: Chapter 47

OH no!!! PLease no this can't be happening to her!




Reviewer: sballluvr5 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 4:11 AM Title: Chapter 47

oh no! no no no!!! can't he just pretend?? and have her pretend?? come on! he will destroy her. oh man. i do not like this. i seriously want to cry. oh! how about he just kill Marcus, Demetri, and Carlisle? then Esme can sign the void adoption papers and they can get married. see? happily ever after?? come on! you're killing me here! sigh. update soon!


Reviewer: Labella Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 4:10 AM Title: Chapter 47

Oh, Please fucking fantastic chapter! I need to know what happens!

Reviewer: wrtcupiecake Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 4:08 AM Title: Chapter 47

Next weekend?  The wait for this chater was long enough, and was short.  Come on, dont do that to us.....ugh!!!!! Please update soon..I cant believe he wont just take her and leave.

Reviewer: mistresselektra Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 4:08 AM Title: Chapter 47

I think Edward should get Bella pregnant they should make a run for Georgia to take advantage of the shotgun wedding laws and then run like hell out of the country until Bella's 18 and have the bb! Fuck this give her to Demetri shit. And don't get start beating her ass again, Eddie! 

Reviewer: reluctantauthor12 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 4:06 AM Title: Chapter 47

I've followed this story from the beginning and have read through all of the horrid parts that have made me sick to my stomach, because the plot and morality that is embedded in it is genius. With that said, i'm not as big of a fan with the turn it took in this past chapter. Obviously that's to be expected because the boat was rocked (a ton), but as a reader of the story and nothing but, based on Bella and Edward's character development I don't know if Bella could take Edward reverting back to his old ways even if it is just for show. He would have torn down all of the progress they had made with the most simple of hateful acts. Please at least have him explain himself to her before he does anything. I don't think after the fact would change much in her mind because she's been traumatized so much already.

Congratulations on another fine chapter and I hope that no matter what hurdles you throw at these two they can make it out together and happy.

Author's Response:

Don't give up hope just yet...

Reviewer: knork Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 4:01 AM Title: Chapter 47

Oh, I think I chewed off all of my nails while reading this chapter. Someone please just kill Carlisle. I've never hated him more in a story. Of course just because these two have found some happiness someone out there has decided to screw with it.

Please don't let her go with the monsters!! Hope our kids make it through this.

Reviewer: jhearte Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 3:58 AM Title: Chapter 47

Please please please have edward explain everything to her.  they can work together to deceive the others.  i hate to see them taking steps back in their relationship.  edward should totally tell her what they are up to and why they have to pretend. 

Reviewer: mentalmute Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 3:53 AM Title: Chapter 47


Reviewer: michswan Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 3:50 AM Title: Chapter 47


He has to tell her what he's going to have to do (but he won't).

She's gone through so much already, I'm going to be sick... :(

Reviewer: Sugar Rae Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 3:46 AM Title: Chapter 47

This is just horrible. Carlisle is a bastard. Bella has got to get out of there.

Reviewer: AmethystDancer Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 3:42 AM Title: Chapter 47

No cliffies!!! *pout*

Although I ought to hat what's about to happen for poor Bella's sake, I find myself intrigued instead. I can't wait to see where this goes next.

Reviewer: Greenaway Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 3:36 AM Title: Chapter 47

Ok, oh my god, i am so freaking scared!!!! You have me on the edge of my seat!!! I hope he explains to her WHY he has to do it. Whatever it is.... See? Im going crazy here!!!! LOL

Awesome chapter, sheer brilliance as always

Reviewer: airforcegirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 3:31 AM Title: Chapter 47


Reviewer: SnowyHedwig Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 3:27 AM Title: Chapter 47

Well damn. I know Edward is panicking, and has Bella's safety at heart - but please, let him have the presence of mind to warn her, to tell her that he needs her to go along with it for her life. If he doesn't, she will break.

One of the things that sprang to mind for me with this, was Edward realizing just how much of an evil bastard Carlisle is - the perfect opportunity for Bella to tell him exactly what Carlisle's been planning to do. And if Edward becomes that monster again, she will NEVER trust him to tell him.

Oh, this just has bad written ALL over it...

Excellent chapter, I totally felt Bella's fear and anxiety. But she spoke up for herself - I LOVE that she totally slapped Demetri.

Author's Response:

Bella is getting some of her old backbone back thanks to the changes in Edward and their blossoming love.  Hmm I wonder if some of that backbone will come into play in the next chapter?????

Reviewer: nybellanena Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 3:24 AM Title: Chapter 47

Once again my heart is in my throat...I can't believe it.  I will the true papers ever be relieved...Marcus may have one son that is loyal to him but Carlisle forgets that he has 3 sons that have changed their minds about how to treat women...I hope Edward has support, but I will feel bad for Bella cause he really will have to be monster for Carlisle to back down.  I do wish that Bella would have told Edward what Carlisle wanted to do to her

Reviewer: flyrbrd Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 3:14 AM Title: Chapter 47

Carlisle is an evil b*stard. I hope Bella will be ok.. Edward must do what he has to, so she will be safe permanently. Pleeeeease update soon.

Reviewer: LindyP Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 3:10 AM Title: Chapter 47

OH MY GOD, OMG, OMG! I totally did not see this last part coming! Somehow, I did not get your last chapter alert so I got to read these last two chapters back to back. I think I forgot to check the box in my prefrences about alerting me to new chapters, but now I fixed that. Your last chapter had me on the edge of my seat. I KNEW Carlisle would try to pull some bullshit like this! And Demetri & his dad are just as evil! Oh poor Bella! Edward is going to have to make her revert back to her servitude ways. I just hope he can comunicate to her that he is doing this to protect her. She is going to be so confused & upset. Especially since she was upset earlier at the security following them when they went shopping & out to lunch. Ugh, this Demitri is going to be BAD NEWS! And I wonder if Bella could be pregnant??? Your story is still my all time favorite! It is so, so good! Please update when you can!

LindyP :)

Author's Response:

Thanks so much! I'm working on the next chapter and hope to have it ready by the weekend. I know it was evil to leave everyone hanging like this so I won't leave you for long.  Everything is quickly coming to a head.

Reviewer: tarrilynn Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 3:09 AM Title: Chapter 47

No!!!!  Have him talk to her, tell her everything.  She would do what she had to to stay with Edward and not go with them.

Reviewer: RpattSinner Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 3:09 AM Title: Chapter 47

oh my god noooooooooooooooooooooo!  I hope he at least explains why he needs to do it.  ugh, i really hate carlisle.  creepy bastard.

Reviewer: bgwillis1281 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 3:07 AM Title: Chapter 47

Please tell me we're not going to go backwards. We've had to deal with a lot in this story. Going backwards is too much for me at this point.

Author's Response:

don't give up hope yet...

Reviewer: IGOTEAMEDWARD Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 3:03 AM Title: Chapter 47

Your story invokes emotions in me,

that are raw and hard to grasp!  It

proves to me that the story is pure

brilliance! :)

Author's Response:

Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying it.  Things are quickly coming to a head.

Reviewer: bluebaby3296 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 3:01 AM Title: Chapter 47

why cant he just tell her its an act???

Reviewer: BelleDuJour Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 2:59 AM Title: Chapter 47

Oh, holy sh!t.  I've never read a more gasp-inducing, tension-filled chapter of anything.  Ever.


Seriously, my heart is racing!  I thought things were bad before but this - this is epic.


I hope that Edward trusts Bella enough to give her some sort of warning of what he's about to do.  And there just aren't enough nasty ways in the universe to kill Carlisle, Marcus and Demetri.

Reviewer: aries1826 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 2:59 AM Title: Chapter 47

oh my god....thank u thank u thank u for updating...This story literally makes my heart beat so fast in my chest and brings tears to my eyes.....pllzzzz dont let bella go with demitri..at least let edward give her a heads up on whats about to go down. Plz let Carlisle,Marcus and Demitri burn in hell..Now that would be awesome....update soon...

Ps. u should seriously consider turning this into a book. Its so original and has so many twist and turns. i kno i'll read it

Author's Response:

I actually have an opportunity to publish TPW this summer as an ebook. That's why I'm rushing to finish so I can start the rewrite to de-Twilight it.

Reviewer: rangernstephfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 2:56 AM Title: Chapter 47

Oh no!! Will he at least tell her before he brings the monster out? Please get the next chapter to us soon. Thanks for the update.

Reviewer: Silverquill Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 2:53 AM Title: Chapter 47


*sigh* I hope he'll think to inform Bella why she needs to play along, the he doesn't want it but if they don't she'll be taken away.

A very violent and dark part of me hopes that Demitri and his ilk end up trying to train a latent sociopath and their treatment triggers her craziness and she proceeds to kill them in some horribly gory and terrible way. Something involving paring knives, hot oil, and restraints. And severed body parts.

Erm, yeah, their behavior kinda makes me angry...

Evil new chapter, I can't wait to find out what happens next!

Author's Response:

Things are coming to a head quickly

Reviewer: hlsmith29 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 2:51 AM Title: Chapter 47

Ok, I really, really hate Carlisle right now!  I think this would be a good time for Bella to let Edward know about Carlisle's plan with her although I don't understand how Edward couldn't have figured it out already.  I'm scared for Bella right now and I hope she understands why Edward is going to turn back around.  Once again, you have left me on the edge of my seat anxiously awaiting another chapter!

Reviewer: lilraerae021591 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 2:51 AM Title: Chapter 47

can't edward just hurry up and try to explain to bella what is going on. i really love this story and i don't want everyone to hate edward for what he is about to do cuz that is exactly what will happen. Carlise is such an asshole that edward needs to take care of or at least stand up and fight him. But, I really do love this story and i would just hate to see edward start all the way back at square one so I really jusy hope he can explain some how to bella about what is about to happen. I can't wait until the next update hope it comes soon

Reviewer: ickaren Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 2:40 AM Title: Chapter 47

That is awful and I hope for another chapter soon! 

Reviewer: dannysmitten Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 2:39 AM Title: Chapter 47



Guh!! after that wait...OMG...aww...Don't be too rough on her Edward. I really hope he tells her beforehand to she doesn't cut herself off from him..what sick bastards Carlisle, marcus and demetri are....i hope Carlisle has a twinge of guilt or a heart and change.

Reviewer: krismarie Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 2:39 AM Title: Chapter 47

Gahhh!!!! Edward is about to take a huge step back isn't he.

Reviewer: gemini062187 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 2:39 AM Title: Chapter 47

OMG sooon PLZ!!!!

Reviewer: twilightobession Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 2:37 AM Title: Chapter 47

OMFG!!!!! I am so nervous for Edward and Bella. I was reading this chapter on pins and needles. I yelled "Way to GO" when Bella slapped Demitri. Carlisle makes me sick. He is just doing this to get Edward back in his control.

I was surprised that Edward controled himself for as long as he did before he hit Demitri.

I truly hope Edward will explain things to Bella before he does anything. I know he feels like he is going back on his word to Bella. BUT this is to save her life. Bella needs Edward to do this to her to keep her safe. If he doesn't she will die from what Demitril will do to her.

As long as Edward and Bella are honest with each other they can get through anything.

She needs to tell Edward what Carlisle wants to do to her NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

I SOOOOOOOO hope you will update SOOOOOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for writing such a wonderful story.

Author's Response:

Things are quickly coming to a head

Reviewer: ColdComfort4 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 2:33 AM Title: Chapter 47

Oh, so sad!  Poor Edward and Bella.  But Edward can tell her it's all pretend, right?  They can act in front of Carlisle etc and be each other otherwise?  I don't think I could handle seeing Bella think that Edward has gone mean again.  Keep updating!

Reviewer: cjngrls Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 2:30 AM Title: Chapter 47

I can't believe you stopped there.. Holy crap.. I'm not going to be able to read anything else... hurry....please tell me that he explains to Bella what he is doing...

Reviewer: siriusyellowlab Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 2:26 AM Title: Chapter 47

Yikes! I really had hoped that Edward would just kill Carlisle, Dimetri and Marcus. Instead, he's going to revert back to the other monster. Maybe he'll whisper to her to play along?

Reviewer: kneon Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 2:24 AM Title: Chapter 47

NO!! He needs to expalin this to her so she understands why he needs to do this.  I am so scared for Bella and Edward.

Reviewer: robin5181985 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 2:22 AM Title: Chapter 47

Not fucking cool.

Reviewer: rangernstephfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 2:22 AM Title: Chapter 46

I don't know how I missed this chapter when it first posted, but its great. I'm curious as to what Carlisle is planning.

Reviewer: starla Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 2:22 AM Title: Chapter 47

Can't he at least warn Bella whats going on?! Oh this is so bad so very very bad.

Reviewer: charming vamp Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 2:20 AM Title: Chapter 47

Wow that chapter was really intense.  I just hope that Edward talks to Bella first before he just becomes Carlisle's Edward in front of her.  Carlisle is really twisted.  Please update soon.  This story is amazing.

Reviewer: TwilightVicki Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 2:20 AM Title: Chapter 47

Oh God, Oh God, Oh God....  I was so scared to open this and now I am even more scared.  Please please please don't let him do whatever he's going to do.  It will kill her.  I hope something happens to save her right now... 

Reviewer: mspacman1 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 2:16 AM Title: Chapter 47

my heart is clenching.... I only hope that Edward might explain to her what he, what they are about to have to do to keep her safe....  they have to fool them or Carlise will take her away.

Reviewer: Kerry Hale Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 2:13 AM Title: Chapter 47

OMG I really want to cry right now. Really great writing. I think this just might break Bella

Reviewer: hunnibunni210 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 2:12 AM Title: Chapter 47

um he should tell her what he has to do...dont' make him go all ahole because she woudln't forgive him again and if he did it that would be it she would be done please just let him tell her

Reviewer: jdm13 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 2:12 AM Title: Chapter 47

Oh god, no! You say to not give up hope. I will try to not do that. My thoughts (hopes, really) is that he will explain the situation to her so that she knows WHY he feels the need to become the monster again. Then they can play their roles in front of Carlisle, Marcus, and Demetri while each knows that its just a role. Not real. If he has to punish her, he can pretend to do so in their bedroom by hitting something else with a strap and Bella can scream for the sound effects. Twisted, yes, but maybe their best option. Please update asap so that we're not left dying here! :)

Reviewer: arrr Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 2:10 AM Title: Chapter 47


Reviewer: saniaast27 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 2:04 AM Title: Chapter 47

oh no pooer edward the bad situation his in...........

Reviewer: JustJillian16 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Feb 2010 2:03 AM Title: Chapter 47

Bitch!! Take forever to post, and then a cliffy?? Urghhh, the best story on here, and you're turning the main, finally nice, male character into one of thoosse, again... -sigh- Haha, i can't wait.. i hope he's not too rough with her.


Author's Response:

lol! Everything is quickly coming to a head.  I promise to get the next chapter out quickly.  Trust me...

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