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Reviews For The Perfect Wife
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Reviewer: lifemoveson Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Feb 2010 2:35 PM Title: Chapter 32

this chapter made me cry. its so sad how sick carlise is. emmet is going to be a amazing father to his son. ive read the whole story so i no there haveing a boy. i cant wait to read more and im sure that emmet will never take rose's love away from THERE child. great work, this story realy is amazing

Reviewer: kapap Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Feb 2010 12:31 PM Title: Chapter 46

Just so you know I love this story, I would follow it everywhere... I can't wait to see what Carlisle planning, is not going to be good is it?

Reviewer: sparkle_me Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Feb 2010 6:37 AM Title: Chapter 46

Oh wait, I think this is the chapter that Carlisle brings in Felix right.

Carlise doesn't even know that Edward has proposed.

OMG, I shakin' in my boots.

Reviewer: Booklover00 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15 Feb 2010 6:25 AM Title: Chapter 46

I absolutely love this story and I don't mind following this story at all and can't wait until the next chapter.

Reviewer: sparkle_me Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Feb 2010 6:21 AM Title: Chapter 44

That was spectacular!!!

It was so worth waiting for.

I loved how you gave us EPOV when he took Bella's virginity. The way he was able to differentiate between taking affection and given affection.



Reviewer: sparkle_me Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Feb 2010 5:59 AM Title: Chapter 42



OMG!!! I can't believe she told him she loves him!!!


I know she's still in HS but she's gone through alot that she had to grow up from.


OMG! I'm so happy for them


I admire Esme's strength but am wary of Carlisle's ire.

Reviewer: tkeaton1 Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Feb 2010 5:36 AM Title: Chapter 46

I was reading this story on fanfiction before, so glad to catch up with it over here now!

Reviewer: FANFICPOSSESSION Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Feb 2010 1:29 AM Title: Chapter 46

Welcome to your new home. I've been reading and enjoying this story from the very beginning. 

Reviewer: ykkinnikky Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Feb 2010 11:03 PM Title: Chapter 46

When is the next update??? I can't wait!!

Author's Response:

the next chapter is in the works. it should be ready by next weekend

Reviewer: Sibel88 Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Feb 2010 10:42 PM Title: Chapter 46

dum dum dum cousin*&***** is coming to visit?

Reviewer: MissSashaFierce Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Feb 2010 10:29 PM Title: Chapter 46

Well hello!

I thought i'd never get logged onto this website to continue reading this story but I did eventually.

Pain in the ass..not you, the website. Lol

Anyhoo..great chapter as always. And when Edward reliezes that they used no contraception, he won't give her a pill or whatever. He wants kids to much.

Please update soon! I have a feeling who these "guests" are gonna be..

Author's Response:

The next chapter is in the works and will hopefully be finished next weekend

Reviewer: bloodykitchengirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Feb 2010 7:21 PM Title: Chapter 46

Great chapter like ever !

Reviewer: libbybelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Feb 2010 5:58 PM Title: Chapter 45

Is there a chapter 46?

Reviewer: libbybelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Feb 2010 5:57 PM Title: Chapter 46

I almost forgot to look here.  Eek!

Reviewer: amgrant3 Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Feb 2010 3:52 PM Title: Chapter 46

This story is worth a million moves! I was wondering when Carlisle's "plan" was going to start taking effect. I can't wait to see how dinner goes.

Reviewer: IGOTEAMEDWARD Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Feb 2010 3:47 PM Title: Chapter 46

I can't say enough how brilliant this

story is! I keep waiting for the other

shoe to drop.  When Darkward finds

out about his dads plans for his

Bella. :)

Reviewer: IGOTEAMEDWARD Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Feb 2010 3:25 PM Title: Chapter 44

Brilliant job on this chapter! :)

Reviewer: IGOTEAMEDWARD Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Feb 2010 2:05 PM Title: Chapter 38

I love E's POV! :)

Reviewer: IGOTEAMEDWARD Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Feb 2010 1:28 PM Title: Chapter 37

Yeah! :)

Reviewer: IGOTEAMEDWARD Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Feb 2010 12:34 PM Title: Chapter 34

I am so happy I found this story

again!!  I lost it on a ff.net!

Reviewer: babybella95 Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 14 Feb 2010 11:54 AM Title: Chapter 46

I love this story!!!!I can't wait to read the next chapter and to know what Carlisle going to do.Oh and also who are the guests???^^


Reviewer: ju007 Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Feb 2010 7:14 AM Title: Chapter 46

love the update!

Reviewer: Punky Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Feb 2010 5:05 AM Title: Chapter 46

I LOVE THIS STORY! lol I am one that have followed it everywhere. I gettin a lil worried, when is Bella gonna tell edward about carlisle? When is Carlisle gonna retaliate and the flashback of edward was KILLER. This story has had me on the edge for a year now. And trust im still there! love you story cant wait for more chapters!

Reviewer: TwilightFan104 Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Feb 2010 3:24 AM Title: Chapter 46

Great chapter. Ominous ideas are out there now. Surprise guests and potential pregnancy? Seems the gamess contiue.

Reviewer: pearlsnpolos16 Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Feb 2010 2:22 AM Title: Chapter 45

Wow. Amazing chapter!!

Reviewer: AshleyLynne87 Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Feb 2010 1:00 AM Title: Chapter 46

Great new chapter!  I can't wait to read more!

Reviewer: IDTwilight Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Feb 2010 12:46 AM Title: Chapter 46

Love the story. Can't wait for more chapters.

Reviewer: LTyphoon Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13 Feb 2010 10:29 PM Title: Chapter 46


Reviewer: hidden_secret2 Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Feb 2010 7:47 PM Title: Chapter 46

hey, what happened to chp 46?

Author's Response:

I don't know what happened to screw up the chapter numbers.  This is actually 46 so you haven't missed anything.

Reviewer: felicitasS Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Feb 2010 6:16 PM Title: Chapter 46

Hey there, I finally made my way up to the new home of this story! I found it translated on the german fanfiktion side and couldn't wait, to read the rest, so I'm here now!! I love your story. And I must say, that I'm a little afraid, of what will happen to Bella, when Carlisle knows, that she's not a virgin anymore!! I hope, that Edward will protect her! So, I'm looking forward for a new chapter!! Have nice day

Reviewer: fleur50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13 Feb 2010 6:14 PM Title: Chapter 46

J'ai hâte que Bella parle à quelqu'un ou à Edward que Calisle lui fait peur....

Reviewer: fleur50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13 Feb 2010 5:58 PM Title: Chapter 45

histoire géniale

Reviewer: fleur50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13 Feb 2010 5:56 PM Title: Chapter 44

J'ai des problèmes avec l'anglais, j'espère que je ne vous ai pas envoyé le même revew plusieurs fois, je ne connais pas bien ce site! sinon excusez mon ignorence!

Je suis si heureuse d'être capable de laisser une review, je n'avais jamais été capable, j'adore votre histoire, je l'aime tellement que j'en rêve quelquefois la nuit! 

Je suis beta pour la traduction de votre fic en français, la personne qui traduit en français fait une belle traduction.  Pour vous lire, je me sers d'un traducteur, ce n'est pas l'idéal mais c'est mieux que rien.

Je suis une nouvelle grand-maman d'une petite fille de 2 mois. J'ai 48 ans et je suis peintre et photographe amateur.  Mes filles ont 25 et 21 ans. Je suis mariée depuis 26 ans bientôt 27 ans.

Reviewer: LAN809 Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Feb 2010 7:48 AM Title: Chapter 46

I am so glad to see that you found a home for this story. I just got caught up on it. Fantastic as always!


God I hope Carlisle's plan does not go his way. Hopefully Edward and the others put up a hell of a fight.

Reviewer: mspacman1 Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Feb 2010 11:35 PM Title: Chapter 46

Mic, babe - I would follow you anywhere to get the rest of this and your other sotries! You are so talented.  I  also have to mention that I am soooooo nervous at the moment kinda of knowing what Carlise has planned next.... I also hope that after meeting their guest Bella will confide in Edward about what Carlise said to her.

Author's Response:

It's going to be an interesting night at the Cullen home

Reviewer: siriusyellowlab Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Feb 2010 9:50 PM Title: Chapter 46

I loved this chapter! The girls are getting more comfortable with their lives - just in time for Carlisle to come along and ruin it again, I'll bet.

The company must be the awful cousins. I'm looking forward to see how Edward will handle it. I hope he's at the dinner, and that Carlisle hasn't 'conveniently' had him busy at the hospital.


Reviewer: A Cullen Wannabe Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12 Feb 2010 7:20 PM Title: Chapter 46

Well you're not alone.  The Literate Union is starting to attack us all and I know several people who are making the move this way.  I missed this story so much. I'm glad it has a new permanent home.  I'm not looking forward to what comes next.  Poor Bella.

Reviewer: A-Brown Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Feb 2010 5:43 PM Title: Chapter 46

I have been following your story since it was on fanfiction! I can't wait to see who the guests are!

Reviewer: britter18 Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Feb 2010 5:37 PM Title: Chapter 46

please update soon!! i really hope edward dosen't turn back to the way he was!!

Reviewer: odinamus Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Feb 2010 3:38 PM Title: Chapter 46

Can't wait to see what happens next! Though it is pretty clear there won't be any kittens and rainbows in the near future:(

I don't know how often you update this story. I hope it happens soon though:)

Thank you for writing this story and sharing it with us!

Author's Response:

I'm working on the next chapter and hope to have it ready soon

Reviewer: odinamus Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Feb 2010 3:32 PM Title: Chapter 45

Carlisle continues to be a mystery for me. Why would he show any kindness towards Bella when she was a small girl? So many question on m mind.

Thank you for writing such an interesting story!

Reviewer: odinamus Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Feb 2010 3:26 PM Title: Chapter 44

Their first time was perfect and I really like that it was spontaneous and rulled by their hormones and not brain, it just feels more real. I am afraid though that they just have opened an extra way for Carlisle to abuse her. I have no idea, why that monster decided that it had to be Edward to take her virginity, but who can understand how his twisted mind works. It just seems that Edward will regret pretty soon not waiting with taking her last protection away. Though as I say, I don't really understand why Carlisle being the monster that he is, cares if she stays a virgin or not. I would actually think he would be interested in her losing her v as soon as possible, so that he would have the possibility to abuse her that way as well... 

Reviewer: nandreea1987 Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Feb 2010 2:31 PM Title: A Mother's Love

I dread the moment Carlisle decides to fulfill his threat in the early chapters of this story. I don't want more abuse for Bella :(

Reviewer: Asiria Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Feb 2010 1:39 PM Title: Chapter 46

I am so happy that you found a home for TPW.  You are doing an amazing job on this story.  I love it.  Keep up the awesome work.

I am sorry that I have not given you any reviews lately but I have had a lot going on in the past few months.

Reviewer: maritxuvirgo Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Feb 2010 12:06 PM Title: Chapter 46

Thanks for the update. Longer chapters please?

Reviewer: odinamus Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Feb 2010 11:25 AM Title: Chapter 38

I can't even imagine how furious Carlisle will be when he finds out about all the changes.  He still officially has power over her as her adoptive father, not to mention the power he has given himself in his mind over all of them.

I cry the most when you write about the boys relationship with Esme. It is awful what they put the girls through, but it somehow feels even less humane how they treated their own mother. It is still very sad that three grown up men can't put a stop to what their father is doing and they all are tiptoeing around him. Carlisle is a great manipulator in this story, a sick psychopath playing God in the little world he has created. I can't wait to see the fall of his empire! I wonder though how can he have so much power outside his family? He must be connected to the criminal world somehow to be able to get away with all the murders, slavery and so on. It has never been mentioned where all of this power comes from. It ought to be more than just money for him to be so sure that there won't be any consequences for his actions. Also the ease with which Edward just called a killer, like ordering pizza for dinner. Who are they?

Well, the story just gets better and better, there are so many questions in my head!

Thank you for writing it!

Reviewer: odinamus Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Feb 2010 10:18 AM Title: Chapter 37

I doubt very much that it was a real apportunity for her to run from them. It seems that Carlisle would be able to find a way to get to her no matter where she would go.  Poor girl.


Reviewer: robbeeleebabe2010 Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Feb 2010 4:24 AM Title: Chapter 46

loved this chapter and i can't wait for more but what happen to chapter 46 it goes ch 45 and than jumps to 47??

Reviewer: Mick Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Feb 2010 4:03 AM Title: Chapter 46

I have to say, I hope Bella is pregnant and I hope Carlisle gets severly pissed off.  I think this is my first review for this story, and I have to say...abuse aside, this is a really good story.  It seems like one of those that you could go on and on with.  Some stories get old around the 40th chapter, but this one shows no sign of slowing down - I love it!  Thanks so much for keeping it out there (here).

Author's Response:

Thanks for sticking with my story. I originally planned on it being about 25 chapters but somewhere along the way I think I created a monster. lol  We are nearing the end though so things will start to happen quickly

Reviewer: Bakergirl24 Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Feb 2010 2:47 AM Title: Chapter 46

OMR!!! He is not taking her away from Edward is he. Edward will not let that happen. He can't. I'm hoping the boys don't either. I think it is time to bury Carlisle in the garden. I can't wait until the next chapter. Thank you for sharing. Take care and be safe. BG24

Reviewer: aesookmalice Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Feb 2010 6:11 PM Title: Chapter 46

my god i love your story.please update soon PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

Reviewer: odinamus Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Feb 2010 4:58 PM Title: Chapter 29

This is the first chapter in this story that I truly enjoyed reading, not only for your exceptional writing skills, but also for the content. I loved Esme's secret codes and how she compared each of the girls to flowers, it was very beautiful. What would they do without her? Would probably commit suicide by now.

I feel sorry for Rose, that all this years didn't change Emmett all that much and she only gets small bits of happiness in this hell. Guess the only hope is that becoming a father would soften him further, who knows, maybe it will work.

Love the fact that Edward gets softer and Carlisle gradually loses his influence on him,even if it is only by a small fraction at the moment. I am pretty sure though that they will pay dearly for it very soon.:(

Thank you for such a great chapter!:)

Reviewer: odinamus Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Feb 2010 12:33 PM Title: Chapter 26

I'm not sure he can either, Alice :(

Reviewer: Lilybug1129 Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Feb 2010 7:54 AM Title: Chapter 46

I am so glad you finally found a "home" for this story, I was starting to feel like a stalker chasing this story around cyberspace! LMAO!

Great chapter! I hope these visitors aren't too hard on Bella, she needs some happiness in her life!  How about they take a liking to Carlisle instead and give him a taste of his own medicine! I know, wishful thinking on my part!

I look forward to reading more... thank you for sharing your writing with us! =)

Author's Response:

It's going to be an interesting evening in the Cullen home

Reviewer: edwardandbella18 Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Feb 2010 3:46 AM Title: Chapter 46

UPDATE!!! I love this story so far!!

Reviewer: JennyTheVamp4Edward Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Feb 2010 11:08 PM Title: Chapter 46

Nice as ever!

Reviewer: vvply Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Feb 2010 9:20 PM Title: Chapter 46

Thanks for the update. I am on the edge of my seat with this one and Carlisle plans. BTW I was wondering where chapter 46 went. Anyway, looking forward to all and any updates.

Reviewer: m429 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Feb 2010 6:48 PM Title: Chapter 7

HOLY FUCK this is nasty....I started reading at ch.13 because this already seemed disturbing by some reviews. I take abuse of woman very seriously and am shocked at this story. I did read your note saying that after ch.11 it gets better, which I may have to skip to. I am not sure what her punishments have involved, but I am not even sure I want to know. I mean, maybe some kind of summary of the first 11 chapters will do, because I cant stomach them. Also, I am assuming Edward knows what is involved here and I am pretty sure I am not going to like him. I mean, he is ok with incest and forcing woman to be treated like that? WTF? Also, how is she not calling the cops or running away. I am not quite sure how in the world she is so submissive. In realy world this would never happen.

Reviewer: olga nyc Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10 Feb 2010 6:42 PM Title: Chapter 46

I'm glad I found your story again. Lovely chapter, as always.  I do hope Bella is not pregnant yet - the girl needs to live life first.

I'm scared but excited for the next update.

Reviewer: mccappy Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Feb 2010 2:43 PM Title: Chapter 46

I'll follow this story anywhere!  

I'm so scared for Bella. I don't think my heart can take her being sexually abused again. Oh please don't let that happen. I don't think she will be able to heal again. Carlisle need to die! If I had my choice it would be Esme who does the deed.

Reviewer: MidnightKat Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Feb 2010 2:16 PM Title: Chapter 46

Are you going to make Bella be pregnant?   Or worse yet, Carlisle takes her and then we have to wonder who the father is?  I can't wait to see the fallout from the guests.  So many ways for you to go here.  This should be a fun ride. 

Loved the chapter...I'm anxiously waiting for the next one........Kat


Reviewer: sakarix Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10 Feb 2010 1:21 PM Title: Chapter 46

Even though Bella believes that she belongs to Edward now, I have a feeling that Carlisle isn't done with her yet.  It's so hard because I want to be happy for Bella but it just feels like the calm before the storm.  Glad that you found a home for this story, it's just too good to be lost.  Thanks for the update!

Author's Response:

Things are coming to a head quickly

Reviewer: odinamus Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Feb 2010 11:16 AM Title: Chapter 19

I thought it couldn't get any worse and here comes Carlisle and his cruel plan...:(

I have a hard time believing Edward can change his views on life after beeing programmed by Carlisle for over 20 years.

Reviewer: odinamus Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Feb 2010 10:17 AM Title: Chapter 17

I was up reading until 5 A.M!!!I just couldn't stop, I had to know what will happen next!

Oh boy, I have never hated any Edward in this fandom as much as I hate this one! Even his magical name that tends to make me forgive next to anything he does, can't help his case. I wish it was a part of the "Kill the Cullen contest" and I was allowed to strangle this one!:)

I could almost physically feel her horror when she thought he was going to drown her! Though, that would probably be the closest thing to happily ever after she can get in this house full of psychos!

It is horrible that they managed to breake her in such a short time!

I am affraid to say that I like this story, because then something must definitely be wrong with me, since the things that are described here are beyond horrible!The plot terrifies me! It's like with a horror movie, I know I shouldn't watch it. I will jump at every sound in the darkness for several weeks to come. But once I have started, I just can't stop watching it. So even if I am not able to get myself to say that I love this story, I do like your writing and the fact that you can evoke such strong emotions in your reader, even if it is an all consuming hatred towards the characters. Well, that and the pity for this women. I feel like I pity Rosalie, Alice and Esme even more than Bella at this point. I pity them for the fact that they actually love those monsters. It must be some psychological disease, when you start to love the abuser and forgive him after he has beaten you senceless. It always terrified me to see in films and to know that it happens to many women all over the world. I just don't understand how after beeing beaten they can forgive the abuser and believe when he says he will never do it again. Well, here Bella doesn't have much of a choice, they will hunt her down even if she tries to escape. However in RL when women don't run to the police or some "Family refuge center", but actually are trying to find an excuse for thier abuser, it's just so aweful.:(

So yeah, the scariest aspect of this story is that I am pretty sure it happens in real life. :(



Reviewer: educatedguess Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Feb 2010 4:39 AM Title: Chapter 46

Oh God ::hides under a blanket from Carlisle::

::prays to the Greek God of Edward:: Please please please don't let her get taken away and abused more.  Please please please hide her from Carlisle and his craziness ::lights a candle::

Reviewer: Seraphslastkiss Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Feb 2010 4:12 AM Title: Chapter 46

I didn't even know it updated! Awesome chapter! So, we know who the guests are. I wonder how Carlisle will react to finding out Edward and Bella have been together. I can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: saratan182 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10 Feb 2010 4:11 AM Title: Chapter 46

Dun Dun Dun......wonder who it could be.....
glad i finally found your story again!

Reviewer: vatechchick Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Feb 2010 3:42 AM Title: Chapter 46

love it as always!  can't wait for an update :)

Reviewer: eleni317 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Feb 2010 3:16 AM Title: Chapter 46

awe poor bella, id freak out to! I'm so glade they're moving forward though...to bad i have a feeling shit is about to hit the fan for real when they get to that dinner :s God i really hate Carlisle in this story!!!

Reviewer: odinamus Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Feb 2010 11:30 PM Title: Chapter 12

Uh, how I want to hurt them all, Edward included!Sure "a black eye and a sprained ankle" are the biggest problems in this insanity. The fact that they are f*cking his future wifes mouth repeatedly, on top of humiliating her in other ways is however not an issue at all. Way to go Edward!I appreciate your sacrifice. You hate that they use her sexually, but it is all for a better cause! It is also nice of you taking into consideration, if she actually wants to be your submissive wife, it is not slavery at all, so relax and enjoy! 

I feel like a complete crazy person!I have actually just adressed my accusation to a fictional character!Nice:) No need to question my sanity!

But it is not my fault that your writing is so good and you evoke  such strong reactions in your readers, right?Lol

I realise that we know next to nothing about E right now, but at this point I hate every single man in this story and really hope women will get their revenge at some point, cause I really doubt anything can change my opinion about this bastards right now. But that is why I am going to continue reading, to see if I am wrong or to see them all burn in hell!

Damn, you must be good if you managed to get me so furious:) Your writing is exceptionally good, and the plot that makes me rage!

One thing is for sure, I can't stop reading it....

Oh and by the way...I couldn't stop laughing at this: " I knew I couldn’t make love to her until we were married." You are such a prude Eddie!

Reviewer: Kerry Hale Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Feb 2010 11:18 PM Title: Chapter 46

Loved it. Great chapter. I am so happy you found a home for your wonderful story

Reviewer: arfess96 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Feb 2010 11:13 PM Title: Chapter 46

I feel like a dirge should be palying in the background with the announcement of guest. Gosh I hope Edward doesn't cave to the pressures his dad is about to put on him.

Reviewer: NathalieRoss Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Feb 2010 8:54 PM Title: Chapter 46

Oh my god, Mic, chapter is perfect as your story at all! I love reading it!

But I have one question - how many chapters are you going to write? :D And will you publish "The Perfect Wife" as official book? I hope you will because I'd love to have your book it my bookcase :D Answer me on both questions on my e-mail adress: nathalie.ross@wp.pl ;)

I hope that Bella won't get hurt, will she? Edward realy should take care of her 'till those guests go out of their home for long time ;)

Greetings! And take care of yourself, Mic ;)

With love,

NathalieRoss ;)

Reviewer: DestanyRose Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Feb 2010 7:37 PM Title: Chapter 46

I love this story so much.  I can't wait to see where this will go.  I love the way you have developed this story.  And the plot is like nothing I have ever read before.  Keep up the great work.

Reviewer: odinamus Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Feb 2010 6:15 PM Title: Chapter 2

The picture on top of this chapter is so beautiful!!!!

Can't say the same about James' and Charlie's souls:( Obviously, they continue to be sick bastards...what a shame!

Ok, moving on to the next chapter...

Reviewer: ToRunWithScissors Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Feb 2010 6:10 PM Title: Chapter 46

I followed you over too, I recently discovered your story and it's like a trainwreck...it's often absolutely horrifying, yet I can't look away, lol.  you write well and the story has me hook, line, and sinker.

I like this chapter, but I can see the edge of darkness approaching....


Now I have to wait (drums fingers on keyboard)

Reviewer: odinamus Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Feb 2010 5:43 PM Title: Chapter 1

This two sound like sick bastards...poor girl.....gonna see what happens...

Reviewer: Mora-Cullen Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09 Feb 2010 5:04 PM Title: Chapter 46

Daddy C is a royal pain in my ass!!!

Reviewer: famaggiolo Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Feb 2010 12:05 PM Title: Chapter 46

Ohhh the twist is on its way... I just hope that Bella and Edward will stay together.


I have a feeling that Carlisle is going to be and ass and I have a bad feeling that he is trying to sell or push Bella onto his brother son Felix.  (I hope I have that correct).


I shall see what the next chapter brings. 

Reviewer: 1twifan4evr Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09 Feb 2010 9:36 AM Title: Chapter 33

BEST CHAPTER EVER!!!!! There is hope for Eddie-boy yet!!!!

Reviewer: angeluv Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09 Feb 2010 9:10 AM Title: Chapter 46

oh the storm is coming!!...i don't mind this website but i just have no idea how to put your story on alert, so i feel compelled to check everyday if you've updated lol

Reviewer: rhapsody Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Feb 2010 9:06 AM Title: Chapter 46

I'm hoping that Edward doesn't fuck up over Demitri and finally learns that Bella is in danger from Carlisle

Reviewer: sassycook Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Feb 2010 6:11 AM Title: Chapter 46

i am glad things are still going well with bella and edward

i am taking it the guest are his cousins and uncle. Bella is about to be made a pawn. I bet carlisle will not be to happy to hear that edward and she have had sex and are engaged. I believe carlisle still has the adoption paperwork for her. I can't remeber him signing over bella to edward yet. this man is truly sick.

so far the rest of the sick bastards got what was coming to them. But the boys need to ban to take on daddy dearest, will they do it.

Reviewer: linzzer220 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09 Feb 2010 5:52 AM Title: Chapter 44

Awww, yay!!! I'm so glad they finally did it and we're ready for it.  I would've been pissed if Carlisle was in the house when all of this was going down.  Not too mention they've both come so far, I'm glad it came out of a happy occasion and not forced :)

Reviewer: akeim Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Feb 2010 4:10 AM Title: Chapter 46

I'm glad you're at a place where I can finally leave you a review! I just want you to know that I love this story, and all the twists and turns that have went with it. It's a very powerful story, and as always, I can't wait to read more. :)

Reviewer: 1twifan4evr Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09 Feb 2010 4:00 AM Title: Chapter 23

I hurt for Alice. Just like I hurt for Bella and Rose. I hurt the most for Esme because she will never get out of this life. Carlisle is the source of this problem. I never thought I could love Jasper more than I do now. I have more respect for him than anyone at this point. I really hope Edward listens to what Jasper is trying to tell him. GREAT CHAPTER

Reviewer: twilipated Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Feb 2010 3:58 AM Title: Chapter 46

I have to admit, I'm a little scared.  The first part of the story was hard enough to get through but I persevered...and have followed you from early on FF.  By chance have you mapped out the length of this story and can you please forewarn me how dark future chapters are?  A simple heads up would be so helpful.  Thank you. 

Author's Response:

There are only a few chapters left in the story. I promise it won't be anything like the beginning of the story. I can't say more than that without giving away the ending, just know that I'm aware what Bella has been thru and how much a person can take.

Reviewer: 1twifan4evr Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09 Feb 2010 3:31 AM Title: Chapter 22

I love girl time!!! Did I mention THANK GOD CHARLIE AND JAMES ARE DEAD!!!! That was another happy point in this story. I am waiting for them to put some shit in Carlisle's ass...but I guess I will have to wait for that. I still hate Edward but I think there is a possibility that he can come in my good graces once he starts to appreciate Bella and give her her life back...I blame Carlisle and Charlie not Edward. He doesn't know any better.

Reviewer: klrtwilight Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Feb 2010 2:54 AM Title: Chapter 46

Found it!!! FYI, the morning after pill is not like an abortion pill...It keeps egg and sperm from implanting...

Hope to have another chapter up soon!!  Looks like Carlisle is at it again!!

Author's Response:

I know it isn't an abortion pill.  Look at it from a naive 17 yr old's pov.  It's not something Renee would have ever talked to her about for her to really know the particulars.

Reviewer: Isa virgin Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Feb 2010 2:16 AM Title: Chapter 46

I'm scared already... Poor Bella

Reviewer: Mels78 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09 Feb 2010 12:38 AM Title: Chapter 46

Great chapter.  Loved the lemon at the beginning and especially the fact that they could be honest with each other about their feelings.  I just wish that Bella would have told him about Carlisle but I am sure that will come soon.  I am so scared about the visitors.  Yikes!  Cannot wait for the next chapter :) 

Reviewer: eternally addicted Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Feb 2010 9:41 PM Title: Chapter 46

God help us all I fear the shit is about to hit the fan. I pray so much that Edward can protect her and keep her form being taken and hurt any more than what she has already been. Especailly if she is pregnant. 

Reviewer: Alice05 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Feb 2010 6:51 PM Title: Chapter 46

There are more chapters, or not? I'm a little bit confused, but this isn't the end of the story?

The chapter was beautiful, and I really hope that Bella isn't pregnant.

I have one more question: You said in another chapter that Jasper met ALice two times, and am I right that the second time was when Alice tried to kill herself with jumping out of a window? And this was the time when she had been passed out?


I hope you understand me, I'm not so good in English, but I try to get better with reading english stories and that is one of my favourites;)

Author's Response:

No this is not the end of the story. There are only a few chapters left.

The first time Jasper met Alice was in her room at Charlie's when she jumped out the window. The second time was in her hospital room after. 

Reviewer: dandoonah Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Feb 2010 6:06 PM Title: Chapter 46

nooo, will she ever take a break :(


Reviewer: 1twifan4evr Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08 Feb 2010 5:29 PM Title: Chapter 13

Other than chapter one this chapter was the first one I didnt cry. I wish she could have chosen her own food *sigh* but at least Bella had a moment of happiness.

Reviewer: donnabellaswancullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Feb 2010 4:43 PM Title: Chapter 46

i am really loving this story, when it first started it brought up alot of emotional memories from my past and because of that i have been going to counsilling and opening up, so to be honest its done me the world of good (for me and my husband), now im just loving the love between edward and bella. You are such a fantastic writer and you always keep me hanging on for more, thank you for that you dont know how much you truely have helped me, keep up the great work. xx

Author's Response:

Thank you so much for your kind review. I'm glad that you are able to talk to someone about your trauma. So many women never tell anyone and keep it a secret.  I wish you the very best in life.

Take care,


Reviewer: 1twifan4evr Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Feb 2010 4:21 PM Title: Chapter 9

These are the two most disgusting people EVER!!!! I cant believe I could hate Charlie so muc. I have no words for them. They are the sickest bastards known to man. I want Bella to bite their shits off.

Reviewer: Golden Onion Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Feb 2010 3:43 PM Title: Chapter 46

Hey, I love your story, but I'm so worried about Bella ! Ugh.

How many chapters are left ??

Reviewer: tita cullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Feb 2010 3:23 PM Title: Chapter 46

NO, PLEASE. NO PLEASE, i'm begging please be gentle this is crazy. they are being doing so good all of them. please. I swear i'm sweating bullets here. I know you are not going to let anything happen to bella right, right? The plan that Carlisle has it's creazy. my god is there any way at all that i can help kill Carlisle or help you find a way to kill him I'm sure that you have heard this before but Carlisle Cullen needs to die yesterday. The entire family needs freedom because they all being victim of his creaziness. I got butterflies in my stomach. However, whatever you do it's a great story you have blessed us all with your wonderful gift and is highly appreciated.

Reviewer: luvrofink Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 08 Feb 2010 3:06 PM Title: Chapter 46

I'm assuming shit's going to hit the fan soon. I might have to skip the heart fail for a while until it gets better. This is one of the few stories that really affects me emotionally and I'm not sure if I have the stomach to read Bella going through anymore hell. (Unless you can be a doll and spoil it for me)

Author's Response:

I'm glad you like my story. I love reading your stories. Sorry no spoilers, but I will say I know the next chapter will be a nail biter.  :)


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