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Reviews For The Perfect Wife
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Reviewer: skimbo06 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08 Feb 2010 2:28 PM Title: Chapter 46

WOW. I hope once her house is made carlisle doesnt sneek over and take what he wants most. :(

Guests. no way! ACK!

Reviewer: NoelleSeven Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Feb 2010 10:13 AM Title: Chapter 46

Great chapter again.  Looking forward to seeing what happens when the "guests" arrive.  Hopefully everyone will stand up for Edward and Bella.  Carlisle needs to get what's coming to him dang it...I swear I've been waiting for that since the beginning of this story...

Thank you for addressing the whole lack of a condom thing.  I look forward to seeing what becomes of that situation as well.  Well done as always.  :-)

Reviewer: 1twifan4evr Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08 Feb 2010 8:55 AM Title: Chapter 2

OMG I dont know how she will get through this. PLEASE PLEASE dont tell me Carlisle is like this too!!!! Where is Edward???

Reviewer: 1twifan4evr Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08 Feb 2010 8:45 AM Title: Chapter 1

OMG!!! What the hell does James mean when he says training??? This does not sound good. They are sick bastards!!!!!

Reviewer: 1twifan4evr Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08 Feb 2010 8:28 AM Title: A Mother's Love

This was a good first chapter. I am not completely sure what happened at the end of the chapter. Who was Renee talking to???

Reviewer: Twilightobsessed09 Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08 Feb 2010 7:03 AM Title: Chapter 46

Loved it..Glad I'm not moving again..

Now as for Edward, I think she should still be a bit cautious with him and Carlisle's Edward because I still think he's in there somewhere and just by pushing the wrong buttons he could possibly reimerge. And this I definitely do not want. But I think Carlisle's brainwashing is embedded in him the most. Be careful especially with upcoming guests. That bastard Carlisle! Will we ever be rid of him?

Is wrong of me to be hopeful that she may be knocked up? Not that I care because I deeply hope she is.

Hey, just trying to buy her some time away from Big Bad Wolf's path.

But something worries me a bit, due to the tramuatic so-called "training" can she have babies?

I really hope so. I would hate to they have stolen that from her..

This worry extends to Alice also..

Catch u on the next one...

Reviewer: yankeerose Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08 Feb 2010 6:34 AM Title: Chapter 46

Maybe Bella being pregnant might stop Carlisle from his insane ideas.

Reviewer: vampluvr25 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Feb 2010 4:58 AM Title: Chapter 46

Of course I followed. and I would any other time should it be proven necessary.

Little did I know that my life was about to take another turn in just a few short minutes. I don't know if I like the sound of that. I feel like everything we've all been waiting for is about to happen. Kinda Sucks. I was finally happy with the place our two lovelies have landed.

Reviewer: Ieatbooks Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Feb 2010 4:23 AM Title: Chapter 46

Umm... I really hope Bella is not pregnant. She and Edward have enough issues to deal with already, including some major trust and communication problems to work out, before having children. Also, it's definitely not too late to take the morning after pill, which wouldn't hurt a fetus, as the pill actually works as contraception by preventing fertilization. It's not like an abortion in pill form, which seems to be Bella's misconception.

Okay, sorry about all that, but I just wanted to say that quickly before I say how excited I am to see this story get a permanent location, not to mention for the drama that's about to come up with Carlisle's guests. I can't wait for your next chapter!

Reviewer: cofey Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Feb 2010 3:56 AM Title: Chapter 46

OMG carlisle is such a bastard!!! can he stop the wedding???  bella is still underage and now under carlisle and esmee's control legally ... how will edward react .. shit .. i really need u to update soon coz i need to know what's going to happen

surely edward and the rest of the family wont let carlisle send her away!!!

i have really become addicted to your fic .. it was recommended by southernlady23 and as usual she was spot on!!!!

thanks and looking forward to updates

xoxo ety

Reviewer: angelnlove52 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Feb 2010 3:42 AM Title: Chapter 46

awesome as always-- and dont fret, we will follow u and any story u write newhere :)! hope u and ur fam r doing well! cant wait to c whos coming to dinner

Reviewer: Kristine8 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Feb 2010 2:52 AM Title: Chapter 46

I nearly gave up on your story after the 3rd chapter. I just found the subject matter so disturbing. What Bella went through with Charlie and James just made me sick, and I didn't want to read any more of it. But I decided to read some reviews by other readers, and their praise for your story convinced me to keep going. I've gotta say, this is a very strange world you've created, but it's a compelling story and I'm glad that I got to read it. You really are a talented writer.

But now I'm freaking out that Bella is going to be put through more misery at the hands of that sick and twisted fuck that is Carlisle. Dammit. The girl has been through enough. Yeah, yeah, I know...drama and danger make for good storytellng. I just need some assurance that there will be a happy ending eventually and that the bad guys will get what's coming to them. Please?

Reviewer: meg0407 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Feb 2010 2:39 AM Title: Chapter 46

oh man shit is gonna hit the fan i hope edward doesnt go all assward again

Reviewer: kneon Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Feb 2010 2:24 AM Title: Chapter 46

So sad that her happiness is going to be so short, because of the guests.  Hopefully, Edward will be able to protect her.

Reviewer: care Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Feb 2010 2:02 AM Title: Chapter 46

amazing, as always. curious to see how the dinner plays out and the possible prenancy in the future....

Reviewer: Isis Janet Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Feb 2010 12:39 AM Title: Chapter 46


Veri good chap.

Reviewer: TillITryIllNeverKnow Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Feb 2010 12:18 AM Title: Chapter 46

Following you over has been a pleasure!  So is this u[pdate.  God forbid things should run smoothly for Bella, huh?  I can practically hear the creepy music!  Nice!

Reviewer: sunfire04 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 11:57 PM Title: Chapter 46

Great chapter. I'm scared about what will happen next.

Reviewer: bonitamelodia Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 11:14 PM Title: Chapter 46

sighs... the honeymoon will be over way to soon.... Carlisle freaks me out.. A LOT! Thanks for the update!

Reviewer: Pyejammies Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 10:32 PM Title: Chapter 46

Your writing style seems a little diffferent in this chapter.  I had forgotten that she wasn't using birth control.  Whoops!  Hopefully now that she has lost her virginity Carlisle won't be able to go ahead with his evil plan.  I still think we should order a hit on Carlisle.  The only way to stop him is to kill him, preferably slowly.  I'm holding my breath until the next chappie. After a couple of happy chappies I just know that we going to get a scary one next.

Author's Response:

My mind wasn't really in it with this chapter. It was more of a stepping stone for the next chapter

Reviewer: Evelyne-raconte Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 10:08 PM Title: Chapter 46

This was an other great chapter. But I'm afraid of Carlisle's guests. Are they the "vile cousins" ? And why hasn't Bella talked to Edward about what Carlisle have done to her ? About why she is so afraid with Carlisle ? About the fear she feels about Carlisle ? Now, she can tell Edward the truth, can't she ?

I love that fiction, you are doing great. Thank you !

Reviewer: cocotekiki Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 9:39 PM Title: Chapter 46

Super chapitre , Les invités de Carlisle ne sont pas ceux a qui il a teleponer ? J'espere que NON !

Vivement le prochain chapitre Cocotekiki .


Reviewer: hmoore29091992 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 9:00 PM Title: Chapter 46

oh god...i dont think i can cope much longer! With carlisle's threats and dimitri coming over...what will be next?!

Reviewer: JustJillian16 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 8:21 PM Title: Chapter 46

I love it!

Can't wait. ;]

You're really talented.. i've been reading non-stop for the past 2 weeks.. i've spent more time on the computer then i normally would in a month.. my mom thinks i'm talking to some guy. Haha

I can't wait to read the next chapter.


Reviewer: CloverDilly Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 8:03 PM Title: Chapter 46

I really like where you have taken us thus far.  After all the dark drama, to get some rather blissful moments and see Edward and Bella grow in their love has been nice.  The set ups with certain things in the last few chapters have been great.  I am looking forward to more dark drama only to come out into the light again.

Loving the new home & format for the story as well!   ~six

Reviewer: im exactly ur brand of heroin Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 7:36 PM Title: Chapter 46

oh my god, i love this story, i've been following it where ever youve put it! its so good, i can't wait to see what happens next!!

Reviewer: JustJillian16 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 7:18 PM Title: Chapter 41

What a nice change in pace.? Haha.

Reviewer: Naio Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 7:07 PM Title: Chapter 46

I absolutely adore your story. I was worried when they took it off fanfiction, but I´m happy you´re continuing with it. I lvoe how Edward is changing into the romantic and sexy gentleman we all know and love.


I really hope this is a HEA. Is it? So far we´ve had more angst than happiness and I know more is to come, but I hopethese two characters will have their happy ending.


BTW, how long is the story? How many chapters are there left?

Reviewer: marijee Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 4:54 PM Title: Chapter 46

Bella missed an opportunity to tell Edward about her fears regarding Carlisle.  I am glad though that Bella did tell Edward she didn't like being held down. They do need to keep talking. Edward needs to remember to discuss all aspects of their life with Bella. I am sure Edward was just wanting to get married as soon as the house was completed, but he needs to discuss these things with Bella first. The making love without protection...Edward's a doctor and he knows about these things, and he should know if Bella is taking any birth control. I know Edward is trying...but I think he still has some control issues going on. Oh gods...here comes Carlisle and his plan to take Bella away from Edward. I wonder how he will react when he sees the engagement ring and knows Bella is no longer a virgin? Will it ruin his plans and he will give up or will it just make it easier for him to do what he wants. There is the matter of Bella's age and Carlisle's guardianship. Sigh! Thank you for writing.

Reviewer: Nothing Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 4:46 PM Title: Chapter 46

updat very soon

Reviewer: Dennycullenlutz Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 3:51 PM Title: Chapter 46

OMG! Mean Carlisle is going to have his shot making messing around Bella... he is going to make Edward suffer, I know he do. Now things are going to get messy when the cousin appared :( Poor Bella...

I cant wait to see what happen with Carlisle when Rose is supposed to serve Emmett and he didnt let her... hahaha OMG!!!!

Reviewer: Hawkesey Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 3:21 PM Title: Chapter 46

OMG... The guests are Felix and Demetri aren't they?



Good chapter though! Can't wait to read more!

Reviewer: Twilightcrazy95 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 2:49 PM Title: Chapter 46


Your story is amazing, it's really good. But i think because she's had so many twists through the story already. I think you could spoil it if you add to many. I think you should be looking at getting rid of Carlise out of the way and start adding more Edward and Bella happy thing, The twist could upset the story. But its really good so fare.

Reviewer: london spam Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 9:19 AM Title: Chapter 46

Bella is clearly naive to think that she can't be pregnant from her fisrt two times. Edward should have known what he was doing, perhaps he liked the chance she could get pregnant so quickly?


I wonder what Bella's lost virginity might mean to Carlisle and his games with Demitri. I'm anxiously awaiting this meeting, though I'm also fearful at how bad it will be. I know it will have to be wretched as the story and Carlisle's intentions demand nothing less. My hope is that Edward will protect Bella from being punished or sexually exploited in any way by C&D. If Edward fails or isn't around to protect her, I wonder if J or Em will step in.


OK, I'm bracing mayself for what's next...

Reviewer: BeanFlikn24_7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 8:05 AM Title: Chapter 46

Thanks for the wonderful update, and for the record, I would follow this story anywhere cuz its worth it!


Reviewer: troberts Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 7:57 AM Title: Chapter 46

Love your story and I will follow you anywhere but I am glad that you choose to stay here.  I will be happy once I figure out how to navagate around this site a little better but I like the set up so far anyway.  So shit is going to hit the fan?????

Reviewer: HopelessRomantic Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 7:45 AM Title: Chapter 46

Love the joy in this chapter and I feel really sick at the thought of what could possibly be coming. 

Reviewer: Aether Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 6:58 AM Title: Chapter 46

I frist saw this story on ff and read a good portion of it.  I loved the alter egos of the Cullen men- but loved that they changed for the love of their wives.  This is one interesting ride and it looks like the other shoe will drop soon.  This is such an interesting story.  Thanks! 

Reviewer: eleonor317 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 6:40 AM Title: Chapter 46

OHHH! That was some serious foreshadowing lol Im super excited to find out what happens in the next chapter. Im guessing its somethin with felix? I wonder if they will leave after finding up bella is no longer a virgin...i can only imagine carlisle's reaction to that piece of information lmao Thanks for the update...I really like this website its really grown on me pretty quickly :)

Reviewer: flyrbrd Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 6:31 AM Title: Chapter 46

Thanks so much for the update. I am nervous about dinner.

Reviewer: Mz_Star Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 6:29 AM Title: Chapter 46

Where ever this story goes im sure to follow however i am glad this is the final move lol...i love this story very much...this was a wicked chp.. damn charlise and his evil ways! lol =)

Reviewer: pilgrims lips Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 6:13 AM Title: Chapter 46

yikes I cant wait for the next chapter

Reviewer: akparan2 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 6:07 AM Title: Chapter 46

OH SNAP!!! I can't wait till next chapter!!!

Reviewer: farsideomoon Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 5:11 AM Title: Chapter 46

Thanks for updating. I really like this story. Am freaking out a little at what could be in store for Bella if Carlisle finds out she's lost her virginity. He may see this as the perfect opportunity to abuse her or just plain take her away somewhere & keep her in hiding for his own uses. aghh He's awful

Reviewer: mooseormeese Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 5:00 AM Title: Chapter 46

Please update soon. I love this story. I've been searching for it all over fan fiction. And I finally just found it. I want to know how it ends. I can't wait. =)

Reviewer: missouriangel Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 4:42 AM Title: Chapter 46

Oh my goodness they never thought about birth control. And I'm sure the guest coming to dinner isn't going to ones shell like.


Reviewer: tracygoodey1 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 4:41 AM Title: Chapter 46

oh my what is carlisle the nut job up to i think the guests are the ones he was on the phone to but whatever plan he is cooking up with them it cant be good especially for bella as he has some bad plans for her anyway, i'm glad the girls had a nice day, fab stuff cant wait for more

Reviewer: superstargirl818 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 3:56 AM Title: Chapter 46

did you get that following the story all over the internet from my review? cos if you did i want to reassure you i was not complaining. I was merely pointing out how special your story would have to be to have someone as lazy as me go on these sites to find it. Anyway i'm happy cos i've found a fab new fanfiction website out of it. :)

anyway great job no pressure or anything but if you don't update soon i may have to spontaneously combust and my poor mum would have to clean me up from the walls :))))))))))) xx

jk take your time :) 

Author's Response:

LOL! Believe me you weren't the only one who commented on the move.  Also, I know how lazy I am (and internet illiterate) so I feel the same way about moving around.  Hell, my husband and I are still in our first home after 24 years because I absolutely hate the idea of packing and moving. 

I'm just grateful to everyone who moved with me and didn't just give up on me or my story.

Reviewer: Alikatt Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 3:41 AM Title: Chapter 46

Can't wait...I smell angst in the air!

Reviewer: nybellanena Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 3:15 AM Title: Chapter 46

I feel so anxious wiht what is going to happen next, can't wait for the update soon

Reviewer: Booker Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 2:57 AM Title: Chapter 46

LOVE, LOVE, LOVED this chapter:) I can't wait for the next post!!!

Reviewer: arrr Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 2:45 AM Title: Chapter 46

Excited to see the update but too short - pind and needles over what C is going to do!!!! Pls update soon!

Reviewer: brit77 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 2:37 AM Title: Chapter 46

I followed and I am glad that I did love the story and can't wait to see how this is going to turn out...

Reviewer: Schnuffelrudel Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 2:36 AM Title: Chapter 46

omfg - the devils spawn from alaska is arriving ._.'
don't let bella be pregnant please, she is much too young and gone trough too much, she should heal inside at first and have a life

thank you so much for posting, i love tpw dearly


(sorry for bad english, it's 3:30 a.m. in germany and the lack of sleep frazzles me out o.O)

Reviewer: bellabells7279 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 2:34 AM Title: Chapter 46

i love it. i really hope bella and edward could finally find happiness. hate the thought of carlise would ruin it.

Reviewer: nene6246 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 2:06 AM Title: Chapter 46

ohhhh....i have goose-bumps.....

Thank you so much for sharing!!!

Reviewer: TwilightVicki Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 2:05 AM Title: Chapter 46

Well, after having to dig out from under two feet of snow here in PA today, this update was a treat, let me tell you.  I am beyond nervous to see the next update.  HOLY. CRAP.  Guests, eek!!! Also, happy to see the birth control issue was answered.   I liked Bella's response to the morning after pill suggestion.  Spoken like a woman truly in love.  ~ Vicki

Author's Response:

I can't believe how much snow y'all got!  And here I was whining about highs in the 40's the last few days. 

Stay warm!

Reviewer: Twilight2Midnight Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 2:03 AM Title: Chapter 46

Oh Mic... why oh why do you do this to us???

Can't we just kill Carlisle? Then we'll be alot happier (& safer!!!)

I know - it wouldn't be a story without all the dramas & scary bits!!!


I loved how Bella got so worried that she might be pregnant! How the girls straight away took care of her :) I just so hope that will be her excuse to keep Carlisle away form her now - fingers crossed!!!!

But of course you wouldn't do that to us & keep her safe... thanks for the update but seriously need another one soon! Thanks again Mic.


P.S Love the library - awesome new home :)

Reviewer: Jennmc75 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 1:59 AM Title: Chapter 46

I have a feeling little things like Edward holding her hands down will freak her out now and then.  She's been through a lot.

I'm afraid to know who the guests are.

Reviewer: Footroza Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 1:57 AM Title: Chapter 46

OH WOW....ummm...a few minutes?...does that mean you are posting another chapter at about 8:00...cause I am dying here...lol


That was just so wonderful, I love love love this story... I am a nervous wreck about what coming, and I wish she would just tell Edward her fears about Carlisle, but then again...he hasn't had much interaction with her since coming back from their trip...so maybe she just thinks he has moved on...(we of course know better...lol)

Thank you so much for the update.. I really enjoyed it...see you soon...


OH..and I will be happy to help you with the picture thing...it is really easy.  PROMISE...(no eye rolling...)

Have a good weekend.

Author's Response:

lol! The chapter is started, but not finished just yet. Try a few minutes in dog years.

Between you and Mandy I may get this picture thing figured out.  I just wish y'all were closer to hold my hand. :)

I did see the email from you giving me instructions so I'm going to attempt it tomorrow. Wish me luck that I don't blow up your site.

Love ya!


Reviewer: Luminesk Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 1:40 AM Title: Chapter 46

WOW. So much going on in this chapter. Once again, my brain is swirling trying to keep up with all the juicy details you have given us. So, thoughts:

1) The moment in the beginning between Edward and Bella was so tender and sweet. I was melting reading every word of their love-making.

2) Started to get a little anxious when Bella was dismissing the threat from Carlisle. I still feel she needs to tell Edward, and soon. But, given her track record, i don't think she is going to tell him, and will keep putting it off until it is too late, especially if everyone gets distracted by their coming house guests.

3) A pregnancy? Hmmm...don't know what to think about that. Obviously Edward would be thrilled, but i fear it may help him to slip back into "Carlisle's Edward". Although i guess it could work either way, and it may have the same effect that it had on Emmett. I am hoping that Bella isn't pregnant though, at least, not yet.

4) I am glad that Bella was a little infuriated about Edward setting a wedding date without consultation. That was one thing that annoyed me in his conversation with Jasper and Alice before the proposal. It is obvious he is trying very hard to not be the controlling bastard he was before, but he still makes some slips, which come across as very manipulative (ie the house and car prior to the proposal). I hope Bella confronts Edward about this and doesn't just let it slide.

5) Very VERY concerned about the house guests, and Carlisle's plans.

6) When will the engagement be announced to Carlisle, and how will he react?

Thankyou so much for the update. I always feel like it's a special treat to receive a chapter alert in my inbox, especially after everything you went through with this story. I eagerly await your next installment...

Author's Response:

Well if Edward were perfect already after only a month, it wouldn't be believable.  He's working on it, but so much of his behavior is ingrained that the little things come too naturally to realize.

The next chapter if full blown drama

Reviewer: eitak Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 1:40 AM Title: Chapter 46

Oh, shit, guests? I have a feeling this won't be good...

Reviewer: hlsmith29 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 1:38 AM Title: Chapter 46

Holy crap, holy crap!!!  Ok, so Edward and Bella got caught up in the moment and forgot protection.  Now Carlisle's guests have arrived.  I'm slightly freaked out right now.  I'm scared of what is going to happen now.

Reviewer: GetDrunkOnVictory Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 1:26 AM Title: Chapter 46

The happiness could have only lasted for so long in a world where that Carlisle exists. :(

I'm glad they are more open with each other and that Bella feels safer now.

I'm surprised the girls were able to go out in Bella's car. Did Carlisle relax on the security or is it because they didn't leave from Carlisle's house?

It will be a very bad time until those "guests" leave. :(

Now they all get the chance to plan a wedding! :D


*(Sorry if this review is repeated, but I wasn't sure if it went through before. :/)

Author's Response:

Edward would have given the security at the gate the ok for Bella to leave since he knew she would want to drive her car right away.  It doesn't mean she wasn't followed though...

Reviewer: GetDrunkOnVictory Anonymous starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 1:20 AM Title: Chapter 46

The happiness could have only lasted for so long in a world where that Carlisle exists. :(

I'm glad they are more open with each other and that Bella feels safer now.

I'm surprised the girls were able to go out in Bella's car. Did Carlisle relax on the security or is it because they didn't leave from Carlisle's house?

It will be a very bad time until those "guests" leave. :(

Now they all get the chance to plan a wedding! :D

Reviewer: GetDrunkOnVictory Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 1:20 AM Title: Chapter 46

The happiness could have only lasted for so long in a world where that Carlisle exists. :(

I'm glad they are more open with each other and that Bella feels safer now.

I'm surprised the girls were able to go out in Bella's car. Did Carlisle relax on the security or is it because they didn't leave from Carlisle's house?

It will be a very bad time until those "guests" leave. :(

Now they all get the chance to plan a wedding! :D

Reviewer: SammyJo Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 1:08 AM Title: Chapter 46

Da Da Da Dummmmmm!  Good chapter, it just bothers me that Bella doesnt tell Edward about Carlisle.  The boys have all figured out that he is nuts and stand up to him in front of the girls, so I just dont get why she doesnt tell.  Anxiously awaiting next update.

Reviewer: xosummerxo Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 12:44 AM Title: Chapter 46

good chapter. i wonder if carlisle has something planned for bella? update soon please.

Reviewer: bgwillis1281 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 12:42 AM Title: Chapter 46

Uh oh. I don't like the sound of this. Could it be Carlise's brother and his son from Alaska? I hope he realizes that things have gone too far for him to try to send Bella off with them.

Reviewer: MrsMichaelJackson Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 12:38 AM Title: Chapter 46

OMG who's it gonna be?


Reviewer: luv4jake Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 12:26 AM Title: Chapter 46

Bring in Edward's revel and the bitch is back aka Carlisle. I loved to hate this guy. He's not as bad as Charlie or James or maybe he is but he's the only bad guy standing. Anyway I love that Bella got to have some 'normal girl fun!' Until next time I can't wait for the drama! Yikes.

Reviewer: Saphibella Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 12:22 AM Title: Chapter 46

Ohh no Demitri is comming let it end good

Reviewer: cusic1981 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 12:17 AM Title: Chapter 46

I am really glad that Bella and Edward are happy, but I am afraid of what is coming next.

Reviewer: blobby Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 12:13 AM Title: Chapter 46

oh no! poor bella, not again!! wonder who these peolple are?? tell us soon!

Reviewer: ashleys2204 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 12:10 AM Title: Chapter 46

Id keep on following if I had to!!!

What a cliffy!! I am soo stumped!

Reviewer: dopskeks Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 12:09 AM Title: Chapter 46

AAAAH the others will arrive this ist very cool!

Oh... I only sigh in in this forum, because I want read your Story! :)

I love it!

I´m from Germany and my English ist really bad, so I apologiyze.

I hope you understand all *hihi*


Reviewer: MrsJakeBlack Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 12:09 AM Title: Chapter 46

naww bella and edward are soo sweet togeather

and alice and rose are being such good friends to her

yay for the wedding cant wait

but what i really cant wait for is the drama thats going to happen over family dinner

awesome chapter

Reviewer: dannycullenbr Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06 Feb 2010 11:57 PM Title: Chapter 46

oh my Goood... not now, not nooow.... please Mic... oh god *desperate*


loved the chapter as always but i'm freaking out!



Reviewer: erikajo Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Feb 2010 11:54 PM Title: Chapter 45

Uh-oh.  I getting scared again and my tummy hurts.......wah!!!  :(

Reviewer: jdm13 Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Feb 2010 11:54 PM Title: Chapter 46

I've been dreading this moment when the guests arrived. Please don't let it get too bad! I don't want Bella to suffer any more than she already has.

Reviewer: BelleDuJour Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Feb 2010 11:42 PM Title: Chapter 46

Aaah!  Cliffie!  This means the evil Alaskans are coming next and who knows how bad it'll get.  


Great chapter.  Esme, Rose and Alice were perfect in comforting and reassuring Bella. 

Reviewer: Nimfailadeth Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Feb 2010 11:32 PM Title: Chapter 46


I'm glad, you found a place to write like you want to, because you write really very good. It's so emontional and thoughtful. I have followed you from the german ff.de to the english one, then to that blog and now here, and for this wonderful peace of literature I would have followed you wherever you go, but I hope this new place inspires you a lot and you could finaly feel at home here, as you own it after such a seesaw.

I'm also glad Edward and Bella are on there way now and hope nothing, not even Carlisle can inhibit their happy future together anymore.

Much love from Germany, yours Nimfailadeth

Reviewer: SouthernBelle Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06 Feb 2010 11:32 PM Title: Chapter 46

This chapter was fun :) I love evereyone being so excited about the wedding. I'm nervous about what the future holds for Bella...everything just seems too "perfect" at the moment. The ball's going to drop soon. Carlisle will make sure of it. You already know how much I love this story...but I swear it gets better with every chapter! Update soon! And btw, thank you so much for your sweet email you sent me about a week ago. I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to respond-we have family in town this week so things have been crazy! You are definitely awesome to your reviewers :) Have a great day & can't wait for the next chapter

Reviewer: NewWriter Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Feb 2010 11:27 PM Title: Chapter 46

thanks for the new chapter. i'm nervous about the pregnancy thing and also about the guests...

Reviewer: theladykt Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Feb 2010 11:24 PM Title: Chapter 46

oh gawd.   guests can only mean one thing.  Dimitri and crew are coming and carlisle is going to be even more of an arsehole.


update quick please...ya killin me.   lol

Reviewer: Nicflex Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Feb 2010 11:18 PM Title: Chapter 46

I am so dreading this dinner. Ofcourse I can't wait at the same time! Great writing!

Reviewer: lookingforinspiration Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06 Feb 2010 11:17 PM Title: Chapter 46

Gaaaaaah with the cliffy!!!!! Now I'm more scared freakin demitri and the wedding.this is going to get ugly I can feel it in my uterus. oh and I like the move here because I can read it on my phone when I can't get to a comp.

Reviewer: dkm241 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06 Feb 2010 11:14 PM Title: Chapter 46

I loved the whole chapter until the end. Then my stomach plummetted and I felt nauseous. Pleeeease, can't we get rid of Carlisle?  SOON!?!?!?!?!?????

Reviewer: TrinityAsh Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Feb 2010 11:03 PM Title: Chapter 46

I can't believe you left me on such a cliff hanger!!! Oh my my my my. What am I going to do? I won't be able to stand waiting!

Reviewer: AmethystDancer Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Feb 2010 11:02 PM Title: Chapter 46

Oh no... what else can go wrong???

I do love the story though... I was so excited when I saw my update em-mail!

Reviewer: cjngrls Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Feb 2010 10:57 PM Title: Chapter 46

I loved this chapter Mic... I almost hate to see it come to an end... I know that then next few chapters will be tough. I can't wait to see how protective Edward is over Bella... update soon...

Reviewer: mrsmodd Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Feb 2010 10:46 PM Title: Chapter 46

I love your writing! thank you for the update! although i am a little confused... did i miss a chapter or was that just a misprint?

Author's Response:

Since A Mother's Love was put in as a 'prequel' to TPW it changed the page numbers by one. 

Reviewer: SnowyHedwig Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06 Feb 2010 10:43 PM Title: Chapter 46

Oh, hell. There's the other shoe we've been waiting for...

Edward waking her up that way was wonderful. And being understanding and feeling horribly guilty about scaring her - he has come so far from where he was. I'm sad that she didn't tell him about Carlisle right then - this might have given him some warning as to the guests who will be coming for dinner...

OK, I adored the girls surrounding her and trying to figure out what was wrong - offering to have Emmett & Jasper kick Edward's ass was just perfect.

Now I'll try to be patient waiting for the next update. Because that shoe is gonna hit the floor hard, I'm sure.

Reviewer: kimmies500 Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Feb 2010 10:38 PM Title: Chapter 46

fantastic as always

Reviewer: ceech Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Feb 2010 10:37 PM Title: Chapter 46

Oh shit, Marcus and Demirti is commig! Thanks for the great Chapter. What is come next, I need to know!

Happy writing and I hope the next Chapter comming soon....

Reviewer: xneverthinkx Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Feb 2010 10:30 PM Title: Chapter 46

RAWR!!  i hate cliffies... nooo sffgbabfi

i feel like i know whats going to happen (i'm probably wrong) but its not good.. i seriously cant wait for the next one.. seriously

Reviewer: fallenangel Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Feb 2010 10:28 PM Title: Chapter 46

Great chapter! Can't wait to see how the dinner goes!

Reviewer: Sugar Rae Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Feb 2010 10:10 PM Title: Chapter 46

Poor Bella. Just when she's feeling happy and a change for the better Carlisle wants to cause more problems. i so wish she would have told Edward about his father. 

Reviewer: NelumOnelius Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Feb 2010 10:04 PM Title: Chapter 46


Reviewer: twilitghtforever Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Feb 2010 9:59 PM Title: Chapter 46

Great Chapter

I am so scard for Bella.

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