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Reviews For The Perfect Wife
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Reviewer: Falcon Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Jan 2010 4:07 AM Title: Chapter 45

Oohhh great chapter!

Author's Response:

Glad you liked it

Reviewer: magdajasicka Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Jan 2010 2:50 AM Title: Chapter 45

Great as always :)

Reviewer: karen4honor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Jan 2010 2:44 AM Title: Chapter 45

thanks so much for continuing the story!  this has been a mind-blowing awesome & intense ride!

Author's Response:

Glad you liked it

Reviewer: Jeny87Cullen Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Jan 2010 2:03 AM Title: Chapter 45

I love this story... I still feel so bad because I know their happiness isn't going to last.

Author's Response:

The next chapter should be ready next week

Reviewer: mjwpg Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Jan 2010 1:47 AM Title: Chapter 44

First I'm so glad I found your story again, I've been waiting for updates from FF but I thought it was over, but it was because I follow your story Creating a Mate that I notice your A/N on the last chapter that to came and and voila! 

I'm soooo glad Bella gave Edward her virginity, suck on that Carlisle!  That man is pure evil I so hope Edward kills him in a very painfull way.  That's the only way they'll ever be safe and they'll need to make sure the cops know about everything and the new trainers as well. 

I'm glad didn't run when Edward gave her the chance, because honestly I think she is safer with Edward.  Carlisle would have found her very easily and I suspect he wouldn't have brought her back to Edward. 


Author's Response:

I'm glad you found me again.  The next chapter is already in the works and will hopefully be ready next week.

Reviewer: Booker Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Jan 2010 1:36 AM Title: Chapter 45

Great chapter!!! It was nice to get a glimpse of the little boy Edward used to be:)

Reviewer: A Cullen Wannabe Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Jan 2010 1:28 AM Title: Chapter 45

Oh boy...I have a feeling this is all going to start coming to a head soon.  I hope Edward catches on before Carlisle hurts her.  What I hope more than anything is that Esme finally gets to exact her revenge.  It'd be awesome if she got to kick his ass after thirty years of mistreatment.  

Author's Response:

Thanks. Glad you liked it.

Reviewer: ecsc Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Jan 2010 12:31 AM Title: Chapter 45

OMG Edward is still blind he doesn't imagine the monster that is Carlisle!!! And I think that that memory was beyond cute!!

Reviewer: NewWriter Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Jan 2010 12:07 AM Title: Chapter 45

i like this site. never been here before. i think the story reads better here.

as for this chapter...i am starting to get really freaked out as to carlisle's plans...

Author's Response:

I love this new site as well.  So much easier to use!

Glad you liked it

Reviewer: golden Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Jan 2010 12:03 AM Title: Chapter 45

Fantastic. Very loving. I hope his cousin coming wont change anything. Please have the boys spring in on Carlisle doing something awfully wrong. I know he still wants Bella, and considering the just had sex... Anyway, Hope everything works out. 

Reviewer: peoplelikeus Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Jan 2010 11:31 PM Title: Chapter 44

stunning and beautiful.

Reviewer: rangernstephfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Jan 2010 9:45 PM Title: Chapter 45

I love the new website and look it lets me review. Yeah!!! Great chapter. I'm a little worried about Edward talking to Carlisle about what he remembered, I hope he doesn't let it slip about he and Bella furthering their relationship. That might make him go after Bella full force after he learns that info. Thanks for the update. Tina

Author's Response:

Glad you liked it.  This is a much easier site to use.

Reviewer: mia2B Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Jan 2010 9:26 PM Title: Chapter 45

SOOOOO good to finally read you! Another great chapter, i loved the dream! I'm gonna re read it because it seems so short after all the waiting! lol! No pressure, but please, please, please, give us another chapter soon! Don't be mad at me, i'm juste a hudge fan!!!!

Thanks again fot sharing your gift with us!

"Read you soon" (i hope)


Author's Response:

the next chapter is longer and should be ready next week

Reviewer: marijee Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Jan 2010 8:42 PM Title: Chapter 45

Oh Damn!! Edward has it all wrong...he saw Carlisle's care for Bella as love...we know it as his need to possess her for his own. Sigh. I'm afraid that Edward and Bella are going to have a rude awakening from this sweet bubble they are in right now. I wonder if Bella remembers that birthday? The boy Edward was like 'my' Edward. I hope he stays strong, and believes whatever Bella says to him.  They both need to remember their love for each other and how special it is.  Thank you for writing.

Reviewer: robbeeleebabe2010 Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Jan 2010 7:53 PM Title: Chapter 45

I see drama coming in the next chapter between Edward and Carisle...can't wait for the next one!!!!!!!

Reviewer: TwilightVicki Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 26 Jan 2010 7:23 PM Title: Chapter 45

Okay Mic, I'm going to eat a little crow now.  I left you a review on the blog for TPW, and in it I said I didn't really want to sign up for another fan fic site, because the last thing I need is to be tempted by new stories, since I can barely manage the stories I have favorited as is.  But for TPW and you and your fab writing, I would come here and sign up.  Well... time for me to say, oh how wrong I was.  When I signed up I could not believe how easy it was, to both sign up and adjust my settings.  Plus, I had a question and e-mailed the website administratror and got a VERY NICE response back very quickly.  Color me impressed.  I have since deleted the blog review since I was soooo wrong, let me just say here awesome update, and it looks like the move was a great idea.  I still don't think I will be using the site to read any one else's stories but yours, due to lack of time, so for me, this will be my "Mic" site.  Ha!!!   But at least now I can still read TPW and any new stories you write.  I have added you to author alert on here and am so excited to see what new stuff may be in the works.  =0)

~ Vicki

Author's Response:

Hi Vicki!

Moving around was my biggest concern because I feel the same way about bouncing from one place to another.  This is why my husband and I have stayed in the same home for 24 years.  I'm too lazy to move. lol  When Mandy (TheSpoiltOne) told me she was starting this site and showed me just how simple it is to use I had to make the switch.  I still don't even know how to post on the blog I was using. Mandy had to post every chapter for me, so she's happy I moved also.  I love great friends!

Thank you so much for being open to make the switch with me.  I'm already working on the next chapter and hope to have it ready by next week.

Take care!


Reviewer: tita cullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Jan 2010 7:14 PM Title: Chapter 45

i hope that Edward gets the hint real soon that Carlisle was and is a monster. with what carlisle is planning my heart is in my throat there are having such a good time knowing and exploring each other after such a horrible beginning. every new chapter i think is the one that is going to start the nightmare for bella. please in my knees i'm begging you to let bella's character tell edward all the thing that carlisle has done and said to bella before is too late. i mean how much a strong young woman that lost her parents and was physically and sexually abused by her biological father and brother take, and lets not forget the shit that she had to go through with edward at the beginning. Speaking of Edward he still needs improvement i think that he still leaves in la la land. I don't think that his very aware that Bella is very smart, smart enough to go college.

Reviewer: michswan Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Jan 2010 6:17 PM Title: Chapter 45

Oh boy, it's really gonna hit the fan tomorrow. Though I think Carlisle will be even more furious when he finds out they've already done the deed...

Reviewer: sakarix Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26 Jan 2010 12:21 PM Title: Chapter 45

That dream interaction between Bella and Edward was so sweet!  Between Bella and James, not so much.  Jasper and Emmett weren't too nice but then they were just being boys.  And Carlisle scares the crap outta me!  I don't think he's going to take it well that Edward 'asked' Bella to marry him.  I just love this story so much and enjoy this site also.  Thanks for the update!

Reviewer: maimu Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Jan 2010 12:14 PM Title: Chapter 45

say what?


wait a second... WHAT? OMG! i am so...WOW! its all i am going to say! WOW!


so Eds and B knew eachother when they were babys huh? interesting...

Reviewer: papierne_ersatzwelt Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Jan 2010 10:14 AM Title: Chapter 45

I really liked the scene with Esme. (Trying to) clean up was a huge step. And I also like that Edward is trying to protect Esme as good as he can. Of course, I worry about Bella, but I worry about Esme, too.

Keep up the good work. 

(And I actually prefer this site to the blog).


Reviewer: Ierland Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Jan 2010 5:59 AM Title: Chapter 15

I am enjoying reading your story. Its very dark and I wasnt sure I would be able to read such a dark story... Well on with my reading of this story!

Reviewer: 3diamonds Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Jan 2010 4:00 AM Title: A Mother's Love

Wow, great beginning. Any chance you know the name of that painting pictured at the top of this chappie? I WANT IT! Thanks :}

Author's Response:

No I don't, I'm sorry.  I found the picture on google images.  It's a beautiful picture.

Reviewer: patch138 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26 Jan 2010 3:25 AM Title: Chapter 45

oh my...shits gonna hit the fan when they tell him tomorrow...i love teh interaction with Esme in teh beginning of the chapter, so sweet!!


Reviewer: IthinkIamobsessed Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Jan 2010 1:09 AM Title: Chapter 45

Ahhh! What a terrible dream! lol As sweet was it was that Edward took care of her, I had pushed all those memories of how James had treated Bella away.  All the REAL love that Edward has been giving Bella lately had erased that stuff from my mind...and now it's all back!  Poor young bella!!!! AH! Makes me sick how James and her dad treated her! BLAH  I know to see how Carlisle even liked her then! yuck.  I am SOOO hoping that he tells Bella this and she finds that the perfect moment to share what Carlisle has been acting! I am so scared for where this might go before the HEA! I hope it doesn't get too bad!!! I am freaking out!

Reviewer: L09 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 9:14 PM Title: Chapter 45

Ooh famous last words there "She used to be his princess, but she was mine now".


Reviewer: Sellabella Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 7:26 PM Title: Chapter 45

I liked the dream. But afraid of Edward not believing Bella when she finally tries to tell him of his father. Will he believe her or think of this as a reason not to.

Reviewer: SouthernBelle Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 7:24 PM Title: Chapter 1

This is the BEST story in the Twilight fandom...BY FAR. I'm caught up with the story, so your probably wondering why I'm reviewing the first chapter.
This review isn't as much for the author (as she already knows how much I love her stories) as it is for first time readers.
I've heard that this story is controversial, (and can see why that might be the case). If you are a reader that might be in that boat thinking this story might be too much to stomach, please read this before walking away.
Unless you've been to rmsrms5's fanfiction page, you might not know that The Perfect Wife received over 1 million hits, 7000 reviews and won an award for "Most Unique Plot" before FF pulled the story. This is an NC-17 fic, and has that rating for a reason. But in my opinion, the story is written in a tasteful, realistic manner.
Regardless, if you feel you cannot read some parts due to its graphic nature, readers can begin the story at chapter 11 and write rmsrms5 for a short synopsis of the previous chapters and not have to walk away from such a great story. (I know rmsrms5 said in the past she would write back with the synopsis of the past ten chapters, so I would imagine that still stands).
Ok... I'll get off my soap box now :) It's just stories & authors like this come few and far between. Have a great day :)

Author's Response:

Thanks so much for your support of my story.  Yes, it still stands.  If someone wants to skip the beginning just send me a note and I'll send the summary to them.

Reviewer: saniaast27 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 6:37 PM Title: Chapter 45

Omg this is the one of my favorite chapter so far. Your story is actually pretty good i just hope that Bella and Edward can stary strong for was coming theyre way.

Author's Response:

Glad you liked it

Reviewer: eternally addicted Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 6:27 PM Title: Chapter 45

Carlisle won't like being told that Bella is Edward's princess now. I also have to wonder if she is going to end up pregnant form their love making and if so how will Carlisle react to that. There was no mention of birthcontrol in that chapter and I don't remember any in the past since she was a virgin and I think suposed to stay that way until they were married.

I hope to that if Carlisle finds out they have had sex that he doesn't think he can have his way with her now. God only knows what that monster will do. Edward and the rest have to stop him before he does any thing to her. He needs to end up six feet inder Esme's garden.

Reviewer: priinzeziita89 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 5:14 PM Title: Chapter 45

And Carlisle is a really scary man! I dont like him very much! But that's how the story goes.

Edward's dream was nice.. and it came true, just not the way Bella was thinking at that moment.

And now... to wait for Carlisle's reaction to all the new news! Ahh.. I might scream and run, while im reading that. ;D

Reviewer: totallyobsessed82 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 3:56 PM Title: Chapter 45

Great chapter! I like this Edward; not the earlier one! And I'm ready for Carlisle to get what's coming to him!

Reviewer: Twilightobsessed09 Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 3:28 PM Title: Chapter 45

The dream was quite revealing. I really liked the future part of it. Or baically what Edward would love to happen.

But what stood out for me was the flashback of James's ill treatment of a 5 yrs. old Bella and Edward coming to her rescue, back then he seemed more like Esme's child the one he seems to be returning to now.

How he saw Carlisle has nothing with that man was thinking and planning probably from the Bella was born.. Sick Bastard!

I continue to enjoy Edward's growth but I'm still on the lookout for when this might be threatened or come crumbling down by the hands of that devil of a father he has..

Looking forward to more...stories/815/images/arthur-250.jpg

Reviewer: Twilightobsessed09 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 3:08 PM Title: Chapter 44

Oh...That was amazing.. Finally, I was worried that maybe if they waited Carlisle's plan would have ruined the perfection of this chapter so I'm ecstatic basically that Edward got there first.

It was perfect and such them just fine..

It was a beautiful moment..

Reviewer: mummy_animal Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 11:00 AM Title: Chapter 45

Oh dear, poor Edward shouldnt be so sure about that! Stupid Carlisle! Thyere both so happy I really hope Carlisle doesnt get a chance to ruin it all but at least Edward has Jas and Em behind him now if shit hits the fan x

It so much easier to rea here im glad you moved it here x

Reviewer: Twilight2Midnight Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 7:31 AM Title: A Mother's Love

Edward has certainly grown up & matured of late but I am fearful of the dreaded Carlisle.... I am SO happy he tried to clean up the ice-cream & that it was Esme who fond him & not Carlisle!!!


I love this site - had to sign up to read my favourite story... finally got to it though!

It was worth the effort - I just hope all your fellow readers follow you here & give you the reviews you so deserve!!!!


Author's Response:

Thank you so much for following me over here.  It's so easy to post and read here.  I'm glad you liked the chapter. Everyone was so worried about what became of the ice cream that I had to reassure readers that nothing bad would happen...yet  ;)

Reviewer: yankeerose Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 7:08 AM Title: Chapter 45

Awww...she wanted to marry him when she was little...thats so sweet.  Of course Carlisle will be ready to kill Edward when he finds out that he and Bella have made love and that she is only Edwards' princess.

Reviewer: chezgirl06 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 6:06 AM Title: Chapter 45

I love this story. I am glad this website is letting me review. I don't often follow stories as they move around the internet, but this one really captured my attention. It is very well written and very captivating. I love it and I can't wait to read more!

Reviewer: Shante17 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 5:21 AM Title: Chapter 45

Aww cute dream....but it was scary too...damn...wonder when the evil Carlisle will strike?...he's making me anxious!

Reviewer: violetlily88 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 4:57 AM Title: A Mother's Love

i love every chapter. Jasper is getting through to Edward. Little by little Edward is getting better. I hate Carlisle!!!!!!

Reviewer: bellabells7279 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 4:45 AM Title: Chapter 45

I love the perfect wife so much. been reading it since fanfiction then the blog and now here. love it.

Reviewer: Fireflies Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 4:41 AM Title: Chapter 45

Very sad but cute at the end...:)

Reviewer: Curious88 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 4:38 AM Title: Chapter 45

OH this was so wonderful, and I am so happy to read this story on here....The other site was a little harder to read on!! This is so great.......I LOVE the dream.

Author's Response:

I'm loving this site as well.  It's easy to use and to read.

Reviewer: klrtwilight Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 4:20 AM Title: Chapter 45

Loved Edward's memories of the young Bella. Almost brought a tear to my eye.

Look forward to another great update.


Reviewer: MrsJakeBlack Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 4:02 AM Title: Chapter 45

OMG howww cutee was that

little edwar and bella are adoarble togeather

expect james totally ruined that cute little memory

im sad you can update on fanfiction or your blog anymore but i suppose this site is cool too (:

Reviewer: Mels78 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 4:01 AM Title: Chapter 45

Hmm, that is very, very interesting.  I hope that this dream does not cloud his thoughts into thinking that Carlisle cares about her in a loving way.  OMG if Bella told him what Carlisle was going to do and he reacted badly b/c he remembers this behavior, that would be bad, real bad.  I hope that they can stand united together against him.  I thought it was wonderful that he was trying to get the ice cream out to spare his mother; that just again shows how he has grown.  I hope he heeds her words about working things out together. Hmm.  Cannot wait for the next chapter! :) 

Reviewer: JaggaLove Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 3:58 AM Title: Chapter 45

I had to register for this website just to read this. You got your readers story high, i swear.

This is interesting, that Edward randomly thought of Carlisle's behavior and I like it, I must say as he may remember somerthing which therefore may lead into Bella telling him and Edward believing, etc. I love the way the story's progressing...just like real life. It is very realstic and that's a seller quality, as I'm sure you know.

Your amazin', lovie and so is your fantabulous story. 'Till again, -Ashley

Reviewer: LindyP Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 3:55 AM Title: Chapter 45

I love the new format! Great update! I love how Edward was trying to clean up the ice cream instead of making Bella do it or having his mom take the blame. He's really changed! Interesting memory he remembered too! I wonder if he will connect the dots with Carlisle's behavior towards Bella? Thanks for the update!

LindyP :)

Reviewer: AliceHC24 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 3:31 AM Title: Chapter 45

oh man...he'll remind him alright!  loving this.  glad your up and running.

Reviewer: BookLover299 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 3:26 AM Title: Chapter 45

I can't wait for Edward to find out what a horrible disgusting ass Carlisle is to bella! Great chapter, can't wait for the next.

Reviewer: AmethystDancer Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 3:12 AM Title: Chapter 45

Edward is an idiot if he confides in Carlisle, who still has evil plans up his sleeve... But I appreciate the happy chapter, and I'm glad I've managed to track this story through all the changes.

Reviewer: Kona Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 2:55 AM Title: Chapter 45

Greatings! New here. Loved the update, no surprise there, I love your writing. Wonder how Daddy will react now that Edward remembered his name for Bella 'Princess'. Can't wait.

Reviewer: AliceHC24 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 2:50 AM Title: Chapter 41

oo...the next few chapters are gonna be good!

Reviewer: nybellanena Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 2:40 AM Title: Chapter 45

I get more and more anxious every time I read the story...its like pieces in a puzzle being put together...can't wait for next update

Reviewer: xosummerxo Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 2:29 AM Title: Chapter 45

Thanks for the new chapter. Keep writing. Looking forward to the next one.

Reviewer: momams Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 2:20 AM Title: Chapter 45

Edward seems to have all he ever wanted in life right in front of him. The woman he loves, who not only loves him back, along with his career and a good relationship with his mother and brothers. Hopefully he will keep all of it, and even gain more. But it isn't all up to him. We still need to find out what will Carlisle say to all of it, and to Edward's dream.

Reviewer: ksm Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 2:11 AM Title: Chapter 45

I do like this story over here.  Good move!  Too bad that Carlisle wasn't creepy in Edward's memory of Bella's birthday party.  Then he would be aware of his sick fascination with her.  I hope Bella comes clean soon about it!


Reviewer: Luminesk Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 2:07 AM Title: Chapter 45

Edward has really made leaps and bounds in his changing mindset. I am still a little concerned that he has more improvement to make, as he still seems to have his eye on the prize - achieving work, marriage and kids. I think this is particularly evident for me when he could see his future together and he explicitly stated he could see his sons. What would be wrong with having daughters (other than them being under Carlisle's watchful eye)? I don't want him to see Bella as an achievement. He IS getting there though.

It was also interesting to read about Carlisle's relationship with Bella as a child...adding more fuel to the fire.

Thankyou for the update. I am glad this story has been able to find a new home, hopefully among people who can appreciate this story, and nuture your passion.

Reviewer: bellaroxx Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 1:22 AM Title: Chapter 45


so sweet and cute.......

i jst wish that Edward understands his father's intentions behind the his actions and save bella in time....

Reviewer: jamesofjungle Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 1:15 AM Title: Chapter 45

I love the flashback.  Bella does not remember it now, but she always wanted Edward.  Well, the sweet and caring Edward from when they both were little. Before Carlisle turned into the Devil.  I am so glad that Edward remembered the ice cream.  Edward is going to be in for the shock of his life when he finds out the Carlisle wants Bella for himself as a replacement for Renee.   I have no idea how Carlisle is going to react to this news.  I just know that something bad is coming.  It has been too perfect!! 

Reviewer: misticbutterfly Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 12:51 AM Title: Chapter 45

I love that you are showing a piece of their past.. The Birthday wish was so adorable... It hard to think of Carlisle as the loving 'Uncle' when he has his own motives...

Awesome chapter!

Reviewer: latuacantante4him Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 12:40 AM Title: Chapter 45

Carlisle is just so wrong.  I hope Bella tells Edward SOON what Carlisle had said and done to her.  

Reviewer: theladykt Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 12:38 AM Title: Chapter 45

awww sweet chapter.   too bad it will probably get worse soon.

Gawd they were all horrible little boys. 

Reviewer: TropicoOfCancer Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2010 12:13 AM Title: Chapter 45

This was amazing. Thank you so much :) 

I'm so glad Edward changed so much. He's such a sweetheart to Bella now. I must say I'm completely terrified of Carlisle, though. Please, don't let him abuse Bella, don't let him hurt her. She's been so hurt. :(



Reviewer: xneverthinkx Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 11:28 PM Title: Chapter 45

used to be

Reviewer: td2592 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 11:25 PM Title: Chapter 45

Great update! Thanks!

Author's Response:

glad you liked it!

Reviewer: GetDrunkOnVictory Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 11:03 PM Title: Chapter 44

I'm pretty shocked Bella was so ready and willing this early on. I honestly thought she would wait, but I'm not saying there is anything bad about her not waiting any longer. She loves Edward and she knows that Edward loves her too so there isn't really any reason for Bella to wait. :)

I noticed they didn't use a condom, but I'm not sure if that is significant or not. The ice cream on the other hand, I am very worried about Carlisle coming home and finding that. I really hope he doesn't use it as another excuse to punish Esme. :(

Author's Response:

Bella was so caught up in the emotions of the evening that she let her hormones get carried away.  Between telling Edward 'ILY', the proposal, having him give her back her car and house - she's just not thinking clearly of consequences of her actions. Like most 17 yr olds.

Reviewer: GetDrunkOnVictory Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 11:02 PM Title: Chapter 43

Edward really has come a long way and its nice to see that he and Jasper are still growing. :D

Poor Alice, every little girl dreams of being asked a certain way and having that dream wedding that fits them and Carlisle took that from her. I blame Carlisle because I don't think Jasper really knew what he was doing.

Because of Alice and Jasper Bella will get that proposal and that wedding, and the car and home her parents meant to give her. :)

Author's Response:

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.

Reviewer: GetDrunkOnVictory Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 11:02 PM Title: Chapter 42

It's happy, but I fear that it may be too much happy at once and that it can't possibly last... :/

I'm very proud of Edward and the boys for standing up to Carlisle and being the men Esme tried to raise them to be. :)

It was so incredibly sweet for Edward to keep Bella's car and house for her and it really does show how much he has changed if he is trusting her with her own set of keys for her own car. :D

I am so incredibly worried about what Carlisle will do and I think that since Bella has told Edward she loves him she needs to tell him about Carlisle ASAP.

Reviewer: GetDrunkOnVictory Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 11:01 PM Title: Chapter 41

Carlisle is a sick and twisted, perverted freak! :0

I'm glad Edward is treating Bella well and making her feel safe and cared for, but I really hope Bella tells Edward about Carlisle soon...unless she already has and that is why Edward refuses to leave her alone...

I hope the boys can change Demetri's view and that Edward continues to fight for Bella without losing himself to Carlisle. :(

Knowing Carlisle's background has definitely made things clearer but there is nothing that could ever make what he did and continues to do right.

I knew Carlisle had something to do with Renee and Phil's wills, there was no way that they would leave Bella in Charlie's very incapable hands.

And what disgusting freak wants to "share" his daughter-in-law with his son? This chapter was like a mini-horror story, but like a car crash you just can't look away from it and must continue reading to see what will happen next.

Reviewer: GetDrunkOnVictory Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 11:00 PM Title: Chapter 40

I'm so glad Edward is sticking to his promise and choosing Bella and Esme over his father. I just hope that Carlisle doesn't get too angry and take it out on Esme.

Reviewer: GetDrunkOnVictory Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 10:59 PM Title: Chapter 39

I love Bella's Edward, the real Edward. :)

That was so harsh what he had done to Esme when he was younger all because of Carlisle. No matter how unconditionally Esme loves her sons, it is still a lot to make up for on Edward's part.

It will be nice for them to be away from Carlisle for awhile. It gives them a chance for them to be actual people. It sucks that Edward has to go to the conference and I really hope he doesn't let Carlisle influence him to do anything... Maybe Edward could miss his flight or something and not go to the conference...

Bella should take this time that she has Edward without Carlisle around to talk to Edward about her fear of Carlisle and all her other fears.

Reviewer: GetDrunkOnVictory Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 10:58 PM Title: Chapter 38

I absolutely loved this chapter. Definitely the best one so far. :D

I'm so glad that Edward is keeping the house and Bella's car, I was so worried that he wouldn't keep them.

It makes me so happy that Edward is working on his relationship with Esme and really becoming a good boyfriend/fiance and son. :D

Reviewer: GetDrunkOnVictory Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 10:57 PM Title: Chapter 37

It's nice seeing Edward with a playful side.
I really hope everything turns out well for them, and I hope that the house Edward is having built gets finished ASAP.
I wish they didn't have to back to Forks and they could stay away from Carlisle, but I think it's pretty safe to assume that Carlisle would go after them if they decided to stay in Phoenix.

Reviewer: GetDrunkOnVictory Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 10:50 PM Title: Chapter 1

My Review from Blogspot (I had decided to read everything from the beginning when you started reposting):  James and Charlie are sick freaks. I'm already feeling sick, so now is when I skip until the story gets to...well I don't want to give anything away...so I'll come back to read later.

Author's Response:

I'm glad you're enjoying the story. 

Reviewer: GetDrunkOnVictory Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 10:48 PM Title: A Mother's Love

From Fanfiction:  If Renee and Phil had everything so planned out, what happened?
I think it must have been Carlisle and Embry that planned things because I really don't think the accident was an accident.

From Blogspot:  I truly do believe that Embry has something to do with why Bella ended up with Charlie. Like I said in my review, I think he was working with Carlisle, maybe that's what that big project was.
...and I still don't think that accident was an accident.

Author's Response:

These questions will be addressed in future chapters.

Reviewer: GetDrunkOnVictory Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 10:45 PM Title: Chapter 45

I hope Esme was able to clean the carpet in time.

Aww, Edward was so sweet to her when they were children. :D I'm glad Bella will her birthday wish even if she did have to go through hell first.

I hope that even though Edward had the dream and remembers a bit about his childhood with Bella he won't think Bella is lying when/if she tells him about her fears of Carlisle.


*Now I'm going to copy and paste my reviews from blogspot to this site. :)

Reviewer: jacky-cullen Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 10:30 PM Title: Chapter 45

I love reading flashbacks of the gang when they were little. It's fun to imagine them running around

Reviewer: grilzhea Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 9:46 PM Title: Chapter 45

I love the way Edward is now but I'm scared for what Carlise is up to!

Reviewer: tuckerjnp1 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 9:36 PM Title: Chapter 45

Great chapter.  Can't wait to see what happens next.

Reviewer: ashleys2204 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 9:34 PM Title: Chapter 45

Sigh.. You are just awesome

Reviewer: knork Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 9:32 PM Title: Chapter 45

Hmm, don't know if this is good or bad that he remembered...not sure if he should be telling this to Carlisle.

Reviewer: Rhenea5018 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 9:28 PM Title: Chapter 45

Mic!  I love this new site and this chapter was wonderful.  I love the progress Edward has made through all of this.  Of course, I'm not looking forward to whatever it is that Carlisle has in store, but I suppose we've got to get through that to get anywhere real.

Thanks, as always for the great work.

Reviewer: ReddTwilight Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 9:27 PM Title: Chapter 45

Great chapter!!! I love how far they have come in everything. I've been following this on fanfiction, and then the blog and now here! I love the story line and all the love that is finally beginning to blossom between them like it should.


Great job :)

Reviewer: Sukisha85 Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 9:24 PM Title: Chapter 45

You have a great story here so far. I'm really worried about Bella now. Carlisle has no cherry to worry about now and that freaks me out. I hope all turns out alright.

Reviewer: gumibear26 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 9:24 PM Title: Chapter 45

I sure hope Esme gets the ice cream out of the carpet before Carlisle comes home...

Ah, of COURSE Carlisle remembered that birthday wish.  The sick f**k remembers everything that might make it easier for him to get what he wants in the end.  I wonder what Edward will do when he finds out Carlisle's plans for Bella?  MAybe THAT will be the straw that kills papa Cullen.

And when will we get to find out the secret to Esme's garden?  I'm still waiting on that - please let it be that she has some poison to get rid of Carlisle...

Reviewer: NelumOnelius Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 9:07 PM Title: Chapter 45

i love this story....i have folowd it all the way from fanfiction.com to the blogg and now hear .

Author's Response:

Glad you liked it. 

Reviewer: Pumpkinpie87 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 9:06 PM Title: Chapter 45

Great chapter. Can't wait for more

Author's Response:

Glad you liked it.

Reviewer: Team Sparkle Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 9:01 PM Title: Chapter 45

Okay, so we now that at least at one time Carlisle had a heart...at least towards Bella. I wonder what changed?  Was it the move to Phoenix?  or was it something else...

Author's Response:

Carlisle's obsession for Renee and Bella became twisted over time due to his growing hatred toward Charlie having what he perceived as the life he should have had - knowing Charlie continually cheated on Renee and didn't treasure her. Then when Renee and Bella escaped to Phoenix his obsession for what he could never have became even more twisted to justify how he could make it work for him.  There is no real logic when you're dealing with obsession.

Reviewer: funkydiva1978 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 8:55 PM Title: Chapter 45

Loved this chapter.... It was soo ugh how in the flash back lil bella was treated sooo badly from the start... the whole process and the "training" that was slowly being started...

ugh my heart hurts.

As for Carlisle.. i hope when Edward comes to know the truth that he puts two and two together..

loved it Mic.  Just loved it!


Reviewer: littlemizzyx Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 8:39 PM Title: Chapter 45

I have read every chapter from the beggining and I must say that I love this story!

It was a shame when it was removed from FanFiction, but at least I can still read my Favourite Story on here,

Great Chapter - Amazing Story


Reviewer: mzprincess1996 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 8:35 PM Title: Chapter 45


Reviewer: Dulcinea21bella Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 8:31 PM Title: Chapter 45

Wow, Mic, very telling chapter.  Edward doesn't grasp the intention of Carlisle's attitude towards Bella.  I hope he does ask his father about it.  Maybe Carlisle will confide in Edward what his true intentions towards Bella's future will mean for Edward.  I love this story.  We are slowing working our way into that hurricane on the horizon!  Excellent update!

Reviewer: MachoChicken Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 8:22 PM Title: Chapter 45

Hey! This is MACHOxMAN from fanfic! I got a wcs account so I could read your story.  And I guess it is a bit more convinient to just review here rather than PM'ing you a review.  Anyway, I really liked the story! It was possome!!! (awesome+possum=possome) :D

When will Bella tell Edward about Carlisle?!?! That's like, an accident waiting to happen!

I can't wait for the next chapter!! Update soon por favor!



Reviewer: Kerry Hale Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 8:15 PM Title: Chapter 45

Great chapter. So happy that you found a new home for this great story of yours

Reviewer: twilightobsessedmom Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 8:14 PM Title: Chapter 45

I'm glad i found the story on here! I absolutely love this story! I am wondering if I will get e-mail updates by only adding the story to favorites? I haven't quite figured this site out yet! I am still exploring! This was a great chapter but Edward is so clueless. How is he going to react if Bella tells him how scared she is of his father and why! Can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: mousekemom Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 8:14 PM Title: Chapter 45

Oh boy, it's gonna hit the fan.  Will Carlisle take her when Edward isn't there, or will he have a big confrontation and take her in front of him?  Will Bella tell Edward about his past creepiness?  Will the brothers stand up to Carlisle together?  He has come so far!

Thanks for telling us where you move the story.  I would be sad to come this far and not see it to the end. 

Reviewer: twilightobession Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 8:13 PM Title: Chapter 45

OH MY GOSH!!!!! I love this chapter. I love this whole story. Love that you put ore of Edward and Esme interacting. Hopefully Edward will listen and remember what Esme told him. Glad the ice cream was not forgotten.

I loved seeing Edward and Bella as little children. It was really sweet that Edward took up for Bella even then. Bella's wish is coming true. That was so sweet.

I am afraid of what Carlisle is going to do when he finds out that Edward and Bella have already had sex. Now, there is no stopping him from taking her anyway he wants her.

I know you just updated but please please update as soon as possible again. I just LOVE this story and can not get enough of it. GREAT GREAT JOB!!!!!!

Reviewer: sassycook Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 8:10 PM Title: Chapter 45

wow. makes you wonder what type of man carlislie is or was. was he always a monster. he always fancy renee and bella. but was it always in a sick way.

i am not looking forward to when he finds out bella and edward did the deed. i am only thinking she is not on any birth control. it only takes one time. will a pregnancy keep carlisle away from bella. i can't wait to see what happens next. it was nice to see a glimpse of child hood and how nice edward was and how loving he was and he rembers. james always a prick

Reviewer: SouthernBelle Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 8:04 PM Title: Chapter 45

Oh gah...I'm so torn with this chapter. It's so bittersweet. Showing Edward and Bella when they were younger, and Edward taking care of her even then was precious. I also love that you put more Edward and Esme interaction. It shows just how much Edward is growing up and becoming a man. But the parts where Carlisle thought of Bella as "his" even back then...is just sickening. Even though if that point he probably thought of her as the daughter he should've had...but knowing what we know now makings that scene turn my stomach. I don't know what Carlisle will do or how he will react when he finds out Edward has officially proposed. This story is so amazing...it definitely keeps me on my toes! Please update soon! :) :)

Author's Response:

I'm glad you liked it. We needed a little more insight into Carlisle for the next chapter

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