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Reviews For The Perfect Wife
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Reviewer: SouthernBelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 8:03 PM Title: Chapter 45

Oh gah...I'm so torn with this chapter. It's so bittersweet. Showing Edward and Bella when they were younger, and Edward taking care of her even then was precious. I also love that you put more Edward and Esme interaction. It shows just how much Edward is growing up and becoming a man. But the parts where Carlisle thought of Bella as "his" even back then...is just sickening. Even though if that point he probably thought of her as the daughter he should've had...but knowing what we know now makings that scene turn my stomach. I don't know what Carlisle will do or how he will react when he finds out Edward has officially proposed. This story is so amazing...it definitely keeps me on my toes! Please update soon! :) :)

Reviewer: HeroinAddict Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 7:57 PM Title: Chapter 45

Loved it!

Edward was such a sweet boy;)

Author's Response:

Glad you liked it.

Reviewer: rpattzgirl08 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 7:56 PM Title: Chapter 45

wow this was great  but the only problem i when i get to the bottomthe story disappears and i have to keep it just right or i cant read the whole thing

Author's Response:

I'll let Jenny and Mandy know. They're still working out the bugs.   I'm glad you like the chapter

Reviewer: Jennmc75 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 7:56 PM Title: Chapter 45

I love the interaction with Esme and Edward.  It's so nice to see him good again.

The dream was awesome.  Edward remembering them together as a child is total win.  I just hope him remembering Carlisle being that sweet to her doesn't affect his ability to see the monster he is.  I would hate for Bella to tell Edward about Carlisle's plans for her and him go off on her.

I'm so glad you have no issues uploading chapters here.  Welcome to the madness :)


Reviewer: charming vamp Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 7:55 PM Title: Chapter 45

Another really good chapter.  I am worried about what is going to happen in the rest of the story.  I like that Edward remembered to clean up the ice cream and that Esme reminded him that Bella may not always have the same opinion as he does but that she is a person.  I just hope that Carlisle does not end up ruining everything that Edward and Bella have worked so hard to create. 

Reviewer: krazy_kidd Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 7:49 PM Title: Chapter 45

Awesome chapter! But I have a feeling this is the calm before the storm! I absolutely love this story and I hope they are able to survive whatever comes next! :)

Author's Response:

I'm glad you like it. A little more insight into Carlisle's mind was needed for the next chapter

Reviewer: BMT Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 7:46 PM Title: Chapter 45

Shit. I'm getting weirded out vibes about Carlisle... big time.

Thanks for the update, but I'm almost dreading reading the rest when that creepshow comes out of the woodworks again.

Reviewer: peoplelikeus Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 7:41 PM Title: Chapter 45

Carlisle is so sick!!! I am not looking forward to what he is going to do when he finds out that all of his sons has "betrayed" him!!

Reviewer: Hahny Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 7:35 PM Title: Chapter 45

OMG, is it going to hit the fan in the next chapter?  I wonder if Edward will have any more memories of just how much attention his father paid to Bella when they were young. 

Now that the "I love yous" have been said, I hope Bella will confide in Edward about his father.

Another great chapter.

Reviewer: ickaren Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 7:33 PM Title: Chapter 45

Thank you for posting this chapter.  I really appreciate your story--I love seeing Edward and Bella's love unfold, even against all their obstacles.  But Carlisle is still filling me with dread.  Maybe Edward's memory of Bella's birthday so long ago and the exra interest Carlisle took in her will help him to see Carlisle's unhealthy interest in her now.  Bella will have to tell him soon, or Carlisle will have to betray his interest soon.  One or the other, the showdown is coming up...

Reviewer: Sugar Rae Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 7:30 PM Title: Chapter 45

Edward's memory brought me to tears. So disturbing how Carlisle interacted with her. Was he already planning to be with her? So eery. 

Reviewer: lindseyfair Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 7:29 PM Title: Chapter 45

I'm glad they are starting their lives together as equals, but I still have a bad feeling about Carlisle. Are we going to find out what he's up to soon?

Reviewer: MrsInesCullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 7:28 PM Title: Chapter 45

I'm anxious to know Carlisle Plans with the adoption papers and everything, after he find out about B/E sexcapede.  I don't think that a not-so-virgin Bella was part of the Demetri/Marcus deal.  Wel, I will be waiting.


Reviewer: roxymar Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 7:21 PM Title: Chapter 45

oh wow, i love it. i cant believe james...i gald he got what he did, that bastard. i love that edward always had a soft spot for bella, even as a little girls. i have to admit, carlisle is confusing. i see that he adored her as a child b/c of his love for rene, but his treatment as a teenager is so different...i wonder if he will call her princess in the future....

great chapter! i love your updates!


Reviewer: libbybelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 7:18 PM Title: Chapter 45

Sweet, but so short.  Like a tease.  I can't wait for more!

Reviewer: nicoleaj Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 7:14 PM Title: Chapter 45

Another clue to Carlisle's twisted thoughts about Bella. He seemed so sweet in the flashback. Great chapter :) Loved it :)

Reviewer: Applefromatree Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 7:14 PM Title: Chapter 45

Yay for the new site and the new chapter :)

It's so sad that what Edward thinks is a good memory actually isn't. Carlisle was obsessed with the idea of making Bella his even then :(

Reviewer: cjngrls Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 7:13 PM Title: Chapter 45

Oh my... what a sweet chapter. I was wondering what would come of the left icecream.  It was so thoughtful that Edward wanted to clean it up and not have Esme take the blame.  Maybe if Edward and Carlisle talk, he will have a change of heart (Carlisle that is).  I love that Edward has made so many changes in his ways, its incredible... I love this story and I know that there are only a few more chapters... but you could keep writing about them and I would keep reading... great job

Reviewer: sunnyswimkid13 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 7:09 PM Title: Chapter 45

Love it !!!!!

Reviewer: siriusyellowlab Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 7:08 PM Title: Chapter 45

Yes, Edward, she's your princess now. Remember that, and keep it that way!

Reviewer: vampiremama Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 7:06 PM Title: Chapter 45

Oh man, it's coming, I can feel it.

Reviewer: Footroza Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 7:04 PM Title: Chapter 45

OH GOD...This is not going to go down well... I am screaming at the screen, "DON'T DO IT...HE IS A JERK..."  yeah...he is so not listening to me...that is unfortunate.


I am so glad you updated...and on the new site...Don't you love it.. I do... And now I can review your story...yeah...


Thanks for the update...(looking forward to Better than Perfect) too. 


Reviewer: Hunybear36 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 7:01 PM Title: Chapter 45

Thank you for continuing this story.  I really enjoy your writing.  Again thanks :-)

Reviewer: CullenObsession114 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 6:56 PM Title: Chapter 45

loved it!

Reviewer: ilovemovies22 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2010 6:40 PM Title: Chapter 45

Another great chapter!  I love seeing Edward be nice to his mom.

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