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Reviewer: stmur Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Jan 2011 3:15 AM Title: Chapter 7: How the Douche Stole Christmas...

You know, at Leah's "You're not sorry.  You're trying to ruin my and Will's happiness." (I paraphrased)  I was thinking...Yeah, he's so happy with you, he married someone else.  Jeez, can she not do math and figure out the timeline?

I totally went off on a fictional character...Sigh.


Author's Response:

You are so not the only one!  I do it all the time!  Sometimes it just feels good to give people a piece of your mind!  Fictional or otherwise!  Lol!  You guys are so great! I thank you enough for reading and reviewing!  The response to this chapter is absolutely overwhelming!  For being so great check out the blog for a teaser of the upcoming chapter!  Enjoy and as always, let me know what you guys think!



~Krazi & Mojo~


Reviewer: My Not-So-Secret Obsession Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Dec 2010 7:32 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

this story is extremely captivating. i've never thought about this life style, but the way you write about it, it captivates me. your writing is amazing. please continue soon=)

~My Not-So-Secret Obsession

Author's Response:

Thank you so much!  I don't have any experience with it either, but was introduced to it through fanfiction.  I think sometimes it gets portrayed in a bad light, people love to criticize what they don;t know.  I just want to portray the beauty of it.  So let's learn about this thing together!  Thank you for reading and taking the time out to review!




Reviewer: twilightobession Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Dec 2010 3:36 PM Title: Chapter: 4 BREAKING UP IS HARD TO DO...

I am behind on my reviews, sorry. I love this story. Can't wait to read what they both think when they finally realize that they have loved each other all these years. Love Motherbear Esme. Tanya scares me. What really happened to Mr. Brandon????

Author's Response:

No worries, we're always her when you need us!  Lol!  Glad you like it!  Thank you for reading and taking the time out to review!




Reviewer: myblueeyes Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Dec 2010 9:43 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...


Great cliffie!!  Cannot wait for domward to return from Switzerland. 

The scene with domrosie was fuckhot!!!  can domward make her panties wet over the ocean?

have a terrific holiday!  I am, sitting, reading while I look at the 6 inches of snow falling.  and one better ~ reading a new chapter from you.



Author's Response:

Thank you, I enjoyed writing Mistress Rose very much, can't wait to get a peek inside her playroom.  As far as Domward is concerned, I'm still trying to convince him to give us a little long distance loving.  Let's see if he gives in or not!  Lol!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!




Reviewer: OutOfMyMind Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 Dec 2010 8:05 AM Title: Chapter 3: REVENGE IS A DISH... BEST SERVED COLD...

You must be from the south, cause I don't think they have Blue Bell up north. Good story.

Author's Response:

Ha!  You got it!  I'm not from there, but I lived there a number of years and my favorite is Blue Bell butter pecan!  Lol!  Thanks for reading and leaving a review!




Reviewer: Rion Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Dec 2010 9:31 AM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

loving it cant wait for the next update
I really like the slow build up until they meet and Rose what can I say ...
she would indeed be a great Domme

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!




Reviewer: troberts Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Dec 2010 8:21 AM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

Alice is a sneeky little she devil LOl.  Bella is priceless.  Tanya is nuts and should be put away I have a feeling she is going to cause a bunch of shit.  I am so happy that they have made contact.  Are they going to kill Alice when they find out who the other is.????

Author's Response:

So true to it all!  I hope they don't kill the pixie!  Lol!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: lizutte Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 18 Dec 2010 10:42 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

I love this and can't wait until they communicate more. but i was thinking...... wouldn't they know each others voice? or is it me there have missed something? 

Author's Response:

Well I don't want to give anything away, but I has been about 5 years since they've communicated with each other, alot can change in that amount of time.  That said, we'll just have to wait and see how that telephone call goes!  Lol!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: KeyeCullen Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 17 Dec 2010 10:58 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

OME!!!!  What a completely awesome chapter!  Hell, where do I even begin???  Seriously?  I could start by saying what a phenomal cliffie!!!  Holy smokes, I cannot wait to hear THAT conversation!!!

Mojo's pic of him gettin' his sleep on is priceless! 

The way that you write these characters is fab. I love the conversations between each other and especially the ones inside their heads!  Too funny.  And Bella thinking that she only thinks things and that they are not coming out of her mouth.  Well that cracks me up. 

The bit between Rose and Bella?  Wow!!  Never thought about a female Dom training a female sub but you changed my mind on that!  LOL!!!  And Edward's award winning proformance with Tanya?  OME, I totally cracked up!!!  Um, yeah, you might want to ice that...................hahahahaha!!!!

Alice getting all up in everyone's business to make sure all is right in their worlds?  Love that too!  I need an Alice in my life.

I cannot wait to read conversations between Emmett and Bella now that all the cats are out of the bag!  That is going to be some pretty hysterical stuff too I can imagine.

Geez, did I miss anything?  There was so much yummy goodness in this chapter!  Oh well, suffice to say, I enjoyed the heck out of reading it and I cannot wait until you update again!!

Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!

Author's Response:

Thanks for all the positive feedback, nice to know I'm still doing okay with this story!  Lol!  I love playing with these characters, especially being able to incorporate a bit of myself into the mix!  I want them to still be able to keep a light side to all the fuckery that's going on with them as well.

Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!

Happy New Year!





Reviewer: sonogal Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Dec 2010 7:14 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

Edward and Bella are both so crazy for each other but are not brave enough to approach each other. It is crazy. I would have thought that Edward would have recognized Bella's voice. I love the story but I can't until they meet.

Author's Response:

Well I don't want to give anything away, but I has been about 5 years since they've communicated with each other, alot can change in that amount of time.  That said, we'll just have to wait and see how that telephone call goes!  Lol!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: vickic Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Dec 2010 6:23 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

oh my...Mistress Rose can just talk you into an orgasm, how good is that?! LOL great chapter and I almost feel sorry for T, almost.

Author's Response:

What would a story be with a little deranged Tanya Denali thrown in the mix!  Lol!  And yeah, Mistress Rose is fuck hawt!  Lol!  Thanks for taking the time to read and review!




Reviewer: arwen01 Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Dec 2010 1:00 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

well, thanks for the chapter, and also for the fic-recs.

I hope they'll meet soon!

Author's Response:

Don't worry it won't be too much longer!  Lol!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: IGOTEAMEDWARD Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Dec 2010 1:06 AM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

Love the update! :)

Author's Response:

 Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: peoplelikeus Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16 Dec 2010 10:53 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

loved this chapter - it's all coming together. love the slow burn

Author's Response:

  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: PINKSAPPHYR Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16 Dec 2010 9:36 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

Youhou....They're gonna talk and play on the phone without knowing who is who...But I've got a little question here missy....Why won't They recognize each other's voice (I assume They won't seeing your prologue!)...I mean yeah it's been years since They saw each other but They're madly in love so They should know his/her voice no???

Anyway, I'm sooo happy you chose Rose to train Bella...We're in for some hot and naughty play sessions :D Can't wait for that!!!

I love the gift Edward chose for Bella but (sorry if this is a stupid question but I wanna know!) what does BEB stand for???

Your EPOV are really always the best, and his dream freaking hot....I sooo love being in his mind ;)

Hope you'll update soon Xxx

Author's Response:

Well I don't want to give anything away, but I has been about 5 years since they've communicated with each other, alot can change in that amount of time.  That said, we'll just have to wait and see how that telephone call goes!  Lol!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: amandaolsson Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Dec 2010 6:53 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

Great Chapter.....

Author's Response:

 Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: farsideomoon Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Dec 2010 5:51 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

Well, I'm really looking forward to them finally interacting some in reality, although dream life's been pretty hot.;D)

Happy holidays, thanks for the rec's

Author's Response:

Same to you and your family!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: cullenmother05 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16 Dec 2010 4:07 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

I cannot wait to se these two together. They both need the release. Very good burn, their dream are intense. Cant wait for next update..

Other really good Rec's Edwards Eternal Kiss-HOT, Cambion-Really dark, Victim.. so many rec's so little time...


Author's Response:

Thanks for the heads up, I'm actually reading that one too!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: vbfb1 Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Dec 2010 9:53 AM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

Thanks for the fic rec.

Now this chapter had a lot in it totally loved it. I seriously suspect Edward is going to pay for his lack of honesty with Tanya.

But can't wait for the test scene.

Keep up the excellent work Babe



Author's Response:

Ha! Tanya is such a flake!  She wouldn't take no for an answer. Lol!  He really had no choice.  And as far as the fic recommendation, what can I say, It's a great story!  I just call 'em like I see 'em!  Lol!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: TeamAllTwilight Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16 Dec 2010 6:09 AM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

I absolutely LOVE this fucking story!!!  AHHHHH!!!  I am so excited about it belive me I was so happy to see that you posted a chapter I squeeled all ALICE like....My kids laughed at me and my sister-in-law laughed at me and told me to get a real life.  LOL  I have one it is called fan fiction reading and writing!  I have to tell oyu that out of all oyur rec's I thin maybe 2 I do not currently read.  I will for sure rec this story to my readers when I post my next chapter of my bdsm story I started.  because this story just flat out freaking rocks!

Author's Response:

Don't pay the kids any attention, if they're anything like my son... all they want to do is eat junk food and play video games!  Lol!  Thanks for rec'n me!  I'm loving yours too, I'm planning on starting My Sisters 3 soon.  Happy New Year!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: jamesofjungle Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16 Dec 2010 12:55 AM Title: PROLOGUE: BLIND DATING



Author's Response:

You're welcome!  Many people missed and didn't figure it out yet.  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!




Reviewer: nickeyd26 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 11:50 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

I have to tell you I love your Rose!  She is hot and sexy and fun and I can tell her and Bella are going to have a lot of fun together. ;)

Alice is a genius the way she has this all set up.  It is like a double blind study so neither party realizes the oher is involved.  I am dying to read the next chaper.

One question, what does the BEB sand for?  I thought Bella's middle name is Marie?

Author's Response:

Hmm... you like Mistress Rose, huh?  I can't wait to get a peek into that playroom!  What can I say, the pixie will always be the meddling pixie.  As far as BEB is concerned, it was stated in the chapter more than once I believe, but that just gives me something else to play with! Lol!  Soon you'll know, I promise!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: FlSunshine Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 10:36 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

wow, loved your chapter, i was giggling my ass off abotu BElla and R ose's tits.  hmmm, rose, alice jasper and emmett will all know that Edward and Bella will be doina test scene, has trouble written all over  i t.

Author's Response:

  Lol!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: PCC Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 9:46 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...


Author's Response:

Lol!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: aabc Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 9:42 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

What an funfilled chapter... I can wait until they get together.

Thanks for your consistent updates!  Have a wonderful Holiday season.

Author's Response:

  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: seeker Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 8:58 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

thanks good chapter

Author's Response:

  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: shewoolf Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 8:36 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

Well, you've got me hooked.  I live for my notification of updates...sad isn't it??!! *grin*

Author's Response:

Not at all, I do the same thing!  So we'll go to Fanfiction Anonymous together!  Lol!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: Kiki_83 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 8:23 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

this is quickly becoming my favourire story to read!!really great chapter but i can't wait for them togheter..

Author's Response:

 Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: janm Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 8:15 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

Trying to get a grip.

Author's Response:

Well I don't want to give anything away, but I has been about 5 years since they've communicated with each other, alot can change in that amount of time.  That said, we'll just have to wait and see how that telephone call goes!  Lol!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: sessa Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 6:57 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

I have enjoyed every chapter, and this last one had me on the edge of my chair, I loved whne Pet called Sir. Looking forward to next chapter

Author's Response:

 Lol!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: Celebrityhound Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 6:26 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

Excellent Chapter, I would rather have more of this than an outtake or Mojo's point of view, you sound busy but I would sure like another chapter for a Christmas present.


Happy Holidays


Author's Response:

Ooookay, how about a New Year's present?  Lol!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!

 Happy New Year!




Reviewer: amwine Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 5:48 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

I love it!  This story is so awesome!!!  Alice is making this play out perfectly.  I love how Rose was with Bella.  There will be some fun times with those two or three if Alice is there. 

The one thing I don't get is how Edward and Bella don't recognize each other on the phone.  I think I figured out what BEB means.  I can't wait to see if I am right.  I wonder if Bella will figure it out.  I can't wait for more!  Great job...thanks so much!!!  I have a safe trip and Happy Holidays!

Author's Response:

Well I don't want to give anything away, but I has been about 5 years since they've communicated with each other, alot can change in that amount of time.  That said, we'll just have to wait and see how that telephone call goes!  Lol!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: mldewolf Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 3:37 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

OMG!!  That rocked!!  Thank you, honey, for moving us right along here.  That's awesome!!  GREAT, long ass chapter!  Wonderful!!

Maybe by Jan 1st, we'll be back to the Prologue and "the scene" in question?  That would be great!  No pressure!!

I'm sorry, we (your readers) are slave drivers.  I just love this story soo much.  It's very intriguing!  Can't wait to get my BFF to read it.

Thanks for posting early, too.

Now all we've got to do is get through this phone call, Charlie's visit and back to the Prologue.  Right?

I love all the pics, btw.

I can't fucking wait until Edward and Bella realize that "Sir" and "Pet" are each other!!  That will be fucking epic and I can't imagine the fireworks that will occur.  Yippee!!

I think it is fucking insane that you live in Spain and I live in Texas.  I don't know why that blows my mind soo much, but it does.  It's cool.

Outtake on Jasper and Alice would be great as well as a Mojo POV.  Too cute!!  Have a great Christmas season!


Author's Response:

Ha ha!  You crack me the hell up!  Don´t get too insane with my location, because after three years of the spanish life, I´m calling it quits.  As of 9pm tomorrow night, I´ll be a California girl.  My mom lives in Lousiana, so I´ll leave her there down south to keep you company!  Lol!  I´m glad your liking the story, and I´m really hoping that tomorrow during my long ass flight; I can give you guys a little Christmas cheer.  Don´t bet the ranch on it just yet, but you guys inspire me to keep the story going!  Thanks for all the encouragement!  You guys are slave drivers, but in the best possible way.  I can truly say, that I´ve only recieved love and the utmost respect as far as all my reviews go, so moving it along is the least I can do, when you take the time to leave great personal reviews like this!  Thanks for reading, reviewing, and keeping me on my toes!  Mojo sends his love and a fist bump!


Krazi & Mojo (my tiny partner in crime)


Reviewer: Mandi79 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 3:21 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

love love... and love mojo too:) ty

Author's Response:

 Lol!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!



Krazi & Mojo


Reviewer: viking Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 3:14 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

Nice ending to a superb chapter!  A little annoyed that Edward is "playing" with Tanya though.

Author's Response:

In all fairness to Edward, the chick won't take no for an answer!  She's only setting herself up for more hurt.  Not answering your calls and having you banned from a person's home, should speak volumes.  I can't see her as the victim here!  Lol!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: debs2crazy Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 3:08 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

Alice sets things up so perfectly. Why didnt anyone tell Edward about what happened at Bellas wedding?

Author's Response:

We all know how stubborn Bella can be, she's not ready to admit to everyone what happened.  But oh what fun and sexy times when he does find out!  I don't think anyone will have to tell him twice!  Lol!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: Jessy-Anne Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 2:19 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

i know i'm new to reviewing your story but i love you haha k so now that that's out of the way this was such a great chapter i love that alice went and did everything she did and i love the fact the bella is comfortable enough with her sexuality to ogle rose and all that and i love how alice rubbed it in afterwards haha this is really a great story and i don't know if i'm just a little slow from the lack of sleep or if you didn't put it for a reason but i'm confused at what beb stood for doll thank you for sharing this story with us :D you are brilliant :D and i can't wait for the next update :D

Author's Response:

Ha ha!  i was going to tell you, but since you´re not the only one questioning this then i will use it to my advantage.  That being said, I will not tell you, but I will say, that it is stated in the chapter on more than occasion.  It´s one of the details we tend to over look when DomWard´s pretty peen comes out to play! Lol!  You´ve just given me something else to torture you with, but in a good way!  Thanks a million for reading and taking the time to review!  You guys are the best of the best!  Little Mojo sends his love and a fist bump!


Krazi & Mojo


Reviewer: bethcullen29 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 2:19 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

love it can't wait for more more

Author's Response:

 Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: jillangel Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 2:12 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...


Author's Response:

Ha ha!  I was going to tell you, but since you´re not the only one questioning this then I will use it to my advantage.  That being said, I will not tell you, but I will say, that it is stated in the chapter on more than occasion.  It´s one of the details we tend to over look when DomWard´s pretty peen comes out to play!  Lol!  You´ve just given me something else to torture you with, but in a good way!  Thanks a million for reading and taking the time to review!  You guys are the best of the best!  Little Mojo sends his love and a fist bump!


Krazi & Mojo


Reviewer: lovingit3 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 1:48 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

Love Alices plan!!!!! SO great!

Author's Response:

  Lol!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: BlueDiamond Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 12:52 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

The stalling or build up on these two having their test scene is killing me.  Can't wait. 

Author's Response:

  Lol!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: Marrojeanne Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 12:48 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

It's getting interesting. Both have it so bad for each other. I can't wait to find out, what will happen, when they realize, that the other is the one that tey want. Alice is a genius with her plan that both can communicate.

The internal dialogs of Bella (Edward) with themselves are so funny to read.

Author's Response:

  Lol!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: Library Lolita Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 12:20 PM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

Thank you for this story!!

Author's Response:

  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: Canadaci Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 10:54 AM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

Good filler!

Author's Response:

  Lol!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: pnayz4life Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 9:32 AM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

Wahh!! I can't wait till the next chapter and their first interaction..even if it's via phone =))


..keep the imaginative juices flowing and update soon ^_^

Author's Response:

 Lol!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: kaybrans Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 8:30 AM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

can't wait for our christmas presents!!!

Author's Response:

  Lol!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: twifanpixie Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 8:20 AM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

hehe this is going to be so sweet!.

Author's Response:

  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: stormy315 Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 6:49 AM Title: PROLOGUE: BLIND DATING

love the chapter! what´s the meaning of "BEB"  engraved on the heart ???

Author's Response:

Ha! I said in the chapter, but since you missed it that gives me something else to play with!  Lol!  I'll bring it up again soon I promise, don't worry.  Thanks for taking the time to read and review!




Reviewer: Twifan1228 Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 6:47 AM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

Krazi - I love this story!!  My new obession I fear!!! 7 chapters and I'm jumping up and down ready for them to find out the truth!?!?   Tanya few nuts short of a PayDay is right!?!?  Things are going to be fantastic with this story!  Happy Holiday's and will anxiously and Patiently I might add, wait for the story to progress... Laterz BB

Author's Response:

  Lol!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: ju007 Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 6:18 AM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

love the chapter, can't wait for more!

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: tameas Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 6:08 AM Title: PROLOGUE: BLIND DATING

I like how you've created a situation where Bella and Edward know each other, but they don't know that they have a past yet. I love this story and I will continue to read.

Author's Response:

Thanks so much, I really glad you're enjoying it!  Thank you for taking the time to  read and leave me a review!




Reviewer: theladykt Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 6:05 AM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

hmmm go rose.

poor eddie  tanya will definitely be an issue.

Author's Response:

  Lol! We'll see!   Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: jamesofjungle Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 5:37 AM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

Oh, I so ready for Edward to realize that his "pet" is the one he wants the most, Bella.  How long are we going to have to wait for their scene to happen?  I am very, very patiently waiting.

Damn, Tanya is a psycho or more like a sociopath.

Thank you for the update.  I am always to excited when I see the email letting me know that their is a new chapter for me to read.  I am just like Emmett on Christmas morning.

Author's Response:

  Lol!  We'll be getting soon, I promise!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: kitkatr Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 5:34 AM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

This was an awesome juicy (and hilarious) chapter! Love it when you update!

Author's Response:

  Lol!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: LetRobstenLuv4ever Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 5:30 AM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

Well this chapter was interesting.  I love the kisses that Alice sent to Edward. LOL.  As for the phone I would think after years of having a secret love for Bella he would know her voice and vice versa.  So the cell phone was not really believable to me.  I would think that they would have only texted.  Until the actual test scene.  I cant wait for that.  THis is actually getting me all anxious for this training to be over with already so we can see them together at this test scene.  I cant wait to see when they find out who they other is. 

Author's Response:

Thanks, but that´s not necessarily true about the phone calls, because I have been living in Spain for the past three years and when I call back to America not everyone knows who they are talking to.  Not to mention in five years, just like appearances voices chang too.  Remember, she´s now 23, she wouldn´t  still have the same maturity that she had at 18.  Let´s just say that milk, has done more than just her body good!  Hey, that was pretty funny I should find someway to use it.  In your honor of course!  Lol!  Thanks for reading, reviewing, and keeping me on my toes!  You guys are better than grill cheese!  Mojo sends his love and a fist bump!


Krazi & Mojo


Reviewer: RAH07890 Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 5:13 AM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

That was incredible!  I really loved it SO much!  I cannot wait to see their first scene!  Maybe you can post the outtakes separate from the story or update both at the same time ;)

Author's Response:

  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: bammers Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 5:13 AM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

loved it very much but worried Alice is going to mess this up for them They might feel played update when you can thanks.....

Author's Response:

I think we'll be okay, no one can ever stay mad at the pixie!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: CrimsonRed-ink1792 Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 4:55 AM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

And so it begins.... Wonderful!

Bella and Rose, hot. Sneaky Alice, awesome. Depressed Domward, sad but I have the feeling that he'll be having nice play time after New Years.

I went to Spain my senior year in high school and was fun. It was only for like six days but still awesome. I soooo want to go back. For the food. ;D

Can't wait for more, happy typing and an early Merry Christmas!!


Author's Response:

Yeah, I'm gonna miss all the great food too!  It was truly and experience.  One I will always treasure.  Now I'm off to new California adventures!  Lol!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!





Reviewer: pixiewriter Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2010 4:45 AM Title: Chapter 6: Propositions, Female Dommes, & Cell Phones...

Loved the chapter! Can't wait for the next one.

Author's Response:

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Reviewer: Jessy-Anne Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14 Dec 2010 9:47 AM Title: Chapter 5: Revelations... What´s Done In the Dark...

this is so very good doll makes for interesting reading during breaks haha i don't believe i have every had so many of my instructors wondering why i was blushing haha i can't wait for more doll you are brilliant :D

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!!




Reviewer: ambergoss Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Dec 2010 7:58 AM Title: Chapter 1: DREAMS... WHAT DO THEY MEAN?

Loved the first chapter, cant wait to read more has my curiosity peaked!

Author's Response:

Thanks, I´m glad you´re enjoying it so far!  Thanks for taking the time to review!



Reviewer: ju007 Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Dec 2010 5:22 AM Title: PROLOGUE: BLIND DATING

ouu I like it!!


Author's Response:

Thanks, I´m glad you´re enjoying it so far!  Thanks for taking the time to review!



Reviewer: cedward2417 Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Dec 2010 2:55 AM Title: PROLOGUE: BLIND DATING

I can't wait to read on...This is going to be crazy fun!Ü

Author's Response:

Thanks, I´m glad you´re enjoying it so far!  Thanks for taking the time to review!



Reviewer: AngelGoddess1981 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10 Dec 2010 8:43 PM Title: Chapter 2: PAGING DR. CULLEN

Well! This chapter had a little bit of everything, huh?

I felt bad when Edward found out about Bella's impending nuptuals...even if they aren't happening now ;-) The poor guy.

And Tanya. Man, the bitch gets a bad rap in FFdom. :-P I've written her as the villan, too, though. What can I say, she makes the perfect villan. Anyway, I don't like her, so I'm glad she won't be sticking around.

I wanted to say that throughout these first few chapters, I have picked up on a few canon parallels that get me super excited. I am a whore for all things canon and when an author can take something SM created and spin it to fit their story, well I get a happy. 

As for who safe-worded...IDK. I want to say Tanya as Edward is a Dom... but he is the one wanting to end it and I'm guessing that safewording from either of them is what gets them out of it...Hmmm...IDK!!

Great job! I have to go and get ready for work, so I'll hopefully be able to pick up later!

Author's Response:

We´ll just have to wait and see on the safeword issue.  Yeah poor DomWard is in a bit of a funk, but let´s hope that he won´t suffer too long.  Tanya is a bit of a nut job, but we shall see!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!



Reviewer: AngelGoddess1981 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10 Dec 2010 8:33 PM Title: Chapter 1: DREAMS... WHAT DO THEY MEAN?

hi again!

So this chapter had me wanting to casterate Jacob. Seriously.

Again, the dream (even if it was a punishment) was great. I'm a little bit of a sub-whore :-P For someone who doesn't deal in the lifestyle, I find you write it well. I'm no pro in D/s, by any means, so maybe you don't...IDK. I believe it ;-)

Thanks for another great chapter!



Author's Response:

I know right!  I wrote it and he made me want to barf!  Trust he´ll get his, don´t you worry!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!




Reviewer: AngelGoddess1981 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10 Dec 2010 8:30 PM Title: PROLOGUE: BLIND DATING



So, having a bit of time today, I was looking at a few of my reader's profiles, and having a hard-on for Domward, I picked your fic to read ASAP.

This prologue was awesome. I loved getting into the heads of B & E. The dream was...fuckhot, actually.

Their "meeting" was to die for. I loved that they know each other, but have no idea that they are about to actually enter into this...with EACH OTHER. I understand the logistics of that plan, and I can't wait to see it play out.

Can't wait to read more!



Author's Response:

Thanks!!  It means alot that you enjoy it!  You may not need a Kleenex alert, but you might need fresh panties though... *winks*!  I love your story sooo much, thanks for the support.  Thanks for taking the time to review!!




Reviewer: mldewolf Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10 Dec 2010 2:13 PM Title: Chapter 5: Revelations... What´s Done In the Dark...

Still loving this story BUT I do have to say that it is wearing on me that you're only updating every two weeks.  Ugh!!  I'm not trying to be a bitch, I just love this story soo much I want it to "move along" and at this rate it'll be next year (literally) before we can get these two together.

I know real life comes first and I will try my best to be patient.

I think you are wonderful, humorous and talented writer.  I will stick with you no matter how long it takes.

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!!




Reviewer: amwine Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Dec 2010 3:14 AM Title: Chapter 5: Revelations... What´s Done In the Dark...

I love it!  Great job...thanks!!!

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!!




Reviewer: janm Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Dec 2010 11:48 PM Title: Chapter 5: Revelations... What´s Done In the Dark...

Love Alice !!!! So funny

Author's Response:

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Reviewer: mldewolf Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09 Dec 2010 10:53 PM Title: Chapter 2: PAGING DR. CULLEN

I HATE fucking Tanya with a purple passion.  Am I telling my age there?

I HATE her in every story.  I actually found a story once where she was a horse.  It was hysterical.  I also read a story where she was a nice aunt of Edwards.  Weird.  I love the diversity, tough.  I just roll my eyes when she shows up in a story.  It's to be expected.  I'm use to it by now.

Can't wait to keep reading.  Gotta run.


Author's Response:

Ha ha!  A horse, you must let me know the name of that story!  Yeah, Tanya and Jacob are two characters that I very seldom love in stories, but I must say,¨Ms. Tanya does make the perfect villian!¨ Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!



Reviewer: mldewolf Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09 Dec 2010 9:58 PM Title: PROLOGUE: BLIND DATING

Fucking WOW!!

I've been reading on my phone this afternoon and haven't been able to review until now.  I'm on Chapter 3, now.

This story ROCKS!!!  I just got finished reading your other story TOHTMMW.  It rocks, too!!  I love your sense of humor!!  It's greatness!!

It is going to eat me alive to wait until you get us up to the Prologue, in both stories.  I CAN'T WAIT!!!  You are a tease of a writer.  That's not a bad thing, though.  You're good, girl, keep going!!


Author's Response:

Thanks, I´m glad you´re enjoying it so far!  Thanks for taking the time to review!



Reviewer: janm Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Dec 2010 8:57 PM Title: Chapter: 4 BREAKING UP IS HARD TO DO...

Wow, are we ever going to get out of flashbacks? Love Esme, Emmett, Alice and of course Edward.

Author's Response:

Eventually yes!  Patience is a virtue!  When you rush things get sloppy!  Trust me you´ll get your chance at ´hard and fast´ soon enough!  Lol!  Thanks for taking the time to read and review!



Reviewer: amwine Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Dec 2010 4:52 AM Title: Chapter: 4 BREAKING UP IS HARD TO DO...

You got me.  I thought he wouldn't go through with it.  At least she didn't touch him.  She is so crazy.  I hope she is not too much trouble.  I love this story!!!  Great job...thanks so much!!!

Author's Response:

Sorry!  DomWard broke out the flogger and I was a goner.  In my defense, I tried!  Yeah, Tanya is a few nuts short of a PayDay!  Lol!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!



Reviewer: amwine Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Dec 2010 4:06 AM Title: Chapter 3: REVENGE IS A DISH... BEST SERVED COLD...

Jacob so deserved what he got.  I am glad that Bella is going to Seattle.  I can't wait to see what Alice says to Bella to let her know that there is nothing wrong with her.  Great job...thanks!

Author's Response:

That he did, but I´m not quite sure I´m done with him yet, only time will tell for sure.  Yes, SubBella is headed to new adventures in Seattle.  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!



Reviewer: Canadaci Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09 Dec 2010 3:53 AM Title: Chapter 5: Revelations... What´s Done In the Dark...

Great reveal awesome, sub time masterful, and bath time with Mama Esme mothering.  All-in-all this is a great story.

Author's Response:

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Reviewer: amwine Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Dec 2010 9:29 PM Title: Chapter 2: PAGING DR. CULLEN

Thanks for the RED...whoever that was...  I feel bad for Edward, but that was one hell of a dream he had!!!  I can't wait to see what is next.  Great job...thanks so much!!!

Author's Response:

Ha!  You´ll be surprised!  I needed a bit of pepto and Stoli after this one!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!



Reviewer: sonogal Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Dec 2010 8:27 PM Title: Chapter 5: Revelations... What´s Done In the Dark...

Bella seems scared of the reality of BDSM. She seems to only like the idea of it. I can't believe she freaked out like she did. She has been reading and watching videos. What she saw should not have shocked her, just maybe the location of it.

Author's Response:

You have to think about the fact that her bestfriend just revealed something heavy to her.  It was alot to take in, and we´re all afraid of the unknown.  That doesn´t make us want any less!  Lol!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!!




Reviewer: amwine Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Dec 2010 7:57 PM Title: Chapter 1: DREAMS... WHAT DO THEY MEAN?

Jacob should be afraid!  I don't know how Bella left that hotel and didn't get him right then.  I guess she just needed some planning.  I love it!  Great job...thanks!!!

Author's Response:

That he should be, and besides the best revenge is always planned.  If she would have confronted him then, her victory wouldn´t have been as sweet.  And trust me it´s going to be good and sweet!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!




Reviewer: amwine Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Dec 2010 6:53 PM Title: PROLOGUE: BLIND DATING

I love it!!!  I can't wait to get caught up.  Great job...thanks!!!

Author's Response:

Thanks, I´m glad you´re enjoying it so far!  Thanks for taking the time to review!



Reviewer: troberts Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Dec 2010 10:24 AM Title: Chapter 5: Revelations... What´s Done In the Dark...

I love the little mojo I have a bird named mojo.  Alice loss for words lol.  cant wait for more.  I love you rec's I am already reading 5 and I have been looking at them

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!!




Reviewer: shewoolf Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 08 Dec 2010 1:59 AM Title: PROLOGUE: BLIND DATING

Ooooo  good start.  Looking forward to this!

Author's Response:

Thanks, I´m glad you´re enjoying it so far!  Thanks for taking the time to review!



Reviewer: KeyeCullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Dec 2010 1:28 AM Title: Chapter 5: Revelations... What´s Done In the Dark...

I don't know what I enjoyed more.  The internal monologues of Alice and Bella.  Anything to do with Mojo.  The big reveal of Alice and Jasper to Bella and Bella's reaction to it.  Alice's note.  And it goes on and on.  I really enjoyed the chapter and I am dying to find out what happens next!!!

Can't wait!


Author's Response:

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Reviewer: theladykt Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Dec 2010 11:26 PM Title: Chapter 5: Revelations... What´s Done In the Dark...

Great chapter as always......  hmmm I want a Domsper.

Author's Response:

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Reviewer: LiLi82 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Dec 2010 10:09 PM Title: Chapter 5: Revelations... What´s Done In the Dark...

love it

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!!




Reviewer: manolomel9 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Dec 2010 7:11 PM Title: Chapter 5: Revelations... What´s Done In the Dark...

Damn, Bella and Alice must be related in another life - they both have funny, arguing inner-monologues and they both skirt around the issues and don't communicate well unless they are forced to  It was fun to see some girl-time and the strength of their friendship.  Now I know you are using these chapters to set up Edward and Bella's backstories. which I apprecaite, but I am so excited to get to finally see these 2 characters interact together that I am hopeful you will update really soon!!!

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!!




Reviewer: cullenmother05 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Dec 2010 6:54 PM Title: Chapter 5: Revelations... What´s Done In the Dark...

I love Mojo, he is so adorable and badass in his own way. Of coarse who doesnt love Esme, taking care of Bella in the bath was so sweet and special, Bella really neededd that and Esme as always is perfection. Yummy yummy to my tummy thats our Dom Jasper, gosh if i didnt love Alice so much i'd hate her that lucky bitch. Cant wait for the next update

Author's Response:

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Reviewer: twilightobession Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Dec 2010 4:03 PM Title: Chapter 5: Revelations... What´s Done In the Dark...

I am soooo lvoing your story. GREAT GREAT JOB!!!!! I love the enternal conversations that both Alice and Bella have with theirselves. Even about Mojo, which by the way I love when you write about him. Can't wait for more. Go and write, write, and write.

Author's Response:

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Reviewer: debs2crazy Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07 Dec 2010 3:01 PM Title: Chapter 5: Revelations... What´s Done In the Dark...

Glad that they finally told Bella. Loved that it took Jasper a minute to get the lawn mower joke. I could just picture his face, priceless. I also like that Mojo gets treated like a person by all of them.

Author's Response:

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Reviewer: nickeyd26 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07 Dec 2010 3:46 AM Title: Chapter 5: Revelations... What´s Done In the Dark...

I'm not surprised that Bella flipped out a bit at the sight of the playroom.  That is definatly something that takes getting used to when you are not expecting it.

I am dying to see what Alice has in store for our little Bella.

FYI, Love, love, love Dom Jasper!!!  Oh my word, moments like that should come with a panty alert.  Like, you need to get another pair if you are going to read this.

Author's Response:

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Reviewer: myblueeyes Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Dec 2010 3:21 AM Title: Chapter: 4 BREAKING UP IS HARD TO DO...


Ugh - I have never liked Tanya.  What a skank!!

Now, Esme is sooo good to her children.  How sweet that she is excited about edward and bella. 

Please, please give me more.

Until your next post...


Author's Response:

Yes... I hate Tanya too, but such is life.  Into each a little rain must fall, or in this case a little skank!  Ha ha!  I crack myself up!  Mama Esme is a jewel, she will take care of all her babies and make sure that they are happy!  Even the ones she didn´t give birth to!  Thanks for taking the time to read and review!



Reviewer: farsideomoon Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Dec 2010 1:56 AM Title: Chapter 5: Revelations... What´s Done In the Dark...

thanks for the update & rec's;D)

Author's Response:

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Reviewer: CRCLWC Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Dec 2010 11:04 PM Title: Chapter 5: Revelations... What´s Done In the Dark...

Can't wait for more!

Author's Response:

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Reviewer: CrimsonRed-ink1792 Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Dec 2010 7:29 PM Title: Chapter 5: Revelations... What´s Done In the Dark...

*sighs dreamily while waving a very large fan* Alice... oh lovely Alice. Now we're getting some where. I do hope we'll get to visit Dr. Domward next chapter... I miss his... his... emo-ness. lol.

Well I can't wait til next time hopefully Alice will have all the stars aligned. She's not going to tell him its Bella though is she... Oh well all the more surprise for him. ;)

Two weeks and counting down... Happy typing!


Author's Response:

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Reviewer: seeker Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06 Dec 2010 7:11 PM Title: Chapter 5: Revelations... What´s Done In the Dark...

thanks good chapter and most of those i already read thanks

Author's Response:

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Reviewer: bethcullen29 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06 Dec 2010 7:03 PM Title: Chapter 5: Revelations... What´s Done In the Dark...

Awesome chapter


Author's Response:

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Reviewer: RAH07890 Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Dec 2010 5:41 PM Title: Chapter 5: Revelations... What´s Done In the Dark...

Wow, that was amazing!  I really loved it so much :)  P.S. What kind of a dog is Mojo?  He sounds like a cutie :)

Author's Response:

Lol! Thanks!  Mojo is a chihuahua, he´s based on the life of a real dog.  He was my friends and someone poisoned him and we had to put the little guy to sleep. I´ll put a pick up.  Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!




Reviewer: Celebrityhound Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Dec 2010 5:25 PM Title: Chapter 5: Revelations... What´s Done In the Dark...

hurry back can't wait

Author's Response:

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Reviewer: viking Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Dec 2010 4:59 PM Title: Chapter 5: Revelations... What´s Done In the Dark...

Great chapter!  Really enjoyed the big reveal!

Author's Response:

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Reviewer: arrr Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Dec 2010 3:08 PM Title: Chapter 5: Revelations... What´s Done In the Dark...

SO glad you’re back – I love this story and the “back” story, getting us to the Prologue has me on pins and needles – cannot wait to see those two together!  And only a truly gifted writer could have a married virgin – pulled that one out of the hat!

The unrequited (or so assumed) love between these two is great but I absolutely love, even more than Mojo the wonder dog, is the inner monologues!  Even E – I went back a re-read some things “Down boy... caveman much Cullen... just make it through the scene before you order the wedding invitations...”

Such a great story but I, like B, am always left wanting MORE!  And that fuck-hot banner…ummmmm!!!!

Author's Response:

 Thanks for reading and taking the time to review!




Reviewer: acw1 Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Dec 2010 1:33 PM Title: Chapter 3: REVENGE IS A DISH... BEST SERVED COLD...

good chapter.

Author's Response:

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