Favorite Authors
1. AgoodWITCH

Love your stories! 

2. BertieBott

I love reading your work!

3. BoysInBooksRBetter

Love what i have read so far.


4. FictionFreak

Love your work!


5. heartfortwilight

Love your stories!

6. IThinkINeededThat
7. Jennmc75
8. justginger

i realy like your work!

9. katmom
10. Lilyplay

I love this story and can't wait to see how it ends!

11. Lissa Bryan



12. mama4dukes


13. mistyhaze420
14. Raven Jadewolfe
15. rbsschess
16. Robicorn


17. Robshandmonkey

i love your stories! can't wait till you finish some them!

18. Sarges Girls

I love this stuff 


19. speklez
20. texasbella
21. TheDarkestFallingStar
22. tufano79

love your work

23. TwistedWhiteWolfLegend
24. WeeKittyAndTAT

Once agin you ladies did a amazing job. :)