Penname: Scarlet Pinstripes [Real name:
Member Since: 17 Jan 2012
Membership status: Member

The thing I loathe most about any "about me" section is the part where it is about you...

I have a fondness for all things chocolate and hazelnut, Pomeranians, fiction, and a good old fashioned dose of smut.

As mintioned above Nutella and Ferrero RocherFerrero Rocher® are a good way to con me into getting something that you want, and be warned I expect payment upfront. I have a Miniature Pomeranian named Capone. He is a jealous little shit and hates most everyone, although if you have something nice to say about how damn pretty he is he will likely lick your face off or die trying. I have written several stories for the SVM universe, but due to personal reasons they won't be getting finished any time soon. I hope to upload several of the O/S that I have written in the Twilight Fandom, but don't hold your breath that might be considered assisted suicide.

Other ways to find me:

Twitter: ScarletPStripe

Tumblr: blog/scarlet-pinstripes

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