Penname: Amber1983 [Real name:
Member Since: 17 Feb 2012
Membership status: Member

I first came across the Twilight saga somewhere between the release of Eclipse and Breaking Dawn (the books that is) and became instantly obsessed. There is something incredibly compelling about the story and the way it has connected with so many people, transporting women of all ages back to those heady, addictive days of teen love. I then read Meyer's other novel, The Host, and loved that too (controversial I know!).

I discovered fanfiction when I heard the term mentioned on a Twilight fandom podcast and it has become such a huge hobby (ok, ADDICTION!).

I used to write a lot when I was a teenager but then you grow up and the monotony of real life zaps your creativity, at least that's what happened to me. But after reading fic for a while I decided I wanted to give it a go. I wrote a brief two-shot for The Host, mainly because I was reading that book at the time and it just came to me. Then eventually I decided to take the plunge and start a twific; The Search was born.

The last few months have been an incredible experience, I've suddenly remembered how it feels to have living, breathing characters in my head again and it is a wonderful feeling. The response to Britward and Bellamerica so far as been truly overwhelming and I can't thank you guys enough for your feedback. The best part is that my imagination seems to be have been brought back to life as I now have lots of plot bunnies hopping around up there for future use :-)

Twilight is about a perfect love. I want to write about imperfect love; the kind of love that is messy and silly and complicated, that knocks you down and pulls you back up again and makes life so interesting. The kind of love that the luckiest of us get to experience for real.

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