Penname: JenRar [Real name: Jenny
Member Since: 19 Feb 2010
Membership status: Member

My name is Jenny, and I'm a fanfic-aholic. See my confessions below...

I'm well over the age of consent and am obsessed with all things Twilight. I am a HUGE Bella/Edward fan and think that Edward hung the moon. I LOVED all of the movies and was actually one of the ones who loved Breaking Dawn as a book, so I wasn't surprised when I loved the movie, as well.

I am also in love with Steph & Ranger (courtesy of Janet Evanovich) fanfics. I do NOT like the way the books are headed, so I haven't read any past Thirteen.

My other obsession is TV. You name it, there is a very good chance I watch (or have watched in the past) it. I currently have a TV blog, where I post a weekly and daily TV schedule, along with polls, TV news, and the occasional interview. To feed my TV habit, I have a DVR that has 4 tuners so I can record up to 4 things at once. And on busy nights during the TV season, sometimes that isn't enough. *sigh* LOL Check out my site!

I'm also a huge fan of Morgan & Garcia from Criminal Minds. I used to love the show but it has been frustrating me recently. Unfortunately, I have a feeling things will never go like I want them to go on the show, so I contend myself with great fanfics for now.

Other TV fanfic obsessions right now are Castle and Bones stories! I've written one fic for the 2nd, and have an idea for the 1st that I may try to write after I finish my current stories.

I have a few ideas for new stories in my head ideas popping up regularly. So please, read, enjoy, and review! Good and bad comments are always welcome, as long as they aren't flames! :)


Banners for all my stories can be found here: as well as on my Sarge's Girls Facebook group. You must friend me (or Drotuno) and then message one of us on Facebook so we can invite you, as it's a private group.


Midnight Cougar featured Christmas Magic as one of her reviews for the annual Rob Attack Christmas fic post. Check that out, as well as the other reviews, here: Rob Attack.


Please, go vote for me for Best Beta and In Pursuit by Sarge's Girls in the Fanatic Fanfics Awards!


Beta-reader: Yes
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