Penname: 107yearoldvirgin [Real name: Amber
Member Since: 08 Feb 2010
Membership status: Member

I'm 29 and I love Twilight. (Admitting it is the first step, right?) Reading the saga made me miss work and put my life on hold...a hard thing to do with a newborn. I actually think SM sold her soul to the devil with the way these books make people obsessed...So I stalked the New Moon boards over at my beloved IMDB, and was redirected here for some smut, and I've been here ever since. What? Don't judge...FF makes my sex life better! Twilight and fanfiction have become my obsession and I'm trying to work on it, I promise.

I haven't written in years. But I love me some bloggin'.

I chose my name because the 107 Year Old Virgin picture made me pee my pants, it was so funny. Incorporate Cullen and Carell? You know the way to this girl's heart.

I don't say the 'F' word...unless I'm blacked out drunk. Or so I've been told:)

I heart all things John Krasinski and The Office. Don't call me on Thursday nights. It's rude.

JKras and Ryan Reynolds are my top 2 freebies on my 'Do Me' list. But my husband looks like a cross between Michael Vartan and Kris Allen, so I'm not complaining;) Update 1/7/10: RPattz has taken over the JKras spot. This season of The Office has made Jim so unattractive.

Music rules my world... So I married a drummer:)

I think I'm a smart ass; my friends think I'm witty. Either way, they keep me around for the funny.

I am uber clumsy. If a movie was made of my life, Sandra Bullock would have to step up for the physical comedy.

I am addicted to Google. Favorite. Invention. Ever.

Pop culture is my other addiction. Please don't call Intervention...By the way, Allison the Duster Huffer is the best Interventionist in the world. I LOVE her crazy ass!

The money I could be saving with Geico scares the crap outta me.

I love the 80's. Period.

I wish I could write REAL smut, but my Jiminy Cricket keeps popping up and making me feel bad. Huh...he doesn't show up when I read it, though. Weird.

My husband is the hottest guy I've ever met in real life. And my son is the cutest baby on the planet. It's been clinically proven through market research.

I work in an office and hate Upper Management; but my boss is the best person in the world and I stay because of her.


As for Twilight?

I walked past the books a few years back in B&N, but turned away when I realized they were YA. Now I could care less. Guess what I got for my 29th birthday? The movie and all of the books in hard back.

I waited to read the books after I saw the movie because YaYa Sisterhood the movie pissed me off so much I vowed never to read first and watch later again.

I didn't think RPattz was hot until I saw the movie. Now I just feel bad for him because he seems to be freaked out by the fame:) True story to follow:

Watching Twilight

Hubs: "Do you think this guy is hot?"

Me: "Ugh...before this movie? No. But, now I get it. So...yeah."

Then I got up and changed my panties:)

I thought Kristen Stewart was a good actress until Twilight. Unless you count Panic Room where I thought she was a boy. Still, she is gorgeous and I would give my right boob to be even 1/2 as pretty as that.

I feel bad for Cam Gigandet..because no one can say his name correctly. (Jee-gahn-day...FYI)

I think Paramore wrote their albums after Hayley read Twilight. It has occurred to me that I can play their cds while reading the books and I could have a Dark Side of the Moon/Wizard of Oz experience.

I love Catherine Hardwicke...Thirteen was amazing. But, I am glad she's off New Moon. And I wish she'd take Nikki with her. Don't hate. Is she what you pictured Rosalie like?? Me, neither.

And Peter Facinelli is a beautiful, beautiful man. I miss Fastlane...

Please be warned: I show absolutely NO love for the literary incarnation of SM's Jacob Black. I want to pinch Taylor's cheeks, but I have a murderous hate for JB regarding the last three books of the series. My writing reflects this and if you love JB you may not like my versions of him...

But I DO love me some Tanya, and will show her nothing but love in my fics. Period.

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