Reviews by Moonlight Isabella Silverstein



How does Tony Stark handle the news of finding out he’s a father? How does he feel about Renee keeping it a secret after all these years and having Charlie Swan believe Bella to be his? And how will he take it when a certain thunder god has eyes for his little angel with horns?

Categories: Avengers, Twilight, Crossover
Characters: Bella/Thor
Genre: None
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 104453 Read Count: 28727
[Report This] Published: 22 Nov 2014 Updated: 19 Mar 2015
Reviewer: Moonlight Isabella Silverstein Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star
Date: 18 Dec 2014 Title: Chapter 1: CHAPTER 1 CURTAINS DRAWN

I originally found this story on FanFiction, and I was curious to see where you were going to take it so I created an account on this site just so that I could read the story and find out. I have to say that I am pleased that I did so as this story is a fantastic read, albiet confusing at times but what story isn't? 

I truly have enjoyed every chapter that you have posted, and I think that the way you have tried to bring the different worlds together is both interesting and quite inventive. Like I said, I am definitely pleased that I took the time to create this account so that I could read this story. I am looking forward to the next chapter you post, and to reading some of your other stories as whilst I was scrolling through your page (this that the right word?) I noticed several other stories that I thought might also be good. 

Please don't let any one tell you otherwise on this matter, you are an amazing writer (sure there are several errors located throughout the story, but what writer doesn't have errors in their story? That only means that they are human and that we are perfectly imperfect creatures.) and I wholeheartedly believe that you should continue writing to your hearts content--no matter what. 

Love ya, 


P.S. As to the reason that you are no longer posting anything but the first chapter on FanFiction: that 'writer' (if they can lay claim to such a title) should be ashamed of themselves. I have dealt with plagarisers as well on that site, thankfully it was not my work in question, but still. It really is a special kind of person who plagarises someones work and then gets "butt-hurt" when the person they stole from reports them. Those kind of heinous acts are what cause good, honest writers such as yourself more trouble than need be. 
I do believe, of course, that fate will eventually catch up with that person and that they will get what is coming to them. I only hope that the punishment fits the crime. Death by crow sounds quite lovely to me, does it not to you? ;-P (I am of course being sarcastic here.) Anyway, to you I wish a good day (or night, whatever it is when you receive/read this review) and a happy life. I also wish you good luck on your future stories, you have made yourself one more fan to join what I am sure is many. :-D




What’s a man to do? For once Master Wayne finds himself doing the chasing and the girl can’t stand him. But how does she feel about Batman? And which is exactly the true mask? The playboy or the dark knight? What’s a girl to do when her hero can’t stand her and feels she’s nothing, but trouble who’s on his turf?


Categories: Batman, Twilight, Crossover
Characters: Bella/Bruce (Batman)
Genre: None
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Stories I love
Chapters: 26 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 155964 Read Count: 18409
[Report This] Published: 23 Nov 2014 Updated: 10 Jul 2015
Reviewer: Moonlight Isabella Silverstein Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star
Date: 21 Dec 2014 Title: Chapter 19: Chapter 19 Charismatic

I am certainly enjoying your stories. I've actually read through what you have of posted of your Thor/Bella (Thunder Gods and something or the other) [as you already know], and your Bruce Banner/Bella (Gamma something or the other) [sorry for not reviewing on that one, I kind of stayed up all night reading it and then promptly passed out once I finished reading every chapter you posted]. I have to say that all three that I've read so far are positively amazing.

I really enjoy your writing style, however I do have a slight problem with it as well. I don't say this to be mean or anything, just as constructive criticism: I've noticed that you leave little to no indicators as to when the 'scene' has changed. This often leads to me feeling extremely confused, I often have to look back over what I have read so that I can figure out why the time between sentences jumped so greatly, or why characters changed, and the like. This is, of course, an easy solution to fix as all you would need to do is add some sort of indicator in this parts. It doesn't even have to be complicated. An example, that I have seen many other online author's use, would be: [insert random symbols here][insert story initials here][insert repeated random symbols here]. Again, I'm not saying this to be rude or anything, I'm only saying this to help. 

Anyway, like I stated above and in my first review on your Thor/Bella Thunder Gods and something or the other story, I really like the way that you write and how you bring everything together in such an interesting and amazing way. I truly cannot wait to read more of your stories, and I will definitely feel saddened when there are no more for me to read. 

I wish you the best of luck in your writing and I hope to see you update your stories as soon as you possibly can. :-D

Love ya,


P.S. As I am unaware as to how this website operates, if you should like to reply to anything that I have said in any of my reviews (past, present and future) then I would like for you to know that my username on FanFiction (where I originally found you) is the same as it is on here. And if you do not wish to message me on there, then my email is: and in case that doesn't go through (as once more, I don't know how this website operates) the email address is: moonlight(dot)isabella(dot)silverstein(at)gmail(dot)com