Penname: S E Bynoth Fowler [Real name: Sarah
Member Since: 05 May 2020
Membership status: Member


I'm a wife and mother-of-three grown-up kids based a beautiful village in the Cotswolds. I started writing many years ago, having my first piece of writing about the famous Badminton Horse Trials published in a local newspaper. I was also awarded the first prize when I entered a poetry competition.  

Twelve years ago I began writing 'The Inheritance of Lost Love.' and I, like many authors out there have a story, write it, then it stays in a word document on your computer because you never think it's good enough. It is always important to follow your dreams and I am following mine.


In mid-December 2008, when I was speaking with my mother  on the telephone, I had told her little bits about the book, she was excited to hear about it and she said to me 'Why don't you finish your book.' Three days after our conversation, my mother died unexpectedly.

Naturally, her death came as a huge shock to us all. After the funeral passed and life was getting back to normality, or best it could under the circumstances I decided to pick up where I left off with the book. Within a month, I had finished it, I think mum was up there somewhere giving me a helping hand, that was eleven years ago. Back then you needed an agent and or a publisher in order to get your completed book out there.

So Eleven years on I have the finished manuscript which I am now editing and have decided to self publish my first little novel very soon, in memory of my dear mum.

I am also half way through writing my second book whish is called 'The Diary of Hugo Black,' I will be announcing again soon.

I love writing stories and I have many ideas locked away my imaginary world and look forward to writing more books in the future.

I would like to say a huge thank you to my lovely husband Tom for all his support. 

I wish you the best of luck.

March 2020


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