Reviews by Sylvia Cullen

Living Amongst Vampires Banner


In a world dominated by vampires, humans are forced to donate blood and abide by the strict rules of the vampire government. Bella has never experienced life in an all-human world and one day the only life she knows shatters to pieces when her parents are killed by a vampire. She is adopted by her parents' friends, who happen to be vampires. Her life turns upside down as she moves to an all-vampire town. Will she have the strength to go on after all that she has endured? Will one special vampire heal her wounds as she struggles to live a life amongst vampires? Edward and Bella pairing, AU, OOC

Warning: This story contains explicit adult content, language, violence, vampire marking and bloodplay.


I want to thank Dazzled~by~Jake for this awesome banner! And my awesome Beta Lindz! xo


Inspire Fanfic winning banner

Categories: Twilight, Alternate Universe
Characters: None
Genre: None
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Love to drive's Stories to read
Chapters: 27 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 384211 Read Count: 239172
[Report This] Published: 14 Aug 2010 Updated: 05 Sep 2022
Reviewer: Sylvia Cullen Signed
Date: 03 Nov 2016 Title: Chapter 24: Chapter 24

I really hope you update soon!!! I want to see Edward and bella reunite!

Reviewer: Sylvia Cullen Signed
Date: 21 May 2018 Title: Chapter 25: Chapter 25

Omfg!!!!!!!! I didn’t even know this story updated! Where in th hell did my alert go??!!!!! I havent read this chapter yet as I’ve recently just thought of this story which is one of my top fanfics of all time to come reread  for the millionth time and here it is!!!! I’m sooooooooo excited!!!!

Reviewer: Sylvia Cullen Signed
Date: 13 Dec 2018 Title: Chapter 26: Chapter 26

Love it! I don’t know why I’m not getting notified of when their story updates but I can’t wait for more! I love this story. Still part of my fav top 5 fics.

Reviewer: Sylvia Cullen Signed
Date: 11 Jan 2020 Title: Chapter 26: Chapter 26

Had to come back and reread this fic, still one of my all time favs.

hope you finish it!


Bound and Dangerous




Sequel to Bound to Family.  A continuing story of Don Edward Cullen and Donna Isabella Volutri-Cullen as they begin their new adventures in combining two power crime families together, while exploring their Dominant/submissive relationship in Master Edward's playroom.  Can they keep their families safe, their relationship safe, or will outside forces tear it apart?



Categories: Twilight
Characters: None
Genre: Action, Erotica, Family
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: Action-Adventure, Dominance and submission
Series: Stories I've Already read, Stories I've read, Bound
Chapters: 23 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 90815 Read Count: 230593
[Report This] Published: 09 Aug 2015 Updated: 19 Mar 2016
Reviewer: Sylvia Cullen Signed
Date: 21 Mar 2016 Title: Chapter 23: Chapter 23

Great story and boy you had me terrified that this was the end! I was sweating! Can't wait to see what else you have in store for us in the next installment.

Nightmare by WeeKittyAndTAT Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 327]

Summary: There's a serial killer on the loose and he calls himself Sent From Hell. Edward is a little strange and his past is jaded. He's let his crush on Bella be known, but she's scared of his unknown past. When Bella is hunted down, will Edward be her saving grace or will he be Sent From Hell?


Banner by: CaiteexxGraphics

Categories: Twilight, All Human
Characters: None
Genre: Angst, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Suspense/Thriller
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 21 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 68989 Read Count: 29095
[Report This] Published: 18 Oct 2015 Updated: 25 Jan 2016
Reviewer: Sylvia Cullen Signed
Date: 27 Oct 2016 Title: Chapter 20: Chapter 20

Wow, I would have never thought it was Jasper, you definitely got me but that what makes this a great read!!! This story definitely kept me on my toes.

Summary: Past Featured Story





Bella has a problem. She has fallen for her online friend and the handsome green eyed man she met at a wedding. Who will she choose? HEA B&E


Categories: Twilight
Characters: None
Genre: Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 11408 Read Count: 3725
[Report This] Published: 29 Sep 2016 Updated: 29 Sep 2016
Reviewer: Sylvia Cullen Signed
Date: 29 Sep 2016 Title: Chapter 1: One-Shot

Wow a story where Alice is a bitch... I love it!  Great one shot!

Dine and Dash by KittyTylz Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 143]

Rival gangs, rival hearts. Maybe he went too far but she was worth risking a gang war for. He wanted her, now he's got her... That dare was unexpected but it served its purpose, the purpose he needed it to.

Bella gets dared to dine and dash a restaurant but gets caught by the owner, Edward Cullen. He's a 19 year old deadly sexy gang leader and the enemy of the gang her best friend Jacob belongs to. Now he's found a way to spin her dare so that it works in his favor. She's stuck in his territory working at his restaurant to avoid a permanent record. What more could a Cullen ask for?


(Warnings for - Sex, Crime, Language, Violence, Self-harm)

(Pairing- Edward Cullen and Isabella Swan)

(Repost due to deletion)

Categories: Twilight
Characters: None
Genre: Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 15 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 255047 Read Count: 53798
[Report This] Published: 25 Mar 2017 Updated: 25 Mar 2017
Reviewer: Sylvia Cullen Signed
Date: 02 Jul 2018 Title: Chapter 15: Chapter 15

Please update soon!!! Literally my number one fav fic that I’ve read over and and over. I just need to know what comes next!!!!!

Reviewer: Sylvia Cullen Signed
Date: 27 Mar 2017 Title: Chapter 15: Chapter 15

This was just amazing! Poor Bella and Charlie. I need Edward to come in and save her asap! Can't wait for the next chapter.

Reviewer: Sylvia Cullen Signed
Date: 08 Jan 2020 Title: Chapter 15: Chapter 15

Sigh, I love this story so much. It always comes to mind and I'm going to still review in the hopes that it's gets updated, especially after this big cliffy.