Reviews by ButterflyBetty

It's a hot summer day in Forks. What happens when Bella, Jasper, and Jacob are left alone in the house with sweet treats?

Twilight and it's affiliates are under the sole ownership of Stephenie Meyer. I just like having a little fun with them.

Contains lemons!

Categories: All Human
Characters: None
Genre: Erotica
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 4252 Read Count: 981
[Report This] Published: 24 Feb 2010 Updated: 24 Feb 2010
Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 03 May 2010 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Fuck, that was hot!

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 03 May 2010 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

That was awesome!! I loved both chapters, great job to you and your firend Laura:)

Summary: Past Featured Story

Edward is tortured by Mike Newton's thoughts about Valentine's Day. He decides to mess with him a little by inviting him and Jessica on a date with himself and Bella. Hilarity ensues. Set after Breaking Dawn. Human Mike and Jessica and Vamp Edward and Bella.



Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, Crackfic
Characters: Bella/Edward, Other Misc Char or Pairings
Genre: None
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3493 Read Count: 1221
[Report This] Published: 26 Feb 2010 Updated: 26 Feb 2010
Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 12 May 2010 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

lol, that was hilarious!!! Poor Jessica:(

Second Chance by Louise Clark Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 62]

Months after the Volturi have left, there's no denying Emmett and Rosalie's marriage is on the rocks. They have grown distant because of the time she spends with Nessie. Or has someone else drawn her away?

The Cullens, sans Nessie and Rosalie, help the Quileutes with a fundraiser held on their lands. Emmett meets someone. After all, he's a natural flirt.

A second chance at love presents itself, but will he take it? Will she take hers?

Is it possible Emmett and Rosalie never were each other's true mate? 


photo from Twilght Eclipse and quote


The entire story is written in Emmett's POV. It is AU/Vamp, post-Breaking Dawn, so the story begins in late summer 2007.

Rated NC-17 for cursing and lemons. (There is not a lemon in every chapter.)

Warning: This may be difficult to read if you're a Rosalie/Emmett canon purist!

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with or related to Stephenie Meyer, she alone owns the Twilight saga. I am just a huge fan and this story is my personal dream influenced by her characters. I am also not affiliated with or related to anyone employed by Little, Brown, and Company OR Summit Entertainment.

All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author.  The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise.  No copyright infringement is intended.

Since I DO own this story, please do not copy, translate, plagiarize, duplicate, or misuse my work in any way.

Thank you.

GIF animations generator                        
GIF animations generator

Project Team Beta shoutout

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, Alternate Universe
Characters: Emmett/Rose
Genre: Drama
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Emmett Stories
Chapters: 24 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 95104 Read Count: 6695
[Report This] Published: 11 Jun 2010 Updated: 23 May 2013
Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 09 Aug 2010 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter Two

Very interesting. I hope you continue with this:)

Author's Response:

Hey, thanks for the review! Yes indeed I am continuing this! :D My dreams of Kellan and/or Emmett have not stopped. ;)

The next chapter should be up in a bit actually, lol. I was busy catching up on some reading. (Yeah, YOUR stories, LOL!) hee hee

rose pin

Thanks again for the review. It means so much! :D

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 10 Aug 2010 Title: Second Chance

I loved it. I've always been  a big fan of Emmett and even though he is a jokster, there is a sweet soul in there. I think you are doing a great job with him:)

Author's Response:

Thank you so much, I appreciate the kudos! So nice to meet another Emmett fan! :D

I do love Emmett, he is such a complex character I think. He is to me what Edward is to Stephenie Meyer I think, lol.

Kellan autograph

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 17 Aug 2010 Title: Second Chance

Personally, I think it would cause them some friction. I think Rose would be pissed, and rightly so, but she's also neglecting her husband. Now, I'm not saying that it makes it ok for Emmett to cheat on her but while he loved Rose, maybe he's not in love with her anymore. JUst my two cents  ;)

Author's Response:

Two cents collected in the piggy bank! Thank you! ;)


Seriously, though...I know it's alot to take in. But maybe Rose has been doing the same behind his back and he just doesn't know it? She's been neglecting him for quite a while now, so he was definitely weak when he caved in. Good thing they were cockblocked, right? hee hee But maybe they weren't going to get that far anyway?

Could it really be as simple as Em and Rose not being in love anymore? What a great question! ;)  Thank you so much for your review!

Emmett's Armpits, do they smell?


Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 31 Aug 2010 Title: Second Chance

Great chapter. Poor Emmett is so confused. I would wager that Rosalie is just as confused as Emmett is right now too.

Author's Response:

Yes, she is, ButterflyBetty! ;) Don't worry, next chapter they finally get to have their overdue chat to hash things out! :D

It may come as a big surprise to some, so I don't want to give anything away. Thank you so much for your review!

You're such a talented writer, I love your stories, so for you to be reading my amateur little diddy is so humbling for me. Thank you for taking the time to do so, and I hope you keep enjoying it! :D

blue butterfly and flowers

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 10 Sep 2010 Title: Second Chance

Thank you for another amazing chapter, my friend!! I look forward to more.

Author's Response:

Whew! Glad you liked it! :D

I had always hated that chapter, and then out of the clear blue sky I changed a couple of lines last week and, "Voila!" Now I like it! LOL!

Thank you for your kind words, :)

Kellan volunteering in a house build, 31Aug in New Orleans' St. Bernard parish.

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 24 Sep 2010 Title: Second Chance

First, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I give you a big dose of Emmett love right now ;)

I loved Em's flashbacks. They were hot. No, I don't think Rosalie is dead. Great job:)

Author's Response:

Aww, thank you so much for the birthday well wishes!! Loving the Emmett love!! ;) Woot Woot!

So you really REALLY liked the flashbacks? It wasn't too much or anything? I'm kinda thinkin' the guy needs to take his lovin indoors. LOL!! :D

Oh, you don't think Rosie's dead, huh? Hmmmm.......muah ha ha ha! We shall soon see...

Thank you so much for your review, ButterflyBetty!! Love it!

Kellan with car keys

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 08 Oct 2010 Title: Second Chance

I wouldn't say I am upset, shocked is more like it:) Great chapter though!

Author's Response:

Hey, I'll take shocked! :D  LOL! Shocked is what I was truly aiming for, to be honest. And then once the shock wore off, maybe you felt other emotions? Sadness, pity, happiness, jealosy, sorrow, etc.?

Thank you for the continued support and encouragement, BB. It is greatly appreciated. :D

Kellan shootin' hoops


Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 29 Oct 2010 Title: Second Chance

Great chapter and I loved your song recs:)

Author's Response:

Awesome! Thank you so very much, BB!!

Kellan working out for Men's Health Spain

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 16 Nov 2010 Title: Second Chance

I love it as always:)

Author's Response:

Aww, thank you much! :)

Kellan big grin


Edward Cullen is a world famous actor and singer.  At just twenty-four he has received several awards for his acting and is currently in the running for a Grammy for his debut album.  What happens when he meets Bella Black; a thirty-five year old wife and mother who is in town on a business trip?  Anything can happen…if you let it.





This is a one-shot I wrote for a friend as a birthday gift.  She has begrudgedly granted me permission to share it with you all.


My banner and blinkie are thanks to my banner goddess Misskingatyourservice.  check out all her creations at

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: One-Shot
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3261 Read Count: 1831
[Report This] Published: 18 Sep 2010 Updated: 18 Sep 2010
Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 18 Sep 2010 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1-Chance Encounters

Oh, I love it!! I definaly think you should make this a multichapter story! In fact, I command you to do it! DId that work?

Author's Response:

LOL, thanks so much for reading and reviewing this.  I would love to continue writing this.  I ran the general story outline by my pre-reader and she is also demanding that I write it.  But I am knee deep in my first attempt at writint in the vamp world and I really want to give each story their due attention.  I am about 90% certain that I will continue this, but it won't be for a while.

Thanks again!


Summary: Past Featured Story

What if Edward did not take the dramatic route and wait till noon to step into the sun in Volterra?  What if Alice and Bella were incapable of getting to him in time?  What if he was not the only casualty of bad timing and misread visions?


This story takes us down an alternate path than what we followed in New Moon.  The Cullen’s are no longer whole and Bella is so badly damaged that she may be unreachable as she closes herself off to the pain of the outside world.


Can a new love save her?  Can his voice pull her from the darkness?


This story is rated NC-17 for major angst, suicide and the possibility of far off lemons (who am I kidding?  If you have read any of my stories, you know there will be lemons…but not for a while).

The top banner and this lovely blinkie is brought to you by my banner goddess, MissKingAtYourService.  Check out her blog at

Categories: Twilight, Non-Canon Pairings, Alternate Universe
Characters: Bella/Carlisle
Genre: None
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Ageise02's Read Stories
Chapters: 28 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 140978 Read Count: 74169
[Report This] Published: 24 Dec 2010 Updated: 10 Apr 2012
Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 28 Dec 2010 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1- When It All Went Wrong

Great first chapter:)

Author's Response:

Thank you.  I have been dying to write this, but I needed to finish US before I let myself get too far into it.  I hope to have the next chapter up by this weekend.

Till then


Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 01 Jan 2011 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2- Bad Things Come In Three's

Very intense chapter hon:)

Author's Response:

Yeah, these next few chapters are not all fluffy and fun. :(  Thanks for the review!

Till next time


Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 08 Jan 2011 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3- A Race Against Time

Poor everyone. I can totally understand why Bella would feel like that. Its a lose-lose situation right now because they are all grieving so much.

Author's Response:

There is a whole lotta pain to go around right now.  Thanks for the review.

Till next time


Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 18 Jan 2011 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4- Exodus

So emotionally intense. One of the things that I love about this one, is that most stories like this have Edward dying at the hands of the newborn army, same for Esme. That was not the case here. Bella is greiving just as you would have expected her to in the books. I think you are doing an amazing job with this story.

Author's Response:

{Blushing} Thank you for the wonderful review.  I think it is much harder to write characters that already have a strong foundation but take them down a different path and see how they would react.  I'm so glad you like it.

Till next time


Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 21 Jan 2011 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5- And Then There Were Three

I think that is exactly how Rosalie would react if that had happened. She would have felt grief and regret. Powerful chapter, hon:)

Author's Response:

Thanks so much for the lovely review. ;)

Till next time


Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 29 Jan 2011 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter 6- Choices

You didn't make me cry but I could feel the angish that they are all feeling. I loved it, Great chapter as always:)

Author's Response:

Do you feel it like a twisting in your stomach?  That's what I feel like when the darker emotions run high.

Thanks so much for the the review!

Till next time


Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 04 Mar 2011 Title: Chapter 10: Chapter 10- Which Life To Choose?

Very much worth the wait!!! Glad you two are on the mend. Super great chapter!

Author's Response:

Ahh, thank you so much.  I'm glad you liked it.

Till next time


Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 04 Feb 2011 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7- Songs of the Heart

First, I love how you are using Edward to help Bella heal in the meadow. So many writers don't take the time to show the grieving process but we you are. Second, awesome song choices:)

Author's Response:

Thank you so much for the review!  I never thought it would take me this many chapters to get through the angst, but I just let it flow and so here we are.  I'm glad you like the songs.  I changed my mind at least a half dozen times.

Till next time


Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 12 Feb 2011 Title: Chapter 8: Chapter 8- Final Goodbyes and Reunions

I loved the meadow scene with Edward and Esme. Great job:)

Author's Response:

Thanks so much for the review.

Till next time


Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 19 Feb 2011 Title: Chapter 9: Chapter 9- Picking Up The Pieces

Aw, that was a sweet chapter. So many emotions but youi handled that very well. Hoe you are feeling better, Sweetie!

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review.  And thanks for the well wishes.  I have been in bed all week (and not in a good way).  This is the best I have felt since Monday.  I am hoping it is all good from here...I hate being sick. ;)

Till next time


Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 10 Mar 2011 Title: Chapter 11: Chapter 11- The Witches of Alaska

I loved it. All of it

Author's Response:

Ahhh thanks sweetie!  I'm glad you loved it!

Till next time


Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 16 Mar 2011 Title: Chapter 12: Chapter 12- The Kiss That Kills

Kate=bitch. That's hard for me to say cause I normally love KAte but not so much here. Love CArlisle and Bella. Amazing!

Author's Response:

Someone had to be the bad guy (or girl in this matter) and Kate lost the coin toss.

Thanks for the review sweetie!


Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 26 Mar 2011 Title: Chapter 13: Chapter 13- A Change of Heart

*wipes fake tears away* I am so proud of your evil ways....


Ok, so normally I love Kate, always have, and while I don't care for yours, let me just say that it is refreshing to see you make the choice for her to be the baddie in the triangel;)

Author's Response:

To me, she was the logical choice with what I had to work with.  Tanya always had a thing for Edward and Irina had been with Laurant.  Kate drew the short stick for the evil slut job. ;)

Thanks for the review.

Till next time


Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 02 Apr 2011 Title: Chapter 14: Chapter 14- To New Beginnings

It was perfect:)

Author's Response:

Thank you!!!!

Till next time


Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 08 Apr 2011 Title: Chapter 15: Chapter 15- Loving A Vampire 101

Great chapter. Love Lifehouse:)

Author's Response:

Ahhh thanks!  Me too. ;)

Till next time


Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 26 Apr 2011 Title: Chapter 16: Chapter 16- Yes

Not sure my review for this chapter went through last time, but it was great:)

Author's Response:

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 26 Apr 2011 Title: Chapter 17: Chapter 17- Land of Wonder

That was beautiful.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much!  If I sent you a blank response to the last review you sent, I apologize.  My new computer is boycotting TWCS (I think it is some sort of security thing run a muck).  Anything  I type comes up blank (responses, reviews...).  It has been really annoying.  So I am on my dino-laptop right now just to post a new chapter, reply to reviews and catch up on all my reviews.

Till next time




A group of friends meets and hooks up with a band  and see where this wild ride takes them.

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Drive's Stories to read that are Completed and Not completed, Lilyellacullens want to read list!, Want to read
Chapters: 20 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 102825 Read Count: 11318
[Report This] Published: 09 Mar 2011 Updated: 27 Jul 2011
Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 25 Mar 2011 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Great chapter, girls:)

Author's Response:

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 09 Mar 2011 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Great start, looking forward to more.

Author's Response:

Than you some much!

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 18 Mar 2011 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Great chapter!


Author's Response:

Thank you BB.  I hope you will like the rest.  Thanks for the support.

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 01 Apr 2011 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4

I loved it, great details:)

Author's Response:

Thank you some much BBC.  Hopefully you will like the rest of the story.  Thanks again :)

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 08 Apr 2011 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Good chapter:)

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review. I'm glad you are liking it. BBC


Loving on the Bayou by nails233 Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 50]


Banner by Meliisa Condor! My many thanks XOXOX Love ya!

Loving the boss’ daughter will only bring you heartache. Or will it?

Yvonne is a beautiful, rich, well educated woman. When she returns home to the family cane farm after attending all the best schools in New York, her former life will haunt her. Can she truly forget the only man she’s ever loved? Will a mystery man be her salvation or curse?

Thibodaux is a 6th generation, rugged, cane worker. He’s waited for her arrival back home for years. He knows he can’t have her even though she’s always been the woman who owned his heart.

Together they are a taboo. Even though they know they can never be together, they cannot deny their heart’s desires. Or, can they?

Two masks, one masquerade ball, one enchanted evening leaves their hearts hanging in the balance.

Categories: Original Fiction, Romance
Characters: None
Genre: Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: Mysteries & Thrillers
Series: Ageise02 not updated in 6mo reads
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 2308 Read Count: 657
[Report This] Published: 18 Jun 2011 Updated: 08 Aug 2011
Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 27 Jun 2011 Title: Loving on the Bayou

That last word had me holding my breath. So beautiful.

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 24 Jun 2011 Title: Loving on the Bayou

So romantic. I could almost hear the music when they danced and feel the way he touched her. I wonder who he is??? Great chapter, babe!

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18 Jun 2011 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1 Yvonne comes home

Sighs....I'm already in love with Thib....And this story. Amazing, Sweetie

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 29 Jun 2011 Title: Loving on the Bayou

And the suspects line up....The little gifts, such a sweet idea. The tear drop crystal sounded beautiful. Great job, Sweets.

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 05 Jul 2011 Title: Loving on the Bayou

Everytime I read Thib speaking, I can hear his southern draw, the laziness in each word. The sensaul tone that I know he uses. I love much! Great job, Sweets.

Author's Response:

Sorry for taking so know me i have been all over the map. Thank you sweetie for reading everything! it means a lot to me! FRU for ever!

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 10 Jul 2011 Title: Loving on the Bayou

Oh, Gaston, you cause me such heartache....Poor Yvonne. Can't wait for more, Sweetie.

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 17 Jul 2011 Title: Loving on the Bayou

Gah, I love how controling he is with her, but sercretly she owns his ass. He knows it, too! Great writing as always, Sweets:)

Author's Response:

Thanks love! i do love his dominate side. I want me a Thibodeaux...*Looks to see if he's handy* So glad to hear. And have read and reviewed your stories as well they are fabulous! Good Luck :)

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 24 Jul 2011 Title: Loving on the Bayou

Oh, Thib, treat her well, honey, treat her well...Love it as usual, Sweetie:)

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 02 Aug 2011 Title: Loving on the Bayou

Oh, Thib, you really messed up now!!!

Author's Response:

Thinking that bayou boy will never learn. LOL thanks for the support sweets!

I Was Bored by Layne Faire Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 2]

A long night stretched in front of him, with nothing to do. Picking up his boss was the last thing he expected. AH/SLASH

Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Edward/Jasper (slash)
Genre: Erotica
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3065 Read Count: 649
[Report This] Published: 22 Aug 2011 Updated: 22 Aug 2011
Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 22 Aug 2011 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Alley loving, two hot gay men, what's not to love??? Great job, Sweets!


banner by amandaj


His lust filled thoughts of a classmate, fueled by locker room sneak peeks of exactly what's hiding underneath, forces Jasper to take matters in his own hands. Getting caught by the object of his obsessions could suck, right? AU AH SLASHY GOODNESS

3rd place winner in the Spanking The Monkey Contest

Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Edward/Jasper (slash)
Genre: Erotica, Slash
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1496 Read Count: 1550
[Report This] Published: 22 Aug 2011 Updated: 22 Aug 2011
Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 22 Aug 2011 Title: Chapter 1: Dealing With the Pressure

hmmm, I'd love to see this continued :)

Deliver Me by LindseyGray Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 1]




As the daughter of GOP Presidential hopeful, Daphne Gates lives a complicated life. Since her mother's death, she has taken over the role of the woman at her father's side. A role she never wanted nor enjoys. For the past nineteen years of her life she has been forced to keep a secret that could ultimately destroy her father's political career. All because she fell in love with Greg Bennett.

With only months left until the Republican National Convention where Preston Gates hopes to gain the nomination, there is an assassination attempt. The attempt leaves Preston unscathed but ends up rocking Daphne's world to the core. Greg is thrust back into Daphne's life and things immediately become more complex than ever before.

As Daphne lets Greg in on her secret, they forge a path to stay together, for good. With Preston's threats on the two of them and someone still stalking the Gates family, Daphne and Greg fear they won't reach the happily ever after they have been waiting almost two decades for.


Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Genre: Romance, Suspense/Thriller
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: Mysteries & Thrillers, Pure Romance
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1066 Read Count: 37
[Report This] Published: 28 Jan 2012 Updated: 28 Jan 2012
Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 28 Jan 2012 Title: Chapter 1: Prologue

Wow, this was a great start!! Really looking forward to more!

He Didn't Know by msbullcullen Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 186]

Edward and Bella thought they would be together forever. They didn't know that fate would pull them apart. Edward didn't know many things. He didn't know people could be so cruel. He didn't know that one night at work would change his life forever. However, he DID know that he loved Bella with all of his heart and they belonged together. He didn't know how but they would be together.

Categories: Twilight, All Human, Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Angst, Drama, Erotica, Romance
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 37 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 35786 Read Count: 41112
[Report This] Published: 24 Mar 2013 Updated: 14 Jun 2014
Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 25 Mar 2013 Title: Chapter 10: Chapter 10

So many secrets. Great job so far, sweetie!

Author's Response: Thank you for all your reviews.

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 25 Mar 2013 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter 6

Great build up

Author's Response: Thank you for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 25 Mar 2013 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Uh oh

Author's Response: Thank you for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 25 Mar 2013 Title: Chapter 8: Chapter 8

So hard...

Author's Response: Thank you for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 25 Mar 2013 Title: Chapter 9: Chapter 9

Poor Edward and Bella :(

Author's Response: I am a horrible author. I missed more reviews than I've read it seems. Thank you for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 25 Mar 2013 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5

I want him to do that to me...

Author's Response: Thank you reading and reviewing. I do toooo!

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 25 Mar 2013 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4


Author's Response: Thank you for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 25 Mar 2013 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Love the tension in the words. Great job

Author's Response: Your words are such an inspiration. Thank you for reading and reviewing!

Author's Response: Your words are such an inspiration. Thank you for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 25 Mar 2013 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Great job

Author's Response: Thank you for reading and reviewing. Didn't realize I didn't respond to these review. Sorry!!!

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 25 Mar 2013 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Very nice start!

Author's Response: Thanks.

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 01 Apr 2013 Title: Chapter 12: Chapter 12

Great insight into Charlie's mind. Keep up the great work!!

Author's Response: Thank you.

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 01 Apr 2013 Title: Chapter 11: Chapter 11

Oh, wow, Renee....

Author's Response: Thank you for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 06 Apr 2013 Title: Chapter 13: Chapter 13

SO intense!

Author's Response: Thank you for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 06 Apr 2013 Title: Chapter 14: Chapter 14

Renee felt trapped there. I can get that.

Author's Response: Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 05 Jun 2013 Title: Chapter 15: Chapter 15

Very iintense chapter!

Author's Response: Can't believe I missed your review. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 05 Jun 2013 Title: Chapter 16: Chapter 16

Wow, that's about all I can say...

Author's Response: Just saw this review. So sorry I missed it. This means a lot coming from you. Hope you enjoy the rest of the story. Thank you for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 05 Jun 2013 Title: Chapter 17: Chapter 17

Gah, you're killing me with this!

Author's Response: I know I know. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 05 Jun 2013 Title: Chapter 18: Chapter 18

Oy, Victoria makes me nervous.

Author's Response: Don't worry this is a good Victoria!! I usually don't care for her in stories but I promise she is good!!! Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 05 Jun 2013 Title: Chapter 19: Chapter 19

um, you need to update soon...

Author's Response: your reviews make me so happy. I love your work and the fact that you are enjoying my story inspires me to keep going!!!! Thank you so much.

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 26 Jun 2013 Title: Chapter 20: Chapter 20

Gah, Renee is such a bitch.

Author's Response: Yes she is. Thank you for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 26 Jun 2013 Title: Chapter 21: Chapter 21

Gah, Poor Edward!

Author's Response: Poor baby. He just needs a minute.

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 26 Jun 2013 Title: Chapter 22: Chapter 22

My heart breaks for Charlie. Renee is such a bitch, and he's so caring.

Author's Response: Charlie will get compensated for his goodness. Renee will pay dearly.

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 26 Jun 2013 Title: Chapter 23: Chapter 23

Glad Edward can see through Renee's lies, but I worry about all of them.

Author's Response: He is awfully smart. The only one who needs to worry is Renee. Everyone else should be ok.

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 26 Jun 2013 Title: Chapter 24: Chapter 24

Gah, you leave it there! Who taught you about these cliffhangers???

Author's Response: I learned from the best. :) thank you for reviewing

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 13 Apr 2014 Title: Chapter 25: Chapter 25

Evil cliffies leaver! Sorry for the delay, life ya know...

Author's Response: Yep. I learned from the best about cliffies 😉. Thank you for reading and reviewing. Yes I know how life gets in the way. d84;a039; Ya

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 13 Apr 2014 Title: Chapter 26: Chapter 26

Oh, Bella...

Author's Response: Fate hates her right. Thank you for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 13 Apr 2014 Title: Chapter 27: Chapter 27

What a mess! 

Author's Response: Complete and utter mess. But Bella usually does find one to fall into. Thank you for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 13 Apr 2014 Title: Chapter 28: Chapter 28

I feel for Charlie. He's so clueless. 

Author's Response: Very clueless. He will have to deal with this later but you know how Bella is. She will make sure everything is okay where he is concerned. Thank you reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 13 Apr 2014 Title: Chapter 29: Chapter 29

Go jake! Billy and Renee... No words. 

Author's Response: Yep. They are a piece of work. Jake is a true true friend. Thank you for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 13 Apr 2014 Title: Chapter 30: Chapter 30

Bella needs to go to Edward. Like now! 

Author's Response: All in good time. All in good time. Thank you for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 13 Apr 2014 Title: Chapter 31: Chapter 31

Yay! She's finally going to him!

Author's Response: Yes she is. Hopefully fate doesn't rear her ugly face this time. ;). Thank you for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 13 Apr 2014 Title: Chapter 32: Chapter 32


Author's Response: SOON!!! Thank you for reading. Reviews make me smile and I definitely doing that.

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 20 Apr 2014 Title: Chapter 33: Chapter 33

I demand another chapter! Haven I been good to you? Don't I deserve more?.....

Author's Response: Yes you have. There is another chapter, but I don't think it will be much better. I did learn from the best!!!!

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 20 Apr 2014 Title: Chapter 34: Chapter 34

You're an evil cliffies leaver! 

Author's Response: Thanks!! I take that as a compliment. I did learn from the best. Thank you for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 15 Jun 2014 Title: Chapter 35: Chapter 35

Victoria is officially my hero! Great chapter, doll. 

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 15 Jun 2014 Title: Chapter 36: Chapter 36

Nice peek into E's side of the chapter. 

Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 15 Jun 2014 Title: Chapter 37: Chapter 37

Love me some Daddy C!! great job! 

Symphonic Beauty by Ever_Dreamer Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 2]

What happens when a beautiful melody awakens you in the middle of the night? Please R&R!

Categories: Original Fiction, Erotica
Characters: None
Genre: Erotica
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: Spicy
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1349 Read Count: 530
[Report This] Published: 22 Jun 2013 Updated: 22 Jun 2013
Reviewer: ButterflyBetty Signed
Date: 23 Jun 2013 Title: Chapter 1: Symphonic Beauty

I loved it! Sensual and sensational without being too much awesome job, hon!

Author's Response:

*blush* Thank you BB! Glad you enjoyed the story and thank you so much for reviewing! :) *hugs*