Penname: VampPixyJAK [Real name: Tiffany
Member Since: 04 Mar 2010
Membership status: Member

A little about me...lets see here...

I am a twenty something who is completely addicted to all things mystical and have been ever since I was a little kid. At the top of that list is none other than Vampires. Something I have apparrently passed along to my oldest daughter.

I have three beautiful girls, who are the loves of my life. My oldest is in 4th grade and my younger 2 are a little over a year and a half. (Yes, twins...and one of the most difficult/rewarding things I have ever accomplished)

I am just a few months short of having my BS in teaching. I love kids of all ages but my fav's are middle schoolers.

My obsession with mystical things led me to both the Harry Potter and Twilight series. I know its cliche that these are the 2 I name, but these are two of four series which developed my reading interest. In school I would feign reading and get away with only footnotes and the back cover. My oldest is actually the one who started bugging me to watch the HP movie, and that was all it took. I immediately went to the store and purchased the book, read it and went back to get the rest.

When Twilight came out I was working at a local middle school and attending classes myself. My kids (Student) had been telling me it was awesome claiming I HAD to read it...I blew them off thinking they were exagerating. Well here I am sitting in my class one day, completely bored out of my mind, listening to a professor drone on and on (and now I sound like someone else) Anyways, so one of my friends has her copy of Twilight in her bag. So I swiped it from her and started reading. Next thing I know, Im on chapter 4 and class is over. Of course, a trip to Barnes and Noble is inevitable. Lets just say within 8 days timespan I had Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse read and was dying to have the 4th, only to find out it wouldnt be released for another 3 months.

Now how did I come to Writer's Cafe?

Well you can thank Angelnlove52 for that. Girl got me hooked on her Twilight expansion, Standstill. She kept telling me to read some of the AH stories and I wouldnt do it...when she started writing When Yesterday Hurts she send me bits and pieces of the first 4 chaps. So I took them with me to the Caribbean (my vacation). From there it was all down hill, I was hooked.

Which leads me to my story, or rather stories. I started writing in the off time I had from betaing Angel's stories. I currently have one story posted and I am working on another one. But I will not be posting my next one until I have at least 3-4 chaps written, and I say this because I dont like leaving my chaps months inbetween updates. Which sadly is what has happened to AIA (Cullens are at it Again.) Like I said I have 3 children, a full time job in and of itself. But to add to it I am also a full time student, work for the schools-which could be considered full time but its technically not. I am also a girl scout troop leader and then to add to it all I assist with my oldest soccer team. So as you can see my schedule is FULL. My spare time is spent reading, either online twilight fics or a really good book; playing with my kiddos; spending what little time I can with my fam; and finally writing. Writing falls last in this vicious circle simply because I dont always have access to a computer.

And to think, I didnt believe I could come up with anything to say about myself.

xXx oOo xXx oOo xXx oOo xXx oOo xXx

I want to send a shout out to Angel, my solid standing rock, she keeps me grounded when I find myself flying away. D, my stories are nothing without you assistance. You know I love you and sh*t!

xXx oOo xXx oOo xXx oOo xXx oOo xXx


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