Penname: tina [Real name:
Member Since: 07 May 2010
Membership status: Member

I kind of blame life for my fan fiction addiction to Twilight. I was introduced to these wonderful books by my sister who was ready for the film (she's a ditz what do you expect) my mother bought me the first two books and I read them in a week, and the other two over the last month of 2009 summer break.

I am a Cullen lover mainly but I'll write or read about the wolves every know and then. My favorite couple would be Edward and Bella and Carlisle and Esme.

Currently I reside in a town so small the teacher's know who's going out with each other, I had origional plans to become a doctor, but after a lot of persuasion from my English teachers I might take the road down journalism and eventually writing a book.

Right now I'm working on two stories that are posted and two that I have yet to havoe on this site. He Lives In You is a very important story to me and will take a long time to write due to the circumstances and On Silent Wings which is my first take at romance whis isn't high on my totem pole.

Music is important in my life, I listen to about everything but when writing my brain has most of it's ideas when I have Celine Dion, Shania Twain, or Tina Turner playing and I know it's weird but nearly all of the songs these people have wrote or sung have given me strength to keep living my dream.

Enough about me my blog is: 

I have music inspiration and also the pictures that represent certain ideas their.

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