Penname: D Pattinson [Real name: Deanna Flynn
Member Since: 19 Feb 2010
Membership status: Member


Hello! I'm Deanna. I am a thirty-something year old Physician Assistant, that is slightly obsessed with all things Twilight. Okay, maybe slightly is an understatement. Just ask my husband. I may or may not have just bought ten Twilight Christmas ornaments for our tree. (Have you guys seen them? They are amazing and there are tons of them. Check out Cafe Press webpage.) I am embarrassed to admit how many times I have reread the Twilight series, and was actually relieved when I found fanfiction, so that I could continue reading about these wonderful characters without looking like a crazy person. Now that I have found them though, well let's just say it is lucky I don't have set hours at work, as I would never make it in on time. I spend almost all night reading these delicious stories, while my husband sleeps.

One of my best RL friends, LZTZ, and I are currently writing our first multi-chapter fanfiction called The Hot Corner. It is about Edward as a baseball player and Bella as the team owner. What can be better than Edward in tight baseball pants, right? BTW, I absolutely love chatting with my reviewers. I am wordy and probably give away too much of the story, but I love meeting and getting to know new people. This writing is very cathartic, as it is miles away from my RL responsibilities in the medical field.

So About Me...I have a very short attention span and am very easily distracted. This is good for my hobbies, not so good for my RL responsibilities, but oh well. LOL! I am attached to my BlackBerry 24/7 and this is not just because I have to take call for a living. I love bbm'ing and gchat'ing. I am a movie and music junkie and my tastes are eclectic. I love sports. And spend most of my time with my hub's guy friends.

"I wanna say something. I'm gonna put it out there; if you like it, you can take it, if you don't, send it right back." (Ron Burgundy)

I am a HUGE Yankees fan, Steelers fan, and Penguins fan. Again, that being said...You can take this or leave it. I'm slightly dorky and have an odd sense of humor, but I think this makes me all the more endearing, or at least this is what my friends and family tell me. I have a tendency to be too nice, but sometimes I snap, and my bitchiness perseveres. I can be spoiled and materialistic, but I'm also one of the most grounded, realistic people I know. I think R. Pattz is hot, but Kellan Lutz owns me.


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