Language: English
Other Results: 229 Series

Raising Ashlynn by jess2002 Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 187]
Summary: Past Featured Story





thanks to teamalltwilight and le crepuscule for the awesome banners!


Bella meets a man who in one night leaves her body humming for more. What should she do when the next time she sees him, he is dropping off his daughter, begging her to keep her. With an odd sense of obligation, a person who never saw herself as a parent—is now moving across country with a child who thinks Bella is her mother.


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Family, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Lilyellacullens want to read list!, My favs past present and future
Chapters: 19 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 30699 Read Count: 32052
[Report This] Published: 22 Jan 2013 Updated: 22 Jan 2013

Being a double agent is a stressful job and Hermione's worried about Professor Snape. But what is he doing all alone in an empty room with the Mirror of Erised?

Categories: Harry Potter
Characters: Hermione/Severus Snape
Genre: Erotica
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 8430 Read Count: 3761
[Report This] Published: 17 Jan 2013 Updated: 21 Jan 2013

This is a short article written that goes into more details about Bella making good on her threat to destroy Alice 

Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: None
Genre: One-Shot
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: My favs past present and future
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1138 Read Count: 9276
[Report This] Published: 21 Jan 2013 Updated: 21 Jan 2013
Ariel's Fall by texasbella Rated: M starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 3]

What's a princess to do when she doesn't want to be just another prize of the court? A rebellious young mermaid swims off into the murky ocean depths in a bid for her freedom. Will she find what she seeks?


Categories: Fantasy
Characters: None
Genre: Angst, One-Shot, Supernatural, Suspense/Thriller
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2159 Read Count: 275
[Report This] Published: 21 Jan 2013 Updated: 21 Jan 2013

Tragedy breeds adversity.  adversity seeds doubt.  Doubt spawns failure.  Failure owns depression.  but adversity can also empower perseverance.  it can make or break you.  Fail or persevere.


With one inevitably comes the other. Good and bad. Ups and downs. Adversity and perseverance. You can take it or you can do something about it. Which will you choose?


AH, Slash, Carlisle and Edward are married and face the challenge of their lives.


Banner for my story


Banner for my story


Unless otherwise stated, all banners I post are made by me.  They might not be the best, but I'm proud of them nonetheless, so if you want to post them somewhere else just tell me so I can see where they are.

Categories: Twilight, All Human, Non-Canon Pairings
Characters: Edward/Carlisle (Slash)
Genre: Angst, Drama, Family, Hurt/Comfort,, Romance, Slash
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 36 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 243407 Read Count: 8589
[Report This] Published: 05 Jun 2012 Updated: 21 Jan 2013

Story Three of The Impeccable Lies. The sequel to Somebody That You Used to Know. Based on Ronan Hardiman's beautiful and enchanting song Gypsy. Babe HEA, of course.

Categories: Stephanie Plum
Characters: Stephanie Plum/Ranger
Genre: Drama
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: Happily Ever After
Series: The Impeccable Lies
Chapters: 6 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3505 Read Count: 111
[Report This] Published: 26 Aug 2012 Updated: 21 Jan 2013


Harry's proposing, but it's Hermione who's having the New years eve
to remember.


Categories: Harry Potter
Characters: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Hermione/Severus Snape
Genre: Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 3689 Read Count: 565
[Report This] Published: 15 Jan 2013 Updated: 21 Jan 2013
When Doves Cry by SimplyMatt Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 19]

Sequel to The Next Three Days.

Emmett has already gone through so much, lived through what most could not. Yet after three perfect days, we was back to where it all started.

Can he live through it all again?

Will the thought of Carlisle be enough to pull him away from the beautiful light?


Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Carlisle/Emmett
Genre: Angst, Romance, Slash
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 11 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 35608 Read Count: 1619
[Report This] Published: 07 Jun 2012 Updated: 20 Jan 2013
Butterfly by melloncollie Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 6]


While on tour and on the way to Seattle, a musician struggles to write a song. While doing so, he recounts the only time he's ever been in love - and the one person that he just can't shake. E/B, All Human, One-Shot. Rated NC-17 for adult themes.

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Hurt/Comfort,, One-Shot, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 4197 Read Count: 1061
[Report This] Published: 20 Jan 2013 Updated: 20 Jan 2013

Banner: TwistedinMasen

“Hi, I’m Edward Cullen, and I want a baby. So, will you be my baby momma?”

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Humor
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: J's Read and Loved Stories
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 7172 Read Count: 3608
[Report This] Published: 19 Jan 2013 Updated: 19 Jan 2013
Elfed by French Caresse Rated: T [Reviews - 0]


Response to a prompt on how the elves feel like Jack's casual style is reflecting on the whole elf community. Because Jack is an elf, according to wiki, and he needs a uniform. No respectable elf goes around barefoot looking like a hobo. An elf ambush follows...

Silly O/S. Humor. Crackfic. Jack Frost/Elves.


Categories: Rise of the Guardians/Guardians of Childhood
Characters: Jack/Other Character
Genre: Humor
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1940 Read Count: 32
[Report This] Published: 19 Jan 2013 Updated: 19 Jan 2013




Bella is all but gone insane, hunting those who look like the ones who hurt her and killing them… But things aren't what they seem. R:M

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, Alternate Universe
Characters: Bella/None
Genre: Horror, One-Shot, Suspense/Thriller
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Themslovebug90's read stories
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2382 Read Count: 404
[Report This] Published: 19 Jan 2013 Updated: 19 Jan 2013
Summary: Past Featured Story

WYCYE banner by FrozenSoldier

Edward and Bella had dreams, and a plan to chase them hand in hand.

Side by side they thought they could do anything, but what would happen when Edward had to leave Bella behind and chase them alone? **Drabblish little love story.


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Lilyellacullens want to read list!, Read & Enjoyed
Chapters: 72 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 48417 Read Count: 33240
[Report This] Published: 10 Mar 2012 Updated: 18 Jan 2013
Sparks fly by may of rose 2 Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 25]
Summary: Past Featured Story

Summary: Isabella Swan is a witch; in fact she comes from a long line of witch’s. Her dad Charlie is also witch. They are a different species from humans. Her mom Renee is a human and does not know anything about the magical world, or the magical powers, this makes Bella half witch, which is also known as a Halfling.



Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: Supernatural
Series: None
Chapters: 18 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 19758 Read Count: 8903
[Report This] Published: 17 Sep 2012 Updated: 17 Jan 2013
No Strings Attached by Mamasutra Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstar [Reviews - 4]
Summary: Lillie Hansen was a girl who had sworn off all men until her best friend Eli Samuels made her an offer she could not refuse.
Categories: Original Fiction, Erotica, Romance
Characters: None
Genre: Erotica
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 1789 Read Count: 1339
[Report This] Published: 17 Jan 2013 Updated: 17 Jan 2013
Desire by Mamasutra Rated: NC-17 [Reviews - 2]
Summary: I held his future in my hands. I had the power to make his dreams come true, but all I wanted was him.
Categories: Romance, Original Fiction, Erotica
Characters: None
Genre: Erotica
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 1152 Read Count: 605
[Report This] Published: 17 Jan 2013 Updated: 17 Jan 2013



Banner made be Vamp_luvor






Edward is a bit of a wild child; he drinks and occasionally smokes weed or does some lines of coke, even though he is studying to be a doctor at MUSC. One day Bella sees him at a party, held by one of her friends. She doesn't like the path he is on in life. Can she stay away from him?


All human/HEA




This as well as all my other storys are beta'd by  RAH070890

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Erotica
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Lilyellacullens want to read list!
Chapters: 7 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 2040 Read Count: 5075
[Report This] Published: 17 Jan 2013 Updated: 17 Jan 2013
Summary: Past Featured Story


When eight year old Rebecca Cullen is given a gold coin from the mall Santa, to make a wish on, what will she wish for and will that wish come true in time for Christmas morning? Will Edward realize that what he's been searching for is already there? Will Bella give up waiting for Edward to see her and move on? Olderward/AH/Rated M

This was our entry into the Holly Jolly Holiday Contest.  We won 1st place Fans Vote and 2nd place Judges Vote... Thank you everyone.




Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Family, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort,, One-Shot, Romance, Supernatural
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 13606 Read Count: 4635
[Report This] Published: 17 Jan 2013 Updated: 17 Jan 2013

After graduating from college, three friends find themselves back home not wanting to attend any more parties. When they mix tequila in with what they are drinking questions about never being with one another come to the surface. See what happens when they find the worm at the bottom. This is Edward's Version of events and part of The Night Series

Categories: Twilight, All Human, Non-Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Edward/Jacob
Genre: Angst, Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: The Night Series, Stories I've Already read, Stories I've read
Chapters: 4 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 24085 Read Count: 4075
[Report This] Published: 13 Dec 2012 Updated: 16 Jan 2013


Edward returns home to find his wife working out again, and decides to show her what he thinks of her. M for teasing! All human bit of fluff. R&R please. Based off the Bruno Mars song 'Just The Way You Are' I own nothing.

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Family, Humor
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Love to drive's Stories to read set 2
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2326 Read Count: 1615
[Report This] Published: 23 Jun 2012 Updated: 15 Jan 2013
Summary: Past Featured Story


Looking back on the memories of Sherlock Holmes, Watson thought it was the end, or was it? AGoS


Categories: Sherlock Holmes (Movie)
Characters: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Genre: Angst, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort,, One-Shot
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1464 Read Count: 35
[Report This] Published: 15 Jan 2013 Updated: 15 Jan 2013
DayWOman by Alskl1ng Rated: NC-17 [Reviews - 80]
Summary: Past Featured Story

Eric's latest dayman wasn't up to snuff, so he put out a call for a new one. Little does he know his next dayman may not even be a man at all. Enter Sookie, who at the age 14 is enrolled in a supernatural school run by Mr. C. There she developed her telepathy and honed her skills to enmesh herself in the supernatural world. Her DAYS will never be the same

Categories: Southern Vampire Mysteries/True Blood, Alternate Universe
Characters: Eric/Sookie
Genre: Action, Adventure, Humor, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 79 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 312829 Read Count: 27011
[Report This] Published: 10 Jan 2013 Updated: 14 Jan 2013
The Fulcrum by gaiajanvier Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 6]

Penelope Garcia becomes an assistant to Rossi and Hotch and enters into a 3 way relationship.

Categories: Criminal Minds
Characters: Hotch/Rossi/Garcia
Genre: Erotica
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 33578 Read Count: 15678
[Report This] Published: 11 Nov 2012 Updated: 14 Jan 2013
Sojourn by California Kat Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 19]


Summary: A missing "interlude" of Come Back to Me, Sojourn tells the story of Eric and Sookie's necessary reconnection and healing after their fight with Russell. 

Categories: Southern Vampire Mysteries/True Blood, Alternate Universe
Characters: Eric/Sookie
Genre: Drama, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: The Back and Forth Universe
Chapters: 19 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 70482 Read Count: 1454
[Report This] Published: 04 Dec 2012 Updated: 13 Jan 2013

Draco and Blaise decide to "settle down" and find themselves a woman. They've always loved to share in that area. Little did Hermione know, they chose her for that position. They could have done it a lot nicer, though! 

Categories: Harry Potter, Hogwarts, Alternate Universe
Characters: Hermione /Draco Malfoy, Hermione/Other Male Character
Genre: Erotica
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2283 Read Count: 1805
[Report This] Published: 13 Jan 2013 Updated: 13 Jan 2013
In Case of Emergency by araeo Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 9]


Bella's getting over a bad break-up and her friends know just how to help. Especially Edward - he's all too happy to help her forget her ex. A story of mistakes, Mary Jane, and maybe a miracle. All human.

Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Humor, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 7938 Read Count: 1517
[Report This] Published: 13 Jan 2013 Updated: 13 Jan 2013
One Night by araeo Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 6]

One Night Banner



One the life of the living dead. Take a peek into the life of this most elusive species – the new parent. Watch as they navigate an extremely rare night out without their offspring. Can they survive a night of misbehaving babysitters, portly cops, and the monotony of married life? AU / AH.

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Family, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 14730 Read Count: 1590
[Report This] Published: 12 Jan 2013 Updated: 12 Jan 2013
United We Fall by Hanks Lady Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 86]


A bizarre twist of fate throws Jacob into a turmoil. Can he find a way for his life to be worthwhile, or is he doomed to misery and unfulfilment?

NB. If you like my awesome banner and would like one for yourself, it was kindly made for me by Mina Rivera, I know she would be happy to make you one too :)



Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Edward/Jacob (slash)
Genre: Angst
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 35 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 144329 Read Count: 11376
[Report This] Published: 20 Oct 2012 Updated: 12 Jan 2013

At all of six years old, Bradley Patrick knows a thing or two about girls-- like how they cheat. Oh, and they cry. A lot. But what he's still confused about is love. He asks the bravest man he knows about the subject that will evade him for the next thirty years.

Categories: Original Fiction, Romance
Characters: None
Genre: One-Shot, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1553 Read Count: 6509
[Report This] Published: 07 Jan 2013 Updated: 07 Jan 2013
The Tree House by ADAdancer Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 7]

Banner made by TwistedinMasen

Every first I had was in this yellow tree house. Now, I was going to do another first and hopefully Bella would say yes. This is the story of Edward and Bella and their yellow tree house.

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 6211 Read Count: 1200
[Report This] Published: 06 Jan 2013 Updated: 06 Jan 2013
Hurt by texasbella Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 3]


Jasper is a carefree senior on the cusp of graduation, ready to settle down and play house with his longtime girlfriend. A new friend works his way into Jasper’s bed and gets a different reaction than he expected. When Jasper realizes he’s lost it all, how bad will it hurt? J/C lemon. Graphic descriptions of mayhem.


***Written for the 2012 Consumed In Blood contest***





Categories: Twilight, All Human, Non-Canon Pairings
Characters: Jasper/Carlisle (slash)
Genre: Sci-Fi
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2641 Read Count: 601
[Report This] Published: 06 Jan 2013 Updated: 06 Jan 2013
Summary: Past Featured Story


Six years ago he tore her apart, broke her. Bella's a new, take charge woman now. What will happen when Edward walks into her conference room, and back into her life, as her new client? Drabble fic, short chapter.




Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Hurt/Comfort,, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Lady Luciole's Favorites TwiHu, Edwards Paradox Completed Favourites, Lilyellacullens want to read list!
Chapters: 72 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 12906 Read Count: 146177
[Report This] Published: 31 Dec 2012 Updated: 06 Jan 2013

Examining their relationship leads to bittersweet consequences. More bitter than sweet? Based sort of on a song, and a whim! As always, I don't own a thing

Categories: Criminal Minds
Characters: Derek/Garcia
Genre: Angst, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 11 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 8545 Read Count: 22384
[Report This] Published: 06 Jan 2013 Updated: 06 Jan 2013
Summary: Past Featured Story


"So, you have a kid?" He asks. "And you live with your best friend? Who happens to be a dude?"

I nod, and answer, "That would be correct."

"Isn't that weird?"

I smirk. Wait for it! "No weirder than the fact he's also my son's father." Needless to say, my date comes to a screeching halt.

BPOV. Family/Humor. Drabble.


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Family, Friendship, Humor
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: Happily Ever After
Series: G8or Favor8s Read, Lilyellacullens want to read list!
Chapters: 47 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 24443 Read Count: 102176
[Report This] Published: 08 Dec 2012 Updated: 06 Jan 2013
Summary: Past Featured Story

Finally fed up Bella snaps from her Zombie State, she goes to the Volturi in seek of help to kill Victoria and to protect all those she loves... But she finds love in an unlikely person, a grandfather she has never met, littered with scars and a life with Immortality. Caius/Bella, Ra: M


Categories: Twilight, Non-Canon Pairings, Alternate Universe
Characters: Bella/Caius
Genre: Family, Hurt/Comfort,, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: The Unyielding Series, Cruel King and Clumsy Human
Chapters: 11 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 38822 Read Count: 24072
[Report This] Published: 23 Jun 2012 Updated: 05 Jan 2013
Summary: Past Featured Story



No one ever said parenting was easy. But, when you have a spoiled brat of a teenage daughter,  a little boy who thrives for attention, and immature parents, you could say that there family is a little more chaotic than some families, and in need of some help. It doesn't help that the town likes to gossip about them, and Mrs. Weber  is out to get Bella and little Masen.

Banner made by TwistedinMasen


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Family
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: J's Read and Loved Stories
Chapters: 20 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 64080 Read Count: 11750
[Report This] Published: 09 Jul 2012 Updated: 04 Jan 2013

Banner by Ellie Wolf

Everyone knew they were close, but no one knew just how close they were. Tired of hiding, they decide it's time to leave. The question though, is the world ready for their kind of love? AU, Slash, All normal warnings and disclaimers apply.    

Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight, Alternate Universe
Characters: Demetri/OC
Genre: Action, Adventure, Erotica, Humor, Romance, Slash, Supernatural
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 5557 Read Count: 404
[Report This] Published: 04 Jan 2013 Updated: 04 Jan 2013

Bella has the perfect life, perfect house, perfect friends, perfect school, perfect parents, perfect boyfriend but that all changes on her 16th birthday as the people she love try to kill her,the people she hates save her,what happens when she finds out that her entire life is a lie.Now she is on a mission to save the world from the wrath of the titans with her new companions and new powers. rated N-17 for language and possible lemons later on.


Categories: Crossover, Twilight, Alternate Universe, Supernatural
Characters: Bella/Dean
Genre: Fantasy
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: Supernatural
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 2389 Read Count: 314
[Report This] Published: 03 Jan 2013 Updated: 03 Jan 2013
Quiet Storm by SexylexiCullen Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 1708]
Summary: Past Featured Story


"Two weeks. Two years. Who cares?" A lesson in love, crime, and passion. When two young lovers find themselves in the middle of the storm, can love conquer all? AH. OOC. Rated M Mafia fic. 

Humor/Romance/Violence/ name it, QS has it, or will. Canon couples. Not canon characters. (Mafia fic) MobWard


Stephenie Meyer owns all things Twilight. 

Beta'd by aeglow

Banner by the amazing RoseArcadia

Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Humor
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Ageise02's Read Stories, My All-Time Favorites, Love to drive's Stories to read, Love to drive's Stories to read set 2, Shena's Storys to Read, Themslovebug90's read stories, Amberina's Completed Favs List, G8or Favor8s Read, Kuu Faves, Stories Read by CNYBella, Completed Stories, Edwards Paradox Completed Favourites, Lilyellacullens want to read list!, My Favorite Stories, To Read , All Time Favorites, Storm Series, J's Read and Loved Stories, Storm Saga by SexiLexi, My favs past present and future , Read & Enjoyed
Chapters: 49 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 618485 Read Count: 2677623
[Report This] Published: 01 Apr 2011 Updated: 03 Jan 2013

In the southern ars the major is feared, even by his own sire. She tries appeasing his work and tame his temper by rewarding him with human females. She chains them to his walls. This is the major, not Jasper who she does this for.

What does a brown eyed human have to do with it?

Read about a battle within that will soon bring out what is needed most.

Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Jasper
Genre: Action, Drama, Friendship, Humor, Hurt/Comfort,, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 9 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 20886 Read Count: 6664
[Report This] Published: 28 Dec 2012 Updated: 03 Jan 2013


So this is your typical bullied Bella story but with a twist.Bella Swan is what you could call the "perfect geek",perfect grades,bad hair,bad teeth, a little over weight, and only five frineds to keep her sane but when a "lesson in respect" is to much for her she leaves only to move with her mother, step-dad and her like-a-like cousin when sweet cousin Annabell starts being stalked and sent threatening letters they are forced to move back to Bella's version of Hell, Forks High School home of the world's worst assholes and sluts. All obssessed with two things sex and Izzy a multi-talented teen celebritybella and annie


Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human, Alternate Universe
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Friendship
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: YA - High School
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 4391 Read Count: 272
[Report This] Published: 02 Jan 2013 Updated: 02 Jan 2013

A short story on Bree's life after death

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, Alternate Universe
Characters: Other Misc Char or Pairings
Genre: Angst
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: Happily Ever After
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1085 Read Count: 48
[Report This] Published: 02 Jan 2013 Updated: 02 Jan 2013



Banner by lovely and talented  Mehek18!

Checkout her awesome work: -


Summary: 33 yr old billionaire tycoon, Edward Cullen is engaged to his childhood sweetheart and Chicago´s cutthroat DA, Isabella Swan; it would appear they were the perfect power couple, but everyone has secrets, some a little darker than others.  Enter 17 yr old Jasper Whitlock, recently orphaned and emotionally troubled he leaves his home in Texas and moves in with his cousin Rosalie and her husband Emmett McCarty, he too has a few skeletons in his closet.  As a favor to his friends; Edward hires Jasper to be his yard boy for the summer. What happens when just after two weeks more than just the hedges are being trimmed at the Cullen/Swan Esate?  And just how does DA Swan fit into all of this? Poly/Slash/Kink, OOC, E/B, E/J, E/BJ

Categories: Twilight, All Human, Non-Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Edward/Jasper
Genre: Erotica, Slash
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Drive's Stories to read that are Completed and Not completed, Can't wait for an update
Chapters: 7 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 45044 Read Count: 36429
[Report This] Published: 14 Jul 2011 Updated: 01 Jan 2013

Banner by: the amazing and talented  ivoryhairbela... you rock!


Isabella Swan has never had an easy life; she's haunted day-in and day-out by the demons of her past.  Believing that she can never trust a man with her heart and definitely not her body after Charlie, her father, and only living relative is killed in the line of duty.  She decides to become a mother by In Vitro Fertilization... Dr. Edward Cullen is a pediatric specialist.  After suffering a tragic loss of his own, Dr. Cullen closed himself off to everyone in the world, including his 7 year old daughter.  Can an extraordinary twist of fate and a rambunctious 7 year old help bring two broken people, who've given up on love, together?


Will Isabella finally have a real family of her own?

Beta'd by: Jdonovan09, famaggiolo, and ivoryhairbela... you ladies are amazing and I couldn´t do it without you... even when you bust my chops, Iza!  A million and one thank you´s!!

GIF animations generator





Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: To Read, Drive's Stories to read that are Completed and Not completed, Can't wait for an update, My Favorite Stories, J's Read and Loved Stories
Chapters: 12 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 58003 Read Count: 32318
[Report This] Published: 22 Apr 2011 Updated: 01 Jan 2013

The road of life is long and hard, filled with obstacles. The road of stardom is worse. There were many stops along that winding, challenging road, for the one and only, Mr. Edward Cullen.  

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Family
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Lady Luciole's Favorites TwiHu, Edwards Paradox Completed Favourites, J's Read and Loved Stories, Stories I've read, My favs past present and future
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 6055 Read Count: 1274
[Report This] Published: 01 Jan 2013 Updated: 01 Jan 2013


Life takes many turns: good and bad. The road mine would take started when Mom let me use a needle threader for the first time: it was fascinating, unique… it turned out to be fate. BPOV, AH. *Written for SU4K*

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/None, Charlie/Renee
Genre: Family
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 6581 Read Count: 194
[Report This] Published: 01 Jan 2013 Updated: 01 Jan 2013


Isabella is with her best friends Jessica and Lauren father Jasper and has been for three years.  Now they are expecting their own baby.


Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Jasper
Genre: None
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2251 Read Count: 1268
[Report This] Published: 01 Jan 2013 Updated: 01 Jan 2013

Bella Swan, a quiet librarian who always has nose buried in a book and a knitting fanatic, is addicted to anything that is related to Christmas. She’s a walking encyclopedia of useless Christmas facts. Edward Cullen hates Christmas. Every Christmas, he’s had something terrible happen to him. So, he treats like a regular day, ignoring the festivities. Bella is determined to get Edward to love Christmas. Will Bella’s over-zealousness drive Edward away or make him begin to enjoy the Christmas holiday again after many years of tragedy and sadness?




Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Friendship, Humor, One-Shot, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Stories I've Already read, Edwards Paradox Completed Favourites, Stories I've read
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 11194 Read Count: 2975
[Report This] Published: 01 Jan 2013 Updated: 01 Jan 2013
Summary: Past Featured Story


Alice thinks her introverted sister, Bella, needs to get out and enjoy life, so she signs her up for tango lessons. Thanks to a sexy, hands-on instructor, Bella will learn more than just the steps. Rated M, OOC/AU


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human, Alternate Universe
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Edwards Paradox Completed Favourites
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 17796 Read Count: 1605
[Report This] Published: 01 Jan 2013 Updated: 01 Jan 2013


He watches her through the window every morning. She watches him. Do they talk or do they continue the glances through the window as they continue their routines?

Categories: Twilight, All Human, Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Friendship, Humor, One-Shot, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: To Read (Geddy)
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3589 Read Count: 554
[Report This] Published: 01 Jan 2013 Updated: 01 Jan 2013
A Yuletide Romance by Lurker123 Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 6]

A Yuletide Romance

Best friends Bella and Edward discover that when they "just go with it" the holiday season is filled with sweet-tasting citrusy goodness. AH. Loosely inspired by the 1990s television program Northern Exposure, with each chapter representing the equivalent of a one-hour, stand-alone show within a season's storyline.

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: Happily Ever After, Holiday, Pure Romance, Romantic Comedy
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 32794 Read Count: 1477
[Report This] Published: 09 Dec 2012 Updated: 01 Jan 2013


What happens after Jasper and Emmett touched pieces of the necklace that changed Edward and Bella before? Will they survive Halloween? One thing is certain; this Halloween is going to be unforgettable. Read Edella and Beward first.

Jasperosalie and Emmalice

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward, Emmett/Rose, Jasper/Alice
Genre: Humor, Parody/Crackfic, Romance, Sci-Fi
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 6490 Read Count: 233
[Report This] Published: 31 Dec 2012 Updated: 31 Dec 2012



This is a look into the minds of those who have watched Edward slowly remove himself from his own cimmerian view. These are Outtakes based off of His Cimmerian View. Read through chapter 24 of His Cimmerian View before starting this. AH/OOC

Banner made by the wonderful SoapyMayhem for His Cimmerian View, we just added the word Enduring.  Thanks SoapyMayhem you ROCK!



Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Angst, Drama, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Misstoria's Stories to Read, My favs past present and future , Read
Chapters: 4 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 71046 Read Count: 5938
[Report This] Published: 23 Jun 2012 Updated: 31 Dec 2012


After eleven complete stories for Twilight, this is my final one, as well as the last of my rewrite of the saga. It has been an incredible, roller coaster, blessing of a time, and this fan fiction is for every reader, from I'm His Lobster to now, who has ever clicked on my stories. Thank you for the amazing support. Now go read, review, and enjoy.



Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, Alternate Universe
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Adventure
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: Mysteries & Thrillers
Series: Rewrite of the Saga
Chapters: 31 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 81431 Read Count: 10643
[Report This] Published: 07 Sep 2012 Updated: 31 Dec 2012
Summary: Past Featured Story

KC - Wishing on a Star


Another day, another meeting. She fetched their drinks and typed their contracts, the efficient secretarial cog in the wheel that was Cullen Athletics.That is, until the day he walked in, and she began to wish for the impossible.

Bella/Emmett. Rated T

Banner by Christag Banners


Categories: Twilight, Non-Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Emmett
Genre: Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 6232 Read Count: 761
[Report This] Published: 31 Dec 2012 Updated: 31 Dec 2012
Summary: Past Featured Story



Alice Cullen had it all; a great job, beauty and a smoking-hot boyfriend.  One December though, she threw him away.  This is the story of what happened after.  Originally a one-shot for the Musical Cues contest on Free Writers and Readers.  Link to the Taylor Swift song included.  **Now a full story.**

Above banner made by FrozenSoldier for




Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Jasper/Alice
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort,, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: Happily Ever After
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 21827 Read Count: 1273
[Report This] Published: 29 Dec 2010 Updated: 31 Dec 2012
Watching You by Catastrophia Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 21]

Edward's been watching Bella for three years during college and now graduation is only one week away! Will he finally man up and ask her out, or will he be too late?


watching you

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Lady Luciole's Favorites TwiHu, Edwards Paradox Completed Favourites
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1971 Read Count: 1999
[Report This] Published: 31 Dec 2012 Updated: 31 Dec 2012

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


When you fall in love with your best friend, how do you tell him or do you tell him?

Categories: Drama, Romance
Characters: None
Genre: Drama, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 1783 Read Count: 226
[Report This] Published: 30 Dec 2012 Updated: 30 Dec 2012
Handled With Care by Chloe Masen Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 5]
Summary: Past Featured Story

Handled With Care by Soapy Mayhem


It's Edward's birthday, and Bella is determined to make it special for him, but when a package arrives at the door, it's Bella who will receive the most special gift of all. O/S.


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2808 Read Count: 1012
[Report This] Published: 30 Dec 2012 Updated: 30 Dec 2012
Summary: Past Featured Story

What does Jason Taylor think when he meets 23 year old Christian Grey? After four years of working for him, what does Taylor think when he meets little Miss Steele?


Categories: Fifty Shades Trilogy
Characters: Anastasia Steele/Christian Grey
Genre: Erotica
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: 50 Shades - Read
Chapters: 43 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 166683 Read Count: 57841
[Report This] Published: 21 Jun 2012 Updated: 30 Dec 2012
Feral by opalaline Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 86]
Summary: Past Featured Story


When Bella signed up for a summer archeology program, she thought she'd be exploring fossils and sedimentary rock. Little did she know, she would find herself the primary caretaker for a man with no verbal capacity or human interaction skills-a feral man.


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Finished, Drive's Stories to read that are Completed and Not completed, Lady Luciole's Favorites TwiHu
Chapters: 35 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 115615 Read Count: 42965
[Report This] Published: 01 Jun 2012 Updated: 29 Dec 2012


We were together nine years … and then we weren't.   Now I’m just pretending.  The trouble is, I’ve never been very good at lying. 

With one drunken kiss at a New Year’s Eve party, lives change when the clock strikes midnight.


Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Angst, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Lady Luciole's Favorites TwiHu, Stories I've Already read, Stories I've read
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3810 Read Count: 1628
[Report This] Published: 29 Dec 2012 Updated: 29 Dec 2012
Unconditional by SimplyMatt Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 66]


Jasper, a single parent for the past five years to Alice-Rose, awaits the arrival of his childhood friend Emmett who is living the life he once dreamed of. Can Emmett help him see that he can have the life he wanted and still be a father, maybe find love.


Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Emmett/Jasper (slash)
Genre: Romance, Slash
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Emmett Stories
Chapters: 21 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 61976 Read Count: 7705
[Report This] Published: 29 May 2012 Updated: 28 Dec 2012

Bella gets more than she bargains for when she tries to save the Mariner's new outfielder from a skanky groupie. E/B AH. (Secret Santa fic for ATaletobeTold) 

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: One-Shot, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: To Read (Geddy)
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3970 Read Count: 2322
[Report This] Published: 28 Dec 2012 Updated: 28 Dec 2012

Sequel to "COMPULSION". After Edward loses Bella, he cannot live with the pain. He asks Alice to devise a way to erase his memories of her. But what if building new memories could save him? Rated M, AU/OOC

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, Alternate Universe
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort,, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 80633 Read Count: 1583
[Report This] Published: 20 Oct 2011 Updated: 27 Dec 2012

This is a video story about when Mummy comes home and claims kitten. It is for adults only.

Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Genre: Erotica
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Lilyellacullens want to read list!, kegkaty's read stories
Chapters: 34 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2583 Read Count: 265262
[Report This] Published: 26 Dec 2012 Updated: 27 Dec 2012
John Doe by Lolo Eighty-Four Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 45]

He scrunches up his nose. "You know, you seemed to like me more when you thought I was dying." I gasp, shocked and embarrassed. "I didn't think you were dying." He's smiling. Like a big toothy smile. Ugh! I can already tell he likes to mess with people. "No, but you sure thought I was in a coma and had amnesia." Dammit! He had me there. BPOV. AH. No Angst

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Friendship, Humor, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: Pure Romance
Series: Read & Enjoyed
Chapters: 10 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 20465 Read Count: 6778
[Report This] Published: 07 Dec 2012 Updated: 27 Dec 2012

After a night of training with Mummy, kitten pleases Daddy by willingly accepting him in her tight rosebud. This is another picture drabble. Very short chapters with pictures. Please read Yes Mummy first. :)  This is a poly fic.

Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Genre: Erotica
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Lilyellacullens want to read list!, My Favorite Stories, kegkaty's read stories
Chapters: 17 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1383 Read Count: 199710
[Report This] Published: 27 Dec 2012 Updated: 27 Dec 2012

God! "If it isn't bad enough I fantasize of the man, you got to' bring him here. Just because Charlie passed away a year ago, don't mean you have to get me coupled up and gone." Emmett laughed at that.

Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Jasper
Genre: Family, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort,, One-Shot, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3298 Read Count: 1055
[Report This] Published: 27 Dec 2012 Updated: 27 Dec 2012

CCOAC Christmas Gift Exchange Fic for BrightlyShining. Rossi confronts Emily with his feelings for her on the night of JJ's wedding. She wasn't ready to hear it. Six months later, Emily's about to come home for Christmas. Is she ready to come home to Rossi, too? Emily/Rossi, with a hint of JJ/Hotch. Ch 3 is new! Complete.

Categories: Criminal Minds
Characters: Hotch/JJ, Rossi/Emily
Genre: Angst, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 6937 Read Count: 294
[Report This] Published: 24 Dec 2012 Updated: 26 Dec 2012

what does truth or dare get you?

it gets three people in a room. what are they doing in there i wonder... let your eyes follow what happens next when the Cullen home has four playing truth or dare.

Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Jasper/Emmett
Genre: Family, Fantasy, Friendship, One-Shot, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2037 Read Count: 1796
[Report This] Published: 26 Dec 2012 Updated: 26 Dec 2012

Sequel to Sex on the Beach. Rated XXX for violence, language and even hotter lemons. I recommend reading Sex on the Beach first. No one likes a cheater. :P

Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Jacob, Bella/Paul
Genre: Erotica
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: 108.9
Chapters: 40 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 325974 Read Count: 68265
[Report This] Published: 02 Dec 2010 Updated: 26 Dec 2012

The earliest moon of wintertime is not so round and fair, so the song goes... but perhaps a happier affair is in order for Erin Strauss, David Rossi, and the BAU.

Categories: Criminal Minds
Characters: Rossi/Erin
Genre: One-Shot
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1539 Read Count: 9265
[Report This] Published: 26 Dec 2012 Updated: 26 Dec 2012

Ziva invites Gibbs over for dinner at her place and they have a little talk about father figures, which leads Ziva to reveal the fact that she doesn't exactly see Gibbs like that. His reaction..? Read and find out ;) Oneshot - Rated NC-17

Categories: NCIS
Characters: Gibbs/Ziva
Genre: Erotica, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3084 Read Count: 372
[Report This] Published: 25 Dec 2012 Updated: 25 Dec 2012
I Can't Stand It by KoteDiM Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 2]

My version of what could have happened in 3x08, "Lucky", if Derek and Penelope were more honest with each other as well as in the same room when they had their argument. "You suck!"-conversation didn't end with Penelope hanging up. She never called Colby, and never got shot. Instead, Derek set the record straight when they were arguing. Morgan x Garcia. Rated NC-17!

Categories: Criminal Minds
Characters: Derek/Garcia
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2404 Read Count: 2606
[Report This] Published: 25 Dec 2012 Updated: 25 Dec 2012
Summary: Past Featured Story


Anastasia and Geneiveve Steele are enjoying their lives in New York City but the past comes back and rears it's ugly head. Original characters and new characters... different plot line that incorporates some of the original.


Categories: Fifty Shades Trilogy
Characters: Anastasia Steele/Christian Grey
Genre: Drama, Hurt/Comfort,, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 32 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 82376 Read Count: 20446
[Report This] Published: 19 Nov 2012 Updated: 25 Dec 2012
Summary: This is the sequel to O Holy Night. Excerpt: She smiled but it was full of malice. "Have faith, Alec. I have a feeling that Aro won't even know what hit him." He pulled her to a stop. "Isabella, please," he pleaded urgently. "I've searched for centuries for you. I can't bear to lose you when I've just now found you. Don't do anything foolish." An AU Twilight story...

Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Alec
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort,, One-Shot, Supernatural
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 5012 Read Count: 783
[Report This] Published: 25 Dec 2012 Updated: 25 Dec 2012

Edward's continuing the tradition he started last Christmas with the Twelve Days of Lingerie. Let's see how Edward pulls off a repeat of their new Christmas tradition with six month old twins in the house. It will take creativity and planning, but the rewards will be worth the effort.

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 29822 Read Count: 4377
[Report This] Published: 15 Dec 2012 Updated: 25 Dec 2012


A very big thank you to the wonderful Kris Mkystich for my  banner!  

Was it wrong to want you...for so long, watch you mature from the sidelines…ripening for my pleasure? I have no right to...want...need...desire...crave your beautiful body, but I do. Fantasizing, hours about the things I could…want…need to do to you. Sugar and Spice, and everything nice…that s what Isabella Swan was made of... B&E Drabble, Canon pairings...


Beta´d by the Dream Team: jess2002, RAH07890, jdonovan, & famaggiolo...pre-reader: TeamAllTwilight, thanks for all your help ladies!




Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort,
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: My Favorite Stories
Chapters: 14 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 4090 Read Count: 19770
[Report This] Published: 14 Dec 2012 Updated: 25 Dec 2012

Edward proposed to Bella, but she said no and moved to Florida. Edward is in a deep depression.

Jacob had a secret, one that he hid very well since that day in the woods near Bella's house.

He had imprinted on Edward. One day, the pack found out and tried to kill him.

His imprint finds him and cares for him. Can Edward return Jacob's love?


Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Edward/Jacob (slash)
Genre: Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: Pure Romance
Series: None
Chapters: 8 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 35120 Read Count: 2566
[Report This] Published: 29 Aug 2012 Updated: 25 Dec 2012

Christmas outtake for my story Wisp. Rating is for main story, not outtake.

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Family, Hurt/Comfort,
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: My Favorite Stories, My favs past present and future , Read & Enjoyed
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 7278 Read Count: 1479
[Report This] Published: 24 Dec 2012 Updated: 24 Dec 2012
Determined Heart by JenRar Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 9]
Summary: Past Featured Story

Determined Heart by JenRar


Eighteen-year-old high school senior, Bella Swan, falls for the unattainable: her twenty-eight-year-old English teacher, Edward Masen. Will they give in to the temptation of forbidden desire or walk the line of the law?


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Erotica, One-Shot, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Stories I've Already read
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 14413 Read Count: 3440
[Report This] Published: 24 Dec 2012 Updated: 24 Dec 2012
Blood Ties by cullens_pet Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 183]
Summary: Past Featured Story

She winced as he pressed her against a tree, the bark digging painfully into her back. She shuddered as he pressed his nose against the column of her throat. She struggled ineffectually against his superior strength. He didn't even look like he was trying. "Hold still, Granger," he murmured against her neck. "Let me go!" she snarled. "I don't know what kind of sick game this is but I don't want to play." "This is no game, Mudblood," he replied, his tongue lapping against her skin.



Categories: Harry Potter
Characters: Hermione /Draco Malfoy
Genre: Horror, Supernatural
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 48 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 41446 Read Count: 72568
[Report This] Published: 11 Aug 2012 Updated: 24 Dec 2012
Hope Springs by justginger Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 1133]
Summary: Past Featured Story


"Where would you go if you are trying to start a new life but you had nowhere to go and no one to care?  Bella Swan has been alone for most of her life, she is young and she is scared, but now she has another life to protect.  She is heading for a new country - a new life and then she ends up in HOPE SPRINGS.  Her life intertwines with all the eccentric characters in this little piece of heaven in Vermont and just like that - she will never be the same.  She meets the Sherriff, the truck driver, the semi-retired doctor, the lawyer, the farmer, and the new best friends, but it is the new young doctor in town that turns her life upside down.  Is he as stuck up as he seems or does he have a wild side?  Is Bella as tough and as jaded as she seems?  Will she run, or will she allow the people in this town to teach her to hope, to dream, and to love?"




Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Humor, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Ageise02's Read Stories, To Read, To Read (Geddy), Kuu Faves, Stories I've Already read, Lilyellacullens want to read list!, J's Read and Loved Stories, My favs past present and future , Read
Chapters: 40 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 432038 Read Count: 218528
[Report This] Published: 17 Dec 2011 Updated: 24 Dec 2012
Summary: Past Featured Story



At 30, Edward realizes that he made five monumental mistakes in his life, but what he didn't realize was that those mistakes would be profoundly life altering; leading him to her. A romantic drabble in EPOV.



Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: To Read (Geddy), To Read , J's Read and Loved Stories
Chapters: 24 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 18116 Read Count: 68583
[Report This] Published: 02 Dec 2012 Updated: 24 Dec 2012
Outside In by MrsR2 Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 59]
Summary: Past Featured Story

OI New banner

Bella had grown up watching the English upper-classes enjoy themselves.  She knew she didn’t belong in their world but then she didn’t seem to belong anywhere.  That is, until she met posh, handsome Edward Cullen.  But had her need to fit in led to a night she might regret for the rest of her life?



Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Angst
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Lady Luciole's Favorites TwiHu
Chapters: 31 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 101451 Read Count: 24609
[Report This] Published: 15 Jul 2012 Updated: 23 Dec 2012

A little after season 5, Sookie is trying to move on and find the Christmas spirit. A certain Viking decides to help her with that.

Categories: Southern Vampire Mysteries/True Blood, Canon
Characters: Eric/Sookie
Genre: One-Shot, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2001 Read Count: 208
[Report This] Published: 22 Dec 2012 Updated: 22 Dec 2012
Summary: Past Featured Story

Response to prompt requesting a crossover in which Jack Frost was just another mutant in the X-men World. Slashy fun ensues. Rated M for kink, light D/s themes, verbal taunting and unusual anal prep. Wolverine/Jack


Categories: Rise of the Guardians/Guardians of Childhood, X-Men, Alternate Universe, Crossover
Characters: Jack/Other Character
Genre: Slash
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 7437 Read Count: 384
[Report This] Published: 22 Dec 2012 Updated: 22 Dec 2012
Bella's true mate by wendy1969 Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 3]

This has Bella finding out something so she has to confront Edward on it. That is where it begins. Charlie is one tough and protective big daddy. Bella has a vampire uncle and Edward is an ass and not B's mate, Alice... well, let me see. Nope! not much good going on with her either, her and Eddy are being very bad 'children'.

They call in someone who can see through your lies and is not an empath, she seems to be human and her daughter is different than her. Or is she.......




Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Jasper
Genre: Drama, Family, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort,, One-Shot, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 7483 Read Count: 2990
[Report This] Published: 22 Dec 2012 Updated: 22 Dec 2012
Summary: Past Featured Story


A letter to Santa prompts an intervention Dickens’ style to step in.  After being visited by ghosts separately, both Bella and Edward go on journeys through the other’s past, present and future.


They will not make the journey alone. Edward will be joined by the females of his family. While Bella is joined by the Cullen men.


Will Edward learn anything? Bella? What about Miss Rose?


Charles Dickens’s  A Christmas Carol with a Twilight twist.


Posted orginally on Fanfiction

Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Hurt/Comfort,
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 11 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 37436 Read Count: 5186
[Report This] Published: 13 Dec 2012 Updated: 21 Dec 2012
Dreams by brittlovesyou Rated: T [Reviews - 0]

A trip to a new place has her wondering whats in store.  When she arrives she meets someone who will turn her world upside down.

Categories: Original Fiction, Fantasy, Romance
Characters: None
Genre: Fantasy, One-Shot, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: Happily Ever After
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 949 Read Count: 26
[Report This] Published: 20 Dec 2012 Updated: 20 Dec 2012
Summary: Past Featured Story


Welcome to the Academy! Bella Swan, former American Ballet Academy Prima Ballarina and Ballroom dancer, finds herself employed with her friend Alice Cullen at Alice's families dance academy. As a Seattle institution the Volterra Academy of Dance received national acclaim when the dance prodigy signed on, but is that the only purpose when the Cullens hired Ms. Swan or did they have hopes that she could teach more than just the students something? Edward hasn't placed competitively since his partner left him high and dry three years ago. That was when he came to teach ballroom at his family's school. He's convinced he's happy, spreading the love for dance through the younger generation, but that all changed when he spied a brown haired stranger. He saw the way she moved at the club and now he can't get her out of his head. He tells himself that it's best that he doesn't know who she is. He doesn't want another woman in his life to complicate things. It would be best just to forget her, so why can't he. What will happen when he finds out that the girl he can't forget is the new ballet instructor at the Academy? More importantly can they ignore the chemistry that they have from the beginning? Will Bella shake Edward out of his shell and will he find the strength to get out and dance again? Can she teach him to leave it all on the floor? Find out


Thanks to FrozenSoldier for the amazing banner


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Read
Chapters: 31 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 76946 Read Count: 43196
[Report This] Published: 07 Apr 2011 Updated: 18 Dec 2012
Surprises by EmziBob Rated: T starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 28]

Jessica comes home after a 3 year trip expecting Edward to be waiting to marry her, but she is in for one hell of a surprise. Told from Jessica's POV.

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Humor
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3430 Read Count: 5756
[Report This] Published: 08 Jul 2012 Updated: 17 Dec 2012
Into The Deep by Catastrophia Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 110]
Summary: Past Featured Story

After an accident took Bella's parents, she is forced to live with her new guardian, family friend Edward Cullen. She's been drifting through life for the last year in a daze. Will Edward be able to get through to her and wake her from her living nightmare? Will her looming eighteenth birthday separate them, or bring them closer together?

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Erotica, Hurt/Comfort,, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: J's Read and Loved Stories
Chapters: 7 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 11496 Read Count: 13092
[Report This] Published: 11 Oct 2012 Updated: 17 Dec 2012
Summary: Past Featured Story


The job market is bad, and recent college grad Bella's dreams of being a teacher are crumbling away. Edward is a single father and doctor, struggling to raise his seven year old daughter by himself. Fate intervenes, changing them both forever. Drabble fic. Alternating POV's.



Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Erotica, Friendship, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: To Read (Geddy), Lady Luciole's Favorites TwiHu, Lilyellacullens want to read list!, To Read , luv2write finished reads
Chapters: 40 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 22851 Read Count: 161128
[Report This] Published: 02 Dec 2012 Updated: 16 Dec 2012
Absolution by Jezzeria Rated: NC-17 [Reviews - 1]

Edward's whole world is his wife and his daughter. What does he do when his world is shattered? Entry for the Season of Our Discontent Contest. O/S

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Angst
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 5019 Read Count: 377
[Report This] Published: 16 Dec 2012 Updated: 16 Dec 2012

Natural disasters, disease, and the growth of unprecedented power in the UN mark the beginning of the end of times.  A young laywer and pastor finds himself leading a resistance movement of people of faith, and soon find themselves joining forces witht the tiny embattled nation of Israel for survival. Their only hope is for the return of the world's true Ruler, who will usher a new era: the Millennium.

Categories: Original Fiction, Supernatural
Characters: None
Genre: Supernatural
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 133815 Read Count: 164
[Report This] Published: 07 Sep 2012 Updated: 16 Dec 2012

A Night to Remember Banner

Edward Cullen never missed an anniversary. This year, however, he plans on making it the most memorable one yet. My 2012 FAGE entry. AH, filled with love, laughter, and loads of fuff.

Banner by beegurl13.

-Nominated: Favorite Tiny Fic, The 2013 TwiFic Fandom Awards-

Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: One-Shot, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 5841 Read Count: 970
[Report This] Published: 16 Dec 2012 Updated: 16 Dec 2012
Your House by SimplyMatt Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 4]


Edward has loved Jasper since the day they met. His every waking thoughts are about him, but something is not right, something has changed.


Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Edward/Jasper (slash)
Genre: Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort,
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 8670 Read Count: 394
[Report This] Published: 16 Dec 2012 Updated: 16 Dec 2012
Stolen Soul by wendy1969 Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 17]

What if Bella was out celebrating and had what she thought to be a chance of a lifetime. but later found she was in a cage like room and her chnce of a lifetime... was as a slave.


ADOPTED FROM: Miss Cyanide. Thanks darlin'.


Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Jasper
Genre: Angst, Drama, Family, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort,, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 24621 Read Count: 7280
[Report This] Published: 09 Dec 2012 Updated: 15 Dec 2012