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Reviewer: 2loveybunnies Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Jan 2016 11:18 PM Title: Chapter 3

Wow, she was pretty honest. I wonder if there are actually companies that do this! 

Reviewer: 2loveybunnies Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14 Jan 2016 6:16 PM Title: Chapter 2

Wow, Esme sounds like a royal bitch!  What is she holding over Edward to make him work for her like this?  I'm assuming from the prologue that there is a child involved - or perhaps a woman that Edward once loved?  I'm not sure if anyone else has mentioned this, but I almost felt nuances of The Red Line in this story... Curious to find out more about the relationship between Esme and Edward.  I don't think I like her right now!

Reviewer: twi-sessed Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Jan 2016 10:00 PM Title: Chapter 34

That's horrible that a human being can treat another like Jasper and Edward and who knows how many others like that. I hope that they're able to make sure Esme gets what she deserves!  Can't wait until the next chapter!

Reviewer: sonogal Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Jan 2016 8:59 PM Title: Chapter 34

I am scared that this time Esme broke our sweet Edward. 

Reviewer: sonogal Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Jan 2016 8:44 PM Title: Chapter 31

Bella is letting her pride rule right now. She insulted Edward and  the place he has his mother. She knows he does the best he can. She is forgetting that everyone is not so rich.

Reviewer: sonogal Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Jan 2016 8:23 PM Title: Chapter 27

I worry about the torture Edward will have to endure when he gets home.

Reviewer: twilightobession Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Jan 2016 4:56 PM Title: Chapter 34

Poor Alice and Jasper.  Esme really fucked Jasper up bad. I am really worried about Edward.  It as been months since Bella saw him. There is no telling what all Esme has done to him. Hope we hear from Edward soon. 

Reviewer: ThatsMzPeachesTYVM Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Jan 2016 10:02 PM Title: Chapter 34

Esme has no clue that she's a walking, dead woman.

Reviewer: theladykt Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Jan 2016 9:17 PM Title: Chapter 34

Poor Jasper.  Hope B can get help for E before he is totally broken, physically and mentally.

Reviewer: theladykt Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Jan 2016 9:13 PM Title: Chapter 33

Glad Alice agreed to see her. I can understand why she is really worried about Edward now.  I can understand why, but sucks they won't help the investigation. 

Reviewer: Moltz Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 12 Jan 2016 5:11 PM Title: Chapter 34

Carlisle now has the information he needs to help Emmett pursue legal action against Esme Platt and her human trafficking business.
We all hope Edward is still in a state of health that will allow him to escape. Will his driver become part of this plan? He needs a better job as well. Maybe Bella should hire herself a new driver.

Reviewer: mrsvixter Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Jan 2016 4:04 PM Title: Chapter 34

im really running my mind on ways to kill esme 

very violent ways


Reviewer: Natsar Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12 Jan 2016 2:47 PM Title: Chapter 34

Thanks for the update! The first thing I do every morning is look for one. ;~)

Reviewer: Team66fan Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Jan 2016 1:37 PM Title: Chapter 34

Go bella,  go! Don't leave edward to be tortured much longer.

Reviewer: debslmac Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12 Jan 2016 11:24 AM Title: Chapter 34

Poor Jasper.  Esme is evil 

Reviewer: LaPumuckl Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Jan 2016 7:36 AM Title: Chapter 34

Poor, brave Jasper....

Having to relive his life with Esme in therapy probably is bad enough, but on his own to help out a friend? That must be so much worse...

Not sure if I was in Alice shoes if I could sit by and "allow" him to get through that hell even once more than necessary to get better :(

Reviewer: the real teacher Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Jan 2016 4:37 AM Title: Chapter 34

Go get 'em girl!

Reviewer: Banshee69 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12 Jan 2016 3:28 AM Title: Chapter 34

Ahh... you have me nervous about Edward's condition. Poor Jasper, his story was so sad. I'm all for Bella storming in and saving the day.


Reviewer: NeNee246 Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Jan 2016 2:47 AM Title: Chapter 34

OMMFNG!!! Esme has to GO!! It has to be gruesome! She's an evil BITCH!! I am anxiously waiting for more!

Reviewer: judyblue95 Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Jan 2016 2:46 AM Title: Chapter 34

Jasper's story made me cringe and cry at the same time. I hope Bella is not too late to save Edward....

Reviewer: tff Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Jan 2016 2:36 AM Title: Chapter 34

hoping she gets to e fast enough

Reviewer: sherylbaby Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12 Jan 2016 2:27 AM Title: Chapter 34


Reviewer: troberts Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Jan 2016 2:26 AM Title: Chapter 34

Jasper is amazing so glad he is helping and Bella is going to get her man

Reviewer: Plumcrzy62 Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Jan 2016 1:58 AM Title: Chapter 34

Well if she love him she better step on it before she is left with only a shell to rescue.

Reviewer: Alices White Rabbit Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Jan 2016 1:57 AM Title: Chapter 34

I want to give Jasper a huge hug! 

Reviewer: Lisalou Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Jan 2016 1:28 AM Title: Chapter 34

I really hope they can take Esme and the rest of them down for good. Thanks for writing,
Lisa...Gail Cullen

Reviewer: Moltz Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 11 Jan 2016 4:42 AM Title: Chapter 33

Jasper's testimony may be the only thing that opens the door to prosecuting Esme Platt to the fullest extent of the law.

Reviewer: the real teacher Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Jan 2016 2:20 AM Title: Chapter 33


Reviewer: judyblue95 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Jan 2016 6:21 PM Title: Chapter 33

A month! God knows what state Edward is in after a month of Esme's torture! I hope Bella doesn't give up. She just may save his life! I'm not fond of hearing about torture, but Jasper's story should be interesting.....

Reviewer: 1PETRALOUISE Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Jan 2016 3:45 PM Title: Chapter 33


Reviewer: debslmac Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10 Jan 2016 2:02 PM Title: Chapter 33

I  hope they do help 

Reviewer: cupcakebabe25 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Jan 2016 10:22 AM Title: Prologue

Poor Edward!

Reviewer: LaPumuckl Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Jan 2016 8:24 AM Title: Chapter 33

A whole month? And only now she really gets nervous about him not calling her back or anything? 

Honestly I'm starting to doubt her feelings were as deep as she thought - because even pissed off at a person I wouldn't allow a person to suffer that long if I could’ve done something... and as little as it seems, this phone call might be the key to get him to safety :(

Reviewer: WAL70 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Jan 2016 6:17 AM Title: Chapter 33


Reviewer: Plumcrzy62 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Jan 2016 5:17 AM Title: Chapter 33

Carlisle needs to pay Esme a visit to find out about Edward.  I month is a longtime to not hear from him, so I'm certain it is not of his own free will.

Reviewer: Banshee69 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10 Jan 2016 5:09 AM Title: Chapter 33

“I hope you have a strong stomach, Bella. My Jazzy’s story is not pretty.” This sentence gave my chills, and not in a good way.




Reviewer: Lisalou Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Jan 2016 3:51 AM Title: Chapter 33

I hope they will now be able to take down the evil bitch! Thanks for writing,
Lisa...Gail Cullen

Reviewer: troberts Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Jan 2016 3:47 AM Title: Chapter 33

Once Bella hears Jasper's story she will not stop until she gets him away from Esme.  I just hope she does not get to down on herself for not going after him sooner.

Reviewer: tff Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Jan 2016 3:27 AM Title: Chapter 33


Reviewer: NeNee246 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Jan 2016 2:59 AM Title: Chapter 33

Oh crap! I hope Esme really really get what she deserves!! >:(

Reviewer: twilightobession Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Jan 2016 2:47 AM Title: Chapter 33

I am so glad that Alice and Jasper have agreed to talk to Bella.  I know Esme or Edward will not answer any of Bella's attempt.  But why does Bella  other try to get Rose to arrange an escort, requesting Edward.  Bella could request under a different  name.

Reviewer: sherylbaby Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10 Jan 2016 2:40 AM Title: Chapter 33

I just hope Edward isn't in critical condition when Bella finally gets to him.

Reviewer: ThatsMzPeachesTYVM Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Jan 2016 10:50 AM Title: Chapter 32

She'd better help him!! If she doesn't, who will?!?!

Reviewer: Moltz Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 06 Jan 2016 11:13 PM Title: Chapter 32

Too bad Alice isn't willing to meet Bella to help explain away some of the illogical guilt Edward is experiencing at the hands of a wicked woman.

Reviewer: Plumcrzy62 Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Jan 2016 2:56 AM Title: Chapter 32

She should realize he was being forced to behave badly to her.

Reviewer: judyblue95 Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2016 6:42 PM Title: Chapter 32

oh I hope she decides to fight for Edward. After hearing about his past, and about what Esme did to Jasper, how can she not know that Edward was scared whitless of Esme and that's why he pushed her away! Maybe Jasper will get the courage to come forward one day also and help put Esme out of business and in prison! or worse....

Reviewer: rodeinti Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2016 2:01 PM Title: Chapter 32

thank you for the update...Yes U hope Bella does something about it...Jasper & Alice were very helpful.. Jasper will help Edward they were friends..There is hope afterall.

Reviewer: LaPumuckl Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2016 1:21 PM Title: Chapter 32

I get that Bella stills feels hurt, even if she now sees right through Esme's plans to put a ruft between her and Edward... 

And yes, all the information Carlisle gave her, there's a lot to think about. But that she even considers leaving Edward alone in this mess, that feels completely wrong :(

Reviewer: WannaBeBella89 Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2016 11:50 AM Title: Chapter 32

Bella is not able to let it go, she's already in too deep I would say... Jasper and Alice made it out of Esme's grip, and according to their reaction they still live in some fear that will only vanish if Esme gets caught :( If Bella learned what Esme does to Edward I think she would also buy him out immediately, but this would not end things since Edward thinks he does not deserve it... But I'm sure that he will be  forever grateful if Bella can take Esme down...

Reviewer: debslmac Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2016 8:56 AM Title: Chapter 32

Edward is definitely worth it!!!  Esme needs to be stopped

Reviewer: troberts Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2016 7:47 AM Title: Chapter 32

She will go for him anyway she can

Reviewer: beckey Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2016 5:10 AM Title: Chapter 32


Reviewer: TheLadyKT Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2016 3:55 AM Title: Chapter 32

Hope they can get Jasper to testify to help Edward out.  Afraid Esme is going to blackmail Bella.....or try to....or go to her father......ACK my brain is spinning with possibilities.

Reviewer: Banshee69 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2016 3:40 AM Title: Chapter 32

I despise Esme more. At least now Bella knows Bitchme has something holding over Edward. Esme needs to go down, hard. Bella will probably call and schedule him for a date and confront him.


Reviewer: Team66fan Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2016 3:36 AM Title: Chapter 32

Oh Bella, be his princess in shining armor!

Reviewer: twi-sessed Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2016 2:47 AM Title: Chapter 32

Bella is hurt and angry but I know she'll book him to see him. She can't give up on him no matter how angry she is. I can't wait for the next chapter. 

Reviewer: 1PETRALOUISE Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2016 2:05 AM Title: Chapter 32

She's into deep 

Reviewer: twilightobession Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2016 2:04 AM Title: Chapter 32

Bella is going to help him. She can't turn her back on him. 

Reviewer: Celebrityhound Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2016 1:47 AM Title: Chapter 32

she won't give up on him

Reviewer: NeNee246 Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2016 1:42 AM Title: Chapter 32

OMG! Don't give up Bella! He is so worth it! :)LOVE THIS!

Reviewer: tff Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2016 1:34 AM Title: Chapter 32

would think jasper/alice would want to help someone who is in the position he used to be even if it is personally difficult for them

Reviewer: JayNahNah Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2016 1:20 AM Title: Chapter 32

Listen to your heart Bella. See beyond Edwards words. 

Reviewer: sherylbaby Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2016 12:53 AM Title: Chapter 32

How can she give up on Edward now that she knows things are even worse than she thought?

Reviewer: Lisalou Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2016 12:16 AM Title: Chapter 32

Bella needs to take the bitch down! Thanks for writing,
Lisa...Gail Cullen

Reviewer: judyblue95 Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Jan 2016 7:55 PM Title: Chapter 31

sorry it took me so long to read this chapter. I traveled 150 miles to attend a service for a woman I met in a Twilight FB group years ago. She stayed at my home while a group of us attended the red carpet for BD1. She was only 58....so I'm home now and back to reading....I hope Bella finds out what Esme is doing to Edward and gets her good!!

Reviewer: twi-sessed Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Jan 2016 4:01 PM Title: Chapter 31

I can't wait to find out what Carlisle found out!  

Reviewer: Mart Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Jan 2016 3:43 AM Title: Chapter 31

and you had to stop there? Why?? Please post soon, this is a great story.


Reviewer: Team66fan Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Jan 2016 12:37 AM Title: Chapter 31

Don't leave us or Edward hanging for too long. Can't wait to read more!

Reviewer: LaPumuckl Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Jan 2016 10:14 AM Title: Chapter 31

Oh I really hope he found something good, because Esme's clue of Edward being a bit tied up at the moment has me really worried - but I get that Bella is a) too pissed off at him to react right away and b) doesn't know how bad Edward is kept by Esme...


Reviewer: troberts Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Jan 2016 9:19 AM Title: Chapter 31

Esme is doing not nice things to Edward

Reviewer: WAL70 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Jan 2016 6:34 AM Title: Chapter 31

I can't believe you left it there. That was to short!   Thank You

Reviewer: JayNahNah Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Jan 2016 5:57 AM Title: Chapter 31

I hope this gets resolved soon. Edward is going to die literally & figuratively if he stays with Bitchme much longer. She'll break him.

Reviewer: Moltz Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 02 Jan 2016 5:23 AM Title: Chapter 31

Let's hope Carlisle has enough on Esme Platt to destroy her slave/sex trade business.
Who knew Rose could be so intuitive.

Reviewer: Plumcrzy62 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Jan 2016 3:32 AM Title: Chapter 31

Esme is such a bitch, I can't wait for them to take her down a peg or 10!

Reviewer: 1PETRALOUISE Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Jan 2016 3:03 AM Title: Chapter 31

Can't wait to hear what he's found out

Reviewer: oh my Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Jan 2016 2:25 AM Title: Prologue

I hope Bella can save Edward soon. I hate the way he is being treated by Esme. Breaks my heart. 

Reviewer: sherylbaby Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Jan 2016 2:13 AM Title: Chapter 31

Please tell me thar Bella is able to help Edward( and his mom) soon!

Reviewer: NeNee246 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Jan 2016 2:11 AM Title: Chapter 31

OMG! I am freaking out! I am dying to know what Carlisle found!!! Edward, oh poor, Edward! That evil bitch has him tide up and suffering!! >:(

Reviewer: TheLadyKT Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Jan 2016 1:59 AM Title: Chapter 31

hope Carlisle has something to help Edward.  Bitchme needs to go down soon and hard!!!

Reviewer: Gelsa Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Jan 2016 1:28 AM Title: Chapter 31

Can't  wait  to  see what Carlisle  found

Reviewer: Lisalou Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Jan 2016 12:57 AM Title: Chapter 31

I really hope he found something she can use against Esme. Thanks for writing,
Lisa...Gail Cullen

Reviewer: tff Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Jan 2016 12:20 AM Title: Chapter 31


Reviewer: Banshee69 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Jan 2016 12:08 AM Title: Chapter 31

Is it crazy that I'm super excited to see what Carlisle has found out. I want Bella to bitchslap Bitchme and knock her down a peg or two.


Reviewer: ThatsMzPeachesTYVM Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Jan 2016 11:07 PM Title: Chapter 31

Oooh! I am SOO eager for the next update...well, the next one with Carlisle and Bella's conversation. I know you too well to think that the actual next update would be that one. The next one will likely be Edward describing his misery and the abuse he is suffering at Esme's hand. *sigh*

Well, Happy New Year, anyway! LOL


Mary xo

Reviewer: twilightobession Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Jan 2016 11:03 PM Title: Chapter 31

I hope Carlisle can give her some insight into Edward's past. I am glad that Rose seems to be on Edwards side as far as the way he was acting. Can't wait for your next update.

Reviewer: debslmac Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 01 Jan 2016 10:51 PM Title: Chapter 31

I  hope Carlisle has found out something useful 

Reviewer: btlmotormouth Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 31 Dec 2015 9:41 PM Title: Chapter 30

I love this story and can't wait to read more. I hope Carlisle will find out whats going on and tell Bella so she can fix it. Bella can afford to have Elizabeth moved some place better and I'm sure once she knows the truth about everything she will be more than willing to do it to help Edward get out from under Esme. I can't wait to see Esme get whats coming to her for all the shit she is doing.  I hope you can update again soon.

Reviewer: Moltz Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 31 Dec 2015 6:10 PM Title: Chapter 30

Bella can ask Carlisle to look into the decrepit nursing home facility. Maybe Bella will buy it and change the protocols as well as upgrade the care center.
Will Edward call Bella like he promised?

Reviewer: Moltz Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 31 Dec 2015 6:02 PM Title: Chapter 29

Esme is going to use the hospitalization of Edward's mother as the final nail in his coffin.
I hope that Jared finds the courage to tell Bella about the situation Edward is in.

Reviewer: LeslieE Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Dec 2015 2:32 AM Title: Chapter 30

I,m never sure why people blame themselves for not being able to provide more for aged parents who need medical care.  If your parents were poor and you were poor, there no other choice but Medicare aand Medicaid.    My mother spent 7 years in a nursing home before her death, and while I was able to provide some extras, all of her medical care was provided by the nursing home.  Would it have been nice to have her in a fancier or nicer facility?  Sure.  Buy it was not and is not an option at todays costs  and thru our current medical system.  But I didn't blame myself and neither should Edward

Reviewer: Team66fan Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Dec 2015 1:27 AM Title: Chapter 30

Oh Edward you fool. You had help in Bella and and was too chicken s*** to tell her the truth. 

Reviewer: TheLadyKT Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Dec 2015 8:23 PM Title: Chapter 30

yes....hide.    I want Esme and Felix both in prison for a LONG time.

Reviewer: TheLadyKT Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Dec 2015 8:19 PM Title: Chapter 29

Poor Edward.   Esme is going to make things so much worse for him I'm afraid.

Reviewer: TheLadyKT Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Dec 2015 8:15 PM Title: Chapter 28

Can't wait for Esme to be taken down for her extortion and explotation of Edward

Reviewer: TheLadyKT Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Dec 2015 8:11 PM Title: Chapter 27

aww for the present.

Reviewer: LaPumuckl Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Dec 2015 7:50 PM Title: Chapter 30

Oh this really sucks....

Reviewer: Celebrityhound Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29 Dec 2015 6:26 PM Title: Chapter 30

gonna miss E for a while

Reviewer: goldseadragon Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Dec 2015 5:34 PM Title: Chapter 30

If Bella figures out who is in the nursing home, she certainly has the cash to move Edward's mom someplace nicer. I hope her inappropriate nosiness holds out a bit longer!

Reviewer: Alices White Rabbit Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Dec 2015 3:50 PM Title: Chapter 30

Damn that woman! She is hateful. I'm sort of hoping Bella can get some info out of Jared. 



Reviewer: ThatsMzPeachesTYVM Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Dec 2015 2:45 PM Title: Chapter 30

Why is he ashamed for Bella to know his mother is there? That he is caring for her the best way he can with the resources given him?? It isn't like she can't get this figured out in a heartbeat. I really hope she sees through his sudden change in demeanor.

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