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Reviews For The Perfect Wife
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Reviewer: avidreader69 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 3:33 AM Title: Chapter 52

I think i just felt Edward's panic attack from her request.

Reviewer: misticbutterfly Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 3:32 AM Title: Chapter 52

Yay! it's next week already...

WOW what a chapter hon.  I'm literally doing a happy dance about Carlisle. I knew he was crazy but him calling Bella, Renee, was just pure genius.  I'm so happy Everyone evil is dead or gone.  Poor Bella and Edward

I am curious myself as to what Esme did with the ashes... My guess is that she buried them underneath something she reserved only for Carlisle (maybe a spot designated for when she fell in love with, before he became a monster) either that or she went to her happy place, deep within the garden, and danced on his ashes.. either one makes me happy.

Oh, my I want to know why Bella says 'let me go'..... my heart just droped...

Reviewer: sassylilone Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 3:29 AM Title: Chapter 52

I'm glad Bella is safe. I can't say that I'm surprised by Bella's final response to Edward. I can't wait for her happy ending.

Reviewer: bellabells7279 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 3:23 AM Title: Chapter 52

Oh, shocking. What will happen next. I really love your story and feel sad that it would end soon. Love it.

Reviewer: Melinda the Proud Bookworm Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 3:21 AM Title: Chapter 52

I LOVE you right now! Yeah!

Reviewer: tric4r Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 3:21 AM Title: Chapter 52

that was good... cant wait for the next one

Reviewer: Jilli90 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 3:20 AM Title: Chapter 52

yes, the jerk (evil Dr C) is dead. Ding Dong, the Dr C is dead! Someone finally dropped a house on him and his disgusting nephew. I think a round of therapy is needed for everyone. I hope Esme turned him into plant food for her garden. I love this story and will be sad to see it end.

Reviewer: lovingit3 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 3:14 AM Title: Chapter 52

I really hope she still ends up with Edward!!!!!

Reviewer: lynsrob Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 3:12 AM Title: Chapter 52

I hope you have a plan, because I was a little upset with that last sentence. She finally realizes who is really is and she wants him to let her go. I hope this is just a test to see what he will say.

Author's Response: Trust me. I always have a plan, even when I don't know what it is yet. ;)

Reviewer: nybellanena Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 3:07 AM Title: Chapter 52

Carlisle death was soo easy, but it finally arrived....can't wait for the epilogue

Reviewer: sugarvenom Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 2:58 AM Title: Chapter 52

Perfect.  Well done!

Reviewer: ju007 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 2:57 AM Title: Chapter 52

love love this chapter!! cant wait for the next! 

Reviewer: cusic1981 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 2:50 AM Title: Chapter 52

Wow... so good.

Reviewer: Edwards_Love_101 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 2:49 AM Title: Chapter 52

I'm glad that Bella is safe, but that last comment of hers must be ripping Edward's heart out - poor Edward. I'm loving this story, to the end drop! Thanks for sharing!!!

Reviewer: missouriangel Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 2:49 AM Title: Chapter 52

I am just opened mouth shocked! WOW! You never fail to deliver the shock factor.




Reviewer: LindyP Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 2:43 AM Title: Chapter 52

I have a hard time coming to terms with this story ending! Don't get me wrong,I am beyond thrilled that you are finishing it. It's just I will miss your updates to this story! It's been a long haul, but you should be commended for sticking through it through all that RL has thrown at you. This story is AMAZING! I am so glad Carlisle is finally out of the picture. It would have been fitting for either Bella or Edward to end his miserable exsistence, but then they might have to contend with lingering guilt. I hope Esme dumped his ashes down a toilet! I would love to read her outtake. Thank God she did not know how truly sick his thoughts had gotten in regards to Bella. I will be looking forward to your next chapter-God, how will Edward respond to Bella wanting to be set free? I know you are planning for a HEA, so I will just sit tight!

LindyP :)

Reviewer: Momma2Laycee Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 2:38 AM Title: Chapter 52

Really good chapter, although that last line has me nervous. After all this they aren't going to be together? I may be jumping to conclusions, but what else could that mean?

Reviewer: RoseArcadia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 2:36 AM Title: Chapter 52

Oh Snap!

Reviewer: leatherjackets Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 2:34 AM Title: A Mother's Love

I almost started to cry when I read those last three words.  I hope that Edward will let Bella go so she can have her happily ever after but I also hope that Edward will have his HEA.  This story has been absolutely amazing to read and I'm anxiously awaiting your next update!

Reviewer: fr_larsson Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 2:33 AM Title: Chapter 52

Loved the chapter, =) as always,

Happy Easter, Linda

Reviewer: eleonor317 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 2:32 AM Title: Chapter 52

"Let me go"??!!!!!!! What do u mean let me go?!!! Are you out of ur mind?! Please tell me shes saying that to like prove a point or something and doesn't literally mean "let me go" :( I really want them to be together thats my idea of their HEA but hey it is ur story so all i can say is please let them be together...please! lol Thanks so much for the update..Happy Easter!

Reviewer: kova_aly Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 2:31 AM Title: Chapter 52

oh my god

you should do a "four years later" chapter where edward comes back into Bella's life as Carlisle Edward.

my gos that would be so scary and fucking awsome 

Reviewer: eviz Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 2:27 AM Title: Chapter 52

I think im gonna cry, i cant believe its almost over... and well... i cant wait for her happy ending, I hope you are fine and God bless you

Reviewer: AmethystDancer Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 2:26 AM Title: Chapter 52

Whew! I am glad Carlisle is dead and Dmitri too. That was a very neat way of handling the whole affair. It was so interesting to see through Carlisle eyes; he really was insane. I'm now anxiously awaiting Bella's HEA.

Reviewer: knork Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 2:23 AM Title: Chapter 52

What?? It will destroy Edward to let Bella go!! She can't leave him.

Glad Carlisle and Demetri both kicked the bucket. Carlisle really was bonkers there at the end.

Can't wait to read the Esme outtake :)

Reviewer: jamiebaker68 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 2:22 AM Title: Chapter 52

another great chapter, can't wait to read more

Reviewer: nicoleaj Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 2:12 AM Title: Chapter 52

Wow, this chapter was intense :) Excited to read more :) Loved it :)

Reviewer: Luna Skye Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 2:10 AM Title: Chapter 52

Loved this story! I wish you the best of luck with publications. I hope you update this soon! It needs that sense of finality. I also really hope you choose Better Than Perfect to focus on next. I'm extremely curious for Alice and Jasper's story and I hope for more frequent updates on that (!!).

Also, on a side note, I heard this song for the first time after a while today and I thought of your story! (A part of it, anyway)


Perfectly by Huckapoo =]

Reviewer: JodyG Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 2:06 AM Title: Chapter 52

Wow those last three words made me shake. Poor Bella and Edward. Oh my Carlisle was truly crazy and I mean CRAZY. Im so glad that Esme is free of him. This story is one of my favorites. I cant believe its ending, but Im excited to read more of Better Than Perfect and hopefully something about Emmett and Rosalie. Great job

Reviewer: gumibear26 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 2:06 AM Title: Chapter 52

I was wondering how you would get rid of Carlisle.  I knew he had to go, because there could be no HEA with him in the picture.  I think I'm glad everything went down the way it did, but I would have been happier if he had died knowing that all his plans for his sons carrying on the "Cullen legacy" were for naught.  Kind of disappointed that we didn't get the satisfaction of his reaction.  He really was sick in the head, though, wasn't he?

I know that Edward will let Bella go.  He loves her too much to hold her against her will.  I do hope, though, that once he does, that she stays with him.  They have never had a conventional relationship, but I believe that after all the adversity they have faced that they would do well together.  Yes, Edward is free and a much better man than he should have been, given his upbringing, but I am a faithful E/B shipper and I really want Bella's HEA to be Edward's, too.  You know best, though.

Reviewer: aries1826 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 2:04 AM Title: Chapter 52

OMG!!!!!!!! finally carlisle is dead...thank u its about time...its kind of bittersweet because it means this amazing story is almost over....cant wait to see what happens next

Reviewer: sonyabrady1971 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 2:02 AM Title: Chapter 52

oh know!!!! after all this he's finally dead, everyone is safe and can actually just live and Edward isn't gonna get his happy ending.... :0(

Reviewer: mjwpg Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:59 AM Title: Chapter 52

Oh thank god that evil prick is dead!!! I hope Esme flushed his ashes down the toilet, although she took him outside, maybe there was an outhouse near by, one could hope.

I wonder what Bella meant at the end there does she want to leave.  I am torn by wanting her to be with Edward because they do love each other but I have to admit after all she's been through it might be a good idea for her to feel free and control of her life for awhile. 

Great chapter

Reviewer: GirlWhoReads Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:59 AM Title: Chapter 52

I feel shell shocked. Does Bella's HEA include Edward? I can't decide. Part of me thinks she will be better off if she just walks completely away from it. But I feel a little bad for Edward. He changed for her. Also I don't think anyone will ever completely understand what she went through except the Cullens so she might need them.

Reviewer: Gatamoreninha Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:55 AM Title: Chapter 52

Wow... so powerful. It's wonderful what you wrote. I think that he should let her go, then she will realize how much he needs her to keep being this good Edward that their love made.

I know too that she needs to feel that she's her own person, do things that are only in her own terms to finally be able to be the person that Edward needs. THey are spposed to be together but they have to figure out that apart from each other.

Wonderful story, so heartbreaking, deep, powerful, emotional.

It would make a great movie, lol

Looking foward to the rest.

Renata :)

Reviewer: CullenObsession114 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:55 AM Title: Chapter 52


Reviewer: rhapsody Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:52 AM Title: Chapter 52

Glad the bad guys are taken out. I'm surprised she wants to leave Edward

Reviewer: gabys Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:45 AM Title: Chapter 52

That was an intense chapter.    I loved it, especially when she asked him to "let her go". 

Reviewer: NelumOnelius Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:41 AM Title: Chapter 52


Reviewer: kuntrygal Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:41 AM Title: Chapter 52

Oh wow.  Carlisle got what he deserved.  Dying to know what Esme did with his ashes!

Reviewer: dannysmitten Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:40 AM Title: Chapter 52

b35; ding dong the witch is dead b34; 

I don't think I've ever been happy to see someone dead!!! lol

“If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were.”  I am keep this in my head...

update soon!

Reviewer: ducki101 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:39 AM Title: Chapter 52

Here's to hoping that "let me go" means she gets away from that crazy family. Glad Carlisle is out the picture but I wished Esme could have done the honor.

Reviewer: sassycook Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:35 AM Title: Chapter 52

wow, wow, wow. what a chapter. i didn't expect carlisle to be the one to show up. man he truly was a demented prick. he really love renee and maybe he would have been good to bella but man he was demented. 30 years of her life esme gave and carlisle was willing to throw it away for bella/renee. it seemed he wanted to give her the world. what makes renee so much better than esme. did he ever love esme. she did give him 3 boys was that worth anything. man bella has alot to understand. i guess after all we ahve been thru for her to ask to be let go man what a slap to the face. but she wanted so much from her life and everything was taken from her even her virginity. she had been violated by her own brother and father and solt to be the perfect wife. knowing she has been watched her whole life. i have to think edward would understand she feels so lost and so not sure. he loves her and always has. but is it enough for her to actually marry him. maybe if he lets her go she will come back when she is ready to actually love him. man what a hell of a ride. i haved loved it all

Reviewer: TwilightVicki Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:34 AM Title: Chapter 52

HE'S DEAD!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!  And so glad Bella has her family back.  So, do her Aunt and Uncle and Meme truly know all that went down, with her abuse and all that?  I was happy to hear Bella say "let me go".  She needs to spread her wings now.  Can't wait for Esme's outtake.  I'm thinking she dumped his ashes in front of a women's shelter or something like that.  Hee hee.

(And another story?  I'm still pulling for a dark series fic from you.  Ha!!)

Reviewer: TropicoOfCancer Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:32 AM Title: Chapter 52

God...can't wait to read the next chapter! I'm SO glad Carlisle is dead.

Reviewer: famaggiolo Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:32 AM Title: Chapter 52

I think I am at a loss for words.  So Bella gets her happy ending and in the mean time breaks Edwards heart.  Hmmm I am not sure if this will happen but by letting her go completely Edward is loosing the love of his life.  Well we shall see what happens the story is not over yet. 


I am very happy with the way Carlisle life was taken away from him but it was quick and painless.  I have nothing more to say on this matter.  


We shall see what happens now. 

Reviewer: tuckerjnp1 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:31 AM Title: Chapter 52

WOW!!!! Really great chapter.  Glad to see that the ahole of Carlise is dead.

Reviewer: Reader-Megan Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:30 AM Title: Chapter 52

I knew Carlisle would have to die. You did an awesome job with this. Im dying to read Edward's reaction to that. <3 Thank you!

Reviewer: Dulcinea21bella Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:29 AM Title: Chapter 52

My heart breaks for the both of them.  THey were both such tragic victims.  I know he needs to set her free.  She needs to return to him of her own free will.



Reviewer: halloweenlover Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:26 AM Title: Chapter 52

loved it

Reviewer: vampluvr25 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:26 AM Title: Chapter 52

*Sings* Ding Dong! The Douche is dead. Which old Douche? The Wicked Douche! Ding Dong! The Wicked Douche is dead!

"Evil is easier to believe when it’s ugly." I really liked that line.

I squealed when that psychotic Fuck died. All I could think was yay Esme!! But then I kinda felt bad because I thought she might be sad about losing the memory of Carlisle. He must have been nice to ger at some point. After all she did marry him. Then again he was lost decades ago.

“Let me go.” They say that if you love something you should let it go. If it comes back to you then it's yours. We will see.

Reviewer: Walkergreen Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:22 AM Title: Chapter 52

wow i was hoping that her HEA would include edward and the others but maybe its best if she was free, sad he loves her so

Reviewer: Wanderer79 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:16 AM Title: Chapter 52

Bless you for updating so quickly!  That last cliffhanger was almost as bad as the cliff at the end of chap 21 with James and Paul.  The vengeful part of me had hoped that Bella, Esme, or Edward would get to take care of Carlisle, but this works too!

Reviewer: patch138 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:14 AM Title: Chapter 52

I honestly cant blame her for asking him to let her go...she never really had a fighting chance in all this...its that saying all over again.If you love something set it free; If it comes back to you, it's yours; If it doesn't, It never was...



Reviewer: michangelina Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:12 AM Title: Chapter 52

so will he?? I hope not.. I know how sick I will sound but I so love the way he loves Bella.. I mean the hitting is wrong.. but I love Possesive Edward I just can't help it..



Reviewer: reesessweetie Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:07 AM Title: Chapter 52

what???  i have a feeling this is a test.. she's testing to see if he still has any remnants of carlisle's edward in him. if he doesn't, he would do the selfless thing and do whatever she asks of him.

unless she means something like, let me go to college or something....

did she even apply to college?? probably not.. maybe she can still apply for the spring? i hope so...

Reviewer: sasha76 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:04 AM Title: Chapter 52

The best fanfic I've read in my less than one year into this addiction is Wide Awake.  TPW comes a very close second.  Thank you for sharing this with us....it should be a #1 bestselling novel IMO.....:)

Reviewer: Kimmie39 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:04 AM Title: Chapter 52


I'm glad everything turned out at the hotel room, but I'm not with the ending of the chapter.

Just because Bella gets a happy ending, does Edward not? I mean come on...She really wants to leave him. That sucks and now that I'm ranting here it kinda pisses me off. To know that I have followed this story from the beginning thru the different websites and to know that she says "let me go."

I really hope this isn't the case...

Can you please reply..

Author's Response:

Go back to the very first authors note.  I promised this is a B/E story and they would have their happy ending.  This has to happen for now if you read again Bella's thoughts.  She's so broken right now learning that her entire life was orchestrated without her knowledge.  She needs time to come to terms with everything she's been thru.  Don't worry

Reviewer: SnowyHedwig Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:03 AM Title: Chapter 52

Wow. Just... wow. Her answer to his question is exactly what it needs to be. I'm so glad they got there before anything further happened to Bella. And Edward holding her, crying? Killed me. Letting her go will be the hardest thing he's ever done, but he needs to do it so she can feel free to come back to him.

Loved Emmett's epiphany, and seeing the urgency and concern both Emmett and Jasper showed. Carlisle was truly insane. I'm glad for his raw death, just wish he could have suffered a bit more. Demetri? Scum. We're well rid of him.

I'm going to be sad to see this end, I have loved this story from the beginning. Two more updates? OK, I can handle that.

Reviewer: dkm241 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:01 AM Title: Chapter 52

I suspected all along from the beginnings of this story that this would happen. It's a good thing. So why do I feel so sad?

Reviewer: old bat Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 1:00 AM Title: Chapter 52

You know that gal who walks in front of the band with something or another not sure what it is called, pumping it up and down, strutting. Well that was me when I read that Carlisle and Demetri died. Another thing that came to me what "Ding dong the bastards are dead" know that isn't the quote, but it fit.

Not surprised that Bella's words to Edward were "Let me go."

You did say you'd take care of Carlisle. That you did.

Will wait with bated breath to find out what Esme did with the bastards ashes.




Reviewer: hbayer Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 12:59 AM Title: Chapter 52

I couldn't help but notice that you said Bella would have her happy ending, but you didn't say anything about Edward. I'm really hoping they have their happy ending together. Looking forward to the rest of this story! Whatever it is!

Reviewer: bluebaby3296 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 12:56 AM Title: Chapter 52

YES THE BASTARD IS DEAD!!! amazing ch!

Reviewer: jdm13 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 12:56 AM Title: Chapter 52

Wow - so Carlisle and Demetri are dead. Thank goodness! I figured the only way to truly be free from Carlisle was for him to die. I'm not sorry he's gone.

I'm torn about the last line - "Let me go." While I do think Edward needs to do this for Bella to get her life under her own control, I don't know what this will do to Edward. You say Bella will have her HEA. But will Edward have his? My hope is that they call off the wedding for now and that Bella goes on to college. But she and Edward start dating like a normal couple. They love each other, and I think, need each other. So I don't want to see them apart. But Bella should have a chance to follow her dreams.

I look forward to whatever ending you have planned for these two. Its hard to believe the story is almost over. What a ride its been!

Reviewer: funkydiva1978 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 12:55 AM Title: Chapter 52

jumping for joy.. crying.... and scared to death. i don't know i how i feel Mic... but i feel so numb for Bella... Le sigh... hold me???  Wonderful chapter!! really!!!

Mic i am scared for these two..... i believe in HEA... i believe in HEA's!!  :)


Reviewer: Kerry Hale Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 12:52 AM Title: Chapter 52

So good but so sad. I guess if you let love go and it is meant to be it will come back to you. Great job. Crying my eyes out now

Reviewer: theladykt Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 12:51 AM Title: Chapter 52

Well I would sing   Ding Dong the Witches are dead but...... not exactly gender approrpiate.

Embry got his azz kicked....GOOD.

Reviewer: coryoplayer Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 12:48 AM Title: Chapter 52


I'm trusting your muse to do the right thing here!!!!

That was a barn burner of a chapter!!!! Well done, two very bad men at once, gone!!!!!

Looking forward to the grand finale of this amazing story!!!!

Post when it's ready please!!!!


Reviewer: rangernstephfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 12:48 AM Title: Chapter 52

I'm hoping she means let her go to prepare for the wedding. LOL I know you won't let us down. Great chapter and I'm so glad the evil Dr is dead. I can't wait to read Esme pov of Carlisle's death. I hope she danced on his grave after she buried his ashes in her garden. LOL

Reviewer: phoenixhunter47 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 12:48 AM Title: Chapter 52

I'm glad that Carlisle got what was coming to him.

I find that I actually feel sad for Edward now. He's made changes in his attitude, and I know he's still made mistakes, but he's tried so hard, and he loves Bella so much - really loves her. She's not just property to him now.

It worries me a little that you say "Bella will have her happy ending"... Does this mean that she will get to have her real life back? College and her house in Phoenix? Her aunt and uncle etc?? But that she has to forfeit her Edward to have it?

That Edward has to sacrifice his happy ending so that Bella can have hers? *sniffle* That the remaining Cullen family will have to say goodbye?

The very possibility totally breaks my heart after all we've been through with these characters.

I'm looking forward to seeing how you end the story now. With one chap plus the epi left, I'm excited to see how the HEA(s) play out.

Thanks for the update, bb x

Reviewer: cjngrls Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 12:48 AM Title: Chapter 52

OMG!!!! Please don't have them split up.. He truly loves her.. how can she walk away from him.   I have read this story from the beginning.. from fanfiction to your blog to here... I know it seems crazy, but they are meant to love one another.. maybe have him tell her that she can go... but when she is ready to leave.. have her not be able to walk away....

Reviewer: Liam1sister Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 12:45 AM Title: Chapter 52

Wow really doesn't cover how amazing and awesome this chapter is.  I love it, you did a great job with this.  I personally was hoping that all the girls would get a chance to have a few sessions with giving Carlisle the what-for in the basement, but maybe that's just me.

Can't wait to see what Esme did with those ashes.

I love your writing keep it coming


Reviewer: michswan Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 12:43 AM Title: Chapter 52

I guess I was hoping for a more painful death for ol' Carlisle....

I'm so glad they didn't get a chance to hurt her.

Don't worry Edward -- she'll come back (I hope)...

Thanks for the update!!!

Reviewer: jaykay Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 12:42 AM Title: Chapter 52

Aw, poor Edward, raised to be a prick, by a prick, making some improvements but looking like he will loose Bella anyway.......sniffle.....

Reviewer: SammyJo Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 12:41 AM Title: Chapter 52

Great chapter.  Not as violent as I would have liked to see them die, but at least they're gone.

Reviewer: sballluvr5 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 12:39 AM Title: Chapter 52

let me go?? no way jose! haha jk. i don't know why, but i always get scared when you post a new chapter. you sure do know how to keep me on my toes. i'm super excited that both carlisle and demetri and dead. woo hoo two for one special! haha. anyway, great chapter, can't wait to read more.


Reviewer: savanablue Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 12:39 AM Title: Chapter 52

um, i don't like this. why does she want to leave??? I'm a little pissed :(

Reviewer: churro_ettes Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 12:37 AM Title: Chapter 52

wtf no!!! omg they have to get together

Reviewer: wonderingpixie Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 12:35 AM Title: Chapter 52

Once I realized Carlisle was insane, my eyes went huge. I thought 'makes perfect sense!' I figured you would have to kill him in order to  give Bella her HEA, and I was just fine with that :) Can't wait to read how everything ends, (and where Esme put his ashes. I'm so torn as to how I feel about the whole situation with her: did she find some way to love Carlisle even a little bit in the 30 years to make her time with him bearable, or did she just throw the ashes on the mud and pee on them as a finally f*** you?) Also can't wait to get the next chapter of Creating a Mate!! Love, love, love the story!!!!

Reviewer: bammers Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 12:32 AM Title: Chapter 52

Bella will but will it be with edward I really hope so please update when you can thanks....

Reviewer: green-eyesx Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 12:31 AM Title: Chapter 52

OH MY GOD! He's dead! Carlisle is dead! Halle-fucking-lujah! But i'm still all confused about this chapter. Of course i'm happy he's dead and as suspecting he was absolutely mental as well as being pure evil but what's going to happen to Bella and Edward now? 'Let me go' - does she mean from him? Like forever? Please no, they can finally be happy now no Carlisle is lurking. She has other family back and everything. She can go to college, get a job, the whole shebang. I do think they should call off the engagement for now because they're so young and there's no need to rush into anything now but seriously! They can finally be together now!

Ahhh amazing chapter anyway! And I want to know where those ashes ended up! I don't think i can think of anywhere disgusting enough for them!

Reviewer: oompaloompa Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 12:26 AM Title: Chapter 52

i really want to know what she meant when she said let me go its going to drive me insane until next chapter i hope that she was not telling edward to let her leave.

Reviewer: Mels78 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2010 12:22 AM Title: Chapter 52

Please tell me that the 2 of them end up together. I agree that Edward needs to let her go but I still want them together in the end; please, please :)

Wow, great chapter. Just when you thought Carlisle could not get any more insane, he busts out with deluding himself into thinking that Bella is Renee. While I think a more painful death would have been nice, I think that this was probably best for all involved. It would have caused too many questions any other way.

I love this story & I am very much going to miss it. I am so invested in these two b/c of your great writing. Please let them end up together! :) Cannot wait for the next chapter.


Reviewer: wallflower88 Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Apr 2010 11:15 PM Title: Chapter 50

oh God! She just had the worst experiences I don't know how but I really hope that Edward gets to her before anything happens.

Reviewer: iluvedward321 Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Apr 2010 10:37 PM Title: Chapter 47

awwwwwww noooooooooo!!!!

i actually don't think i can go on............u wirte so well, i don't want to stop, but i don't want to carry on either....sooooo confused!!!

Reviewer: Evelyne-raconte Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Apr 2010 9:49 PM Title: Chapter 50

Oh my ! Is that F******g Demetri going to have is way with poor Bella ? Is it Carlisle behind the bathroom door, with Demetri ? Or Edward ? Or...or...

I hold my breath till the next chapter. I can't wait. Please, I need to breath.

Reviewer: lutzfan89 Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Apr 2010 9:21 AM Title: Chapter 50

i just wanted to say i have been following this story from the start when it was on ff.net and i had been looking for it ever since it had been removed. I am so happy that i was able to finally find it and i hope Bella is rescued in the next chapter. The poor girl has been through so much hopefully something good happens next :). i love this story a lot. Great imagination great writing. I love it a lot keep up the great work :) i wait anxiously for your next chapter :)


Reviewer: 3diamonds Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Apr 2010 7:13 AM Title: Chapter 50

Wouldn't it be great if it was actually Carlisle coming to take her back to Edward? That he'd come to his senses and became the dad we all want him to be, and give up all the other fuckery? OK, that's my wish.

Reviewer: Fallen Angel of Hell Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Apr 2010 6:16 AM Title: Chapter 50

I've been with this story now for a long time and I love how it twists and turns. It just pisses me off that FFN removed it. Makes me seriously consider leaving ffn. I can't wait for another chapter.

Reviewer: Nothing Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 01 Apr 2010 3:03 AM Title: Chapter 50

I'm sorry but your cliffy are mean becuase it takes so long for you to update but whatever I know it's not going to stop mr form reading please update very soon

Author's Response:

Hey the last two chapters were updated pretty quickly.  The next chapter is already being beta'd so should be ready in a day or two.  I set a goal to finish the story by mid-April and I'm on track. 

Sorry you hate the cliffies, but sometimes a chapter just begs for it. 

Reviewer: PurpleGrl95 Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Apr 2010 1:47 AM Title: Chapter 50


Please don't tell me its carlisle and their going to have some sort of sick three some...yuk :P

Author's Response:

I promise I know what Bella AND my readers can and can't handle...if that gives you any relief.  The next chapte is being beta'd now so hopefully will be ready in a day or two

Reviewer: Alikatt Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 31 Mar 2010 8:53 PM Title: Chapter 50

Oh god! Is it Carlisle? I hope the bodyguard at least followed them or something so that the guys know how to find her. And if it is Carlisle at the door WTF! Cann't wait to find out. THX

Reviewer: kapap Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 Mar 2010 8:50 PM Title: Chapter 50

Wow!! Great chapter!! I can't wait... I hope this is Edward in the door.

Reviewer: Indianprincess28 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 31 Mar 2010 7:05 PM Title: Chapter 50

I am so freakin happy that I found this story again. I was so pissed when it was taken off of FFN. I am now all caught up and I can't wait til you post the next chapter. I have a feeling that it is Carlisle. Why can't Rose cut his brakes while he is at the hospital or something. Gad I hate him! He is such an ass. I liked the chapter with Esme's garden and her explanation. If she had something to kill Carlisle or escape I would like to think that she would have used it by then. Please post again soon. I will let my friends know where they can find this story.

Author's Response:

Glad you found me and still like the story.  It's come a ways since last summer.

Reviewer: misskT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 31 Mar 2010 9:49 AM Title: Chapter 50



Reviewer: bearygirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 Mar 2010 7:39 AM Title: Chapter 50

Loving this story, cant wait for the next chapter.

Reviewer: valeria246 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 31 Mar 2010 6:29 AM Title: Chapter 50

OMG!!!! please let it be edward!!!!?? And very good story i even got teary on some parts. You are a benign writer and you just made me become an avid reader it is now 2:26 am. Thank you for persuing (<not sure how to spell it) your dream or passion as a writer i hope to be reading more from YOU!!!

Author's Response:

I'm glad you like the story. I appreciate the sacrifice of sleep to read.  The next chapter is being beta'd now and should be ready in a day or two.  If it helps I wrote it at 3 am.  The muse strikes when it wants.

Reviewer: terriberry Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 31 Mar 2010 12:13 AM Title: Chapter 50

Oh. My. God. That was so mean! My guess is she heard Carlisle's voice.

Reviewer: shiningsparkle Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 30 Mar 2010 11:01 PM Title: Chapter 50

omg! please please please!!! not carlisle!! pleeeeeeeeeeeease!! :(

Reviewer: shiningsparkle Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Mar 2010 11:01 PM Title: Chapter 50

omg! please please please!!! not carlisle!! pleeeeeeeeeeeease!! :(

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