Twilight - Read by BCeCe
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stories i've read

Categories: Twilight
Characters: None
Genre: None
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Challenges: None
Parent Series: None
Stories: 4
Series Type: Closed







Dr. Edward Anthony Masen Cullen is a world renowned pediatric neurologist, he´s also a very sought after Dominant living in the Seattle area. What happens when the thrill of the playroom is no longer enough? What happens when he wants more than just a Friday through Sunday arrangement... Bella Swan a very young and very successful Corporate Attorney, who happens to be secretly crushing on her best friends older brother. It all starts with a dream, but after a very short, but failed marriage, Bella decides it´s time to give in to her submissive nature. With the help of her best friend and a blind date, can Bella finally find all the things her live is missing. ExB Rated for BDSM themes and lemony goodness. 


A very big thank you to the wonderful Kris Mkystich for my new banner!  Isn´t it sexy!!! Check her out in the December Drabble Wars!!



Winner of a Tomato Soup Award!



Nomimated for two Wordsmith Awards!




Voted Must Read Monday by Twi Girls Next Door



Winner of two Wordsmith Awards!





Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Romance
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Domward's Dungeon, Bdsm stories only, Twilight - Read, Drive's Stories to read that are Completed and Not completed, Can't wait for an update, Stories I've Already read, My Favorite Stories, Misstoria's Stories to Read, J's Read and Loved Stories, Fav BDSM Fics
Chapters: 31 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 312058 Read Count: 389903
[Report This] Published: 07 Nov 2010 Updated: 19 Aug 2016
Summary: Past Featured Story


Bella has grown from an orphaned sixteen year old raised by her older brother Emmett and his friends affectionately known as ‘her boys’, to an up and coming first year medical intern. When a day in the ER turns dangerous can her boys, now members of the best SWAT team in Chicago save her? Eventual Canon pairings. Rated 'NC-17' for strong language, lemons.






Newest fanmade banner that I thought was cool and had to add by Twilighted's ebonyy:




Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: None
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Ageise02's not read yet, Fics to Read, LeslieWhitlock's completed & recommended read stories, Finished, Love to drive's Stories to read, Twilight - Read, Themslovebug90's read stories, Amberina's Completed Favs List, G8or Favor8s Read, Kuu Faves, Completed Stories, Stories I've Already read, Lilyellacullens want to read list!, My Favorite Stories, J's Read and Loved Stories, My favs past present and future , mamih's favorites, TBR
Chapters: 60 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 413119 Read Count: 753738
[Report This] Published: 14 Feb 2010 Updated: 16 Feb 2010
Summary: Past Featured Story




One Bet. One Week. No Rules.

Bella bets Edward that after a week of some raw sexcapades he won’t want to stop. He bets her otherwise.

A slightly tongue in cheek smutathon and my first fan-fic.


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human, Alternate Universe
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: None
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: My To Read List, Ageise02's Read Stories, Twilight - Read, G8or Favor8s Read, To Read
Chapters: 26 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 137672 Read Count: 315926
[Report This] Published: 09 Feb 2010 Updated: 13 Sep 2010
PEOPLE LIKE US by justginger Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 3989]
Summary: Past Featured Story

Edward Cullan is the hottest movie star. Bella Swan is an art grad, in Italy for the summer. Their worlds collide in the most unlikely way.  He unlocks what she has hidden for so long - a dark side...

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Family, Fantasy, Friendship, Historical, Horror, Humor, Hurt/Comfort,, Mystery, One-Shot, Parody/Crackfic, Poetry, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Domward's Dungeon, My To Read List, Ageise02's Read Stories, Bdsm stories only, Finished, Twilight - Read, Amberina's Completed Favs List, Kuu Faves, Stories Read by CNYBella, Stories I've Already read, Lilyellacullens want to read list!, My Favorite Stories, J's Read and Loved Stories, Stories I've read, Fav BDSM Fics, My favs past present and future , Read
Chapters: 81 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1339257 Read Count: 996471
[Report This] Published: 24 Feb 2010 Updated: 04 Dec 2011