Favorite Stories

Living Amongst Vampires Banner


In a world dominated by vampires, humans are forced to donate blood and abide by the strict rules of the vampire government. Bella has never experienced life in an all-human world and one day the only life she knows shatters to pieces when her parents are killed by a vampire. She is adopted by her parents' friends, who happen to be vampires. Her life turns upside down as she moves to an all-vampire town. Will she have the strength to go on after all that she has endured? Will one special vampire heal her wounds as she struggles to live a life amongst vampires? Edward and Bella pairing, AU, OOC

Warning: This story contains explicit adult content, language, violence, vampire marking and bloodplay.


I want to thank Dazzled~by~Jake for this awesome banner! And my awesome Beta Lindz! xo


Inspire Fanfic winning banner

Categories: Twilight, Alternate Universe
Characters: None
Genre: None
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Love to drive's Stories to read
Chapters: 27 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 384211 Read Count: 239172
[Report This] Published: 14 Aug 2010 Updated: 05 Sep 2022
Arms by Virginia May Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 173]
Summary: Past Featured Story

Arms Banner

Competitive shooter Bella Swan had an Olympic gold medal and dreams of another before witnessing the brutal murder of both her parents.  Now living under a new identity as a high school student in tiny Forks, Washington, she must learn to cope with  the loss of both her family and her future.  When she meets the local math teacher and her older "foster-brother", Edward Cullen, things are complicated by an instant and unexpected attraction.


**Nominated for Best Bella & Edward in the Emerging Swan Awards!! 
Click to visit & vote!

Swan Awards Banner


**Featured on The Lemonade Stand in TLS Nursery!  Click to visit!

TLS Nursery Banner

Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Action, Drama, Erotica, Hurt/Comfort,, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: LeslieWhitlock's faves - not updated in 2012, Stories I've Already read
Chapters: 25 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 158957 Read Count: 88904
[Report This] Published: 01 Sep 2011 Updated: 03 Oct 2018



Carlisle Cullen is ruthless Don of the Cullen Crime Family, but his wife Esme doesn't want this life for their son Edward.  Running away and starting a new life and new identity, will they have a happy, safe life or will Carlisle find them?  E&B HEA

Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 23 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 42347 Read Count: 64706
[Report This] Published: 12 Mar 2017 Updated: 29 Apr 2018
Dine and Dash by KittyTylz Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 143]

Rival gangs, rival hearts. Maybe he went too far but she was worth risking a gang war for. He wanted her, now he's got her... That dare was unexpected but it served its purpose, the purpose he needed it to.

Bella gets dared to dine and dash a restaurant but gets caught by the owner, Edward Cullen. He's a 19 year old deadly sexy gang leader and the enemy of the gang her best friend Jacob belongs to. Now he's found a way to spin her dare so that it works in his favor. She's stuck in his territory working at his restaurant to avoid a permanent record. What more could a Cullen ask for?


(Warnings for - Sex, Crime, Language, Violence, Self-harm)

(Pairing- Edward Cullen and Isabella Swan)

(Repost due to deletion)

Categories: Twilight
Characters: None
Genre: Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 15 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 255047 Read Count: 53786
[Report This] Published: 25 Mar 2017 Updated: 25 Mar 2017

Bound and United


Bound and United is the third installment of the Bound Series.  It continues the story of Don Edward and Donna Bella as they fight with their most evil villian yet.  Will they be able to fight death and be joined once more or will they be forever torn apart from each other?


Part 3 in the Bound Series




Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Suspense/Thriller
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Stories I've Already read, Stories I've read, Bound
Chapters: 24 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 76085 Read Count: 185017
[Report This] Published: 09 Apr 2016 Updated: 28 Jan 2017
Summary: Past Featured Story


Newly divorced Bella goes to Vegas for a work conference. On the advice of friends she lets her hair down and goes out for a night on the town. When she comes back from Vegas, she finds out that what happens in Vegas, doesn't always stay there.


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort,, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Stories I've Already read, Read & Enjoyed
Chapters: 30 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 143753 Read Count: 135474
[Report This] Published: 24 Feb 2016 Updated: 04 Jun 2016
Summary: Past Featured Story

A Dominant & A Gentleman

Growing up with a father in the military was hard on Bella. She made a promise to herself that she would never date or fall for a Marine like her father. That is until she runs into a pair of identical twins that have her reconsidering her rule.

Anthony is shy, extremely polite, and a true gentleman.

Edward appears to be in control and exudes confidence, and has a very dark side.

Will she take the risk or walk away?

A special thank you to Chandrakanta for creating the awesome banner for this story.

And a heartfelt thank you with undying gratitude to my awesome beta LostInPa who has helped with this story from the very first chapter.

I ♥ you hard!


Categories: Twilight, Non-Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward/OC
Genre: Erotica
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 29 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 134473 Read Count: 94479
[Report This] Published: 05 Mar 2015 Updated: 01 May 2016
Summary: Past Featured Story



Edward Cullen is a probation officer. He is used to handling some of the toughest hardened criminals out there. That is until he meets his new proby...Isabella Swan.


Categories: Twilight, All Human
Characters: None
Genre: Drama
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Lady Luciole's Favorites TwiHu
Chapters: 29 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 54473 Read Count: 43979
[Report This] Published: 09 Apr 2016 Updated: 28 Apr 2016

Bound and Dangerous




Sequel to Bound to Family.  A continuing story of Don Edward Cullen and Donna Isabella Volutri-Cullen as they begin their new adventures in combining two power crime families together, while exploring their Dominant/submissive relationship in Master Edward's playroom.  Can they keep their families safe, their relationship safe, or will outside forces tear it apart?



Categories: Twilight
Characters: None
Genre: Action, Erotica, Family
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: Action-Adventure, Dominance and submission
Series: Stories I've Already read, Stories I've read, Bound
Chapters: 23 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 90815 Read Count: 230593
[Report This] Published: 09 Aug 2015 Updated: 19 Mar 2016
Nightmare by WeeKittyAndTAT Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 327]

Summary: There's a serial killer on the loose and he calls himself Sent From Hell. Edward is a little strange and his past is jaded. He's let his crush on Bella be known, but she's scared of his unknown past. When Bella is hunted down, will Edward be her saving grace or will he be Sent From Hell?


Banner by: CaiteexxGraphics

Categories: Twilight, All Human
Characters: None
Genre: Angst, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Suspense/Thriller
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 21 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 68989 Read Count: 29095
[Report This] Published: 18 Oct 2015 Updated: 25 Jan 2016
Summary: Past Featured Story


A Mafia/BDSM story.  A Don who is a Dom; two powerful personalities bound together in one body.  Will it be too much for one woman to handle, or is she exactly what is needed to balance this man. 

top ten

Bound To The Family was awarded one of the Top Ten Favourite Completed Fics for the month of August



Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Erotica
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: Dominance and submission
Series: Stories I've Already read, Lady Luciole's Favorites TwiMaf, Stories I've read, Bound
Chapters: 30 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 129501 Read Count: 604132
[Report This] Published: 08 Mar 2015 Updated: 08 Aug 2015
Summer Love by WeeKittyAndTAT Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 353]
Summary: Past Featured Story



Summary: Bella Swan’s last summer before starting college is here. Charlie Swan encourages his daughter to let loose and live. What happens when the town’s notorious bad boy comes back? Will he sweep her off her feet?

Banner by: Deebelle1




Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Lady Luciole's Favorites TwiHu
Chapters: 25 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 25488 Read Count: 79595
[Report This] Published: 12 Apr 2015 Updated: 29 Apr 2015
Second Chances by melloncollie Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 60]


Edward and Bella parted ways after high school and never spoke again. 5 years later, when Edward dies in a car crash, Bella gets the chance to live out what could have been if she made a different decision 5 years ago. AH, HEA. contains adult themes and language.



Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 100196 Read Count: 12206
[Report This] Published: 17 Aug 2012 Updated: 15 Mar 2015
Summary: Past Featured Story


Bella Swan hates Valentine's Day, and everything about it. Her past experiences in love have left her with a jaded view on relationships. After quitting college, she gets a job at a diner, where she makes friends and finds herself in a new job. What happens when the CEO gets under her skin, will she open up to what she really wants from him, or run off and hide?  all human/olderward - w/a smidge of daddykink. 

Banner by the talented Christag Banners.


Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Humor, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Stories I've Already read, Lady Luciole's Favorites TwiMaf, My favs past present and future
Chapters: 10 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 47353 Read Count: 110028
[Report This] Published: 07 Feb 2015 Updated: 18 Feb 2015
Summary: Past Featured Story


Banner made by:CaiteexxGraphics

SUMMARY: Edward, fresh out of veterinary school moves to the small town his grandfather was from, after his sudden death. There he inherits his veterinary clinic and ranch. He finds himself intrigued by the young Isabella who tries to runaway with her brother several times. What will Edward do when he finds a journal his grandfather kept and realizes that his own grandfather was trying to help her and her brother get away?


Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Angst, Drama, Family, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort,, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 33 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 76586 Read Count: 117773
[Report This] Published: 16 May 2014 Updated: 29 Jun 2014
Summary: Past Featured Story


Summary: Bella has a stalker who is seemingly harmless. Hired to housesit over Halloween, odd things begin happening. She takes care of the dogs, but is annoyed by Dr. Cullen’s younger brother. Is Edward playing tricks on her, is her stalker’s actions not so innocent or is the clown just a wax statue after all?

Banner By: DeeBelle1


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Friendship, Romance, Suspense/Thriller
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 16319 Read Count: 2072
[Report This] Published: 25 Oct 2013 Updated: 25 Oct 2013
Summary: Past Featured Story


Their voices once sang in harmony, but a misunderstanding pulled them apart. Can two broken hearts be healed and sing a new song? AH M for future lemons. E/B A/J Em/R

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 23 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 51857 Read Count: 32204
[Report This] Published: 22 Jan 2013 Updated: 21 Jul 2013
Glass by momma2fan Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 226]
Summary: Past Featured Story

Three women develop a close bond despite having never met face to face. When tragedy strikes one of them, they band together to help her heal. A story about friendship, loss, and love.



Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Friendship
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: To Read
Chapters: 20 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 29708 Read Count: 34113
[Report This] Published: 10 Dec 2012 Updated: 23 Apr 2013

Banner by: the amazing and talented  ivoryhairbela... you rock!


Isabella Swan has never had an easy life; she's haunted day-in and day-out by the demons of her past.  Believing that she can never trust a man with her heart and definitely not her body after Charlie, her father, and only living relative is killed in the line of duty.  She decides to become a mother by In Vitro Fertilization... Dr. Edward Cullen is a pediatric specialist.  After suffering a tragic loss of his own, Dr. Cullen closed himself off to everyone in the world, including his 7 year old daughter.  Can an extraordinary twist of fate and a rambunctious 7 year old help bring two broken people, who've given up on love, together?


Will Isabella finally have a real family of her own?

Beta'd by: Jdonovan09, famaggiolo, and ivoryhairbela... you ladies are amazing and I couldn´t do it without you... even when you bust my chops, Iza!  A million and one thank you´s!!

GIF animations generator gifup.com





Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: To Read, Drive's Stories to read that are Completed and Not completed, Can't wait for an update, My Favorite Stories, J's Read and Loved Stories
Chapters: 12 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 58003 Read Count: 32318
[Report This] Published: 22 Apr 2011 Updated: 01 Jan 2013
Hope Springs by justginger Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 1133]
Summary: Past Featured Story


"Where would you go if you are trying to start a new life but you had nowhere to go and no one to care?  Bella Swan has been alone for most of her life, she is young and she is scared, but now she has another life to protect.  She is heading for a new country - a new life and then she ends up in HOPE SPRINGS.  Her life intertwines with all the eccentric characters in this little piece of heaven in Vermont and just like that - she will never be the same.  She meets the Sherriff, the truck driver, the semi-retired doctor, the lawyer, the farmer, and the new best friends, but it is the new young doctor in town that turns her life upside down.  Is he as stuck up as he seems or does he have a wild side?  Is Bella as tough and as jaded as she seems?  Will she run, or will she allow the people in this town to teach her to hope, to dream, and to love?"




Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Humor, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Ageise02's Read Stories, To Read, To Read (Geddy), Kuu Faves, Stories I've Already read, Lilyellacullens want to read list!, J's Read and Loved Stories, My favs past present and future , Read
Chapters: 40 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 432038 Read Count: 218691
[Report This] Published: 17 Dec 2011 Updated: 24 Dec 2012
Unlock Your Heart by momma2fan Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 443]
Summary: Past Featured Story


Edward is head of the Cullen Family and has loved Bella from afar.When her fiance is caught cheating with his, can he get her to unlock her heart to him, or will the families enemy's keep them apart. AH/M for language and lemons. Canon couples.



Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: G8or Favor8s Read, Completed Stories, Lady Luciole's Favorites TwiMaf
Chapters: 23 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 43531 Read Count: 107465
[Report This] Published: 11 Jun 2012 Updated: 22 Oct 2012


Thanks to the lovely and talented vbfb1 for my wonderful banner!  Visit her page and checkout her amazing stories!

To the outside world, including thier friends and family, Edward and Bella are the perfect married couple.  Best friends, since junior high school, turned lovers... the inseparable pair married straight out of college.  They' ve shared everything from their first day of junior high, first school dance, first sexual experience, to the birth of their first child. Join Edward and Bella as the firsts just keep coming.  It will leave you asking, "Are things ever what they really seem?" 

This is my entry for the Twi Kinkfest!

Checkout all the prompts! (some are still unclaimed)
http: //twikinkfest.tumblr.com 


The Original Prompt: I´d like to see more lactation fetish fic – I only know of one fic about this, and I´m intrigued. ExB please, all human. Doesn´t have to be hucow, can be adult nursing.  Either or.

Rating: MA/NC-17

Warning: This story contains Infantilism and Erotic Lactation! If kink is not your thing, then you probably should move on!

18 and older please!





Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Erotica, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Bdsm stories only, Drive's Stories to read that are Completed and Not completed, Can't wait for an update
Chapters: 4 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 21376 Read Count: 35460
[Report This] Published: 01 Dec 2011 Updated: 21 Sep 2012
Summary: Past Featured Story


Banner by the talented: SoapyMayhem FanFiction

Bella at age thirteen is left with nothing more than a fake ID, and two year old twin half siblings to care for.  She makes due knowing it is up to her to give them a good life and education, she was never given.  Working as a cleaner at the university five years later, she meets Professor Masen a man who believes all women are out to hurt, or destroy him.  Can an uneducated Bella teach him something?  What will happen when Bella is another woman who has hid the truth from him? 

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Mystery, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: My all time favorites, Themslovebug90's read stories, Stories Read by CNYBella, Lilyellacullens want to read list!, To Read , Misstoria's Stories to Read, Lady Luciole's Favorites TwiMaf, J's Read and Loved Stories, My favs past present and future , Read & Enjoyed, Read
Chapters: 35 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 325411 Read Count: 263325
[Report This] Published: 12 Jan 2012 Updated: 05 Sep 2012
Summary: Past Featured Story



Every political figure has their skeletons and this Senator just likes to play Daddy. Enter the call girl, a woman who gives men exactly what they want. "I would give him what he wanted and what he didn't even know he wanted; then, hook, line, sinker, he would be mine." Daddykink! Mature. ExB


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: My all time favorites, Drive's Stories to read that are Completed and Not completed, G8or Favor8s Read, Stories I've Already read, Edwards Paradox Completed Favourites, Lilyellacullens want to read list!, My Favorite Stories, Lady Luciole's Favorites TwiMaf, J's Read and Loved Stories, Stories I've read, My favs past present and future
Chapters: 32 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 215117 Read Count: 412389
[Report This] Published: 03 Jun 2012 Updated: 25 Aug 2012
Figure Eight by tufano79 Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 108]
Summary: Past Featured Story


Bella Swan is a nationally ranked paired skater with Jacob Black. Edward Masen is beautiful British skater paired with Tanya. However, both of their partners fall into hard times. These two try to navigate their way through life, both on and off the ice.


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Humor, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Drive's Stories to read that are Completed and Not completed, Twix's List, Amberina's Completed Favs List, Stories Read by CNYBella, Lady Luciole's Favorites TwiHu, Stories I've Already read, Edwards Paradox Completed Favourites, Lilyellacullens want to read list!, Bella 84's To Be Read List, Stories I've read, Tufano79 Stories
Chapters: 36 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 235336 Read Count: 144532
[Report This] Published: 31 May 2012 Updated: 11 Aug 2012

Follow along as Sexy Geek Boy and Nerdella continue to grow as lovers and parents. Be aware, there is danger around the corner. What, you ask? Read and find out! ExB, AU/AH



Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Humor, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Drive's Stories to read that are Completed and Not completed, Twix's List, Amberina's Completed Favs List, Stories Read by CNYBella, Stories I've Already read, Edwards Paradox Completed Favourites, Lilyellacullens want to read list!, My Favorite Stories, luv2write finished reads, Bella's Must Reads!, Bella 84's To Be Read List, My favs past present and future , A Nerd Story of Love Series
Chapters: 29 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 161783 Read Count: 114658
[Report This] Published: 02 Jun 2012 Updated: 01 Aug 2012
Summary: Past Featured Story


Bella was a teacher at San Bernardino High. What started as a class project slowly becomes something more. Edward is fighting in Afghanistan when he receives a letter that will change his life. What happens when love blooms through letters?

This story has over 800 reviews on FanFiction.net!

thanks to LissyLock for the beautiful banner


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Finished, Amberina's Completed Favs List, Stories Read by CNYBella, Completed Stories, Lady Luciole's Favorites TwiHu, Stories I've Already read, My favs past present and future
Chapters: 20 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 39298 Read Count: 47150
[Report This] Published: 23 Oct 2011 Updated: 23 Oct 2011
The Perfect Wife by rmcrms5 Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 3541]
Summary: Past Featured Story

After Renee and Phil die in a car accident on Bella’s 17th birthday. She is sent to live with her father, Charlie and brother, James in Forks WA after being separated for 10 years with no contact. Charlie dabbles in training and placement of the “perfect” wife for exclusive clientele. Bella quickly learns that she’s going that she’s going to get more than a high school education. She's going to be educated with a purpose.
I don’t own Twilight



TPW Avi 

TPW banner


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: None
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Ageise02's Read Stories, LeslieWhitlock's completed & recommended read stories, Finished, Themslovebug90's read stories, My Favorite Stories, Lady Luciole's Favorites TwiMaf, Read & Enjoyed
Chapters: 55 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 244105 Read Count: 1626874
[Report This] Published: 23 Jan 2010 Updated: 07 Oct 2010
Can't Let Go by madeleinejade Rated: NC-17 [Reviews - 15]
Summary: Past Featured Story


All human. Bella was best friends with Alice and Edward in high school. She decided to confess her feelings to Edward before end of senior year, but he unfortunately didn't return her feelings. Embarrassed and regretful of a ruined friendship, she moved back to Arizona for college but returned to Washington due to Charlie's illness. Can she and Edward be friends again?


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: None
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 28 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 108256 Read Count: 23872
[Report This] Published: 17 Feb 2010 Updated: 17 Feb 2010