Reviews by Irish_charm

Edward Cullen is an asshole. He's a moody musician and artist who likes his tattoos, alcohol and drugs. He's down on his luck when his friend, Emmett, offers him an apprenticeship at his tattoo parlor, Dreamstyle Ink. Will he give up his asshole-like tendencies or will he continue shutting people out of his life? Will a certain cinnamon eyed tattoo artist finally break through his wall that he's built around his heart?



Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Drive's Stories to read that are Completed and Not completed, Twix's List, Amberina's Completed Favs List, G8or Favor8s Read, Stories Read by CNYBella, Stories I've Already read, Edwards Paradox Completed Favourites, Lilyellacullens want to read list!, luv2write finished reads, J's Read and Loved Stories, Bella 84's To Be Read List, Stories I've read, My favs past present and future , Read & Enjoyed, Tufano79 Stories
Chapters: 29 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 161685 Read Count: 144073
[Report This] Published: 09 May 2011 Updated: 10 Jan 2015
Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 20 Jul 2013 Title: Chapter 25: Danger in our Midst

Oh shit. I know you love to write the drama. But really Christmas. 



When Bella is hired last minute to photograph a wedding for the Cullen family, she's grateful for the experience and the money.  But upon her arrival, she begins to suspect there's another assignment on Esme Cullen's mind – one involving her handsome son, Edward...


Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: One-Shot, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Lady Luciole's Favorites TwiHu, Stories I've Already read
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 5982 Read Count: 5576
[Report This] Published: 04 Jul 2011 Updated: 25 Sep 2012
Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 31 Dec 2012 Title: Chapter 1: The Wedding Photographer

That was really good. I enjoyed the playful feel of the wedding. Followed by the hot car sex. 

Author's Response:

Glad you enjoyed it!  If you haven't already, come check out the continuation.  It's called "The Life of a Wedding Photographer"!  Thanks for taking the time to review, I appreciate it.


Sequel to Taking Chances. Finding the family they didn't realize they needed, they thought they had everything. Now Bella and Edward, along with Alex and Anthony, are in for the wildest adventure yet. AH & NC-17 for language and other things. Canon coupling.

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Humor, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Single parents , I Whitlock's read , Stories I've Already read, My Favorite Stories, Chances Saga, J's Read and Loved Stories, My favs past present and future , to read
Chapters: 33 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 94877 Read Count: 82355
[Report This] Published: 12 Jul 2011 Updated: 27 Oct 2013
Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 06 Feb 2013 Title: Chapter 22: Chapter 22

Poor Edward. He is going to have to calm down or else he's going to go insane. I bet it's safe to say there will be no more babies after these two. There is no way Edward would be able to handle another pregnancy no matter how good the outcome. 


Bella needs to really start putting herself and the babies first. I know she is worried about the boys and Edward but they would never survive losing her. They are all lost too much already. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 18 May 2013 Title: Chapter 25: Chapter 25

I'm glad that as much as it sucks Bella is trying to be pleasant about her bed rest. The guys are all so sweet. My heart still goes out to them all bedrest is horrible. I was on bedrest for a while and that was before fan fiction. Lol

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 05 May 2013 Title: Chapter 24: Chapter 24

I'm sorry people are hounding you. But I'm not sorry you updated. Lol


Hope RL gets easier and your son is okay. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 18 May 2012 Title: Chapter 10: Chapter 10

That was gut wrenching. Tge poor things losing everything like that. It makes me want to backup all my pictures and put them in my safety deposit box. Cloths and things can be replaced but I think I would be Tge most upset about my pictures. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 05 Jan 2013 Title: Chapter 19: Chapter 19

My thoughts exactly. Bella needs to let it go. Not for Renee or anyone but herself. She knows she's a good mom, everyone knows that. Bella deserves something from Renee. While I know all she ever wanted was her love and acceptance. Now she can use Renee's money to free them up to spend more time with their family. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 05 Jan 2013 Title: Chapter 18: Chapter 18

Edward really has to relax. Bella's right he is going to make himself sick. Bella should be taking his blood pressure along with hers

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 21 Feb 2012 Title: Chapter 9: Chapter 9

So the boy was right. This is amazing. It's a shame about the house. I wonder if it is accidental, something in the boys room, or Renee. I'm glad no one was home. Hopefully they both have their work backed up. It would be horrible if they both lost their work. The objects in the house can be replaced, while things like pictures can not. . 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 26 Jan 2013 Title: Chapter 21: Chapter 21

She really needs to stop being do stubborn. Esward really is goj g to have a stroke when they find her. It looks like they are going to have Christmas babies. New Year babies at the latest. I can't see the doctors letting her go longer then a week she is defently in full blown preeclampsia by now. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 08 Jul 2012 Title: Chapter 11: Chapter 11

Poor Bella. Not only does she have double the amount of hormones coursing through her body, but now she has all the added stress of losing the house. I hope the stress doesn't have a negative effect on the babied. Carrying twins is hard enough without the added pressure. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 16 Jul 2012 Title: Chapter 12: Chapter 12

Well you knew she was going to eat fudge too. My obsessive craving were Wendy's cheese fried and Chocolate Lasagna. Got to love those pregnancy hormones. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 31 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 13: Chapter 13

I wonder what he said to her. I had to laugh when you described the house because when we were house hunting we found a similar house. But it was green shag carpet. The downstairs had neon colored lion wallpaper, one bedroom had toy soldier wallpaper and another bedroom had big neon flowers all over. They even covered the kitchen cabinets with "wood" contact paper. I kid you not.  

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 19 Feb 2013 Title: Chapter 23: Chapter 23

I'm glad that they are going to be honest with each other now. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 23 Oct 2012 Title: Chapter 14: Chapter 14

No matter how much she hates her mother and wished her gone it is still going to hurt that's she's dead. Who knows maybe something good will come out of her death. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 01 Nov 2012 Title: Chapter 15: Chapter 15

Bella handled the situation as well as can be expected. I'm glad they are building a home they really need a place of their own. The boys are great. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 17 Dec 2012 Title: Chapter 16: Chapter 16

Ahh! Girls. And Edward is right the bits are never going to let them live it down. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 30 Dec 2012 Title: Chapter 17: Chapter 17

Poor Bella bed rest sucks. 


I think I would read them eventually. But not now. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 04 Oct 2013 Title: Chapter 26: Chapter 26

That must be so frustrating. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 26 Oct 2013 Title: Chapter 32: Chapter 32

That was such a touching chapter. It was my favorite in the whole story. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 27 Oct 2013 Title: Chapter 33: Chapter 33

There babies are all grown up. I have enjoyed reading these stories. The dynamics between all the characters has been amazing. There have been so many ups and down that I'm glad I got to read and enjoy. 


It only takes a moment to turn your world around or upside down. What do you do when your world falls apart and you fall with it? What do you do when that one moment is the beginning of the end?


Banner made by FrozenSoldier

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: One-Shot
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 6656 Read Count: 408
[Report This] Published: 23 Jul 2011 Updated: 23 Jul 2011
Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 25 Jul 2011 Title: Chapter 1: Whiskey Lullaby

Wow! That was very dark and the last thing that I would want for those two. But It was beautiful in it's angst......

A Kingdom Reborn by ammNI Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 539]
Summary: Past Featured Story

Many thanks to FrozenSoldier for creating this fabulous banner: 

A Kingdom Reborn #2


A Kingdom Reborn Banner 1

Thanks to Joice84 for the fantastic banner!

Summary: The newly appointed King Edward has failed to produce an heir with his wife of fifteen years. At thirty years old Queen Tanya's chances of ever giving Edward a live son have greatly lessened. Edward's Privy Council have decided on a course of action: Queen Tanya will be asked to revoke the crown and her title as wife of Edward. Edward will then marry another. Many young ladies have been brought to court with the task of catching their king. Duty, Loyalty and Threats will bring England a queen who will change their king. But will it be for the better?

Rating for future content.

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Historical, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Finished, I Whitlock's read , Lady Luciole's Favorites TwiHu, Read & Enjoyed
Chapters: 17 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 44040 Read Count: 102175
[Report This] Published: 07 Aug 2011 Updated: 14 Nov 2012
Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 07 Feb 2012 Title: Chapter 12: Learning

I am so glad to see them growing together. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 24 May 2012 Title: Chapter 13: Declaring

Yeah Edward was a royal prick, but surely Bella realizes that he has changed. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 12 Nov 2012 Title: Chapter 15: Birthing

I hope Bella pulls thru. Just when Edward realizes what he has he may lose it. So sad

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 15 Sep 2012 Title: Chapter 14: Visiting

It's amazing how far Edward has come. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 22 Oct 2013 Title: Chapter 17: Ruling

What a fitting way to end the story. While it was sad it was also very right. 

Boxes by Chloe Masen Rated: T starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 2]

A tribute to the suffering of September 11, 2001, and the heartbreaking turn of events that continues to destroy lives.


Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Genre: Poetry
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 864 Read Count: 80
[Report This] Published: 11 Sep 2011 Updated: 11 Sep 2011
Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 14 Apr 2013 Title: Chapter 1: Boxes

I never noticed this story. It is truly beautiful. It sums up the feelings and emotion that even after all these years still make me cry. 

Summary: Past Featured Story


Bella was a teacher at San Bernardino High. What started as a class project slowly becomes something more. Edward is fighting in Afghanistan when he receives a letter that will change his life. What happens when love blooms through letters?

This story has over 800 reviews on!

thanks to LissyLock for the beautiful banner


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Finished, Amberina's Completed Favs List, Stories Read by CNYBella, Completed Stories, Lady Luciole's Favorites TwiHu, Stories I've Already read, My favs past present and future
Chapters: 20 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 39298 Read Count: 47150
[Report This] Published: 23 Oct 2011 Updated: 23 Oct 2011
Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 10 Jan 2013 Title: Chapter 11: Chapter 11

It's so nice that Bella has such a big support system. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 10 Jan 2013 Title: Chapter 10: Chapter 10

Wow! Didn't see that coming. It was really sweet though. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 10 Jan 2013 Title: Chapter 8: Chapter 8

It has to be so hard for them to stay strong at times. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 10 Jan 2013 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7


Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 10 Jan 2013 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter 6

Oh! I hope Jake being there doesn't mess up Bella and Edward's Skype time. Stupid Renee. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 10 Jan 2013 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Awww! That is really sweet that Edward told his parents about Bella already. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 10 Jan 2013 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Thank God! Even though she knew Jasper was alright it's never quite real until you can see it with your own eyes. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 10 Jan 2013 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3

It was really great to see a little interaction between Edward and Emmett. And I like that edward gave Bella the heads up about Emmett's possible alteriermotives. . 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 10 Jan 2013 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Wow! This is really good. I wonder if Emmett will share what he found out about Jasper? I also wonder if Emmett gave Bella his brothers company. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 10 Jan 2013 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

I came across this story and had to give it a try. I'm really glad I did. 



Thanks to the lovely and talented vbfb1 for my wonderful banner!  Visit her page and checkout her amazing stories!

To the outside world, including thier friends and family, Edward and Bella are the perfect married couple.  Best friends, since junior high school, turned lovers... the inseparable pair married straight out of college.  They' ve shared everything from their first day of junior high, first school dance, first sexual experience, to the birth of their first child. Join Edward and Bella as the firsts just keep coming.  It will leave you asking, "Are things ever what they really seem?" 

This is my entry for the Twi Kinkfest!

Checkout all the prompts! (some are still unclaimed)
http: // 


The Original Prompt: I´d like to see more lactation fetish fic – I only know of one fic about this, and I´m intrigued. ExB please, all human. Doesn´t have to be hucow, can be adult nursing.  Either or.

Rating: MA/NC-17

Warning: This story contains Infantilism and Erotic Lactation! If kink is not your thing, then you probably should move on!

18 and older please!





Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Erotica, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Bdsm stories only, Drive's Stories to read that are Completed and Not completed, Can't wait for an update
Chapters: 4 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 21376 Read Count: 35460
[Report This] Published: 01 Dec 2011 Updated: 21 Sep 2012
Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 09 Feb 2012 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Our Humble Beginnings...

Awwww! To see where all the kink started. Lol


Probley a little TMI, but in a way this story creeps me out. Now don't get me wrong I like the kink and you are writing a amazing story. Which I love by the way. But I nursed my daughter for 22 months and the thought that any child I have may feel aroused by breastfeeding is kind of gross. No mom wants to hear that. Lol

Author's Response:

Remember there will only be kink between consenting adults! Sorry my response is so late, but I just wanted to personally take time out to thank you for reading and reviewing my story! Hope you will continue to read!



Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 27 Feb 2012 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Remembering How We Got Here...

I enjoyed seeing Bella in this chapter. We really got a sense of where her heart lies with her life. It was great to see how they became to the level that they are now. 

Author's Response:

Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!



Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 22 Sep 2012 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Enough is Enough...

It's sort of sad how insecure Edward can be. I'm glad he has not only Bella but Sienna as well to put him in his place. I loved Bella's suprise, he defently deserved a spanking. 

Hope Springs by justginger Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 1133]
Summary: Past Featured Story


"Where would you go if you are trying to start a new life but you had nowhere to go and no one to care?  Bella Swan has been alone for most of her life, she is young and she is scared, but now she has another life to protect.  She is heading for a new country - a new life and then she ends up in HOPE SPRINGS.  Her life intertwines with all the eccentric characters in this little piece of heaven in Vermont and just like that - she will never be the same.  She meets the Sherriff, the truck driver, the semi-retired doctor, the lawyer, the farmer, and the new best friends, but it is the new young doctor in town that turns her life upside down.  Is he as stuck up as he seems or does he have a wild side?  Is Bella as tough and as jaded as she seems?  Will she run, or will she allow the people in this town to teach her to hope, to dream, and to love?"




Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Humor, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Ageise02's Read Stories, To Read, To Read (Geddy), Kuu Faves, Stories I've Already read, Lilyellacullens want to read list!, J's Read and Loved Stories, My favs past present and future , Read
Chapters: 40 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 432038 Read Count: 218691
[Report This] Published: 17 Dec 2011 Updated: 24 Dec 2012
Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 24 Feb 2012 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter 6

I Hope that Tge baby is okay and the twing that Bella is feeling is only growing pains. I think Bella is way to fragil to cope with losing the baby. Hopefully she confides in someone soon so that she can get checked. 


This is a amazing story. Not that I excepted anything less. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 24 Feb 2012 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5

I really hope the Cullen's keep working their magic in the poor girl. She really needs to be loved. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 24 Feb 2012 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4

You are making my heart bleed for these two. They are both so sad and broken. Hopefully you will let them fix each other. I wonder what everyone will think when they find out about the baby. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 16 Mar 2012 Title: Chapter 15: Chapter 15 - One step forward...

Another great chapter. I love how spoiled Roscoe is a doggie run. Don't tell my dog they exist or he will want one. Lol


I hope that Edward can stay strong. He's right about taking things slow, no matter what the girls think. I hope Mama Esme doesn't find out or those girls are in big trouble.  

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 24 Feb 2012 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2 - MEET THE CULLEN'S

I would not want to be Bella when she first gets to town. Those three boys have it out for her already. I give Emmett two minutes to fall in love with her. Jasper and Edward ate a little harder to pin down. Lol


I live Bree I can see Tge fun she will add to the story. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 24 Feb 2012 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3 - Are we there yet?

God this town is crazy awesome. Poor Bella I knew it was going to be bad, I didn't see her running though. I hope she doesn't get hurt in her pursuit for freedom. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 01 May 2012 Title: Chapter 21: Chapter 21 - JUST WHAT THE DOCTOR ORDERED!

I am looking forward to seeing more teasing about Edwards PA. 


Poor Bella she finally finds love then she has to spends weeks at a time away from it. Poor kid. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 04 Mar 2012 Title: Chapter 14: Chapter 14 - 'On the first day of Christmas...'

God. Are these two ever going to get it right. Lol. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 08 Apr 2012 Title: Chapter 18: Chapter 18 - "All I want for Christmas is you..."

I never thought I would cry so much over a Christmas morning. It was a beautiful chapter. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 24 Feb 2012 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7

I expected someone to attack her like that. I thought it went pretty well considering. It was really great to see Edward and Bella connect like that. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 27 Mar 2012 Title: Chapter 17: Chapter 17 - First dates and Ice skates

Well! If Edward did get Bella her own skates, I'm sure she would break something and then the good doctor would be forced to take care of her. So it could be a winning situation. 


Great chapter I love that Bella was clicking her mouse. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 16 Mar 2012 Title: Chapter 16: Chapter 16 - Mistletoe and Bar fights

Poor Bella. That sweet girl has been thru so much and then that prick thinks he can get away with hurting her more. Thank God Edward and Emmett are so clumsy. 


I loved the girls reactions to the Marrow sisters. That was hot. 


So who won the cOntest  maybe they can have a do over since they were so rudely interrupted. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 23 Feb 2012 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - Meet Bella 'Van'

Oh honey this story is going to be amazing I can feel it. I love snarky Bella, and Billy is a real sweetheart. 


I hope you are doing well. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 25 Feb 2012 Title: Chapter 8: Chapter 8

God poor Bella. Losing a baby is horrible and I hope that it survives. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 25 Feb 2012 Title: Chapter 9: Chapter 9

My heart is just breaking for Bella. I know what she is going through and I'm glad to see that she is letting everyone in instead of shutting down. 


You are a amazing writer and I'm so glad that You are sharing your beautiful talent with us. 


Huggs,  Denise 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 25 Feb 2012 Title: Chapter 10: Chapter 10 - New Beginnings and First Dates

This is great. Bella is going to have so many opportunities, I'm so happy that is allowing them to help her. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 25 Feb 2012 Title: Chapter 11: Chapter 11 - TO SIR WITH LOVE?

We could never hate you. We all are use to your never ending cliffies. We know how you just love the added drama as much as we do. Lol



Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 25 Feb 2012 Title: Chapter 12: Chapter 12 - Revelations and Goodbyes

While it sucks. Edward did the right thing. If he was wishing for the drugs so he could be numb then he needed to put himself first. Because if he stayed and used then he would never forgive himself. This story is brilliant. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 27 Feb 2012 Title: Chapter 13: Chapter 13 - Time waits for no man (or woman)

I'm glad that they are both doing so well. Hopefully when they are together again they will be able to be hOnest with each other and talk. 


I love this story it is amazing. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 19 Apr 2012 Title: Chapter 19: Chapter 19 - Lessons and Lessons

I absolutely loved this chapter. There was a little smut, a very sexy possessive Edward, a little sweet time. It was great. 


I hope things start looking up in RL. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 21 Apr 2012 Title: Chapter 20: Chapter 20 - What's all the fuss about?

I loved it. This was a fantastic chapter. Them getting themselves off first was great. I even enjoyed Bellas melt down, while it sucked it had to happen and they both handled it beautifully. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 24 May 2012 Title: Chapter 22: Chapter 22 - Easter Eggs and New Faces

OMG! Are you okay? There is no such thing as minor surgery, it is still surgery. I hope that you are doing well. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 18 Jun 2012 Title: Chapter 23: Chapter 23 - Summer Time

 So happy that the meeting went so well. Poor Bella was a wreck. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 19 Jun 2012 Title: Chapter 24: Chapter 24 - Honour thy father

It's so nice to see Bella get the large family that she deserved. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 19 Jun 2012 Title: Chapter 25: Chapter 25 - Moving on

You just love leaving us hanging. It was great that the adult kids could get away. I am a little surprised that Bella didn't mention to Edward that Mark is living there. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 19 Jun 2012 Title: Chapter 26: Chapter 26 - Mama said there'll be days like this...

I love how the Cullen's interact. They all love each other so much even when they are screaming at each other. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 25 Jul 2012 Title: Chapter 27: Chapter 27

The party was epic. If Bree wasn't popular before she defently would of been after. 


I can't wait to see what the guys are going to do to mark. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 20 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 29: Chapter 29 - Time flies and then it's Christmas again

That chapter was great. I loved how scared the kids still are of Esme. I laughed so hard that I got caught reading at work. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 21 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 30: Chapter 30 - Moving on - Enough is enough!!

Oh. This is going to be the proposal of the century. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 04 Nov 2012 Title: Chapter 35: Chapter 35 - Finding the way back

Oh Michele you do spoil us. This chapter was perfect. Yes in the beginning I was scared that they were going to push things back, but I'm glad they are staying with their timeline. They are perfectly imperfect for each other and I'm glad they don't have to wait longer for their happily ever after. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 19 Sep 2012 Title: Chapter 31: Chapter 31 - Birthday wishes

That was absolutely beautiful. It was so over the top, a lot of Srama, so very Edward. If I ever get married again I'm telling him to talk to you for proposal ideas because you know how to do it right. Lol

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 01 Oct 2012 Title: Chapter 32: Chapter 32 - Absence makes the heart grow fonder?

As always a beautiful chapter. I loved the reference to say yes to the dress even though I like the Atlanta ones better. Lol. My daughter and I watch it every week. I am in so much trouble when she gets married. Lol


Im glad Bella has come into herself fully. She is no longer that scared little girl, but a beautiful women. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 15 Oct 2012 Title: Chapter 33: Chapter 33 - Making Plans

Oh I think Bella may be a little to trusting when it comes to her wedding. LOL   I don't know if the girls will be able to restrain themselves.

This was a really sweet chapter, freak outs and all and I'm really glad she asked Carlisle to give her away.

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 28 Oct 2012 Title: Chapter 34: Chapter 34

God that was hard. I am just hoping that Bella can forgive Edward for once again keeping something from her. I have a feeling all the Cullen men are going to be in the dog house for a little while. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 06 Dec 2012 Title: Chapter 36: Chapter 36 - “Going to the chapel and we’re…” (Or are we?)

What a beautiful wedding. And the honeymoon was truly a dream. Amazing. 


I couldn't agree with you more about the movie. Even though I almost had a heart attack. I thought the movie was going rogue there for a minute. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 14 Dec 2012 Title: Chapter 37: Chapter 37 - a new kind of normal


Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 14 Dec 2012 Title: Chapter 38: Chapter 38 - Making babies is supposed to be fun!

The last two chapters have been amazing. I'm so glad they are having a girl and I hope for lots of baby nursery making drama. I can't wait to see the fights. Lol

Summary: Past Featured Story



Lily O'Brien is a hopeful child. Will her special cups of hot chocolate and a new friendship with Dr. Edward Cullen make her greatest wish come true? Aaaaaw moments ahead.


*Edward, Bella, Alice, Charlie, Angela



Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: None
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Themslovebug90's read stories, Lilyellacullens want to read list!
Chapters: 6 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 28639 Read Count: 8947
[Report This] Published: 22 Dec 2011 Updated: 24 Jan 2013
Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 14 Apr 2013 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Oh that is the most precious thing I have ever read. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 14 Apr 2013 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Aaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww! About covers it. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 14 Apr 2013 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Oh lily is a force to be reckon with. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 14 Apr 2013 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4

They spent a perfect valentines together. And Lily couldn't be more adorable. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 14 Apr 2013 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Edward is so incredibly sweet. I'm so glad that they found each other. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 14 Apr 2013 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter 6

As I'd I wasn't already crying like a baby the photos in the basket did me in. That was the most touching thing ever. I'm so glad that you mad them a part of this special day. 

Labels by samekraemer Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 200]
Summary: Past Featured Story



“Everyone has labels attached to them that they acquire over a lifetime…mother, daughter, wife, lover, friend, co-worker.  I happen to have all of those labels attached to me, plus one in particular that I’m not happy about…widow.  I have a daughter who never met her father, and parents who try to help me out but drive me crazy, along with a father-in-law who I take care of in the absence of his son.  Along with the label of “widow” came another label that I’m not happy about and it’s one I assigned to myself…crazy.  The reason I’m crazy is because every night in my dreams, I talk to my dead husband as if he was still alive.  I was perfectly content to live with those labels until someone showed up in my life that caused me to add another label to my seemingly never ending list…screwed. –Bella Black


AH/OOC.  Canon couples, eventually.  This is a story of a woman trying to deal with a devastating loss, so there will be sadness, but there will be humor and there will be love.  There’s foul language, eventual lemons, and it’s told in Bella’s POV.  It’s rated NC-17 for a reason.  It’s a love story at its heart, but it’s not an easy one.



Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: Love and Faith
Series: To Read, My all time favorites, Themslovebug90's read stories, Amberina's Completed Favs List, G8or Favor8s Read, Kuu Faves, My favs past present and future
Chapters: 20 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 125792 Read Count: 33688
[Report This] Published: 04 Jan 2012 Updated: 16 May 2012
Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 04 Mar 2012 Title: Chapter 10: Chapter 10

I'm so glad that Chelsea Is alive. Edward has a lit to make up for, but I don't know how he will be able to do that. He is going to be so busy getting Chelsea settled. How will he have time to fix his relationship with Bella and Jax. Hopefully they will all get their happily ever after. 


I love this story, I don't think I can ever tell you enough.

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 01 Apr 2012 Title: Chapter 14: Chapter 14

Yeah. I'm so happy they are getting married. I was really worried that Bella was going to say no there for a minute. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 18 Feb 2012 Title: Chapter 8: Chapter 8

OMG! That was beautiful and I appreciate the tissue warning. Edward is a amazing guy and I'm glad that Bella found him and let him in. 


Alright please tell me that the little girl is not Edward's daughter. The age fits. He was in Italy. Edward didn't get to see his girlfriend or daughters body. Could his grandfather have taken the baby and caused Tge crash that killed Gianna. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 23 Mar 2012 Title: Chapter 13: Chapter 13

I'm so glad that Chelsea is alright. I really hope that Bella forgives him soon. She still seems so standoffish. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 12 Apr 2012 Title: Chapter 15: Chapter 15

They have come such a long way from where they started. I am so Glad that Bella is finally doing what is right for her and not worrying about what others may think. I'm so happy for the two of them they really deserve a happily ever after. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 23 Feb 2012 Title: Chapter 9: Chapter 9

I think they are a great couple. I like that they are taking it slow and keeping it away from Jax for now, even though I'm sure she is seeing more then they think. 


So big things are coming soon. Are we going to find out more about a certain 8 year old girl? I am really excited to hear about that. 


Great story and I always forget about the rating thanks for reminding me. I gave you a 10 of course. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 12 Feb 2012 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Wow! Good for Bella. I'm so happy that she stuck up for herself. I hope she sues Tge pants off of Jane and Aro. He was her boss and him saying that to her was unethical. Hopefully Esme doesn't chew her out too much for quitting. She is bound to be upset by it. 


Hopefully Edward doesn't take Bella doubting him too hard. He has changed so much for her and Jac that I hope Bella starts seeing that and believing in his feelings for her. 



Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 17 Mar 2012 Title: Chapter 11: Chapter 11

I am soooo happy for Edward. Having his baby back is a dream come true that he never even thought to have. And I'm really glad he was honest with Chelsea about Bella's role in finding her, because without her he would of never known to look. 


While I wish everything could pick up where it left off I'm glad that Bella is taking it slow. Jax doesn't deserve to have her emotions played with she is a little girl that should never feel the pain of abandment. Bella is a mess and I hope that she can find it in herself to truly forgive Edward. They both deserve to be blissfully happy and without each other I don't know if that's possible. 


This is a beautiful story. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 17 Mar 2012 Title: Chapter 12: Chapter 12

That was truly magical. I wish you had warned me that I would need a tissue because now I have to change my shirt, my sleeves are soaked. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 20 Apr 2012 Title: Chapter 16: Chapter 16

It's amazing how well everyone is adjusting. It is a miracle that they have all found each other. This is a beautiful story and I am going to be very sad to see it go. But hopefully not too soon. There seems to be some more for these 4. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 26 Apr 2012 Title: Chapter 17: Chapter 17

This was a really sweet chapter. I love that Jax isn't a perfect child, I hate when Tge kids do nothing wrong, it makes the story so fake. 


Edward wanting to remove Bella's IUD was hilarious. I'm glad that Bella put her foot down. Even though Edward delivering their future babies would be sweet. 



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Torn between a woman he loves, and the woman he has, but can never love, Edward comes to a fork in the road; which path will he choose? "The road to hell is paved with good intentions; "I m already going to hell, I might as well do it right!"* Drabblesc Fic* ExB

Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Drive's Stories to read that are Completed and Not completed
Chapters: 64 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 85715 Read Count: 62156
[Report This] Published: 27 Jan 2012 Updated: 16 Feb 2012
Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 02 Feb 2012 Title: Chapter 33: Chapter 33

That sucks. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 02 Feb 2012 Title: Chapter 32: Chapter 32

I'm soooo happy!!!!! Bella didn't freak out nearly as much as I thought she might. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 02 Feb 2012 Title: Chapter 30: Chapter 30

Yeah!!!!! I know I shouldn't be happy about this, but I can't help it. This is going to be some good drama. I can feel it. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 02 Feb 2012 Title: Chapter 31: Chapter 31

God. That's was sweet. I kind of like a panicky Edward. And Brooklyn is just too cute for wards. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed
Date: 31 Jan 2012 Title: Chapter 29: Chapter 29

Well that clears that question up. I can't believe Alice didn't figure it out yet. But I guess if Edward hasn't opened up to her yet and Jasper doesn't share then it makes sense.