Penname: PercyJacksonFan1997 [Real name: Bri
Member Since: 06 Aug 2012
Membership status: Member

I'm Bri, and I write TwiFic's in my spare time (AKA not doing school work)


I love music (i play flute) and have my radio permemently set to 102.3. I love mt some P!nk :)


Remember; this is just fiction (for some of us) so dont take it too seriously. 


While you're at it, check out PrincessRachael on FFn. She's amazing!!

Create your own banner at!
Make your own banner at!


i hope once my writing improves that I can post some stories in here. I have a notebook full of ideas and a partially (handwritten !! Gosh... ) story.  Bit unfortunately, I am better at imagining stories than writing them down. That said, if you need any help with a story feel free to contact me :)

Beta-reader: Yes
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Reviews by PercyJacksonFan1997
Planet Twilight by melanieintn Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 777]
Summary: Past Featured Story


On a far distant planet, Bella and Edward find love. A true love in a modern society that steps back into the recesses of time,

where dominant males seek out submissive females to complete their households.

No vampires, but plenty of aliens. This story includes:

Edward/Bella, Carlisle/Esme, Jasper/Alice, Emmett/Rosalie, Marcus/Didyme and the majority of characters that are involved in the original series.

AU, in-cannon, lemons, E/B, A/J, R/E, C/E

Story Blog:


image made by GSRgirlforever


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, Alternate Universe
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Romance, Sci-Fi, Supernatural
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Ageise02's Read Stories, Amberina's Completed Favs List, My Favorite Stories, Brooklyn - to read
Chapters: 65 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 174480 Read Count: 188496
[Report This] Published: 22 Mar 2011 Updated: 20 May 2011
Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed
Date: 24 Sep 2012 Title: Chapter 52: Didyme & Marcus' Announcements and Ben & Angela's Wedding

:). I'm using my iPod. 

An Eternity to Love by mizzdee Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 282]

Best friends at 5, in love at 15, ready to marry at 17. Edward and Bella were destined for forever. In 1918, tragedy fell upon the couple, ripping them apart. A very different Edward and Bella meet again years later and this time…eternity can be theirs.

This is an AU fic, loosely following the book with my own personal flair.


This awesome banner made by the awesome DivineInspiration

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Action, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 34 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 150252 Read Count: 45864
[Report This] Published: 11 Jun 2011 Updated: 01 Jan 2014
Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18 Apr 2013 Title: Chapter 29: Chapter 29

Thank gosh!! I'm so glad the hardest part of the angst is over !!! :)

Author's Response:

What?? Who told you the angst was over cuz they didn't tell me. LOL Just kidding. Some of the hardest parts are behind them now. There are still going to be issues because, let's face it, they've got some problems to work out (coughfeedingcoughcough). But they've come so far and whatever problems come their way now, they'll face them together. Thanks for the review. I really appreciate it. Much love - D

Until next time...are you ready for something a little more playful? Here's a peek at Edward's next chapter, which will be up later today:

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" I growled low into her ear.

A low growl rumbled in her chest as she exhaled and leaned back into me. "We've been climbing trees since we were ten and you're worried now. Now that I can't be hurt."

"The trees we climbed when we were ten didn't have you hundreds of feet above ground."

"We, my love," she twisted to kiss me quickly, "are indestructible. I could jump from this tree and the only thing to get hurt would be the ground beneath my feet."

"I just worry about you," I admitted.


She turned to straddle the branch, lifting an arm around my neck and resting her other hand on my arm. Her smile was gone.

"I've lived through so much already; falling from a tree is nothing in comparison."

"But I could have kept you from all of that. If I'd been here, I could have saved you from so much pain." I touched her cheek. "I will make up for that. I'll make up for every bit of pain you suffered."

"By keeping me out of trees." Her smile returned. "You've lived a sheltered life haven't you?"

Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 24 Aug 2013 Title: Chapter 32: Chapter 32

I love this chapter. I'm sitting in the front of my seat waiting for the next chapter. Glad edward found his faith, and that bella seems open to Edwards diet. See ya soon (hint hint) :)

Author's Response:

I'm glad you liked it and I am so, so sorry it's taken so long to get this next chapter posted. Timing differences and personal issues keep it from me for a while. Now, you mentioned his faith, that's the one thing I never took from Edward. His faith was always impressed upon him as a human and Carlisle nurtured that after his change. So, in my world, it's something he'll never lose. As for Bella's diet, Edward has reluctantly accepted her choice but, knowing how he truly feels about it, she is undecided. We'll see what happens when she finally makes her choice. Thanks for the review. I really appreciate it and I hope to never be gone this long again. Much love - D

Until next's a peek at Edward's next chapter:

"Shh, Daddy, it's okay." Bella's voice was soft and soothing. "It's okay."

Panicked, my focus instantly switched to Renee, her mind still foggy as her medically aided sleep held her under. Mrs. Jones stirred but her dreams still played strongly in her mind. I breathed a sigh of relief as my mind shifted back to Bella.

I couldn't see anything in the room but I could hear them - Charlie continually repeating her name and Bella apologizing for leaving. It hurt me to hear their broken sobs knowing I was the cause of all their pain, but it helped, if only a little, to know I could give them this moment before his illness took him away.

Just then, the room came into view as Charlie opened his eyes. I watched though his vision as he pulled Bella away from him and held her shoulder, not allowing her to move too far from him.

"My sweet girl, you're home."    

Mafia Bargains by Joce_Cullen Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 237]

Traded like livestock, treated like trash, all by her own aunt and uncle. When she's put up as collateral, does Bella find what she's always needed in a man from the underworld? BxE Mafia AH/AU OOC Rated M just in case OS or continue? Please tell me what you think.stories/12096/images/Mafia_Bargains.jpg

***I am so sorry, I forgot your name, would the maker of this banner please contact me so I can give you the credit***

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Action
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 20 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 191091 Read Count: 59313
[Report This] Published: 01 Jun 2012 Updated: 16 Aug 2013
Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed
Date: 08 Oct 2012 Title: Chapter 16: Chapter 16

Amazing story! And I agree, RL comes before our (amazingly awesome) 'make believe' world !! Thank you for taking the time to update and actually write the story unlike oher authors who didn't update for 2-3 years!! Seriously, there's some stories like that!! I love how amazingly this is written and how real it seems. I hope Scully gets what's coming to her and Elizabeth gets over her petty "Tanya is better for my son" world. I can't wait for the next update!!! Hope your family is alright !!! I LOVE this story :)

Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed
Date: 14 Oct 2012 Title: Chapter 17: Chapter 17


Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 16 Aug 2013 Title: Chapter 20: Chapter 20

I so want an eos :)


At age 13, Bella cast a spell to keep from ever falling in love. Now 5 years later, everything has changed and nothing is what it seems. It's a race against time to either fall in love or risk losing it forever.

Bind Me To You Banner

Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, One-Shot, Romance, Supernatural
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Love to drive's Stories to read set 2
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 18454 Read Count: 1346
[Report This] Published: 01 Jun 2012 Updated: 03 Aug 2012
Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 11 Jun 2013 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

It was so beautiful and wonderful. Too bad you didn't continue it *cough cough* I love it :)

Summary: Past Featured Story



Every political figure has their skeletons and this Senator just likes to play Daddy. Enter the call girl, a woman who gives men exactly what they want. "I would give him what he wanted and what he didn't even know he wanted; then, hook, line, sinker, he would be mine." Daddykink! Mature. ExB


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: My all time favorites, Drive's Stories to read that are Completed and Not completed, G8or Favor8s Read, Stories I've Already read, Edwards Paradox Completed Favourites, Lilyellacullens want to read list!, My Favorite Stories, Lady Luciole's Favorites TwiMaf, J's Read and Loved Stories, Stories I've read, My favs past present and future
Chapters: 32 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 215117 Read Count: 412389
[Report This] Published: 03 Jun 2012 Updated: 25 Aug 2012
Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 16 Feb 2013 Title: Chapter 32: Chapter 32

I loved reading this story. It was amazing!! 

Summary: Past Featured Story

Here is my fluffly little twist on the whole electrical charge that Edward and Bella feel. What if it really meant something else, something deeper? Would Edward be able to do what he needs to make sure Bella stays his forever?

Contains explicit adult themes, languages and sexual content.

Main TMC Banner


Fan made bannerfs

Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, Alternate Universe
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Humor, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Finished, Love to drive's Stories to read set 2, Drive's Stories to read that are Completed, Ageise02 To Read 2, To Read (Geddy), Stories Read by CNYBella
Chapters: 42 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 188675 Read Count: 75008
[Report This] Published: 07 Jun 2012 Updated: 13 Jun 2012
Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18 Jun 2013 Title: Chapter 42: Outtake #2

What a way to end a story!! I have loved this soo much. I have literally laughed and cried throughout. You have done an amazing job. Off to see if you have any other awesome stories. :)

Summary: Past Featured Story

It was just a long weekend in Vegas, so how did eighteen year old high school senior Bella Swan end up married to thirty one year old movie exec, Edward Cullen? This is the story of their awkward life. 

Me and Mr Cullen Banner

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Can't wait for an update, To Read (Geddy), Lilyellacullens want to read list!, J's Read and Loved Stories, Stories I've read, My favs past present and future , Read & Enjoyed
Chapters: 35 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 118398 Read Count: 324558
[Report This] Published: 07 Jun 2012 Updated: 02 Nov 2013
Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 29 Apr 2013 Title: Chapter 32: Chapter 32 - Our Countdown

Cant wait for the next chapter :)

Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 25 Feb 2013 Title: Chapter 29: Chapter 29 - Our Betrayer

I love it!!! Can't wait for the update and taking-down of Maggie !!

Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed
Date: 08 Nov 2012 Title: Chapter 24: Chapter 24 - Our Downfall

I was checking out the reviews and thought "they are so right!" Where are Carlisle and Esme/ why are they not helping?? I I we're Esme, I'd slap the crap out if Edward and tell it to him straight. Such a sad (but well written) chapter. 

Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18 Mar 2013 Title: Chapter 30: Chapter 30 - Our Vindication

Ha! I love it! Maggie sure went down, but I have a feeling it isn't over :)

Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed
Date: 07 Nov 2012 Title: Chapter 23: Chapter 23 - Our Cracks

He kinda-mostly deserves it... But still. Yeah. Great work though!

Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 16 Jun 2013 Title: Chapter 33: Chapter 33 - Our D-Day

I love it!! Have fun at TFMU!! :)

Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 29 Jul 2013 Title: Chapter 34: Chapter 34 - Our Fallout

Love. It. :)

Summary: Past Featured Story

Bella Swan works as a nurse at Cook County Hospital in the ER. She's older and desperate for love. It's hindered by her shy personality and plump body. Her father, whom she lives with, teases her relentlessly for being fat and single.

Edward Cullen, thirty-three, is hired as a doctor in the ER. He's getting over a divorce. He moved to Chicago to be closer to his family: sister, Rosalie, and brother, Jasper. Rosalie is younger than Edward by ten years and is struggling with an eating disorder brought on by a heinous rape of her ex-boyfriend. Jasper, twenty-seven, is finishing up his doctorate in history.

Bella is charmed by this new doctor in the ER. He's kind and thinks about his patients and maintains a friendly rapport with the nurses and orderlies. Edward is intrigued by the sad nurse who does her job efficiently but doesn't have a sparkle in her eyes.

Will she allow Dr. Cullen into her life or will she let her insecurities get in the way of her happiness. Perhaps, Dr. Feelgood can write her a prescription. A prescription for love...




Banner created by Recklessangel007!



Banner created by Canan ~ Thank you!

Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: I Whitlock's read , Drive's Stories to read that are Completed and Not completed, Can't wait for an update, Stories Read by CNYBella, Lady Luciole's Favorites TwiHu, Stories I've Already read, Edwards Paradox Completed Favourites, Lilyellacullens want to read list!, My Favorite Stories, Dumbi's Most Wanted, J's Read and Loved Stories, Bella 84's To Be Read List, Stories I've read, My favs past present and future , Read & Enjoyed, Tufano79 Stories
Chapters: 35 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 331720 Read Count: 419485
[Report This] Published: 24 Jun 2012 Updated: 02 Aug 2013
Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 25 Jan 2013 Title: Chapter 22: Chapter 22

Canr wait for 23!!

Conventioneers by Catastrophia Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 231]
Summary: Past Featured Story

Innocent event coordinator Bella has her sanity challenged when the adult toy show comes to town. How will she cope with a world she's never seen and a man who's very comfortable in it?



Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Erotica, Humor, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: To Read (Geddy), Stories I've read
Chapters: 6 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 22548 Read Count: 30230
[Report This] Published: 05 Sep 2012 Updated: 08 Jul 2013
Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 10 Jun 2013 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5 - Year One to Two: The Gap

It just got good amd youre leaving us here??? No!!! ilobe this :)

Summary: Past Featured Story


The job market is bad, and recent college grad Bella's dreams of being a teacher are crumbling away. Edward is a single father and doctor, struggling to raise his seven year old daughter by himself. Fate intervenes, changing them both forever. Drabble fic. Alternating POV's.



Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Erotica, Friendship, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: To Read (Geddy), Lady Luciole's Favorites TwiHu, Lilyellacullens want to read list!, To Read , luv2write finished reads
Chapters: 40 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 22851 Read Count: 161154
[Report This] Published: 02 Dec 2012 Updated: 16 Dec 2012
Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 10 Jun 2013 Title: Chapter 40: Chapter 40 - epilogue 4 The End

I love it :)

John Doe by Lolo Eighty-Four Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 45]

He scrunches up his nose. "You know, you seemed to like me more when you thought I was dying." I gasp, shocked and embarrassed. "I didn't think you were dying." He's smiling. Like a big toothy smile. Ugh! I can already tell he likes to mess with people. "No, but you sure thought I was in a coma and had amnesia." Dammit! He had me there. BPOV. AH. No Angst

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Friendship, Humor, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: Pure Romance
Series: Read & Enjoyed
Chapters: 10 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 20465 Read Count: 6778
[Report This] Published: 07 Dec 2012 Updated: 27 Dec 2012
Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 01 Feb 2013 Title: Chapter 10: Chapter 10

Makes me feel so stupid  for doubting Edward. Loved the chapter!!

Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed
Date: 19 Jan 2013 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7

NOO! The chapter stops there?!?  Lol I'm living it and can't wait for the next one. Please hurry !! :)

Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 26 Jan 2013 Title: Chapter 9: Chapter 9

Edward sure is cool about worrying Bella so much. I hope he gets a good yelling at !!! Can't wait for the next chapter. :)

Summary: Past Featured Story


Perpetually down on her luck, things start to turn around for Bella in the strangest of places. Her new job. At a strip club. When a certain … 'Client' takes an interest in her. But how long will that luck last? Romance/Suspense/Humor. AH. BPOV.


Banner Mady By LOT 

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Friendship, Humor, Romance, Suspense/Thriller
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: G8or Favor8s Read, Lilyellacullens want to read list!, Lady Luciole's Favorites TwiMaf
Chapters: 26 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 87466 Read Count: 152653
[Report This] Published: 30 Dec 2012 Updated: 29 Nov 2014
Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 01 Feb 2013 Title: Chapter 12: Chapter 12

They might be in the ... 

Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 03 Apr 2013 Title: Chapter 16: Chapter 16


Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 25 Feb 2013 Title: Chapter 14: Chapter 14

:O !!! I'm.. SOOO... Confused right now. O.o can't wait for the next update. What a cliffie!! 

Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 21 Jul 2013 Title: Chapter 21: Chapter 21

What the hay crawled up Edwards ass? Does he think  shes pregnant?? O.o 

Not gonna end well... :)

Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 11 Feb 2013 Title: Chapter 13: Chapter 13

Say WHAT?? This'll drive me crazy till the next update. 

Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 26 Jan 2013 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Can't wait for the next chapter!! I wonder who sent the roses...

Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 27 Jan 2013 Title: Chapter 8: Chapter 8

Oh no! How PO'ed is Rose gonna be when she finds out its Bella's fault....

Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 29 Jan 2013 Title: Chapter 11: Chapter 11

I love your personal story btw. I can understand Bella's pov about the car. Are her ad edward going to sit down and have a talk about if he wants her to stay?? I hope Rose takes it easy on Bella. 

Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 17 Mar 2013 Title: Chapter 15: Chapter 15

:) cant wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 15 Apr 2013 Title: Chapter 17: Chapter 17


Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 16 Jun 2013 Title: Chapter 20: Chapter 20

Well... O.o 

Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 26 Jul 2013 Title: Chapter 22: Chapter 22

Wow 0.o :)

Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 27 Jul 2013 Title: Chapter 23: Chapter 23

What??! 0.0 next.... 



Winner of the Mine to Mark Judges Vote, 2nd Place Public Vote, two Judge Favorites and Most Original Public Vote. l Fueled by desperation, a queen turns to a king known by the world as an uncivilized barbarian. Will he be able to save her from a fate that seems unavoidable by taking her as his own or will he turn his back on her like everyone else? ExB


Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Erotica, Fantasy, Historical
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Lady Luciole's Favorites TwiHu
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 11094 Read Count: 3106
[Report This] Published: 26 Jan 2013 Updated: 26 Jan 2013
Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 16 Feb 2013 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Are you going to continue this? It's amazing and I want to see if he ever marries her, keeping her from being a mistress. I loved it !!! :)

Author's Response:

I hope to, but its all a guessing game at the moment

Summary: Past Featured Story

 photo FtLoaFBanner_1_zps8722db2b.jpg


Best friends since she was ten and he was twelve.  She had a hard home life, his family love and accepted her as their own.  She accepted him and his family for who they were, mafia royalty.  As they grow up, she becomes a dancer, and he gets groomed to take over for his father.  Follow Edward and Bella as they fall in love and take on the world together.  Violence and Lemony goodness.



Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Lady Luciole's Favorites TwiHu
Chapters: 61 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 177484 Read Count: 221475
[Report This] Published: 06 Feb 2013 Updated: 09 Dec 2014
Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 04 Jul 2013 Title: Chapter 19: Chapter 19

I love it, please update soon:) 

Summary: Past Featured Story


Homeless Bella meets Edward just after being rescued from an assault. Mob boss Edward meets Bella just after being told he's out of time...he has to find a wife. Can they help each other? AH

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Dumbi's Most Wanted
Chapters: 22 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 36637 Read Count: 102632
[Report This] Published: 02 Mar 2013 Updated: 22 Nov 2014
Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 08 Jun 2013 Title: Chapter 17: Chapter 17

I love it!! Cant wait for the next chapter (and more Aro) :)

Summary: Past Featured Story

Banner by the wonderful and talented DeeBelle1.

Some so called friends invite Bella out for her birthday, and send her to a BDSM club as a prank. What happens when the owner of the club sees her? Will he be able to set aside his Dom nature? Will she ever believe she deserves to have her needs met? Will he be able to set aside his wants and desires to meet those needs, or will she find her true desire is to submit to him? AH/M

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort,, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Stories I've Already read, J's Read and Loved Stories, Stories I've read, Fav BDSM Fics, Read
Chapters: 25 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 204571 Read Count: 335516
[Report This] Published: 22 Jul 2013 Updated: 31 Dec 2013
Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 30 Oct 2013 Title: Chapter 15: Chapter 15

What a surprise 

Author's Response:

The overwhelming response to the chapters so far have far exceeded what Nikky and I thought this story would generate.  We are both very proud of this story and humbled by your responses.  In lieu of the ‘boycott’ at FFN everyone will be getting Meeting Her Needs in their inbox later today.  We hope that you all will still take the time to leave us your thoughts, especially since this coming chapter is super wonderful, (Well we think so anyway!)  Thanks for trusting in us, and no worries things are really shaping up at the end we’re working on that will leave you all satisfied—we hope.  Thanks for reading and reviewing, Nikky and Kasi~

I put on my tuxedo trying hard not to turn and watch Bella get dressed or look in the mirror.

“Edward ...” comes Bella’s voice as I tie my laces and answer her.

“Yes, Beautiful?”

“Two things, is it wrong to go to these balls ... things without under garments on, and could you zip me up, please?” I run through what Bella has said again and turn to her.

“Wh ...” I try to talk, but I’m unable to complete what I’m saying as I look at Bella, whose sheer beauty takes my breath away. The dress only adds to her natural beauty and I feel stupefied as I stare at my beautiful girl.

I look Bella up and down, taking in every part of her body. I slowly look her up, starting at her feet. My eyes trail up how the dress sits on her body like a second skin. I look at how it makes her already large breasts look fuller. I look at her neck that still displays my mark. My eyes go to her lips and I see that they are moving.

I close my eyes and shake my head. “Sorry, I spaced out there, can you say that again, Beautiful?”

Bella chuckles shaking her head at me. “You look really hot, like my own secret agent man. I was asking, because this dress shows every line, so I should I take off my panties, right? I couldn’t squeeze my bra into the bust area; the girls can hardly breathe as it is.”

I look back down her body and see that she's right, she has a panty line. “Remove your panties, Beautiful, no one will know,” I say. I watch intently as Bella wiggles out of her panties and comes over to me and turns around. My eyes trail down her body again and I start to kiss her back. I feel Bella shake and laugh and I look to her.

“I need you to zip me up. I mean, you can carry on doing that, but I think we’ll be late if you do.” I smile giving her one last kiss, open mouthed, at the base of her lovely neck, before pulling the zipper up. With the zipper up it makes the tight dress even more molded to her curves. It fits her like a glove, and I make a mental note to thank my mom.

“Come on, Beautiful, let’s get this over and done with so I can bring you back here and kiss you some more,” I say holding my arm out for her to take.

Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 12 Aug 2013 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter Four

Aww, edward is so protective!! :)

Author's Response:

Well that is pretty much verbatim the reaction we were expecting.  We did have a reviewer or two who feels that Bella has been abused to limits of overkill and that Edward shouldn’t want to be with a kid.  I want to address this a little before things get blown out of proportion on this train of thought.  Showing the things Bella lives with and has lived with, is how we are showing her ways of adapting.  Bella has been severely neglected all her life.  She knows no other way.  Speaking from some experience on the matter, when you grow up in a household without both parents and you pretty much raise yourself, and get pushed aside for your parents needs can either make you or break you.  When you solely depend on yourself, you tend to learn to not react the way people normally would.  Bella’s childhood in this story is a lot like mine, in the place where I had no contact with my father at all from age of 6 to 16, who I then saw twice at age 16 and never again until I was 21.  My mom started dating when I was young, but when I was 9 she met a man who she chose to place before me.  By the time I was 12 I lived alone, she gave me the money to pay the bills.  So yes this stuff does happen.  I am by far not a perfect parent myself and I may be a single parent, but I am always here for my children.  I turned out okay, and with the exception of not being able to be in a healthy relationship I am not screwed up.  Edward in this story sees the good in Bella, and sees that she is more than she’s been made to believe she is.  Bella was made to grow up fast as a child.  She parented her mother for years.  She pushed away by the same mother she raised to go live with a father who resents her for choosing her mother over him.  Now we had some questions about waiting until Thanksgiving, and it will be Thanksgiving soon in the story.  Just a few more things have to happen first.  Be patient, everything in this story will happen for a reason.  We have had a great number of followers and reviewers for this story, so we do write one major reply and send to all, but we do try to answer all questions asked ... of course we don’t want to give away too much.  I do hope that this helped you understand a bit more about how and why Bella just lets things roll and adapts to what goes on.  You can always join us on Facebook at the group called TeamAllTwilight & AndTAT Fan Fiction.  On behalf of Nikky and I, thank you for reading and reviewing.  It means a lot to us.  Kasi (&Nikky)


TEASER: I quickly snap a picture, before speaking to her.  “No, just a normal picture, but you can pose for me anytime you’d like.” I wiggle my eyebrows at her as I snap another picture of her.

I keep snapping pictures as we talk in my office.  I know I have a few that I can use, but I can’t seem to stop taking her picture.  

“I think that’s enough pictures of just me.  Come on, Edward. Why don’t you take one with the both of us?”

I take the camera away from my face, before grinning at her.  I walk over to the oversized comfy chair then sit.  Off to my left is the large stone fireplace, and the flames are casting their warmth on my feet.  Once I’m sitting, I pat my leg in motion for her to join me.  “Come on, Beautiful.”

Bella looks at me, then to my leg as she slowly stands and makes her way to me.  She glances at the arm of the chair and I shake my head at her.

“Please, Beautiful, just to take your picture. I swear I don’t bite.”

“Liar,” Bella chuckles, looking at me. 

I look at her and frown.

“Don’t give me that look Edward, I’ve seen your club and read the first two books you loaned me.  Plus, you look like the type of guy that likes to bite, at least a little.”

I chuckle nodding, because she’s right, I am a biter. “You’ve got me, dead to rights on that one, but I swear I won’t bite you ... today.”

Bella sits on my knee and I pull her back so she is flush with my front.  I raise my hand with the camera in front of us and snap away.  Slowly, I feel Bella relax in my arm and she drops her head to the side of my neck.  I take a few more, before kissing the side of her head.

Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 25 Aug 2013 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter 6

Loved it. Can't what for more!! :)

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading and reviewing.  We were very glad to see that the major majority of you are no longer questioning Edward’s abilities to do the right thing.  The next chapter is the chapter that will really set things into motion.

 We have had some concerns brought to our attention regarding the fact that Bella talks to Edward about herself in third person.  We are not saying that EVERY submissive talks to their Dominant in third person, but the research we’ve done, more often than not it is the way it is.  Keep in mind that we’ve spoken to Dominants and submissives alike during our research.  In this story Bella has a photographic memory, she could have read any number of books which reference the usage of third party speaking as a natural way to show submission.  Neither of us is saying anyone else should do this, but in this story Bella is quite the natural at speaking as a submissive. 

Some have suggested that Edward try to just be a boyfriend and not a Dom to Bella.  Edward will discuss all of this with her soon, we assure you that no stones will be left unturned.  Chapter eight you will get to meet Charlie, but first we will have a turning point in seven that many of you have been asking for and suggesting since chapter two. 

There have been a lot of comments and references about the neglect Bella has withstood from her ‘family’.  When Nikky and I first talked about this story I wanted us to play up the neglect, because it is a huge amount of the way many children live.  I have shared with everyone, in the author’s notes and review replies, that I was a victim of neglect.  When I talked about my own experiences it was not for your sympathy it was to say that I know it happens.  I want to say thank you to all of you who have made mention of my past abuse, and send hugs to those who have shared some of their own stories with us.  Not everything Nikky and I write about Bella happened to me, and as an adult I had a moderately decent relationship with my parents.  I cannot say that Bella will, or that this story will end with her having contact with her biological parents. 

We hope this addresses the majority of your concerns and or questions.  We will see you next week with a pivotal chapter in the story! 

Much love, Nikky & Kasi~

“Please, excuse me, I need to take this,” I inform Aro and move away while answering my cell. “Beautiful, how are you this evening?”

I don’t hear a reply, but I can hear music in the background.

“Ah, shit! That hurt,” Bella’s voice comes across the line, but it sounds off and slurred.

“Bella, are you okay?” I ask alarmingly, already moving toward the exit.

“Oh, this ... weird ... I was going to call you.  I feel ... real funny ... strange.  My head ... hurt and ... I feel ... um ... so dizzy ...”

I see Felix standing guard close to the door and I head to him. “Bella, I’m on my way.  Stay on your cell.”

I pull my cell away from my mouth before speaking to Felix. “I need to go. Find Aro tell him I had to leave, he will assist you in any details you need.  Let him know he is in charge.”

He gives me a nod, and I exit the door and run to my car.

“Okay, Beautiful, stay right where you are and stay on the phone with me. I’m on my way to you.” I try to take some deep breaths to calm myself. “Where are you, Beautiful?” I start my car as I switch my cell to hands-free.

“I ... hum, bathroom ... I think. Fuck ... it’s warm in here.”

I know right now it is best to keep her talking. “Have you been drinking?” I ask frowning, because I know even when I’m out with her, Bella does not drink much.

“Nope ... I am ... a goo ... girl ... I swear ... Sir, no ... drink-ies ... for me.”

“There you are! I was wondering where you got off to. Who are you talking to?” I hear a male’s voice ask, and I move my car a little faster.

Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 21 Oct 2013 Title: Chapter 14: Chapter 14

So happy to see a happy ending to the chapter :)

Author's Response:

Well a lot of you still want Renee to die a slow and painful death, but many of you are just glad she is gone.  Renee will be heard from again in future chapters, however we don’t want to give away too much by telling you how, when or why.  We think the next chapter will be the second most popular chapter to date when it posts.  Christmas and preparations for it, is a very fun time for Edward and Bella and will hopefully be well received by our readers. 
On a side note, please check out the wonderful little story that Nikky, Jess2002 and I are writing for Savannavansmutsmut.  It is called If I Die Young and it is posting under the author name: WeeJessAndTAT. 
Nikky and I would love to thank whoever the people were that nominated us in so many catagories for the Twi-Fic Awards.  We are nominated on four different stories: His Cimmerian View, Meeting Her Needs, Diamond Dolls Kitty Cave and Crabs And Cream.  We were also nominated in the veteran author section.  The link to vote can be found on our profile, and if you don’t vote for us, vote for someone.  There are some AMAZING writers, stories, banner makers and readers all nominated for awards. 
Be sure to check out our spook-tackular — Halloween 2013 One-Shot (This is our 3rd year in a row doing a one-shot for Halloween,) it is called: Crushes, Canines & Clowns. 
Can’t wait to see what you all think of the two stories listed above, and please go vote.   
Thanks for reading and reviewing, Nikky & Kasi~



I lead her back to my car and we drive to another place where I can pick up the things that I need. I watch as Bella blushes and chuckles at the joke gifts the store has. I frown when I see that she has a bag, having bought something without showing me.

“What’s in the bag, Little Girl?” I ask trying to get the bag from her. But she’s quicker and hides it behind her back.

“It’s one of your Christmas gifts, Sir, and you can’t see it until Christmas morning.”

I chuckle shaking my head at her, knowing this will be fun for both of us in the long run.  “Oh, is that a fact, Little Girl? I could order you to show me, you know?”

Bella shakes her head at me. “Then your girl will tell tales to her Sir’s mom.”

My mouth drops open and I look at her, smiling internally, because she is willing to stroke the lion and play. “Is that so, Little Girl?”

Bella nods at me, but bites her lip.

“Well then, Little Girl, I may need to give you a spanking,” I say playfully to her.

“Your girl will take the spanking, Sir. Your girl really wants this present to be a surprise for her Sir.”

“Fair enough, let’s finish shopping.” I shake my head, watching her walk away from me. She looks over her shoulder and flicks her skirt a little showing her ass.  “Spanking it is then,” I say to myself before walking after her.

Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 04 Aug 2013 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter: Two

Update soon, im loving this!! :)

Author's Response:

Well it seems like more and more of you are hating Bella’s parents.  That is quite understandable, but you haven’t even met them yet.  Yeah you get to meet them.  Form your opinions after you do.  The back story of what happened at Harvard will come out, soon.  You will also get to see more of the sweet side of our DomWard in upcoming chapters.

We had people worrying about throwing Bella right into scenes and such, we want to assure you that there is no way we could write that, because there is no way she could do that.  This story starts in September, and they will be friends first.  Edward has feelings for her, but he knows she is quite broken.  Have some trust in us, we are not perfect but we do try to provide a decent story worth reading.

We’ve had a lot of people asking about chapter count, and posting time frames.  At this point we are saying around 25 chapters.  There are 14 written and once we have it fully written we will post much more often.  We could easily post up to chapter 12 right now, but then you would be stuck waiting for 13 and on up.  We would rather put you on a week wait now, than have to say, sorry we got writers block no chapter this week.  We purposely started posting after we had 10 chapters written for a reason. 

We’re going to start giving teasers like we did for His Cimmerian View, and this is the first teaser and it is unannounced, so enjoy.

Nikky and Kasi~


I chuckle, before leaning in to whisper to her.  “These are exhibitionist submissive and Dominants that are in these. There are many showing different scenes—new things—teaching methods.  Some have sex in them, but unlike porn these, or most of them I should say, are collared pairings, who have been together for a long time and both agreed to do this.  There are some that are of a submissive that is into humiliation.  They’d meet with the Dom several times and build a trust between them, before these filmed scenes take place.  There’s always a contract between both parties, and both are screened for STDs beforehand.”

Bella looks at the DVDs and then back at me.  “Are you in any of them?” she asks, her voice is soft and low.

I look at her shaking my head.  “No, I’ve never done that.  Well, I never had someone taking pictures or a video of it anyway.  I have done a few scenes with my sub at the time.  When I’m not with a collared sub, like my current situation, I’ve done scenes with submissives’ whom I have a good relationship with from my club.  I’m due to do a teaching scene about rope bondage and spanking at the club three weeks from now.  No matter how many scenes I participate in, the one thing I don’t do is have sex during a public scene.”


Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 05 Aug 2013 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Cant wait til edward and bella actually get together :)

Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 19 Aug 2013 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Can't wait for the next chapter. You two are amazing !! :)

Author's Response:

Hello everyone!  Thanks for all your kind words.  We want to start off by addressing some of the frequent questions.  This quote (“I know they love me, really ... I know but, it’s strange, maybe it’s just me. You know that I see and hear things differently from the rest of the world, but thank you for doing this and answering my questions.”) from chapter five had someone ask, what Bella meant.   Bella is referring to how she perceives her family versus the way others do.  Jacob is not a card we are showing yet, you’ll have to be patient to see what he has up his sleeve.  Did Bella hear him in the shower?  We have yet to hear that answer from Bella ourselves, but in my thoughts she surely did.  Will there be any chapters in Bella’s POV?  She is talking a little here and there, but nothing’s set in stone as of yet.  Shouldn’t Edward as a good Dom cancel the scene?  The scene is not canceled, but it has been modified from the original way it was written.  This was for several reasons.  We have sixteen chapters written, yet we still continue to makes tweaks and changes here and there before posting.  When we started making him have hard feelings about the upcoming scene, or feel nervous about it, we started discussing it more.  We found a way to appease us, our readers and yet still show what we wanted to show.  So trust us—please.  I’m glad we haven’t fallen into the pleads for more chapters to post faster, because in the last week we haven’t gotten another one done.  Of course WeeKittyAndTAT, JessAndTAT and TeamAllTwilight all submitted pieces of work into the Fandom Fights LLS.  WeeKittyAndTAT did an Epilogue of sorts for Ropin’ A Sitter.  JessAndTAT did a future take on Bases Loaded.  I wrote a new fan fiction novella, it’s called, The Things That Make You Click.  All of these will post to our FFN and TWCS accounts, but not until after December first.  Watch for two one-shots to post soon to our account, the winners will be announced tomorrow in the More is MORE contest.  Think that brings you all up to speed.  Feel free to PM us and ask questions if you have them.  Nikky & Kasi~


TEASER:  “Felix, my father is coming in tonight. Please have him come straight to my office.  Keep everyone else out until I’m done. If there are any problems, I trust you to deal with them accordingly.”

Felix nods at me, but doesn’t say anything. I carry on, walking toward Jenks, when I’m stopped by Tanya.

“Sir, I have some news that I would like to share with you.”

I turn and face Tanya who looks like the cat who got the cream. “Tanya, I’m very busy, it’ll have to wait until tomorrow.” 

I move away from her, but she grabs my wrist pulling me back. “It’s very important, Sir.”

I yank my arm away from her, turning to face her once more. “Tanya, don’t you tell me when I will speak with you. I’m busy, so unless you’re going to die in the next five minutes and need me to call an EMT for you, I don’t want to know. And never touch me again without my consent!”

I walk away without waiting for her response. As I approach Jenks, he shakes his head, looking behind me at Tanya.

“Ah, still trying to get your attention then?”

I nod at him, opening up my office.

“I’d stay away from that one; she’s clearly after money, fame and quite frankly, has ‘whore’ written all over her.”

I chuckle a little at his quite accurate synopsis of Tanya. “Yes, I know. Those are the main reasons I have always refused her, that, and she makes me lose brain cells every time she opens her mouth. But enough about her, what did you find out.”

Jenks looks at me sadly and I can clearly see the worry on his face. “This is not going to be easy to read. Even harder for you I’d say, because you’ve become somewhat involved with the girl.”

I nod at him in understanding. “Just show me.”

Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 01 Sep 2013 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7

They're so adorable together. This is my fb BDSM fic so far. He is so gentle with her:) can't wait til they actually "start" ;) 

Author's Response:

Many of you are questioning how Jessica knows so much about Bella.  Bella and Jessica are both from Forks.  Jessica is jealous of Bella, because Bella beat her out for valedictorian.  Jessica was always the smartest of her class, until Bella came along.  Several years younger and doesn’t even have to try in order to surpass her academically.  Bella got all the best scholarships and awards, all things Jessica wanted.  When the stuff happened at Harvard, of course Jessica heard about it, and being from Forks she certainly knows Jacob.  A lot of you want retribution in blood or however it can be gotten.  Rest assured that what comes around goes around, but as long as Bella is close enough for them to hurt, Edward will keep his cards close to his chest. 

Things are progressing well, and where this is a slow burn thing will heat quicker now that she lives there.  It’s still a slow burn, but no longer dragging feet pace.  For the record, Edward does want her to go to supper and meet his family, but he is tense about it because his family is very in your face caring and loving and Bella is not used to that type of family interaction.  Edward doesn’t know it yet, but he loves her.  Be patient and you will see this, I assure you.  Next chapter will post on Sunday, see you then. 

Thanks for reading and reviewing, Nikky and Kasi~

Teaser:  “Yes, my girl performed a special dance for me earlier. She said she would, with our approval, teach something similar to Sulpicia.” Aro gets a dreamy look on his face and grins even wider at me.

“Yes, there have been talks about that dance your girl performed since I arrived earlier. If you are in agreement with your girl doing this, then so am—” Aro gets cut off with the ringing of his cell phone. “Speaking of my pet,” Aro says before he answers, “Sulpicia,” he says answering the call. 

Before he says another word he looks to me as if he is concerned. “Yes, I’m with him right now,” he stops talking and has a look of anger coming across his face. “Keep her as calm as you can. Edward and I will be with you both soon.” I look to him as he talks and close his cell.

“Sulpicia is at Bella’s work. From what I can gather, there is some money and belongings that have gone missing.  Her boss checked out the staff lockers and found a laptop that another staff member claims was hers in Bella's locker.”

I nod at him, but I know my girl and she is no thief. It only takes us a short time to reach Bella’s work.  As I walk in my eyes fall on Lauren and Jessica, standing together.  As I look at Lauren, I see she has the laptop I bought Bella.

I smirk and move over to them. “That's my laptop and I don’t believe I gave you permission to touch it.” Both girls look my way and Lauren glares at me.

“No, this is mine. Look, it has my name on it.” I raise my eyebrow at her as she turns it and shows me the stupid sticker displaying her name.

Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 09 Sep 2013 Title: Chapter 8: Chapter 8

I just want to slap Charlie!!! 

Author's Response:

We knew the reactions to chapter eight would be intense and strong.  We were shocked that some of you actually attacked Bella for being weak, but at the same time it’s not surprising.  Sometimes people who are mentally abused and neglected for years strive only for some sort of love.  I can’t imagine any child not wanting their parent to love them.  We all see love in differing ways, and when you’re raised not feeling that unconditional parental love, it makes you strive to have it—at least it did for me.  Bella will come into her own strength soon, and with the help of Edward and his family she will get better.  We are stoked for you to see the interaction with Bella viewing Esme and the way that Esme treats her children, so a portion of that is your teaser.
Many of you asked why Edward did not just beat Charlie down, or how he could have not stopped the situation, or known Jake was in the kitchen.  Edward is one person, and he was trying to watch out for Leah, Jake, Charlie, Brady and didn’t know if he could trust any of the other five people there as well.  As for when Charlie smacked Bella, he had his attention focused on Leah and Jacob.  As for why he did not punch or beat down anyone, imagine this:  Edward defends Bella by striking someone or several someone’s.  He gets arrested his word against several, one of whom is the police chief.  Meanwhile Bella is unprotected and left with the wolves.  It was best for him to do as he did get her out and safe.  And trust that he will be dealing with this.  The ball has already been rolling on a few things, but this just upped the ante.
I’m sad to say that we have lost some readers, but again we cannot and will not apologize or rose color a story about an abused girl, when a good lot of the abuse she withstands is things that are personal to one of the writers and or other people the writers know.  Abuse happens and the largest form of abuse out there is mental abuse and neglect.  Awareness is a key to making things better.  Bullying is a problem, and awareness is a key.  We are however thankful that we have readers who trust in us to bring things full circle.
Thanks for reading and reviewing, Nikky & Kasi~


Teaser:  “This is very nice, Esme,” Bella says after taking a bite.

Esme smiles broadly at Bella.  “Thank you, dear.  Edward tells me you're quite a wonderful cook yourself.”

Bella’s blush appears on her face.  “I’m nowhere near as good of a cook as this.”

I shake my head at her.  “Trust me, Bella’s cooking is to die for,” I say as Emmett passes me the wine. I pour some for Esme, Bella, and then lastly for myself.

“What are you going to college for?” Rose asks as she looks at Bella.

“I’m getting a law degree,” Bella answers, but I know the whole table can hear the sadness in her voice.

“And Edward tells us that you’re a dancer, a quite wonderful one at that.”  I look to Alice, smiling that she brought up something that makes my girl happy.

Bella nods at Alice.  “Yes, I love dancing, but I only do it for fun.”

“You’re in the Christmas dance program for the college though, right?” Esme asks as she looks at Bella.

“Yes,” she replies with another blush.

“Carlisle and I have tickets for three of the performances. I’m so looking forward to the show, and seeing you dance, of course.  The dance department director has been bragging to the board of directors about the dances that you have choreographed.” Again Bella blushes more at hearing about the commendations she’s being given.

“That’s got to be the cutest blush ever,” Emmett says in a childish voice, which is followed by a slap from Rose. 

“I love dancing, and the people I’ve been dancing with are all great.  I just hope that no one’s disappointed at the end of the night.”

Esme frowns a little. “I’m sure no one will be disappointed, dear.” My mom smiles at Bella in a way that I can see the mother in her trying to break out and pull Bella in.

The rest of the dinner seems to fly by with everyone talking about what’s been happening.  The more the night goes on, the more Esme became motherly to Bella, but I’ve also noticed Bella becoming uncomfortable with it.  At so many times, she’s looked like she isn’t sure how to react at something Esme has said or done.  She’s remained respectful, but I’ve seen her slowly distancing herself from Esme.

I walk Bella to the car and open the door for her. “I’ll just be a few seconds.” I give her a wink and walk back to house.

As soon as I do, I can hear Esme’s upset voice.  “We really need to do something.  I won’t accept that nothing can be done.”

I hear my father sigh.  “It takes time, dear.”

“No, first those little punks ... I’ll let you and Edward deal with them, but Charlie is mine!”

I chuckle, but feel a little nervous, because I can hear the anger in my mom’s voice. 


Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 16 Sep 2013 Title: Chapter 9: Chapter 9

That was unexpected! I guess he will have to talk to her sooner than planned. :)

Author's Response:

Well it seems the majority of you really liked this chapter.  There was some confusion regarding Edward’s family, they all really love Bella, but have been warned to not be too handsy or huggy with her, because it is nothing she is used too.  Please don’t fret, Edward’s family is there and will be there to support Bella.  Lots of you still want instant retribution for Bella against everyone who has hurt her, but please be patient Rome wasn’t built in a day.  As always our update schedule is every Sunday night/Monday morning, so far I have been able to post every Sunday.  There is a lot of stuff going on and things will be interesting here very soon.  A lot of people were surprised by Bella’s actions of kneeling naked in his playroom, but only Bella knows what she wants.  Edward wants her there is no doubt about that, but he wants her to want him for herself—not just because she thinks this is what he wants.  Edward has a fine line to walk, but he is not stupid and will handle this situation accordingly.  Thanks as always for reading and reviewing.  Nikky & Kasi~

I glance down at my cell, when it rings seeing that it says Beauty.  I frown, because I know that she should be about to start her last class.

“Beautiful, is everything alright?” I ask worryingly.

“Renee called, I didn’t pick up.  I was unsure if you wanted me to call you first or if it was just Charlie. I’m sorry, I just thought ...”

I smile and sit back down.  “No, Renee wasn’t on the list, but I’m glad that you called.  Please wait until I’m with you before calling her back.  I will make a list of people of who you are not to answer to, it’ll make it easier for you—us.” I hear Bella clear her throat a few times. “Is there anything else, Beautiful?”

I hear a light chuckle. “You know me so well.  Two things, one I want to know what would happen if I skipped my next class, and second, they want me to see Mr. Whitlock, Jasper, sometime today.”  I can hear in her voice there’s something more and I know this may need a face to face talk. “I am on my way to make an appointment with Jasper right now.”

I smile a little and grab my car keys.  “I coming and getting you from Jasper’s office, stay there until I arrive.”

“I will, Sir ... it’s, oh, Jacob,” Bella says.

“Well, hello there, Isabella.”

I move faster towards my car.  “Don’t speak to him.  Go into Jasper’s office and hand Jasper your cell,” I say to her, while Jacob was talking.

“I’m sorry, but he’s blocking my path.”

I let out a sigh, and start my car. 

“Who are you talking to?  Not that old guy?  Is he still fucking you?  I’m surprised he’s been able to keep himself hard around your whore ass.”

I grit my teeth together. “Shout Jasper’s name now,” I say as Jacob rattles on.  When I hear nothing coming from Bella, I put on a firm voice.  “Now, Little Girl, scream for him and hand him your cell.”

“Jasper!” I hear Bella yell.

Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 22 Sep 2013 Title: Chapter 10: Chapter 10

Love it!! So glad they had all of these talks :)

Author's Response:

Well now seems like the major majority of you are all kinds of happy with Bella and Edward and how their progressing together.  We love it, Bella is finding her strength in Edward, but Edward is gaining and coming into a deeper strength too.  Many of you want redemption right away against Charlie and Jacob and the rest of the bad apples, and it will come, it’s still simmering and the dish of revenge is not quite ready to be served.  Next two chapters we will be given the honor of meeting Renee.  The way the story is going on our side there will be no more than 25 chapters total.  We have 18 written, and working on 19 and 20 now.  As soon as we are done, we will start posting faster.  I assure you that wrapping this story is one of our top priorities.   Thanks for reading and reviewing, Nikky & Kasi~


Teaser:  Vicky smiles at me and then looks at Bella. “If you get tired of his old ass, call me,” she says as she hands her number to my girl.

I glare at Vicky.

“Oh, don’t pout, Edward. I will see your girl every Thursday from now on.”

I shake my head at Vicky, who is grinning widely.

I guide Bella out of the office, but then hear Vicky calling out for me. I turn and look at her.

“Tell James I’m ready for my second shot.”

I tilt my head and Vicky wiggles her eyebrows at me.

I smirk, shaking my head. “Will do, Vicky. Have good day.” I walk Bella out and see she’s still holding in her laughter.  “It’s okay, Little Girl, you can laugh. What did you think of Vicky, Little Girl?”

Bella smiles at me. “Sir, your girl thinks she is nice, but she seems like she walks to the beat of her own drum.”

I chuckle. “Little girl, Vicky has her own orchestra.  Let’s go to lunch.”

Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 29 Sep 2013 Title: Chapter 11: Chapter 11

Love the Dom/sub weekend. So that's Renee??! Gosh, so rude. Can't wait for the next chapter. :)

Author's Response:

Many of you have already figured out that Renee is not quite motherly material. We were laughing and shocked by some of the stuff said about Renee’s pink hair.  Gotta love it.  We think you’ll like the next chapter, we get to see Renee and how she treats Bella, but we will also see how Edward gives Bella the ability to stop letting Renee walk all over her.  We think you will love it, we know we did.  A lot of you are worried about Jake and Charlie as well as Tanya ... with that being said we don’t want to give away anything much, but trust by the end of the story all things will be resolved.  I think you all will enjoy Edward’s protective ways of Bella, now that he knows she is his both casually and contractually.  We hope that you love the teaser, we had to share something juicy with you.  Thanks for reading and reviewing.  Nikky and Kasi~


“I couldn’t tell you for how many years we’ve been married. I know it’s been a few, but it still feels like yesterday.”

I roll my eyes at Renee’s performance, because that’s what she’s doing—performing for them.

“Mr. Cullen, when were you going to tell the world about your marriage to this woman?” one of the paparazzi yells out.

I shake my head at them. “Mrs. Dwyer is not my wife; she’s the mother of my girlfriend. Mrs. Dwyer was talking about her husband, Phil Dwyer, he plays baseball.”

Renee turns and glares at me. “They know who he is. He’s the best baseball player that has ever lived.”

I glance at the paparazzi seeing they’re all trying to figure out which team he plays for. The bright one of the bunch of course starts questioning me again. “Where is the new girlfriend, Mr. Cullen? Do we get to know her name?” I smile and look beside me to see that Bella has moved to stand almost behind me.

“She’s a little camera shy, and her name is Isabella Swan. However, we have to go, her mom and step-father have had a long flight, and it’s been a few months since they’ve had a chance to visit.  As you can imagine, they want to spend some time together, so please excuse us and have a nice day.” 

I start to walk away, but see Renee has failed to move. “Push this for a second, Beautiful,” I say before walking back and grabbing Renee’s arm lightly.  “Time to go.”

She huffs at me and I give her the look which managed to only shut her up for a whole two seconds. She really is obtuse. “Look, I need to do stuff like that with the paparazzi. I know you’re just a newcomer, but I’m famous because of who I’ve married.”

Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Oct 2013 Title: Chapter 12: Chapter 12

Now that you mention it, I am curious about Phil. Renee amazes me, how can she act that way??! 

Author's Response:

Well so far everyone is pretty much at the same conclusion, that Renee is a POS when it comes to being a mother.  With the way Bella has been raised and the way that she acts, this is not a big surprise.  Some of you have asked why Edward has not yet stepped in to protect her and that as her Dom he should.  Edward has been very clear all along that he wants her to grow and be confident on her own as well.  Now you will see that he is giving her the power to stand up for herself, and as her Dom he is telling her that he expects her to stand up for herself.  Bella is much stronger than most think, including Edward, but have no fear he will see her strengths.  I think that you all will be shocked to see how far Renee will go to maintain her own importance. 

A lot of you mention or talk about earlier authors notes and review replies where I have spoken candidly about my own upbringing.  Not every bad thing that happened or happens to Bella in this story happened to me growing up, but the neglect and the being pushing away and having parents who think only of them was a very prominent part of my childhood.  Both my parents are now gone, and I miss them.  I know that is not easy to understand for some, but even though they treated me like a second class citizen most of the time, they still were my parents.  This is why I maintain that you never know how you’d react in this situation, because unless you’re raised in it, you don’t know. 

As always we will see you next Sunday night — Monday morning with an update.  Thanks for reading and reviewing.  (Nikky) & Kasi~

I smile and look to Renee who looks angry and pissed off, but thankfully, she has finally shut up.

“Edward, can I talk to you?” I turn and look at Phil, and I nod. I take one last look at my girl, before following him away from the kitchen area.

“What can I help you with, Phil?” I ask directing him into my office.

Phil sighs and looks at me. “I love Renee very much, and she’s not always like this.  Normally, at home she’s sweet, loving, and kind. I have only seen her this way a few times, but not too often. I think being here in Washington is bringing this more to the front. I think Charlie did a number on Bella, but he also hurt Renee, too. She has low self-esteem, and some issue with being around younger girls. The whole forgetful memory thing, I think it’s a medical problem.”

I chuckle shaking my head at him. “I’m not really sure I believe that, unless only forgetting a thing concerning your only child is a medical condition.”

“No, she forgets more than things about Bella. I swear it’s gotten to be a medical thing, she really just forgets things,” Phil says.

“He’s right, Edward,” I frown and look at my open office door and see my father standing there.

“What’s that then?” I ask harshly.

“Selfish bitch syndrome,” my father says with a straight face. I look to Phil who just frowns.

Reviewer: PercyJacksonFan1997 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 14 Oct 2013 Title: Chapter 13: Chapter 13

What a b****!!! I hope bella will be okay. 

Author's Response:

Well without a doubt I think it is a clean sweep, everyone wants to either: kill, beat or maim Renee.  Nikky and I both want to thank you all for telling us all of this.  To us it means more knowing we were able to evoke those kinds of feelings in our readers, than any of you can know. 
There have been a few people laying threats about bring charges or else I will walk from the story.  I want to address that by saying, Bella is not as weak as she used to be, and trust that the cards will fall exactly as they should.  Renee’s story is set in stone for us, and we will not deviate from how we planned it.  Neither of us wants to say, Renee will go to jail and Renee will suffer this and that way ... What we want is for this story to unfold as it was and is intended to do so.  All we can say is trust in us enough to know that we will not let a story go with things unfinished. 
Now we do need to address the several comments about how Edward needed to step up and be the Dom and take control at the hospital and how Renee wouldn’t have been allowed to do what she did.  Sadly if a person is an adult and is unmarried and doesn’t have a power of attorney signed over to someone else, medical choices fall to your nearest blood relative.  Edward trying to control things would’ve most likely gotten him removed from the premises, and we’re sure you’ll appreciate how well he brings out the Dom soon.  Some questioned if the hospital would’ve kept Renee out being it was her fault, but unless the police were involved the hospital is in a hard situation. 
Finally we want to say again that we will continue to post every Sunday night/Monday morning, until the story is fully written.  Once the story is fully finished we will post twice a week until it is completely posted.  Thank you so very much for reading our story, reviewing our story and loving our story so much.
Nikky & Kasi~

“I love you Mom, and want you in my life,” Bella says.

I feel my heart start to race, but I hold back the yelp that wants to come out. I’ll beg her if I have to; I need her in my life. I can’t live without this girl. She may’ve only been in my life over a short period of time, but she has quickly become everything to me.

“And I hope one day you can forgive me,” Bella says looking to me as she speaks. “But I need Edward more, a lot more. I know that I will never be enough for you or for him, no matter what I do. I know that Edward deserves so much more than what I can give him.” 

I shake my head and walk in. “Not true,” I say with a smile.

“But, here’s the thing, he’s a good man, Mom. He has such a big heart and he would never hurt me physically in any way. When—and I know it will be when—he leaves me, he will make sure that I am still okay. He makes me happy. He makes me want to live.  He’s the reason I’m still alive.” Bella’s eyes fall to my feet.

“Don’t start that silliness again, Isabella.” Renee starts chastising my girl. 

I walk right up to Renee and glare at her. “Quit treating her like a pet; she’s your daughter.”

“Say your goodbyes, Isabella. You’re coming home with Phil and me.”

Bella shakes her head. “No! I can’t and won’t leave with you. I love you Mom and I will be here when you forgive me, but I’m staying with Edward, if he’ll still have me.”

I move quickly to Bella and look into her eyes. “You’re more than enough for me. You’re so much more than I ever dreamed of. I’ll always have a place for you in my life.” I lean my forehead against Bella's.