Stories by JustBiteMePlease
Summary: Past Featured Story



17 year old Bella is fascinated by the elusive and mysterious Edward Cullen. Will he be all she dreamed of? Or more than she bargained for? And will she still want him when one night changes everything? A/U Cannon pairings

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, Alternate Universe
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: None
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Ageise02's not read yet
Chapters: 29 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 74283 Read Count: 29128
[Report This] Published: 29 Jan 2010 Updated: 16 Jun 2010


Miss Lillie runs a male escort service called Naked Cullen Boys, Incorporated. Come watch as they make every girl's dream come true!; AU/AH; Nominated for a Bellie award for Best Multi-Chapter Smut!


Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Carlisle/Other or Original Character, Edward/OC, Emmett/OC, Jacob/OC, Jasper/OC
Genre: None
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 33425 Read Count: 6550
[Report This] Published: 23 Feb 2010 Updated: 23 Feb 2010
Muffin Man by JustBiteMePlease Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 3]

When Bella's sexy new neighbor insists on teasing her, she bakes him muffins. And he takes a bite. AU AH Bella/Carlisle

Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Carlisle
Genre: None
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2286 Read Count: 519
[Report This] Published: 29 Jan 2010 Updated: 29 Jan 2010