Reviews by labonte18slm
First & Ten by Nolebucgrl Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 828]
Summary: Past Featured Story

Bella Swan is an aspiring sports writer and her first big assignment is to interview the league's biggest, not to mention hottest, quarterback.  Will Edward Cullen school her in the rules of the game or will she teach him a thing or two?  Rated NC-17 for language, lemons.  An entry in The Sport of Love contest.

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: None
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: LeslieWhitlock's faves - not updated in 2012, Finished, My all time favorites, Drive's Stories to read that are Completed and Not completed, Amberina's Completed Favs List, G8or Favor8s Read, Kuu Faves, Stories I've Already read, Lilyellacullens want to read list!, J's Read and Loved Stories, Bella's Must Reads!, My favs past present and future
Chapters: 55 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 351776 Read Count: 189025
[Report This] Published: 06 Apr 2010 Updated: 05 Sep 2012
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 12 Sep 2014 Title: Chapter 28: The Emmettake: Emmett & the Extinguisher

I'm re-reading this story, and I have to say that I totally LOVE this outtake and this Emmett is the BEST I have ever read!!! I forgot how funny this story was with prankster Emmett and his too funny nicknames! Thanks for such an incredible read!

Author's Response:

Hehe I'm glad you enjoyed them all over again!  This Em is still one of my pride and joys!  Thank you :)

Faithfully by LailaB Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 774]
Summary: Past Featured Story


Edward is the lead singer of Eclipse, the most popular band in the world for the last decade. He has always considered himself fulfilled and successful despite his solitary existence. He has never felt the desire for an emotional connection outside of the band and family until meets a much younger Bella during Eclipse’s European summer tour and begins to realize just how much has been missing from his life. Can their newfound relationship bliss survive the expectations and responsibilities of loving a rockstar? Can Bella survive the repercussions of her newfound and unsolicited fame? How do you protect the one you love when you are thousands of miles away? AH/OOC

Banner by: Evilangel813


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: None
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: My favs past present and future
Chapters: 34 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 185489 Read Count: 100745
[Report This] Published: 08 Apr 2010 Updated: 17 Mar 2016
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 02 Mar 2015 Title: Chapter 31: Chapter 31

Love the new chapter and I can't wait until Gianna gets her just deserts! Honestly, I hope and pray that you let Bella finally be the one to 'unmask' her farce....Please let it be publicly humiliating too lol! Such an amazingly written story, and I'm thrilled that your writing this again! Take care and can't wait for the next chapter!!!


Living Amongst Vampires Banner


In a world dominated by vampires, humans are forced to donate blood and abide by the strict rules of the vampire government. Bella has never experienced life in an all-human world and one day the only life she knows shatters to pieces when her parents are killed by a vampire. She is adopted by her parents' friends, who happen to be vampires. Her life turns upside down as she moves to an all-vampire town. Will she have the strength to go on after all that she has endured? Will one special vampire heal her wounds as she struggles to live a life amongst vampires? Edward and Bella pairing, AU, OOC

Warning: This story contains explicit adult content, language, violence, vampire marking and bloodplay.


I want to thank Dazzled~by~Jake for this awesome banner! And my awesome Beta Lindz! xo


Inspire Fanfic winning banner

Categories: Twilight, Alternate Universe
Characters: None
Genre: None
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Love to drive's Stories to read
Chapters: 27 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 384211 Read Count: 239172
[Report This] Published: 14 Aug 2010 Updated: 05 Sep 2022
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 16 Mar 2018 Title: Chapter 25: Chapter 25

I’m so, sooooooo, so very thrilled that you are giving us a new chapter! This chapter was amazingly written, and just thrilling to read! I’m worried sick for everyone now...most of all Bella and Edward! Thank you so much for not giving up on this story, it really would have been a great tragedy to never see it completed! This story is truly is one of my all time favorites, and I’m loving the new chapter and thought of more to come! 

Thanks again! 

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 05 Sep 2022 Title: Chapter 27: Chapter 27

Wow! I am soooooo very thrilled and excited that you decided to write again! I love this story, and it always broke my heart when the months, then years, went by with no updates. Thank you for not giving up on this story, and for coming back! Great update, and now I'm seriously worried for our Bella! Can't wait to hear how Edward takes the news that his mate is missing! 

Take care, stay safe and healthy 


Author's Response:

Thank you sooo much! I really appreciate your support =) 

Be My Sub by nails233 Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 741]




Thank you Emma Verberg for this new banner! She is wonderful!

After searching for a century, I have found what I have been looking for, a human submissive. The fact that I am a vampire and she is my singer, will not deter me from having the only thing I have ever wanted more than human blood, her body. D/S BDSM EPOV AU


Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Erotica, Fantasy
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Domward's Dungeon, Bdsm stories only, I Whitlock's read , Drive's Stories to read that are Completed, Ageise02 WIP Reads, Fav BDSM Fics
Chapters: 17 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 66673 Read Count: 105178
[Report This] Published: 15 Aug 2010 Updated: 06 Jul 2012
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 13 Aug 2011 Title: Chapter 16: Chapter 16

SOOOOO thrilled your writing on these stories again! This chapter was perfect! Thank you so much for not just bailing completely on us like some out there do, and I can't wait to see a new chapter for The War of the Worlds (my fav story out there by far!) and Realistic Love...such amazing stories! So happy your back with us, and GOOD LUCK on the new book!!! Take care until next time!






Dr. Edward Anthony Masen Cullen is a world renowned pediatric neurologist, he´s also a very sought after Dominant living in the Seattle area. What happens when the thrill of the playroom is no longer enough? What happens when he wants more than just a Friday through Sunday arrangement... Bella Swan a very young and very successful Corporate Attorney, who happens to be secretly crushing on her best friends older brother. It all starts with a dream, but after a very short, but failed marriage, Bella decides it´s time to give in to her submissive nature. With the help of her best friend and a blind date, can Bella finally find all the things her live is missing. ExB Rated for BDSM themes and lemony goodness. 


A very big thank you to the wonderful Kris Mkystich for my new banner!  Isn´t it sexy!!! Check her out in the December Drabble Wars!!



Winner of a Tomato Soup Award!



Nomimated for two Wordsmith Awards!




Voted Must Read Monday by Twi Girls Next Door



Winner of two Wordsmith Awards!





Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Romance
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Domward's Dungeon, Bdsm stories only, Twilight - Read, Drive's Stories to read that are Completed and Not completed, Can't wait for an update, Stories I've Already read, My Favorite Stories, Misstoria's Stories to Read, J's Read and Loved Stories, Fav BDSM Fics
Chapters: 31 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 312058 Read Count: 389903
[Report This] Published: 07 Nov 2010 Updated: 19 Aug 2016
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 26 Sep 2011 Title: Chapter 21: Chapter 20: Real Life... Outside of the Bubble... pt.2

Amazing chapter! I loved the Tanya debacle...yikes!...we all know that that situation isn't going away as easily as Domward wants lol! Wait until he realizes just how long she has been after him, omg this is going to be bad! Too cute, the little puppy he got Mojo...awwwww! This story is the best! Take care until next time!

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed
Date: 07 Feb 2011 Title: Chapter 11: Chapter 10: It´s Playtime...

OMG!! That was so intense and just absolutely PERFECT!!! I can't wait till the sparks fly when they realize its actually really each other's soul mates, and they come face to face. WOW just WOW!!! I am still shaking after reading this, it was just too much, your writing is just incredible, and I feel everything the characters are going through, its an amazing gift you have. Keep it up, can't wait until the next chapter! Thank you!!!

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed
Date: 28 Mar 2011 Title: Chapter 15: Chapter 14: The Start of Something Beautiful... Confessions, Forgiveness, and Love...ions of Lov, Forgiveness, and

I just adore this story! It is unbelievably well written, and the way you get the characters emotions out so much so that I can actually feel them, is simply amazing!!! This chapter was awesome, and just absolutely perfect for them!! I love that you didn't keep it mussy slow and soft, it just wouldn't suit Edward and Bella, they needed the passion and WOW!! was it incredible! Thanks again for this incredible story, and I will wait with bated breath for Bella to tell Edward she loves him too, and put the poor baby out of his misery! LOL! Till next time, take care!

Author's Response:

Thanks for reviewing! Be sure to check out the blog there's a teaser up of the next chapter!




Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 26 Sep 2012 Title: For the Love of Domination

OK...first WELCOME BACK, god you were missed!! Now...I had to really sit back and think on this review before I went totally off the wrong way lol. I trust your writing so I hope (God, do I hope!) you will fix this right. was not all on Bella this time...MASTER was wrong in this situation BIG time!!! If not in a 24/7 slave mode, and maybe even in that mode if not years into the arrangement, would always end in a FAIL for the sub. Edward is just as new to this situation as Bella, and serious taking needs tto be done on how to handle their situation but he needs guidance he hasn't asked for either! It was Edward that Bella wanted so badly, and this needs to be addressed as such, but yeah she needs to speak her mind in this, but like you wrote...when did they see each other to have the time? Please, please, please...don't put this entire fail on Bella, because seriously it isn't on just her, but her Master as well!

Thanks for an awesome chapter like always....and WELCOME BACK again, I have soooooo missed this story!!! Take care until next time!

Summary: Past Featured Story




In a world dominated by vampires, humans are forced to abide by the strict rules of the vampire government. Bella has never experienced life in an all-human world and one day the only life she knows shatters to pieces when she is kidnapped and sold to a vampire. She is unfortunately the object of the most ruthless, out of control, vampire‘s affection. Her life turns upside down as she moves to an all-vampire town. Will she have the strength to go on after all that she has endured her personal hell? Will the one special vampire heal her wounds as she struggles to live a life amongst vampires or will she become the victim of their most sinister instincts? Edward and Bella pairing, AU, OOC

Warning: This story contains explicit adult content, language, violence, vampire marking and blood play, Extreme Dark-ward, and murder.

Alternate version of the original story, Living Amongst Vampires. By IBELONGTOAVAMPIRE.

L.A.H, is co-written by Thaigher Lillie

Tkegl...Thank you!


Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, Alternate Universe
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Love to drive's Stories to read
Chapters: 25 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 89094 Read Count: 129828
[Report This] Published: 22 Nov 2010 Updated: 10 Oct 2014
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 01 Jan 2012 Title: Chapter 14: Hiss Pt.1 (Actual Chapter)

It is just killing me that Bella won't tell Edward where she really belongs and that she was kidnapped by Peter and Charlotte! Please, Please tell me that she will at some point tell Tanya the secret she is hiding!?!? God, this just sucks for them, and I am sure it is only going to get much worse with Jasper around. Until Edward finally learns the truth of what Caius did to his real parents! And, he can finally claim Bella fully as his true mate! I just absolutely love this story, and can't wait for the next part of this chapter! Take care, and have a VERY Happy New Year!!!

Summary: Past Featured Story


Bella's life was irrevocably changed by the vampires who left her behind. Alone in the world now, she finds herself drawn to another. Fighting for her life has changed her and now, the new family she has found will change her as well...

Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Peter
Genre: Drama, Romance
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Ageise02's Read Stories, Themslovebug90's read stories, My favs past present and future
Chapters: 33 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 125187 Read Count: 71884
[Report This] Published: 23 Nov 2010 Updated: 04 Jun 2012
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 23 Jun 2011 Title: Chapter 26: Chapter 26

Amazing chapter, I just love this story, such a refreshing change from some of the stories out there right now. I am a nervous wreck about whats next for our group, but can't wait! Take care until next time!



Bella is Domme who is in search of the right sub.  After several profiles are searched she interviews two.  Go through the interview with her, and see how her test weekend with her potential new submissive works out.  Is he the right one?  BDSM themes, Hard core Lemons.  AH, very adult themes if under the legal age to vote please move on to another story.  The top banner was made by the fantastic and awesome: Christagbanners ... You can see her wonderful work by checking her out at christagbanners (dot) blogspot (dot) com.  The Black and Red banner, below is my First place award for Fans Vote in the Dommella's Dungeon Contest.  Thank you to all my loyal readers. 


Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Erotica, Fantasy, Romance
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Ageise02's not read yet, Bdsm stories only, My all time favorites, Drive's Stories to read that are Completed and Not completed, Amberina's Completed Favs List, Fav BDSM Fics
Chapters: 20 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 127084 Read Count: 48104
[Report This] Published: 01 Dec 2010 Updated: 14 Sep 2011
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed
Date: 16 Apr 2011 Title: Chapter 11: Chapter 10: Homeward Bound

I just wanted to let you know that this chapter just broke my heart!!! She needs to wise up, because she just killed him, and herself and doesn't even realize it! I hope to God that Peter and Char can talk some sense into her, and make her realize that she is very much in love with him before its too late!! I adore this story, and I hope they get this back on track soon! Thank you for the honor of reading this amazing story, and can't wait for the next chapter, Take Care!!

Author's Response:

Thank you so much for your kind words and the story love that you gave me.  This story has a ton of readers between two sites it is posted on and it honestly gets 1 review for every 15-20 readers, so the reviews mean a LOT to me.  Isabella does need to wise up, however that is not something that is going to come easy or fast for her.  Peter and Charlotte will play a BIG factor in helping her see her true feelings.  There is more angsty stuff to come I am sorry, but have faith in me.  I am one of the biggest Happily ever after h00rs there is writing stories.

I sent you a teaser for the next chapter to you via the contact button on your TWCS profile, check your email, that is where it will be.  If you do not get it soon, contact me at my screen name teamalltwilight (AT) gmail (dot) com and I will get it right out to you.

Thanks for reading and reviewing!


Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 15 May 2011 Title: Chapter 13: Chapter 12: The BDSM Embargo

AMAZING chapter!!! I love that she is finally getting her shit together! I adore the way you involved Peter and Char, super great suggestions you came up with!!! Your writing is truly a gift to read, I love that I feel the entire range of emotions right along with the characters! I can't wait until she finally pulls herself together, I am thinking maybe something bad coming out of the Mike situation and with Peter and Char's help she will get there lol. It was an incredible chapter, and I loved that he finally got to hear her admit that she loved him.....take care until next time, can't wait!

Author's Response:

WOW.....this review made me have tears....I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you are enjoying my writing so much....It truely means a lot to me to have someone tell me that they enjoy it.  The other book I wrote called My Sisters 3 was a story about a stalker and it is full of cliff hangers....and shockers....If your liking this you might like it too.  Check out the warnings.  Thanks for reading and reviewing and here is the teaser!   

Chapter 13 Preview………………..

I was nervous about going with Edward for Thanksgiving, to his parent’s house.  I got even more nervous when I found out it was Esme and Carlisle’s forty-ninth anniversary.  I knew we were celebrating a holiday and that I was being included by Edward’s parents because they thought him and I were in an exclusive relationship. 

We were kind of weren't we?

I felt compelled to buy them a gift for the anniversary.  I got a very nice pen set and got it for Carlisle, I have one just like it and I love it.  I had it engraved to read, ‘Dr. Carlisle Cullen’.  I got a huge gift basket full of lotions, creams, shower gels, body wash, body sprays, hand soaps, and candles for Esme.  Then for the both of them, I found a 1960 bottle of Chateau Petrus, Pomerol, France. 


I chose the 1960, because that was the year they were married.  The broker I used to purchase the bottle of wine, informed me that it was one of the better bottles of wine from that year. 

Thanks Kasi~

Summary: Past Featured Story

You'll Find What You're Looking For At Walmart

What happens when a lonely and betrayed vampire meets his mate at Walmart?  He claims her, of course.  Join Peter and Bella as they band together with their ragtag team of friends to creatively exact revenge on those who did them wrong.  Peter x Bella pairing.



Categories: Twilight, Non-Canon Pairings, Alternate Universe
Characters: Bella/Peter
Genre: Humor, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: My favs past present and future
Chapters: 46 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 301749 Read Count: 82123
[Report This] Published: 07 Mar 2011 Updated: 12 Mar 2018
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 19 Sep 2011 Title: Chapter 20: Chapter 20

This was a great chapter!! Always love Bella and Peter citrus, and the loving between them! Paul's transformation was perfectly done, BRAVO!! The meeting in La Push was great, and poor Jacob...too funny! Can't wait to see what is up next for our wonderful family of misfits, and when the time comes for them to end the fuckery that is the Cullen's it is going to be epic!!

Take care until next time, and glad everything is ok after the hurricane blew through your area! Thanks for this incredible story

Author's Response:

Peter and Bella are always pretty loving.  As for Paul's transformation, it happened right inside of his happy place.  Jacob was honorable in defending his sister's lack of honor.  More fuckery coming by way of the Cullens.  Thank you for your well wishes regarding the hurricane.  We were fine, just severely inconvenience by lack of power.

Thank you for reading and reviewing.  XOXO

It's You by duhitsangie Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 101]

A Locket, A Picture, A Dream.. What if someone you thought didn't exist came into your life when you had given up? B and E are 2 college kids in LA who meet and feel like they've always known each other, is it more than just a feeling? Fluff/Humor/LemonsBanner by Mehek18

Banner by Mehek18

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Humor, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 25 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 150715 Read Count: 25531
[Report This] Published: 12 Mar 2011 Updated: 22 Jun 2011
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed
Date: 09 May 2011 Title: Chapter 12: Chapter 12

I adore this story, and this chapter was just amazing!! SOOOOO GREAT that you had Irena and Charlie marry also!!! That was just the icing on the cake in this lovely story! Great chapter all around, from Felix, the love between all the group of family and friends, and Bella and Edward getting deeper into their feelings on the relationship! Can not wait for their wedding!!! Thank you so much for the honor of reading this truly incredible story, and take care until next chapter. Waiting with bated breath lol!


In this story, Bella is an orphan who has never met her parents. The only things she has from them is a golden bracelet and a box she was given on her seventeenth birthday. She also starts having strange dreams and her body is slowly changing. Then she meets the Cullens, but what are they? And what about her new friends?

Things cannot be any more confusing about Bella….or can they?

It can happen to anyone



Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Romance, Supernatural
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Love and immortality
Chapters: 15 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 44525 Read Count: 11289
[Report This] Published: 28 Mar 2011 Updated: 30 May 2011
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 16 May 2011 Title: Chapter 9: Chapter 9

AMAZING chapter! I just adore this story, it is such a great breath of fresh air out there in fanfiction land!! I absolutely love the plot, and the characters are just incredible! Hopefully Edward will tell Bella next chapter that she is his mate, and they will finally say "I Love You" lol. I can't wait to see where you take us with this awesome story, and I am definitely in it for the long haul!! Take care, and thank you for the honor of reading this truly great tale!

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed
Date: 30 May 2011 Title: Chapter 13: Chapter 13

WOW! AMAZING chapter!! I truly adore this story, and I love the way you put everything together, and I can not wait for Marie to come into the picture (because we all know it is coming lol). Poor Bella, she is just heartbroken, I don't even want to see how badly she breaks down in the next chapter thinking he doesn't love or want her. I was in tears by the end of this chapter, I love reading the rare fanfiction that can really pull you in and make you feel the agony or love in the characters hearts!!! You are truly gifted to be able to do this, it is so refreshing, and I can't wait for the next chapters, take care until then!!

Author's Response:

I was trully happy when I read your review, you're so sweet! I'm glad that you liked it so much, especially given the fact that it was my first attempt in fanfiction!!! Have you read the final chapters yet?


Oh, and what do you think about its sequel? So far it's not getting a great response... I'm thinking that perhaps I shouldn't keep writing any more......?

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed
Date: 01 Jun 2011 Title: Chapter 15: Chapter 15

AWESOME CHAPTER!!! I LOVED IT, and can't wait for the TVD crossover!

Now on to your comment to me hun....Sweetie, please DO NOT give up this story's next phase! I absolutely loved the final chapters, and personally can not wait to see where you take us with the sequel! I am thrilled to have it cross over with TVD, I think it will be great and probably heartbreaking at times. Please hun, don't let these people that aren't giving you a positive take on the sequel get you down and please please don't let them take this wonderful story away from those that absolutely love me!?!?! I know it is hard when you pour your heart into your story and get nothing but horrid people that have no clue but to be hateful, but sweetie the best you can do in that case is rise above them and hold on to your fans that absolutely support you in everything you write, because we are here for you!!! I promise if you ever need anything...a friend, a sounding board, anything at all...just give me a shout and I would be happy to be there for ya!!! I love the way you brought Aro into this story, I think it was truly brilliant! I can't wait to see them come together to try to find Marie, and I am really ready for Edward and Bella to get more intimate with each other and to become what they are destined to be, please don't give up on us that love you and your story, we really would be devastated to lose your wonderful story, but I understand your hesitance...just remember there are people out there that love this story! I am here if you ever need me, I promise! Take care hun, and can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Once again, thank you for the kind words! Your review really made me smile!

I've already started uploading the chapters of the second part. If you click on my penname, it will lead you to my profile, where you can find it. It's called Two worlds collision, and I'd be glad to hear(or rather read!) your opinion on it, good or bad. I hope you won't be very disappointed when you'll find out that the story will mostly be from Nikol's point of view. We'll get to see some more Bella and Edward interaction, however, I find Nikol an extremelly interesting character, and I want us to follow her steps into her new life. Please, don't judge her too hard (when you do start reading), and keep in mind that she's been through a lot (you will find out later what exactly her life was inside the castle).

Anyway, thanks again, for reading this story, supporting me, and giving me the strength to keep going!


Wild by PeppahLouie Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 693]
Summary: Past Featured Story


Recently widowed Bella moves to Seattle to start a new life. Reconnecting with her friend, Bella meets Alice's brother, Chef Edward Cullen. Celibate by choice for 2 years, what happens when Edward finds himself undeniably attracted to a sexy new Bella?

(Special thanks to shockwav for the Wild banner)



Banner Banner



  • Winner of FIVE 2011 Sunflower Awards: Best All-Human, Best Drama, Best Romance, Best Bella, Best Alice
  • Winner of Fic of the Week at The Lemonade Stand, September 2011


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Ageise02's Read Stories, My All-Time Favorites, To Read, My all time favorites, Amberina's Completed Favs List, Kuu Faves, My Favorite Stories, Brooklyn - to read, My favs past present and future
Chapters: 50 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 436372 Read Count: 184650
[Report This] Published: 03 Apr 2011 Updated: 19 Dec 2011
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18 Sep 2011 Title: Chapter 46: Chapter 46 - Futuretake Two

Just WOW! That was simply amazing, and I absolutley loved every minute of their life together that you let us in to. This story has been simply devine! What an amazing ride it has been, and such a shame it has come to an end, but it could not have been wrapped up any better than what you have done, truly incredible!!! Thank you so much for the joy this story has brought me and I can't wait for the next journey in your mind to begin...I'm sure it will be just a well written as this lovely story! Take care, and thank you again!

Summary: Past Featured Story


Edward Cullen is gifted Isabella Swan as a reward for a job well done.  The more time he spends with her, the more he becomes enamored of her.  Will he be able to make amends for his behavior and win the girl’s heart?

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 24 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 50513 Read Count: 112176
[Report This] Published: 15 May 2011 Updated: 16 Oct 2013
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 22 Aug 2011 Title: Chapter 16: Chapter 16

Great chapter! I love that Edward is starting to grow a conscience and his feelings for Bella are this strong. Looks like he is going to need his thick skin to keep her safe and with him! I'm thinking Aro wants her back because James is willing to pay quite a bit for her, or he really wants her back for himself...probably both! Can't wait for the next chapter, take care until then!

Summary: Past Featured Story

What if Edward decided to come back to Bella, only to find she had left town with Jacob?  Would he have the persistance to find her? Would Bella and Edward get their happily ever after, in spite of the werewolves, Tanya and the Volturi?  canon


Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Romance, Supernatural, Suspense/Thriller
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: To Read (Geddy)
Chapters: 149 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 667044 Read Count: 181935
[Report This] Published: 25 May 2011 Updated: 27 Jan 2013
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 05 Jun 2011 Title: Chapter 20: Chapter 20 Early Surprises

Amazing always!! I just adore this story, and I love that you are just so talented to really have us right in the emotions of the characters, it is hard to find a fanfiction this incredible! Please, please, please let Charlie come around, I hope to God he realizes before it is too late and the damage is done to Bella's state of mind. I am dying for the next chapter now to make sure she is ok, thanks for the mini cliffy lol. Anyway...thanks for this lovely story, and I will be trying hard to wait patiently for the next chapter...take care until then!

Author's Response:

Thank you so much for your words.  The best I can hope for is for you to feel the emotions of the characters, that makes my day! Charlie will come around, he just needs something drastic to happen . . .

Thank you for the review, and the encouragement!

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 13 Jan 2024 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1 Bella

Hi there..just wanted to write a quick note to see if there was any way to get you interested in completing this truly wonderful story? I've read it so very many times, and it just breaks my heart that it's still left unfinished after all this time. It has always been one of my very favorite twilight fanfiction! I hope your doing well, take care!


Edward is a single parent of a five year old daughter who is just trying to maintain. Bella is a teacher replacing little Ally's teacher. Edward finds that his life is more connected to Bella than he ever thought.

Categories: Canon Pairings, All Human, Alternate Universe
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 16 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 47107 Read Count: 44825
[Report This] Published: 23 Jul 2011 Updated: 28 Jul 2017
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 16 Aug 2011 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Such a great story! I absolutely love it, and this chapter was perfect! Can't wait until Edward gets to really see Bella and Ally together! Waiting with bated breath for the next chapter, take care until then!!

Author's Response: The next chapter is one of my favorites. I'm glad you like it so far.

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 22 Jun 2012 Title: Chapter 8: Chapter 8

God, I just adore this story!!! I have soooooo missed your writing, and am so very glad you are back!! This was an awesome chapter! I am wishing right along with Edward that Bella is now carrying his child! I love them together, and too funny with the house. Poor Edward doesn't know what he unleashed does he lol. Uh Oh! is right for Esme...she has some explaining to do.

So very happy to have you back, and looking forward to an update of Teacher's and TA's too??? lol...take care and great chapter, as always!!!


Set after New Moon, Bella goes to the carnival at La Push to speak to Jake.  While there, she makes a wish to become a vampire without breaking the treaty.  The next morning Bella wakes up to find her wish is granted and is forced to face the consequences that come with getting what she wanted.
Disclaimer: This story is rated NC-17 for a reason, if you can’t buy a pack of cigs then you shouldn’t be reading this.  All publicly recognized character, settings and scenarios are the property of their respective owners, Twilight is owned by Stephenie Meyer and Big is the property of 20th Century Fox.



Banner by Rosalynn


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, Alternate Universe
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, One-Shot, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Amberina's Completed Favs List
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 9181 Read Count: 1484
[Report This] Published: 05 Aug 2011 Updated: 05 Aug 2011
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 06 Aug 2011 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

This story was just incredible!!! I absolutely adored it, and would love to see it expanded (I'm sure you have heard that already lol), it was just too sweet for words, and the lemon was a perfect fit! Truly amazing writing on this one, I will make sure to spread the word for this one to be read, it really is worthy of tons of praise!! Take care until next time!

Come Closer by Chloe Masen Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 437]
Summary: Past Featured Story


Come Closer... Isabella. The one woman Edward can't have. The one woman he doesn't dare claim. Does he? Is he strong enough to resist the forbidden?

Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Lilyellacullens want to read list!, Dumbi's Most Wanted, Read & Enjoyed
Chapters: 36 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 169215 Read Count: 103485
[Report This] Published: 25 Aug 2011 Updated: 21 Apr 2013
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 10 Oct 2011 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7 : Sugar and Spice

OH MY GOD!!! Just AMAZING!!! This chapter was by far the best I have ever read in any story, it was perfectly done! Isabella told Edward exactly what he needed to hear from her and it was just incredible, I'm at a loss for words, unreal! Hope you give us Edward's take on everything she said, and hopefully he thinks long and hard about it! Her speech was just spot on perfect for her to let him know that she is on to his feelings and that she is there if he just wisens up! I hope like hell she keeps the backbone and tells Jasper to back off too, she is so eloquently spoken I am sure she can do it without bringing him down and getting him to angry at her lol! In the end...she has to do what is right in her heart and that is to go after Edward once and for all obviously. Yikes, I will just shut up now, just really loved this chapter! Take care until next time, and thank you very much for this incredible story!!!

Author's Response:

Wow. Wow, wow, wow, isall I can say. Thank you so much, I am so very flattered by your words. 

I was real proud of my girl for her spitfire ways! She'll get his attention if it's the last thing she does :) I DID write an EPOV of Sugar and Spice, which I donated to Fandom4Texas, so if you don't get to see it there, it will come here eventually. Whenever the rules allow.

Thank you again for your wonderful words, Mel

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 02 May 2012 Title: Chapter 21: Chapter 21: Firsts

Wow..WOW..Wow!! I am very grateful you decided not to scrap this chapter this time, because it is incredible! This story is just so amazing, and I am honored to get to be here for the ride. Can't wait to see where they all go from here now. Boy does Jasper have some major eye opening to do, and Isabella is about to pull the shades back from his eyes now that Edward has her going in the right direction. Just an awesome chapter, and waiting with baited breath for the next! Take care until next time!!!

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 25 Jun 2012 Title: Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Revelations

WOW! What a chapter, so much emotion in these characters, its truly amazing to read! The talent you have in writing is just awe-inspiring to read, thank you for this incredible story, and I can't wait to see where these characters go from here. Looks like its all coming to a head now, and maybe Jasper is finally seeing the truth and not what he wants to believe. He is so very broken too over the past, and I know when him and Bella sit down and truly discuss what he is really afraid of, that it is going to need a whole box of kleenex to read that chapter! Take care and know that I...along with all your other fans, I'm sure....will wait for however long needed to read this wonderful tale! Until next time....

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 22 Apr 2013 Title: Chapter 36: Chapter 36: Letting Go

All I can say is....PERFECTLY DONE!!!!! I was EXACTLY they way he should have done it, for both of them, and for US...whether some wish to believe it...or not! I am so very glad that I have been on this crazy ride from the start, even though I am horrible at reviews, mostly due to neck problems, but also, because I am just Thank you so very much for this incredible story, and the absolute PERFECT completion for this amazing couple! Although...I will be waiting, maybe, or probably...NOT so patiently, for the next chapter in their wonderful story. Take care until we meet again!



People can't eat people alive, and frozen men don't exist. Bella's secret knowledge of vampires is inadvertently brought to surface when she & her friends are all thrown in the path of fate.

Banner by the awesome LunarEclipse1


Categories: Twilight, Non-Canon Pairings, Alternate Universe
Characters: Bella/Jasper
Genre: Humor, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: My favs past present and future
Chapters: 17 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 90817 Read Count: 20415
[Report This] Published: 10 Sep 2011 Updated: 17 Oct 2012
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18 Sep 2011 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

OHHHH I loved this chapter!!! Perfect! I knew that was the way to go with them, you paired them off perfectly! It was the first thing I did when I finished reading the chapter...think, think,! This is going to be too great, I am really enjoying this story, and can't wait for the next chapter! Take care until then, thank you for a super fun story, this should be a great ride!

Author's Response:

I'm actually having a real blast writing this story, and I truly love the couples in this one.  Just wait until you see what I get them into.  Thank you for reading and reviewing.  XOXO

Summary: Past Featured Story

For new Detective Isabella Swan, protecting the recluse professor of music from a stalker, sounded easy enough. They find themselves mixed in forbidden romance, filled with hidden ink and red lipstick kisses from a deranged stalker. AH/OOC 18&Up ONLY.

The Banner was made by Christag Banners...She is phenominal...Thank you, Christag.


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Mystery, Romance, Suspense/Thriller
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Amberina's Completed Favs List, To Read (Geddy), G8or Favor8s Read, Stories I've Already read, Lilyellacullens want to read list!
Chapters: 24 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 82761 Read Count: 35311
[Report This] Published: 21 Sep 2011 Updated: 17 Feb 2012
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 12 Oct 2011 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 3: Lunch With Alice

I love this story! I can't wait until it really starts heating up, at least Edward now knows that this is serious, thanks to the little note on his pillows! Yikes! And, I really...REALLY...can't wait for things to get going between Bella and Edward!! Take care until next time, thanks for an amazing story!

Author's Response:

We are so glad to have you on board with us on this story and thanks for the wonderful review you left for us.  I am sure that you will really love the next chapter, it will be a good one.  Check us out on facebook when and if you get the chance.  Jess2002 fanfiction group on facebook, alwyas has teasers posted for the next chapter.  Thanks again for reading, see ya next Wed.

Kasi (&Jess)

Summary: Past Featured Story


Banner by the talented: SoapyMayhem FanFiction

Bella at age thirteen is left with nothing more than a fake ID, and two year old twin half siblings to care for.  She makes due knowing it is up to her to give them a good life and education, she was never given.  Working as a cleaner at the university five years later, she meets Professor Masen a man who believes all women are out to hurt, or destroy him.  Can an uneducated Bella teach him something?  What will happen when Bella is another woman who has hid the truth from him? 

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Mystery, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: My all time favorites, Themslovebug90's read stories, Stories Read by CNYBella, Lilyellacullens want to read list!, To Read , Misstoria's Stories to Read, Lady Luciole's Favorites TwiMaf, J's Read and Loved Stories, My favs past present and future , Read & Enjoyed, Read
Chapters: 35 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 325411 Read Count: 263325
[Report This] Published: 12 Jan 2012 Updated: 05 Sep 2012
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 24 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 33: Chapter 33: Wedding Bells

I absolutely loved reading about their wedding!!! This chapter was incredible, and I am so very sad about it almost being the end. I knew that eventually we would see Edward's Mother show back up, but wow did I not expect it to be at their wedding. I loved the way you brought her back, letting him know that she has been there for all his major accomplishments, it was very touching and I am glad you did it this way. Can't wait to see what kind of trouble Jane causes with Sue, and hopefully that will be the end of her. And...I am dying for a showdown with Rosalie, surely we aren't done with her yet, I thought for sure either her or Katie was helping Sue. Guess you will let us know soon on that Take care until next time, I adore this story and would love to see Bella's side on things that have happened like Sue, the pregnancy, and the wedding!

Author's Response:

As things are winding to a close Nikky and I wanted to take this opportunity to say that we are very grateful for all of your reviews and the time you put into reading our story.  Our next plans are to work on the several POV’s that you have all asked for.  The Jane POV will for certain be the next POV chapter we post. 
As for the next story we plan to write, well Nikky has this uncanny ability to get a tiny idea and go freaking CRAZY with it and so now she has already hammered out a decent start on a new story...  AND what a story it will be... How about a story of a virginella who loves to dance, and an olderward who lives in the BDSM lifestyle – we know been done before right?  Yeah well knowing us... do you really think it won’t have a few twists?  Besides as wonderful as we write bad guys, you know you can’t wait to see what kind of crazy this will bring on.  This BDSM story will of course have SEX in it, but it will not be all about sex, nor will the next chapter of HCV. 
A couple people have mentioned that they hope the whole next chapter is not just full of a bunch of sex acts, and honestly HCV has never been about a bunch of sex acts.  Yes there have been some explicit scenes in the story, especially regarding Edward when he was attending the club, but this story has never needed sex to be readable... and our next story will be the same way.  We also have a stalker story on the burner, and the BDSM may turn into a really big drabble or one-shot.  Either way you’ll be seeing MUCH more from Nikky and me. 
I am also writing a story with Jess that will start posting fairly soon under the name JessAndTAT that will be called Bases Loaded. 
I don’t think that there are any loose ends yet to tie up, other than Rose, and you will learn more about her in the Epilogue.  If there is something else you want to know let us know right away and we will get it answered and or addressed in the Epilogue.
As always and again, thank you so very much for being such wonderful and loyal readers.
Kasi (&Nikky)

Teaser for Chapter 34: Subject to changes during Beta process.
I look at Bella who is sound asleep, in bed.  I smile pushing her hair from her face. I rented us a villa and we haven’t left the bedroom for longer than half hour all weekend. I know that things will change today.  She still has no clue about where we are.  I chuckle remembering the car ride here and how she looked around trying to work it out.  All she knows is that we are still in America.

My phone beeps I pick it up and read the text, seeing that my first surprise will be here in just over an hour.  I get out of bed head to the kitchen to make Bella breakfast in bed.  I play music as I fry her eggs and bacon, being really careful of my delicate parts, since I’m not exactly dressed.  Ha, the naked chef has nothing on me.  Once breakfast is ready I head back with a try and place it on the bedside table.

“Baby it’s time to get up,” I whisper in her ear. 

I watch her smile as she stretches and wakes up.  “Hmm, no – to tired.  Come back to bed and cuddle with me, or better yet help me wake up the good way – like you did around three this morning.”

I chuckle shaking my head at her, but stop to kiss her before speaking.  “As much as I would love to take you again baby, over and over – I can’t right now.  I have a surprise for you and you need to eat your breakfast and get washed before it arrives.  Because once it’s here I’ll be taking you out for the day and you will finally know where exactly we are at.”

She opens her eyes wide and smiles at me.  “You got me a surprise?”

Hear Me by smmiskimen Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 1926]
Summary: Past Featured Story

Twilight AU. After a horrific car accident leaves Bella in a catatonic state, she's transferred to Forks Hospital under the care of Carlisle. What happens when Edward is faced with the lifeless girl in the bed and an undeniable pull begins? Can he bring her back from the hold her mind has on her, or will she be forever lost to the abyss? E&B, AU, Canon pairings.



Banner by vbfb1

Banner by FallingSnow

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, Alternate Universe
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Finished, Themslovebug90's read stories, Stories I've Already read, Lilyellacullens want to read list!, My Favorite Stories, Lady Luciole's Favorites TwiSup, Read & Enjoyed
Chapters: 131 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 65741 Read Count: 412018
[Report This] Published: 14 May 2012 Updated: 03 Nov 2012
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 14 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 67: Chapter 67

This story is absolutely PERFECT the way you are writing it! I wouldn't want you to change anything about the writing, I think it keeps us in suspense and waiting with bated breath for the next chapter, so's perfect! This chapter was excellent, I love that they are going to be getting deeper in her mind now, and I can not wait to see the next chapter now!! Take care until then, and anyone that bitches about the posting time really needs a grip on life, you do have a world outside this fanfiction and it doesn't always let us do things when we want them done, see ya soon! Ciao!




This is a look into the minds of those who have watched Edward slowly remove himself from his own cimmerian view. These are Outtakes based off of His Cimmerian View. Read through chapter 24 of His Cimmerian View before starting this. AH/OOC

Banner made by the wonderful SoapyMayhem for His Cimmerian View, we just added the word Enduring.  Thanks SoapyMayhem you ROCK!



Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Angst, Drama, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Misstoria's Stories to Read, My favs past present and future , Read
Chapters: 4 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 71046 Read Count: 5938
[Report This] Published: 23 Jun 2012 Updated: 31 Dec 2012
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 23 Jun 2012 Title: Chapter 1: Outtake number 1: The Life of Bella Swan

WOW! I don't know if I can even express how much this chapter moved me, it was simply amazing!!! This story has become my favorite and I wait like an addict for the updates, I will be crushed when the story comes to an end! The emotions that I felt during this side of the story where unreal, I don't think I cried like that in a very long time! You guys honestly had me living her feelings and I feel for her even more now, poor Bella. She has had such a hard life and now getting this glimpse into her past from her and so much more than what Edward has heard...just wow! So her talent for painting comes from her Mother, I am happy to hear that, and God I hope they find that those losers weren't able to take all her inheritance!

Can't wait to see where you take us from here, and I would love to have a Sue/Charlie/Harry POV!! I think I could see myself begging for all the POVs...even Rosalie (wow, would I like to see inside her horrible mind!) and Alice. Take care until next time, and thank you so very much for this simply amazing story!!!

Author's Response:

Hello to all our lovely readers, thank you for reading and reviewing Enduring His Cimmerian View.  A lot of you were shocked by the level of abuse, but from the story in Edward’s POV the abuse was clearly going to be a factor.  Thank you for all the kind words and things said, trust us we want to hug Bella too, she is such a good person.  I personally feel a connection of sorts with our Bella, and I hope that Nikky and I are able to continue to write her in a way that allows you the ability to feel a connection too.  There was a few questions regarding the talk of Aro being married and mixing up of Aro and Marcus.  In Bella’s thoughts she is remembering seeing Edward outside of Gina’s office and then again outside Aro’s office.  Marcus did marry a girl who was one of Aro’s girls, and Aro married Sulpicia who is the girl that Bella witnessed being raped.  I hope this helps to make sense of a misunderstanding.   As for future POV’s we have planned, the next one we will write will be the Esme and Carlisle joint POV.  A lot of you have requested a Rosalie POV and we will do it, but it will be a while before we post it.  We are very honored that so many of you take the time to share with us your thoughts and we are so glad to have you all on board reading our stuff.  Thank you, Kasi (&Nikky)

Extra teaser just for you... from upcoming chapter
“Miss Swan, we saw the picture you did for Matt, and we were wondering if you could draw one of your mom and dad for us?  We’re in need of one so we have a clear picture as to what they looked like.”

Bella nods her head.  “I have a lot already. They’re at the apartment in a sketch book.  There’s one with both of them when they used to dress up. You could use that, but only if you promise to give it back so Seth and Leah can have it.  I drew it for them so they always have a picture of their parents.”

They both nod their heads at her, agreeing to return the original once they had a copy.  “Of course, thank you. When can we come collect it? Oh, and while I’m thinking about it, could we please get into your mother’s room to have a look around?  That may give us some insight on how to find Harry and Sue.”

Bella looks at me, almost pleading with me to help her, and I know it’s because she’s worried about people entering that bitch’s room.  “She can’t hurt you, Baby. I won’t allow her to.  They need to get in there because it sounds like she’s in a lot of trouble.”

Bella nods her head at me and then turns back to the detectives.  “You can. However, I’d like Edward to get everything for you.  I mean, if you just want the paperwork, then can’t he get it and take it to you?  If you still need to get into the room after that, I’ll let you in.”

They both nod again, and I think Spades is shocked that she’s so willing to help.  “That sounds fair,” Scully responds.  

Temptation by mizzdee Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 3]


Banner made by the amazing Mina Rivera for the 2012 Pick-a-pic Challenge

Carlisle never believed he could get over losing his wife and he knew starting over wouldn't be easy. But with his childrens' help, he moved to California to begin a new life. Finally settled into the life he belongs in, his world is turned upside down when he's faced with a temptation impossible to resist.

Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Carlisle
Genre: Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 9975 Read Count: 424
[Report This] Published: 07 Sep 2012 Updated: 07 Sep 2012
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Sep 2012 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Just WOW!! That was incredible, and I just loved it! So much time passed but not once did it feel rushed, and I love that Isabella wouldn't let him push her away, her being so strong for what she wanted was awesome to read! I love Carlisle and Bella together, I am a sucker for their pairing! So great, thanks so much for writing this and it was an honor to read! Take care until next time!

Author's Response:

Aww thanks so much. I'm glad it seemed to flowed well for you. I struggled with that passage of time, so it makes me happy to know it worked.  And yeah, I love a strong Bella. Someone who knows exactly what she wants and goes after it, even if it doesn't seem like she'll get it. Carlisle should have known it was useless to fight it. LOL. Thanks for the review. I really appreciate it. Much love - D

Summary: Past Featured Story




Top Banner made by:TeamAllTwilight and book cover banner made by: InkJess Cullen

After graduation, smart mouthed Isabella Swan finds out her father’s set her up in an arranged marriage.  Not wanting to marry Jake and live on the res, she runs. In Chicago, she finds herself jobless—living with Alice.  She seeks a job at a strip club. Edward Cullen calls her a child and tells her no—too bad NO isn’t a word she likes. Birthday story for Silverblossom. AH/ratedM

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Erotica, Friendship, Humor, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: G8or Favor8s Read, To Read , Stories I've read
Chapters: 317 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 57061 Read Count: 1815933
[Report This] Published: 24 Jan 2013 Updated: 11 Apr 2013
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 28 Feb 2013 Title: Chapter 226: Chapter 226

I can NOT wait for the bucket of cold water that has to be dumped on him. After all the whore comments, and other awful things he has said to her in the past, just wait until he hears she is UNTOUCHED! LOL!!!

PLEASE...PLEEEEZZZZ another chapter!!!

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 20 Feb 2013 Title: Chapter 149: Chapter 149

HOLY! Enough said!

Next chapter pleeeezzz!

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 19 Feb 2013 Title: Chapter 144: Chapter 144

Love seeing a change in path for these two, finally! Can't wait until we get to see into Edward's head. This is such an incredible story, will be sad to see it end!

Hope everything went well today with your doctor and tests! Take care!!

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 16 Feb 2013 Title: Chapter 116: Chapter 116

WOW!! Talk about insert foot in mouth! Oh My God, has he really done it! I knew he was going to be super jealous, but geeezz. I honestly hope you guys FINALLY give Bella the lightbulb to snap out of her funk with Edward....and give him a smack across the head just like she did! Jerkward could not have dug a more fitting hole, can't wait to see where this goes from here! Such an INCREDIBLE story, take care until next time!

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 17 Feb 2013 Title: Chapter 121: Chapter 121

That's an apology? He just insulted her again, and I know if Bella is as smart as she is supposed to be, she noticed. Please tell me she is going to find her voice, and stand up to his insults once, just once??? I mean, if they are going to turn a corner, it has to happen sometime...right? LOL, take care until tomorrow, thanks for an amazing read!

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 21 Feb 2013 Title: Chapter 167: Chapter 167

Please don't let the bitching of others put a damper on you and this amazing story!! I am absolutely loving reading what Edward's take was on meeting Bella, and all through her POV of the story! I would take 2 weeks of his POV retelling every single chapter and be! This story is too much fun, and the one's bitching can easily STOP reading! Take care, and thank you for this great tale!

Hope everything went well with the tests today for you!

Summary: Past Featured Story

Banner by the wonderful and talented DeeBelle1.

Some so called friends invite Bella out for her birthday, and send her to a BDSM club as a prank. What happens when the owner of the club sees her? Will he be able to set aside his Dom nature? Will she ever believe she deserves to have her needs met? Will he be able to set aside his wants and desires to meet those needs, or will she find her true desire is to submit to him? AH/M

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort,, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Stories I've Already read, J's Read and Loved Stories, Stories I've read, Fav BDSM Fics, Read
Chapters: 25 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 204571 Read Count: 335527
[Report This] Published: 22 Jul 2013 Updated: 31 Dec 2013
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 23 Jul 2013 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter: One

Absolutely LOVE this story so far!! I love the Bella you have written, great character. Hope Edward doesn't do too much worrying over his age....please??? Really want to kick Jessica and the rest of her so called friends asses though, jerks, and her parents...poor thing doesn't feel wanted by anyone. Can't wait for more!

Author's Response:

Well so far everyone seems to be loving the story and we are so happy about that.  Not a lot of questions asked this go around, but there will probably be some more by the next chapter.  This story will be somewhere between twenty and thirty chapters when complete.  We mentioned this will post once a week on Mondays.  If for some reason Kasi can’t post Monday morning, it may post late Sunday night.  The Cullen’s are very accepting of Edward’s choices in life and his lifestyle, therefore yes the Cullen’s would be good to Bella if she were to be around them.  Thanks for reading and reviewing, we look forward to hearing more of your thoughts as the story goes.  (Nikky) & Kasi~

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 10 Sep 2013 Title: Chapter 8: Chapter 8

I absolutely adore this story, and wait with baited breath for update day lol! I have a comment to make and truly hope this comes out right, becauseI would never abandon this story. Here's the thing, as a Dom, and in any Dom/Sub relationship, trust is the most impotant thing and must be absolute. So, while I truly understand that Edward thinks she is extremely fragile...with what just happened in this chapter...I really think she needs to know all information that Edward is privy to, espicially the financial status of Charlie after he asked Bella for rent money. What a piece of work he is!! It is going to be hard for Bella to hear but really is necessary, especially now. And...Please, please tell me that they are all going to be getting their just desserts???? Can't wait for the next update! Take care!!

Author's Response:

We knew the reactions to chapter eight would be intense and strong.  We were shocked that some of you actually attacked Bella for being weak, but at the same time it’s not surprising.  Sometimes people who are mentally abused and neglected for years strive only for some sort of love.  I can’t imagine any child not wanting their parent to love them.  We all see love in differing ways, and when you’re raised not feeling that unconditional parental love, it makes you strive to have it—at least it did for me.  Bella will come into her own strength soon, and with the help of Edward and his family she will get better.  We are stoked for you to see the interaction with Bella viewing Esme and the way that Esme treats her children, so a portion of that is your teaser.
Many of you asked why Edward did not just beat Charlie down, or how he could have not stopped the situation, or known Jake was in the kitchen.  Edward is one person, and he was trying to watch out for Leah, Jake, Charlie, Brady and didn’t know if he could trust any of the other five people there as well.  As for when Charlie smacked Bella, he had his attention focused on Leah and Jacob.  As for why he did not punch or beat down anyone, imagine this:  Edward defends Bella by striking someone or several someone’s.  He gets arrested his word against several, one of whom is the police chief.  Meanwhile Bella is unprotected and left with the wolves.  It was best for him to do as he did get her out and safe.  And trust that he will be dealing with this.  The ball has already been rolling on a few things, but this just upped the ante.
I’m sad to say that we have lost some readers, but again we cannot and will not apologize or rose color a story about an abused girl, when a good lot of the abuse she withstands is things that are personal to one of the writers and or other people the writers know.  Abuse happens and the largest form of abuse out there is mental abuse and neglect.  Awareness is a key to making things better.  Bullying is a problem, and awareness is a key.  We are however thankful that we have readers who trust in us to bring things full circle.
Thanks for reading and reviewing, Nikky & Kasi~


Teaser:  “This is very nice, Esme,” Bella says after taking a bite.

Esme smiles broadly at Bella.  “Thank you, dear.  Edward tells me you're quite a wonderful cook yourself.”

Bella’s blush appears on her face.  “I’m nowhere near as good of a cook as this.”

I shake my head at her.  “Trust me, Bella’s cooking is to die for,” I say as Emmett passes me the wine. I pour some for Esme, Bella, and then lastly for myself.

“What are you going to college for?” Rose asks as she looks at Bella.

“I’m getting a law degree,” Bella answers, but I know the whole table can hear the sadness in her voice.

“And Edward tells us that you’re a dancer, a quite wonderful one at that.”  I look to Alice, smiling that she brought up something that makes my girl happy.

Bella nods at Alice.  “Yes, I love dancing, but I only do it for fun.”

“You’re in the Christmas dance program for the college though, right?” Esme asks as she looks at Bella.

“Yes,” she replies with another blush.

“Carlisle and I have tickets for three of the performances. I’m so looking forward to the show, and seeing you dance, of course.  The dance department director has been bragging to the board of directors about the dances that you have choreographed.” Again Bella blushes more at hearing about the commendations she’s being given.

“That’s got to be the cutest blush ever,” Emmett says in a childish voice, which is followed by a slap from Rose. 

“I love dancing, and the people I’ve been dancing with are all great.  I just hope that no one’s disappointed at the end of the night.”

Esme frowns a little. “I’m sure no one will be disappointed, dear.” My mom smiles at Bella in a way that I can see the mother in her trying to break out and pull Bella in.

The rest of the dinner seems to fly by with everyone talking about what’s been happening.  The more the night goes on, the more Esme became motherly to Bella, but I’ve also noticed Bella becoming uncomfortable with it.  At so many times, she’s looked like she isn’t sure how to react at something Esme has said or done.  She’s remained respectful, but I’ve seen her slowly distancing herself from Esme.

I walk Bella to the car and open the door for her. “I’ll just be a few seconds.” I give her a wink and walk back to house.

As soon as I do, I can hear Esme’s upset voice.  “We really need to do something.  I won’t accept that nothing can be done.”

I hear my father sigh.  “It takes time, dear.”

“No, first those little punks ... I’ll let you and Edward deal with them, but Charlie is mine!”

I chuckle, but feel a little nervous, because I can hear the anger in my mom’s voice. 


Star Crossed by tufano79 Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 418]
Summary: Past Featured Story

She was the leader of her people. 

He was a gruff, by-the-book star ship captain. 

An interstellar war, negotiations for a peace treaty gone wrong and a taboo relationship between two species. 

Captain Edward Cullen was in charge of the starship, Volvo. He, along with his crew, were given a mission to deliver Empress Nirabelle of the Cygnarian people to the nearby planet of Lapus, to negotiate a treaty between their two worlds. For over a millennia, they have been fighting a vicious battle. For what? They don’t even know. It’s ingrained in their minds and their history. 

The Empress is to meet with the Crown Prince of Lapus, Jakob. The Volvo is transporting her and her envoy, Maralice to the planet. There are strict rules in place for the Empress’s transport. She is to not have any contact with any males on the ship, per the cultural norms of Cygnarian society. The trip should take as little time as possible and if no headway has been made within one day of being in orbit, Captain Cullen is to transport the Empress from the planet’s surface. 

However, something goes terribly wrong on Lapus. One communication to the Volvo and a brief face-to-face conversation forever changes the future of the Empress and Captain Cullen. 

Will they survive this threat or are the Star Crossed lovers doomed before they even have a chance?


Banner by Chandrakanta!!


Star Crossed


Banner created by Mina Rivera! Thank you!


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, Alternate Universe
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Erotica, Fantasy, Romance, Sci-Fi
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Finished, Stories I've Already read, Stories I've read, Read & Enjoyed, Tufano79 Stories
Chapters: 25 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 206436 Read Count: 82158
[Report This] Published: 04 Jul 2014 Updated: 26 Nov 2015
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3

OH MY GOD, I just love this story!!! Always been a fan of the later star trek shows, and this is just amazing what your doing with the combining of my favorite characters! Your writing is amazing in this story, and I am such a huge fan of all your stories, but I think this is my fav now! LOL! The waiting game for the next chapter is killing me lol. I got so excited when I saw this update, can't wait for the next! Take care, and am really looking forward to the next chapter!

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 11 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

I absolutely LOVE this story so far!!! So great, and I can't wait to see where you take us from here. So very original and just amazingly written, the details, the pics on blog, just truly awesome! Dying to get the next chapter, and I REALLY hope you are giving us back to EPOV on the next one? Take care until next time!

The Promise by Spudzmom Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 108]

In desperation, he made a promise... one he had every intention of keeping… but could he, when his life was no longer his own, much less any kind of a life?  Only decades of time and unseen mystical forces would hold the answer.  New Moon AU Vamp/Human Time Travel, Rated for eventual lemons

Categories: Alternate Universe, Twilight, Non-Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Peter
Genre: Drama, Historical, Romance, Supernatural
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 22 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 55191 Read Count: 8897
[Report This] Published: 10 Sep 2014 Updated: 28 Dec 2014
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 11 Dec 2014 Title: Chapter 19: Chapter 19

I don't get to leave many reviews, because of health issues, but I have to say that I just adore this story (just as I have absolutely loved every other story you have blessed us with to read), and I swear I have been checking my email like crazy over the last week or so for this update! Such a cliffhanger you left us with last time, and now ANOTHER! I knew Charlotte was going to be a problem, but I really hope we get to see a confident and hopefully possessive Bella in action as she deals with Charlotte and with Edward! Can't wait until the next chapter, and thanks for the new chapter! Loved it that Pete didn't miss his son's birth, but I really doubted you would allow that to occur regardless of our panic that he wasn't going to make it lol. Take care until next time!

Dazed and Confused by Spudzmom Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 20]

Peter Whitlock/Bella Swan Twilight Alternate Universe Multi. Chapter story. No time to spend on something you all don't like. :-) So, if you like it, you gotta let me know. Pete's a vampire, Bella is a fallen angel. Mature content/language/lemons. Snarky, OOC Bella. She's kinda Badass in this.

Categories: Alternate Universe, Twilight, Non-Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Peter
Genre: Adventure, Erotica, Romance, Supernatural
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 6341 Read Count: 1542
[Report This] Published: 17 Sep 2014 Updated: 17 Sep 2014
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18 Sep 2014 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Love it!!!! Been waiting for a great Peter/Bella story for a while now, thanks!!

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18 Sep 2014 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Oh she is just too much now! I am loving this, looking forward to seeing where you go from here!

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18 Sep 2014 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Too great that she is about to cause soooo much trouble for Edward, Alice, and the rest. I really love this story, can't wait for the next update!

Summary: Past Featured Story

Image and video hosting by TinyPic 

Awesome banner by: LittleNudgerLove.


Set Post-Eclipse. Canon until that point. HEA. Mere weeks before her wedding, Bella disappears. With vampires, werewolves and humans to blame, no one thinks to look to the more sinister monsters lurking just off shore. As Bella is thrown into a frightening new world, Edward and Jacob must put aside their differences to save the girl they both love. But will they be too late? ExB


NOMINATED: for the Fanatic Fanfics Award 2015!!! For Favorite Action/Angst/Horror/Otherworld/WIP Fanfic.

FINALIST: Fav Newbie Author!



Image and video hosting by TinyPic


'Still My Bella' Created by manu-chann, commissioned by silverhawk88.



Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, Alternate Universe
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Adventure, Angst, Friendship, Horror, Hurt/Comfort,, Romance, Supernatural
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: Action-Adventure, Supernatural
Series: Read & Enjoyed
Chapters: 65 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 251232 Read Count: 47896
[Report This] Published: 24 Oct 2014 Updated: 31 Aug 2017
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 05 Jul 2015 Title: Chapter 44: Chapter 44 - Mermaid Info

Congrats on the great news of your stories, and the absolute best of luck for the competition!! And, please,please.....let Riana be Jake's imprint, that would be the best icing on the cake, before the storm starts! Can't wait for the next chapter, I simply adore this story!

Author's Response:

Ooow, thank you for the pretty 5-cup rating ;)

And thanks so much for the congratulations and the luck! The finalists hear about the winning story in August!

Got some of my fav chapters coming up and I hope you'll enjoy them. Update will be later today when I get a minute more.

Thanks so much for the lovely review, I'm thrilled you're enjoying the story. When I hear stuff stuff like this it makes me glad I finally decided to post, so I really appreciate it.

Nemma x

Summary: Past Featured Story



Edward Cullen is a famous movie star as is his girlfriend Tanya, the mother of his child. Their son is a week old and can't seem to keep any formula down. Annoyed by the crying and finding motherhood tedious, Tanya takes off for the spa and a commercial shoot leaving Edward alone with their newborn. 

After trying nearly every formula on the market, Esme, Edward's sister suggests breast milk. It seems like a long shot, but when Bella Swan answers the unusual ad, Edward thinks all of his problems are solved. His son is doing well, but he has a new problem, an undeniable attraction for the woman who saved his son's life. 


Categories: Twilight
Characters: None
Genre: Erotica
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: Happily Ever After
Series: Read & Enjoyed
Chapters: 159 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 91905 Read Count: 1115285
[Report This] Published: 12 Jan 2015 Updated: 11 Jul 2017
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 08 Apr 2016 Title: Chapter 143: Chapter 20 part 2

Missed this story! I adore these two together, and love the storyline and the characters you have given us, thanks for updating!! Can't wait for the next update, take care until then!

Summary: Past Featured Story


Isabella is an English woman, trying to escape a marriage she doesn't want. Edward is a Scottish Laird, with a soft spot for a damsel in distress and a hate for the English Redcoats that pursue her, but what does he do with her now that he has saved her? He has no choice, other than to bring her home, but he wasn't counting on falling for the lass on the journey to Castle Menzies.



Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 57 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 32098 Read Count: 137058
[Report This] Published: 15 Mar 2015 Updated: 07 Jun 2015
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 28 Mar 2015 Title: Chapter 12: Chapter 12

I don't often get to write many reviews due to medical problems, but I wished to pass on my absolute love of this story! I think it is very well written, and such a delightful change to some of the stories out there right now, they are all going on the same route lately, and it was getting tiresome lol. I just adore this story already, and can't wait to see where you take my favorite couple! And anyone that has problems with the chapter lengths, honestly can just hit the little X and find something else to read lol. Keep up the wonderful writing and have a wonderful weekend!!! Take care until next time!

Author's Response:

Thank you very much for taking the time to let me know you are enjoying the story and for offering support. :* xx

Summary: Past Featured Story


Edward Cullen is an alcoloic who hits rock bottom. One day, his sister Alice is handed a card - Only Call if Desperate & ALL Else Has Failed. She makes the call that will change her brother's life, and a few others along the way.


Categories: Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Angst
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: mamih's favorites
Chapters: 50 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 285492 Read Count: 30605
[Report This] Published: 28 Apr 2015 Updated: 07 Jul 2017
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 01 May 2015 Title: Chapter 1: The Call

What a wonderful start, really looking forward to a strong Bella! Can't wait to see where you take our beloved characters from here, such a tough addiction to tackle, and I wish you the best in this story! I've been through some pretty rough recoveries with my ex-husband, and it's hard and heart wrenching to watch and be part off. Take care until next time, and thank you for the wonderful story so far!

Hungry Eyes by BelleMoon Rated: T starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 34]
Summary: Past Featured Story

Banner of Bella and Jasper kissing with the title


Anyone who tells you that they talk with people whom others can't see is assumed to be insane; not so for Isabella Dwyer, a Spirit Witch. The Dwyers are one of the most powerful families of Spirit Witches left in the world after centuries of witch hunting. While it's uncommon for witches to marry and have children with normal humans, also known as Mundanes, it's very normal for witches to leave their Mundane partner if the child is a witch to protect both child and mundane. This is the case with Bella. Her mother left her mundane father when Bella's abilities began to show.

Bella grew up in Phoenix in a coven of witches with her mother...until five years ago when her mother was killed. Now she is forced to live with her mundane father after a custody battle with the leaders of the coven, the guardians as stated by Renee's will. Upon arriving in Forks things become more strange for Bella than she expected. Her nights are haunted by nightmares, leaving her screaming and confused.

What is this mystery unfolding before her? Could her life really be at stake? What part does the local vampire seethe play?

Categories: Twilight, Non-Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Jasper, Edward/Alice
Genre: Fantasy, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 7342 Read Count: 1796
[Report This] Published: 24 May 2015 Updated: 30 Aug 2015
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 16 Jun 2015 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2-- Mundanes

Glad to see that she is being a little less hostile towards Charlie, hopefully she sees he just wants a chance to know his daughter? Love the pairings you've established, always adored the idea of Bella and Jasper together! Can't wait for more!

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 16 Jun 2015 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1--Departure

I absolutely love it! Thanks for such a great start to this awesome story! I can't wait to see where you take the characters from here!! Take care until next time!

Summary: Past Featured Story

Edward Cullen meets Bella Swan. She's the young veterinary nurse who still believes in true love. He's the tattooed architect who finds himself very taken with the special girl. "There's something about you... Somehow you've got to me, Little Swan." This is their story of a fairytale romance in a modern world.


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 18 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 101028 Read Count: 39879
[Report This] Published: 29 Aug 2015 Updated: 30 Jan 2016
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 28 Nov 2015 Title: Chapter 13: Chapter 12

Lovely chapter! I love how close they are getting and how perfectly comfortable they are with each other. Such an amazing story, can't wait for the next chapter!! Take care and Happy Holidays!!!

Summary: Past Featured Story


Summary: Edward adopts jennifer and decides to move back home for a new start and family support. He soon after meets his sister's friend Bella who lives by the beat of her own drum. Even though the whole town seems to dislike her, Alice swears she is a great friend. So many questions to be answered so read and found out.

Banner by: Canadiantwilight


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Family, Friendship, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 26 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 63750 Read Count: 54497
[Report This] Published: 14 Nov 2015 Updated: 11 Jul 2016
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 14 Nov 2015 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Great start, as is always the case on your stories! Can't wait to see Bella enter the story, should be fun from the story banner and description! Always, always here until the end of story!

Summary: Past Featured Story


Newly divorced Bella goes to Vegas for a work conference. On the advice of friends she lets her hair down and goes out for a night on the town. When she comes back from Vegas, she finds out that what happens in Vegas, doesn't always stay there.


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort,, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Stories I've Already read, Read & Enjoyed
Chapters: 30 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 143753 Read Count: 135474
[Report This] Published: 24 Feb 2016 Updated: 04 Jun 2016
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 24 Feb 2016 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

So excited about another story to read from y'all! Awesome start, can't wait to see the new Bella come face to face with Edward in Vegas lol. Love all your stories and the love that our favorite characters share for each other in your stories is such a delight to read! Looking forward to the next chapter. 

P.S. I donated 22 inches of my hair 4 years ago to Locks of Love, it's a wonderful agency that makes hairpieces for children who can't afford them. Almost fainted when the girl cut it off, but was pleasantly surprised with how much better my new hairstyle looked, and felt much better knowing that my hair was going to brighten some child's life.

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 13 Apr 2016 Title: Chapter 15: Chapter 15

I love this story, such a great read, like anything from y'all! The one thing that is truly getting to me, especially since she is painted as such an intelligent woman, not to mention Jasper being a detective....that nobody has suggested hidden cameras?? Can't wait for the next chapter, and I pray with everything in me that the babies aren't hurt by Emmett's evilness? Take care until next time! Thanks for an amazing read!!

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 22 Apr 2016 Title: Chapter 19: Chapter 19

Holy s***!!!! OMG, OMG, OMG.....dying here for the next update!! That was just cruel, *pouts* that we have to wait days for Bella's reaction, and the realization that the boys are Edward's! Oh Wow, we need a pov from both on their reactions, pretty please???

This was an awesome chapter, and such an amazing story, and I can't wait to see Emmett get his just desserts! One thing that is driving me nuts, is why with everything happening, has Jasper not asked for cameras and fingerprints of the places that things are coming up missing? And, yes, I realize you could say he used to live there so there would be fingerprints, but not recent ones after over a year away and not on the things that have been tampered with or left in her house. I trust y'all 100% to give Bella her justice and fry Emmett, but wow is he just super EVIL!

Thanks for the awesome update, take care!




Bella Swan is living a shadow of a life. On the run from a bloodthirsty nomad craving revenge, she begins to see vampires differently, through the eyes of their prey. After a chance encounter with Hawkeye, her world collides with the shadowy world of SHIELD. She’s faced with a difficult choice, keep the vampire secret or step out of the shadows with Clint to help SHIELD fight Loki.

Categories: Crossover, Avengers, Twilight, Non-Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Clint
Genre: Adventure, Romance
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 11 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 82447 Read Count: 5444
[Report This] Published: 19 Jan 2017 Updated: 15 Apr 2021
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 31 Dec 2019 Title: Chapter 1: Prologue

I absolutely love this story! I didn't get to review the first time I read it due to some health issues, but I'm hoping this time around I can appeal to you to consider continuing the story! It's so very original and I love the idea of Bella and Clint having this deep connection! Great start, I love that you have Bella moving forward, but still very much affected by the supernatural! 

Author's Response:

Thank you! Don't know if you've seen the latest update, but I added a huge chapter last month. I hope to get another chapter pumped out soon!

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 31 Dec 2019 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 1: A Promise and a Name

Love this story! I really like the Bella you've written, and I love the connection that Clint and Bella have! This is seriously one of my all time favorite stories, and I'd really love for it to be continued!

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 31 Dec 2019 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 2: The Swan Case

Awesome chapter! I love the way you've merged Bella into this part of the Avengers! Such an original plot! Can't wait to see their story unfold!

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 31 Dec 2019 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 3: Drifting Thoughts

Great chapter, love that Bella's case is very much combined into the world of the Avengers! Can't wait to see what happens when Bella sees Clint next! Such a seriously great story! 

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 31 Dec 2019 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 4: An Awakening

Loved the glimpse into Bella's loved ones lives. Super excited to have Clint and Bella back together in the coming chapters! 



Isabella Marie Cullen the only child of Carlisle Cullen Don of the Cullen Crime family, born with an infinity symbol birthmark. Tragedy hits and Isabella and her mother are killed, or are they? How far will one brother go to take control of the family?

Categories: Twilight
Characters: None
Genre: Action
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 26 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 48278 Read Count: 91832
[Report This] Published: 06 Feb 2017 Updated: 28 Oct 2017
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 28 May 2017 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7

I absolutely love this story, and I can't wait for Isabella to be reunited with her father. I figure there is a long road ahead but I am waiting patiently for Edward to grow up and find her lol. Or, for Emmett and Rosalie to do the right thing and take her home, but I guess that will be waiting with bated breath to happen! Amazing story, can't wait for the next update! And, REALLY can't wait for Ark and Caius to get what's coming to them!!!


Altered Paths




What happens when Jasper makes a discovery he simply can’t ignore?


Will contain: language, violence, explicit sex, drinking, smoking, gambling



Categories: Twilight, Non-Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Jasper
Genre: Family, Horror, Humor
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 119498 Read Count: 17545
[Report This] Published: 27 Mar 2017 Updated: 18 May 2018
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 14 May 2017 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter 6 - Move

I'm loving this story! And can't wait until they truly find out what Bella can do, and they face the Cullen's and the Volturi! Take care! Can't wait for the next update!!!



Edward and Bella are best friends, have been for years. They'd do anything for each other, but would Edward asking her to help him and his wife, Tanya have a baby be the breaking point? Can she sacrifice herself to help them? Will their friendship be able to survive?

Categories: All Human, Twilight
Characters: None
Genre: Drama
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 48 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 23857 Read Count: 29261
[Report This] Published: 27 May 2017 Updated: 11 Jun 2017
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 30 May 2017 Title: Chapter 18: Chapter 18

Hehehe, this should be fun explaining to Tanya! Loving this story! Can't wait for the next chapter!!

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 31 May 2017 Title: Chapter 39: Chapter 39

I think your story is fabulous and I'm loving reading it!! I'm sorry some people just can't find it in themselves to be happy, and so they pick on other writers trying to make themselves feel better. Same thing with the crazy witch hunts over on FanFiction, it was really insane. Keep up the great work, the story is wonderful!!!

Summary: Past Featured Story


Crown Prince Edward Anthony Masen Cullen is the heir to the throne in the small independent country, Gevalia. His life is all about duty, honor and pride for his country. However, he’s lonely, focused on his career. When his younger brother makes some poor choices, Edward is forced to fly to the United States to smooth out diplomatic relations and spend six months looking for a bride, with some pretty stiff stipulations by his mother, the Queen of Gevalia.

Isabella Swan is the oldest daughter and now owner of the Swan Family Bakery, Inc. 1897. She went to college to be a teacher but was forced to forego her dreams when her father was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. On a chance evening, a handsome stranger slips during a summer rain storm into her bakery and awakens something inside.

Who is he?

Where did he come from?

Why is she drawn to him?

All that is known is that Prince Charming is a real person and Bella is about to live A Modern-Day Fairy Tale. But will it end in a happily ever after?

Banner by Clo Rodeffer! Thank you, girlie!


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Tufano79 Stories
Chapters: 56 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 194069 Read Count: 130547
[Report This] Published: 03 Mar 2018 Updated: 02 Jul 2019
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 03 Jul 2019 Title: Chapter 56: Chapter 55: Epilogue 2

Bravo!!! So incredibly well written and just a delight to read! I loved this story so much, and am sad to see it end! Another amazing story added to the awesome list of stories you keep writing that are just a joy to read! Thank you and take care until next time! Ciao!

Summary: Past Featured Story


One summer between high school and college changed Edward's ideas about his life's plans. Could he really build a life with a much older woman two thousand miles away? My entry for the TwiFandom News Forbidden Fruit Contest.



Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Hurt/Comfort,
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Read & Enjoyed
Chapters: 21 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 59156 Read Count: 13054
[Report This] Published: 01 May 2018 Updated: 04 Oct 2018
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 22 Jun 2018 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter 6

I really love this story! The back story of Bella is heartbreaking, and I am loving reading about her becoming the woman she should have always had a chance to be. I absolutely love Your Edward, and can’t wait to see where these two go from here! Awesome writing, it’s absolutely fabulous!!!

Author's Response:

Thank you so much for your wonderful thoughts! I appreciate it.




Summary: At eighteen Edward was sent to prison for a crime he didn’t commit. It’s now six years later, and he has been released four years early. His bail conditions have been set. He has to find somewhere to live and get a full-time job, both things he has found in a small sleepy town. All he wants to do is keep out of everyone's way and move on with his life. Will this sleepy town of Forks, Washington let him, especially when they find out why he was in prison?


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort,, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 35 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 229926 Read Count: 52594
[Report This] Published: 31 Jul 2018 Updated: 16 Nov 2019
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 01 Jun 2019 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Wow! I’m freaking out a little with everything y’all just threw at us! I figured he was the one that attacked Bella, more so when Little Bear wanted to attack him. And...after being a huge fan of your stories for years...I thought back to the craziness and the full circle that came from His Cimmerian View, I kind of figured he would end up being the one that killed Renée and attacked Bella. Absolutely love this story, and waiting impatiently for the next update! Thanks for an amazing read and take care!

Fate by theadosia57 Rated: M starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 42]


Tired and weary, Major Jasper Whitlock slips into a diner in Philadelphia, called 'Fate!'   Various P.O.V AU.   J/B

Categories: Twilight, Alternate Universe
Characters: None
Genre: None
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 11 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 42298 Read Count: 5817
[Report This] Published: 25 Aug 2018 Updated: 03 Nov 2018
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 25 Aug 2018 Title: Chapter 1: Welcome To Fate

Absolutely Brilliant! I loved the first chapter, and I love jasper/Bella stories! I’m quite excited to read this story and can’t wait for the next update! Take care and thanks for another awesome story!

Author's Response:

Thanks & Hi,

 So glad you liked it, it will cover sixty years before they meet, but it's all about his journey xx




Struggling through tragedy and betrayal, Edward believes he’s living in a cold and loveless world with no choice but to harden his heart. He’s only living a numb half-life as his sole focus becomes revenge. If he forgets his true reason for living, is there anyone who can get through to him?

Categories: Twilight, All Human
Characters: None
Genre: Angst
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 21 Read Count: 19537
[Report This] Published: 06 Feb 2019 Updated: 03 Jan 2021
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed
Date: 25 Apr 2019 Title: Heart of Stone

Ben, thought it might be him from the beginning when he said he was out delivering, so sad if it is! 😢

Author's Response:

Thank you for reading!


Fool Me Once

Summary:  I awake to my Father knocking on my door. He's alive? What did he say? First day of school, how is that possible? Thank God that's possible, this time I won't be fooled!

DISCLAIMER: Twilight and its characters belong to S. Meyer. Otherwise, the rest is my musings on an AU.

Categories: Twilight, Non-Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Jasper
Genre: Drama
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Ageise02 Bella/Jasper stories
Chapters: 14 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 55814 Read Count: 13841
[Report This] Published: 01 Jun 2019 Updated: 31 Aug 2019
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 10 Jun 2019 Title: Chapter 2: You Again Or First Sight Re-enacted

Love this story!!! And I really love them being all diabolical behind the rest of the lunatics backs! Can’t wait for the next chapter! Thanks and take care until next time!

Author's Response:


 so glad you are liking it xx




My life was anything but normal nowadays. It had been once until I met them and was bitten. Then they abandoned me and never saw the havoc they had wreaked upon me. But I survived, no I moved on! X-Over loosely based around Twilight & Librarians 2014 AU Bella/Marcus & Flynn Carsen/Eve Baird 

Disclaimer: Twilight and its characters belong to S. Meyer, as do Librarians 2014 to TNT.  Otherwise, the rest is my musings on an AU.

Categories: Twilight, Crossover
Characters: None
Genre: None
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 13 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 48882 Read Count: 3837
[Report This] Published: 14 Sep 2019 Updated: 07 Dec 2019
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 17 Sep 2019 Title: Chapter 1: The Brush is Mightier, Than The Sword

Super excited for this story!! I love Twilight and The Librarian! Awesome start, loved the way your writing Bella, very unique! Huge fan of your stories, and can’t wait for the next update!!! Take care, Ciao!

Author's Response:


Glad you like the start and hope you'll like the rest xx





Edward and Bella are coming to terms with their surprising imprint, but there is a lot to be resolved. Will their new relationship manage to weather the storm as both new and old challenges are thrown their way? Book 2 of Mate Series. Read Book 1: My Stubborn Mate before reading this book. 


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, Alternate Universe
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: Supernatural
Series: Read & Enjoyed
Chapters: 37 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 169738 Read Count: 38699
[Report This] Published: 31 Jan 2020 Updated: 05 Feb 2021
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 31 Aug 2020 Title: Chapter 28: My Support

I absolutely love this story! Such a great concept but I bring witches and wolves together, with our favorite characters! I love Bella and Edward in morning this story, they are a great couple! Can't wait to see where you take us as the story unfolds. I'm looking forward to the drama that I know is coming, and really excited for the traitors behind the scenes to finally get found and defeated! Looking forward to the next update! Take care and stay safe! Ciao 

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 31 Aug 2020 Title: Chapter 28: My Support

I absolutely love this story! Such a great concept but I bring witches and wolves together, with our favorite characters! I love Bella and Edward in morning this story, they are a great couple! Can't wait to see where you take us as the story unfolds. I'm looking forward to the drama that I know is coming, and really excited for the traitors behind the scenes to finally get found and defeated! Looking forward to the next update! Take care and stay safe! Ciao 

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 29 Sep 2020 Title: Chapter 31: (On) My Own

Oh no! I felt my just as Bella did when I read the end of this chapter! And, wow, is Edward Sr. a piece of work, really dislike him! Can't wait for the next update, hopefully we get to see what Edward has been dealing with? Love this story! Take care and stay safe! Ciao

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 29 Sep 2020 Title: Chapter 31: (On) My Own

Oh no! I felt my just as Bella did when I read the end of this chapter! And, wow, is Edward Sr. a piece of work, really dislike him! Can't wait for the next update, hopefully we get to see what Edward has been dealing with? Love this story! Take care and stay safe! Ciao

Author's Response:

I know... Let's all go kick Ed Sr. ass. 

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 24 Apr 2020 Title: Chapter 14: My Video

I love this story, so well written and just an awesome read! I can't wait until Bella's true wolf shows itself to the pack!

Looking forward to the next update, take care!

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 24 Apr 2020 Title: Chapter 14: My Video

I'm truly enjoying this story, so well written and an amazing read! Can't wait to see Bella's true wolf show itself to the pack! I think I know who's involved in the traps, can't wait to see if I'm right! Looking forward to the next update! Take care, and thanks!

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 25 Apr 2020 Title: Chapter 14: My Video

I'm truly enjoying this story, so well written and an amazing read! Can't wait to see Bella's true wolf show itself to the pack! I think I know who's involved in the traps, can't wait to see if I'm right! Looking forward to the next update! Take care, and thanks!

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 25 Apr 2020 Title: Chapter 14: My Video

I'm truly enjoying this story, so well written and an amazing read! Can't wait to see Bella's true wolf show itself to the pack! I think I know who's involved in the traps, can't wait to see if I'm right! Looking forward to the next update! Take care, and thanks!

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 26 Apr 2020 Title: Chapter 14: My Video

I absolutely love this story, so well written and an amazing read! I am very excited to see where you lead our favorite couple, and watch Bella become who she was always meant to be! I'm really looking forward to the day that she has the confidence, and her wolf becomes what she was always supposed to look like! I have a strong feeling that I know who is behind the trouble and the traps, and I can't wait until they get what's coming to them! Thank you for this wonderful story, it's makes this time at home so much better!! Take care, stay safe, and healthy!

A Single Step by tufano79 Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 253]

A Single Step Banner



Isabella Biers had it all. A loving husband, two adorable children and the dream job. One night, however, changed everything. Bella had a spinal stroke, paralyzing her from the waist down. Bella's husband tried to be there for her, but caring for a wife who was an invalid proved to be too much for him. He divorced his wife, unable to cope with her long recovery.

Despite being abandoned by her husband, Bella was determined to not let her disability define her. She wanted to walk again. Enter her physical therapist, Edward Cullen. With the perfect combination of humor, patience, stubbornness and love, can he help her in her endeavor in walking again? Will he open her heart after it was shattered by the man who vowed to be with her, in sickness and in health?

It all begins with A Single Step ...


A Single Step GIF

Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Family, Friendship, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Ageise02's Read Stories, Tufano79 Stories
Chapters: 22 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 49424 Read Count: 29576
[Report This] Published: 04 Mar 2020 Updated: 16 May 2020
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 26 Apr 2020 Title: Chapter 16: Chapter 16

I'm really enjoying this story, so well written. I love that, even though, it would be totally understandable for them to hate Riley, you haven't made this into a huge fight with the kids in the middle. I love the relationship that Edward has with Bella, and especially the kids! Can't wait for the next update! Take care, and stay safe and healthy! Thank you for an amazing read!

Caledonia by WeeKittyAndTAT Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 601]



Edward moves back to Seattle after working under his father’s shadow for five years. Wanting to make a name for himself, he uses his mother’s surname to establish himself. What happens when his father, and a friend call in a favor, and need him to first help a struggling restaurant. Will he want to when the owner let it fall to pieces while she vacationed and what other secrets will unfold along the way?

Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 30 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 195622 Read Count: 57347
[Report This] Published: 19 Mar 2020 Updated: 15 Jun 2023
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 22 Jul 2020 Title: Chapter 18: Chapter 18

Holy Hell! I'm so very heartbroken for Edward and Bella both! I can't wait until it comes out that he was buying the place next to the restaurant for her to have a bakery, maybe that will make her understand how very much he loves her. I'm not going to bash him for not telling her about being Anthony Masen, he was worried it would drive them apart and people make bad decisions when scared, that people part of being human! I'm really going to look forward to Charlie and his crownies being taken down!! Can't wait for the next update! Take care and stay safe

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 06 May 2020 Title: Chapter 8: Chapter 8

Finally! It was driving me crazy that Mike, Taylor, and Eric we're still working! Douchebags! And, I don't want to spoil it for everyone that hasn't figured it out, but I'll be soooo excited when Edward sees how amazing Bella is! Love that you had Jake try to give him a heads up on that! Glad they are here finally! Love this story, but never doubted I would, just like all the rest of y'all's stories! Take care, stay healthy and safe!


If the Boughs Break


Edward Cullen, son to Carlisle Cullen the mafia Boss of New York and New Jersey has been off to college in Boston. Hiding under his alias Anthony Masen, he has led a normal existence except for the ever-present security guard. Going out to his favorite club, to find someone to scratch his itch, however, he finds someone unlike anyone else.

Bella Swan, daughter of Pentecostal Preacher Charlie Swan, defines her father’s wishes and goes to school in Boston. In his eyes, she has already shamed her family. One night her roommates talk her into putting away the books and going out with them. The moment he asked her to dance, she knew her life would forever be changed.


Will they find love in the end or will blood be spilled?


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 22 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 63910 Read Count: 69232
[Report This] Published: 22 Apr 2020 Updated: 06 Apr 2021
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 20 Feb 2021 Title: Chapter 18: Chapter Eighteen ~ Cold Blooded Deception

Seriously? Way to give us a heart attack! I'm going to have faith, that everyone will be ok, and Edward will get to Bella! Please don't leave us hanging long!

Take care and stay safe!


Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 14 Feb 2021 Title: Chapter 17: Chapter Seventeen ~ Blood Joining

Glad to see they are married before the drama starts! Love this story and can't wait to see where you take us from here! Thanks for another amazing tale. Stay safe and healthy! Ciao 

My Sun by kridafanfic Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 31]

Leah Swan, member of a powerful wolf-shifter family, is struggling with the loss of two family members. Who will she turn to for comfort when all she wants to do is run away as fast as she can? Separate story from My Stubborn Mate Alternative Universe.

Categories: Twilight, Non-Canon Pairings
Characters: Paul/Leah
Genre: Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: Supernatural
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 56556 Read Count: 2513
[Report This] Published: 17 May 2020 Updated: 07 Jan 2021
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 15 Aug 2020 Title: Chapter 5: That Time I Moved In

I just adore this story! And I'm so glad you decided you to write it! I love the introduction of Jared and Claire, so very cute. I have to say, I am dying, with anticipation, for the days to hurry up to her birthday! I'm sure Paul is just as tense for it to be Friday! Poor thing has had to wait 10 years for her to mature, and mourn her relationship with his own brother.

Great story, looking forward to the next update! Take care and stay safe! Ciao 

Author's Response:

OMG! Thank you so much for such a kind review! I am really enjoying writing this, so it makes me so happy to hear that there are others out there who like reading it as well. I think we are all anxiously awaiting Leah's birthday. Enjoy!


Twilight but what if Bella was born half-vampire? Bella Swan moves to the small town of Forks after her grandparents die, leaving her in the care of her Uncle Charlie who can't stand to be around her. What happens when she meets the Cullens?




(Banner by heartfortwilight)



Categories: Twilight
Characters: None
Genre: Supernatural
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 1997 Read Count: 242
[Report This] Published: 23 Jul 2020 Updated: 23 Jul 2020
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 23 Jul 2020 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Great start! Love it so far, very original! Can't wait to read the next chapter. Really excited to see how meeting the Cullen's go! Take care and stay safe! Ciao 

Author's Response:

Thank you!!! I'm just as excited with how their meeting is going to go! 


Story cover

Summary: Edward Cullen, the Grand Duke and second son of the King, must find a bride. Isabella Sinclair, daughter of Countess Catherine and Duke Charles, was born out of wedlock and has neither titles nor land to her name. Could she be the bride Edward's looking for? But how is Isabella to marry a man of the royal family without a proper dowry? Plot adopted from the Twi-Fic Plot Bunny Farm on Facebook and credit goes to Nicole M Santiago

To give you some context, this story takes place in an imaginary country and the titles (royal, noble, gentle) are a mix of different monarchies.

This is the rank of title for this story:


King/Queen - His/Her Majesty

Crown Prince/Princess - His/Her Royal Highness

Prince/Princess - His/Her Royal Highness

Grand Duke/Duchess - His/Her Royal Highness

Grand Prince/Princess - His/Her Royal Highness

Duke/Duchess - His/Her Grace


Marquess/Marchioness - His/Her Grace

Earl/Countess - His/Her Excellency

Viscount/Viscountess - Lord/Lady

Baron/Baroness - Lord/Lady




Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Historical, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 33 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 70918 Read Count: 31491
[Report This] Published: 13 Sep 2020 Updated: 21 Oct 2021
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 24 Aug 2021 Title: Chapter 22: Chapter 22

I adore this story, and honestly can't wait for the Swans to get what's coming to them! Especially the Dowager and Charles. 

I am sending you all my prayers and hope you find peace in losing your baby. I've been in your place, I lost my cat, that I had for 16 years, a year ago. It's heartbreaking and hard not to wake up to their meows and attention. I still miss her to this day, and was difficult to move forward with a new kitten, but I believe my new baby has healed some of my broken spirit. I wish you well, take care and stay safe! Ciao




He had it all and lost everything in one night. She's trying to deal with her demons from her past. Does he have what she needs? Is she enough to heal him? Is she enough for him?

Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Angst, Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort,, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: Dominance and submission
Series: None
Chapters: 65 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 171680 Read Count: 35864
[Report This] Published: 17 Oct 2020 Updated: 09 Jun 2021
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 27 Oct 2020 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 1

Poor Edward! I'm glad to see Bella come into the story quickly, and hope they have great chemistry! Both of them have heavy baggage it seems. Looking forward to the next update, love the story! Take care and stay safe! Ciao 

Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 27 Oct 2020 Title: Chapter 1: Prologue

Fantastic start! I'm loving this story already, and feel so bad for Edward! Hopefully, when Bella is introduced, things start getting better for him! Take care and stay safe! Ciao!



Alice sees Bella jumping off the cliff and calls Edward, who's already on his way back to Forks. The reunion is clouded by Victoria's looming threat. New Moon alternative ending.

Categories: Twilight
Characters: None
Genre: Drama, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 34987 Read Count: 2850
[Report This] Published: 18 Jan 2021 Updated: 22 Mar 2021
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 16 Feb 2021 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5

I imagine Charlie's not going to be as bad as she thinks! Love the story!! Can't wait for the next update! Take care and stay safe, Ciao 


Trust & Obey


Bella is a twenty-two-year-old college graduate and submissive whose trust in the community has been broken by a cruel Dominant. Her best friend Rose is getting married and she is coerced into attending the two weeks of pre-wedding activities. 


Edward is a thirty-eight-year-old billionaire Dominant. Since his younger brother, by sixteen years, is getting married, he is opening his home at the Cullen compound to the bride’s maid of honor. 


What happens when he learns her name and he secretly knows it? Can Bella’s trust be restored? Will she ever be able to obey a Dominant again? B/E R/E HEA

Categories: Twilight
Characters: None
Genre: Erotica
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 32 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 105111 Read Count: 121143
[Report This] Published: 28 May 2021 Updated: 21 Jan 2022
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 16 Oct 2021 Title: Chapter 20: Chapter Twenty

I just love this story, it has to be one of m favorites that you've written! I am completely stumped now, I thought maybe it was Cause, but you ticked him off the list too, along with a few others!! I have a couple more that I'm leaning to now, can't wait to find out! Take care, and stay safe, Ciao!



  I can't take any more of this. Nothing's changed, nothing will, so New Orleans here I come! Twilight/The Originals x-over Bella/Elijah 


DISCLAIMER: Twilight and its characters belong to S. Meyer and The Originals and its characters to J. Plec. Otherwise, the rest is my musings on an AU. Thanks to Idreamofeddy, for Peter just knowing shit!

Categories: Crossover
Characters: Bella/Elijah
Genre: Supernatural
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 26 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 96715 Read Count: 12058
[Report This] Published: 19 Jun 2021 Updated: 11 Dec 2021
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 30 Oct 2021 Title: Chapter 20: Are All Towns Interchangeable?

Jasper! Always loved the thought of her having a twin, and being Jasper's mate 

Thanks for this amazing story

Author's Response:


Glad you like it, it was just a flash of inspiration and Jasper deserves someone who would love him xx





Edward is the youngest clinical psychologist at Cedar Pines In-patient Hospital. He dreams of helping patients who struggle with mental illness. However, he will soon find out from his first patient, he's the one who needs the help. AH

Categories: Twilight
Characters: None
Genre: Drama, Supernatural, Suspense/Thriller
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: Supernatural
Series: None
Chapters: 8 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 32848 Read Count: 1443
[Report This] Published: 28 Oct 2021 Updated: 08 Jan 2022
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 14 Nov 2021 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Loving this story, I love the switch in the characters! Bella being the jaded one, and Edward being the hopeful. Feel so bad for both of them now, and can't wait to see how Edward fights this. I truly look forward to every update! 

Take care, stay safe, and healthy!



Blood Demons

Edward “Viper” Masen is the president of the Blood Demons MC taking over after a rival club murdered his father. His life is busy with running the legal and illegal businesses of the club. No time or heart for a steady Old Lady, instead he took what the Blood Succubus offered. No one would take the place of his Little Isa in his heart. The girl who he fell in love with one summer, sharing all their firsts with each other until she disappeared without a trace. 


Bella “Isa” Stewart, daughter of Charlie “Crusher” Swan and Renee Stewart is in exile in New York when her father catches her with a boy. Not telling why she wasn’t allowed to be with him, she is commanded to stay as far away from Phoenix as possible. Over the years her father comes to visit a few times, bringing his VP Demetri, who looks at her like she is something to eat. 

What happens when she receives a phone call from someone in her father’s club to tell her that her father is dead and Demetri did it? Then Demetri shows up at her apartment building with several other members. Hopping on her bike she heads cross country to hide out with a high school friend. Arriving in Phoenix, memories of the boy she fell in love swirl in her mind. Pulling into the parking lot to meet her friend, she comes face to face with a sexy man, covered in tattoos and wearing a leather motorcycle club vest with a president patch. He is a stranger, but there was something about his eyes. 

Can Viper protect her from Demetri and take revenge for him killing her father? How will he react when he finds out who she really is? Will they be able to wipe years away and pick back up where they left off?

Categories: Twilight
Characters: None
Genre: Action
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 11 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 31201 Read Count: 21155
[Report This] Published: 03 Nov 2021 Updated: 26 Nov 2022
Reviewer: labonte18slm Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 04 Nov 2021 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter One

Love the start of this story! I'm excited to see them come together again, can't wait! And really excited to see where you take all our favorite characters. I think this one is going to be one of my favorites of yours!!! Take care and stay safe and healthy! Ciao