Reviews by WitchyVampireGirl
Diamond in the Rough by lmlx8 Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 4250]
Summary: Past Featured Story


Bella is coming from a bad marriage, and memories that haunt her. After recieving her Master's degree in Psychology, she begins to embrace her submissive nature. When she mets Edward she is drawn to his Dominating character. Can Edward help her to get over the pain from her past, and find peace at his feet.





stories/186/images/DIAMONDINTHEROUGHBestLemon-300x237.png    stories/186/images/DIAMONDINTHEROUGHBestJacob-300x237.png   

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Action, Drama, Humor, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Domward's Dungeon, I Whitlock's read , My Favorite Stories, Fav BDSM Fics
Chapters: 110 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 949046 Read Count: 1256842
[Report This] Published: 19 Jul 2010 Updated: 18 Sep 2014
Reviewer: WitchyVampireGirl Signed
Date: 21 Jul 2012 Title: Chapter 96: Chapter 96

Ok.. since the FF link didn't work.. I went over here...

I really hope Edward wins.. the idea that Bella has to stoop so low as to make a bet to get around her Master's desire.. hmmm it unsettles me.. so.. please let Edward win!!

I love this chapter and seriously.. WTF was up with Alice?? Being spoiled doesn't even come close to explaining.. in my mind at least!!


Author's Response:

FF...was driving me nuts, but i'm glad you found me here ....LOL ... i will say you are in the minority about the bet ...

Hot Bubblegum by SoapyMayhem Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 668]

Bella Swan rose to fame starring in the hit Disney Channel series 'Girl Next Door'. Now that she's finally legal, she's ready to lose the sweetheart image. What better way to start than to get a tattoo? E/B Olderward/Tattward - Drabblish 


Now available on Blogger -



banner by FrozenSoldier



banner by SoapyMayhem

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: My Favorite Stories, Read & Enjoyed
Chapters: 66 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 45471 Read Count: 313123
[Report This] Published: 02 Jun 2012 Updated: 10 Oct 2014
Reviewer: WitchyVampireGirl Signed
Date: 07 Jun 2012 Title: Chapter 62: Chapter 62

Ohh was that ever love.. soo sweet... *sigh* can ya send him over to me?? Only to do work on a tat.. I swear!! *wink*

Reviewer: WitchyVampireGirl Signed starstarstarstar
Date: 03 Jun 2012 Title: Chapter 60: Chapter 60

Loved it... ohh poor Jasper.. is it possible for a teen boy to have a heart attack?? I think he will.. but Bella handled it with grace!!

Summary: Past Featured Story



Every political figure has their skeletons and this Senator just likes to play Daddy. Enter the call girl, a woman who gives men exactly what they want. "I would give him what he wanted and what he didn't even know he wanted; then, hook, line, sinker, he would be mine." Daddykink! Mature. ExB


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: My all time favorites, Drive's Stories to read that are Completed and Not completed, G8or Favor8s Read, Stories I've Already read, Edwards Paradox Completed Favourites, Lilyellacullens want to read list!, My Favorite Stories, Lady Luciole's Favorites TwiMaf, J's Read and Loved Stories, Stories I've read, My favs past present and future
Chapters: 32 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 215117 Read Count: 412389
[Report This] Published: 03 Jun 2012 Updated: 25 Aug 2012
Reviewer: WitchyVampireGirl Signed
Date: 24 Jun 2012 Title: Chapter 26: Chapter 26

You did a great job.. it was hot and sexy and DAYUM... I want this Edward to show up on my front door.... great job.. loved it..ever single word.....

Reviewer: WitchyVampireGirl Signed
Date: 09 Jul 2012 Title: Chapter 28: Chapter 28

awww...soo very very sweet.... loved it!!!

Reviewer: WitchyVampireGirl Signed
Date: 04 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 29: Chapter 29

Soo fucking good.... *sigh* You make me want an Edward just like this!!

Reviewer: WitchyVampireGirl Signed
Date: 04 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 30: Chapter 30

No.. this can't end.. *sniff*

I love this story.......


Great chapter and the scene was amazing..... thanks!

Reviewer: WitchyVampireGirl Signed starstarstar
Date: 25 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 32: Chapter 32

*sniff* soo sad to see this end.. I loved it.. every step of the way!! GREAT JOB!!!


Revised April 2012: Bella Swan is a wallflower. Quiet and shy but with a secret lurking within her soul. Will her new professor and his TA be the ones to discover her secret and what will she think when she discovers theirs? Lemons galore. POLY B/E/J


Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward/Jasper
Genre: Angst, Erotica, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Love to drive's Stories to read set 2, Stories Read by CNYBella, Read & Enjoyed
Chapters: 46 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 69591 Read Count: 158572
[Report This] Published: 11 Jun 2012 Updated: 14 Jul 2012
Reviewer: WitchyVampireGirl Signed
Date: 24 Jun 2012 Title: Chapter 44: Another Brick in the Wall

Ohhh girlie.... Ohhhh TB... if I didn't have faith *whispers* and a little inside info* hehe.. I'd be worried...


Ok... off to write.. k??? *mwah*

Author's Response:

Thank you J~  you and the other girls are helping me more than you know to keep this moving forward!




Reviewer: WitchyVampireGirl Signed
Date: 24 Jun 2012 Title: Chapter 42: Mea Culpa

ohh evil cliffie woman... good thing I can click next...

Hmmm.. I have a feeling Edward is gonna be fucked and well Jasper and Bella.. got some shit to deal with...

*straps in with the seat beat and off road harness*


will you hold my hand if I need it??

Reviewer: WitchyVampireGirl Signed
Date: 24 Jun 2012 Title: Chapter 43: Consequences

Hmmmmm.. Angela had balls... errr.. you know what I meant.. right???


Ohh Bella and Jasper.. *sigh*

Author's Response:

actually, she didn't have balls anymore which is why she




Reviewer: WitchyVampireGirl Signed
Date: 24 Jun 2012 Title: Chapter 41: Wake Up Call

Ohh is it possible that Edward has had an ephipany?? I should hope so...

Go Jasper.. be a good man..



The boys are ready to start their future together, drama free and full of toys. Having said their ‘I do’s’ they are headed to Greece for their 3 week long honeymoon. What antics can they manage to get up to in a foreign country?

Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Edward/Jasper (slash)
Genre: Erotica, Friendship, Humor, Romance, Slash
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: Romantic Comedy
Series: Can't wait for an update
Chapters: 18 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 28328 Read Count: 34783
[Report This] Published: 30 Jun 2012 Updated: 22 Oct 2012
Reviewer: WitchyVampireGirl Signed
Date: 08 Oct 2012 Title: Chapter 16: Chapter 16

Ohh I smell a fun time a brewing?/ can I get a front row seat on the action!?

Author's Response:

Of course you can! :)

tb & true


Reviewer: WitchyVampireGirl Signed
Date: 03 Sep 2012 Title: Chapter 11: Chapter 11

hmm you always find a way to make Mondays not suck... well.. not suck in that way.. lol. you know what I mean.... great chappie ladies!

Author's Response:

hahahahahaha... love ya Joey!  



tb and True

Reviewer: WitchyVampireGirl Signed
Date: 30 Jun 2012 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

*whew* is it hot in here or is it me?? great chappie ladies!! *mwah*

Author's Response:

um, it's hot... and about to get even more so... *snickers*


thanks witchy!

Reviewer: WitchyVampireGirl Signed
Date: 03 Jul 2012 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Ohh am I ever glad i did not read this at work... ohh how fricking jealous am I of Kate.. *sigh*

Author's Response:

Hmm, future work/reading warnings will be posted hehe. xx

Reviewer: WitchyVampireGirl Signed
Date: 09 Jul 2012 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3

ohhhh you evil ladies.... no cockblocking allowed...... hmmm Iwant to be on this honeymoonwith the both of them... how fucking sweet would that be... I'd be a toysper sandwich!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Author's Response:

hehehe, I think we all want to go with them lol

Reviewer: WitchyVampireGirl Signed
Date: 16 Jul 2012 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Ohh sweet heavens.. yea.. you ladies make me think wicked thoughts.. ohhh you are sooevil... loving the story!! love ya both!

Author's Response:

Food porn is making itself known!  LMAO.  Glad ya enjoyed it babe!


tb and True

Reviewer: WitchyVampireGirl Signed
Date: 23 Jul 2012 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5

ohh holy frick a frack.. hot as hell.. and yea.. I want to learn how to cook greek next to these guys.. can you arrange it my lovelies??

Great chapter.. like always!!  *Mwah*

Author's Response:


TB & True x

Reviewer: WitchyVampireGirl Signed
Date: 30 Jul 2012 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter 6

aww.. soo sweet and sexy.. and you're making me hungry with all this food talk!!!

Author's Response:

*snickers*  oops...did it again!


thanks babe!


tb and true

Reviewer: WitchyVampireGirl Signed
Date: 06 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Ahh haaa Gizmo.. hmm I wonfer ig ya get the boys wet.. what multiples?? Hmmmmm?? Inquiring minds want to know.... *wink*

Great chapter as always.. hot hot and full of sexy times!!

Author's Response:

HA HA HA, I don't think we ever thought about them multiplying like that! lol

True & TB

Reviewer: WitchyVampireGirl Signed
Date: 13 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 8: Chapter 8

Ohh my.. *fans self* like.. ohh wow!! Yea.. umm.... hot *squeaks* you ladies are killing me in the best way!!

Great job!


And love how Edward just casually slips in kids.. too fucking funny!

Author's Response:

lol, we're glad you love the boys so much and of course, we love the thoughts of them with little ones running around, causing mayhem hehe xxx

Reviewer: WitchyVampireGirl Signed
Date: 20 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 9: Chapter 9

GAH.. you make me want to fly to greece and defile the temple of the gods.. altho.. forme.. it would be a religious experience.. lol.. awesome as always my dear ladies!!

Author's Response:

lol, maybe we should start our own religion and build temples to these two? lol xxx

Reviewer: WitchyVampireGirl Signed
Date: 27 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 10: Chapter 10

ohh like?? naw.. LOVED IT!!

But really.. why dont they want to live in a house full of pink.. hehe

Author's Response:

*gags* We hate pink! lol

True & TB xXx

Reviewer: WitchyVampireGirl Signed
Date: 10 Sep 2012 Title: Chapter 12: Chapter 12

Well who wouldn't get addicted to outdoor head.... ohh.. errmm.. me.. I guess... but outdoor oral of any kind is good!!  *wink*

Reviewer: WitchyVampireGirl Signed
Date: 17 Sep 2012 Title: Chapter 13: Chapter 13

OMG!! That picture.. priceless!! Loved it ladies.. getting fresh in a sub.. of course now that song is stuck in my head.. thanks (sarcasm)LOL

Author's Response:

lol, it stuck in our heads too :D

tb & true


Reviewer: WitchyVampireGirl Signed
Date: 24 Sep 2012 Title: Chapter 14: Chapter 14

GAH!! Just....speechless.. fuck.. *fans self* I may have read that a few times!! *blushes*

Author's Response:

ROTFLMAO... glad to be of service ma'am ;)



tb and True

Reviewer: WitchyVampireGirl Signed
Date: 01 Oct 2012 Title: Chapter 15: Chapter 15

Aww water fun, future plans and cuteness.. what a way to start my monday!!

Author's Response:

We aim to please lol

tb & true


Reviewer: WitchyVampireGirl Signed
Date: 22 Oct 2012 Title: Chapter 18: Chapter 18

Aww what a perfect ending... woot